The MCU is the truest Marvel continuity because it is the only one where change is permanent.
The MCU is the truest Marvel continuity because it is the only one where change is permanent
Im excited for oldman Cap beatin the ass of a nigga.
Ignore him op, he's just butthurt cause comics are a dying industry
correct. it's the only universe with no shitty retcons every day. continuity is literally impossible with comics. every new run is a soft reboot of a character. that's not necessarily a bad thing, though.
the point of the MCU is to adapt a comic book universe in movie form
cap finna clap peggy's shits into Alzheimer's
>change is permanent.
That's a lie and you know it. How many times did Iron Man "retire" before finally dying? Or hey, how about SHIELD being disbanded, except not really?
>Or hey, how about SHIELD being disbanded, except not really?
SHIELD is still disbanded. Fury just got a bunch of ex-members together to fly a mothballed helicarrier one time.
continuity -/- permanent change.
Uhuh, so not much really changed.
>How many times did Iron Man "retire" before finally dying?
The only thing close to a genuine Iron Man retirement was IM3 because RDJ'S contract renewal was up in the air.
Other times when he "retired" in-universe were all narrative choices, like in Endgame when he settled down temporarily so that he would have something to lose in death. They were never intended to be permanent at all.
>how about SHIELD being disbanded, except not really?
SHIELD'S fall in Winter Soldier has been a lasting consequence ever since. It has never come close to an actual resurgence.
How does Old Cap have before he kicks the bucket? Also, when he dies and meets Peggy, is he going to the alt-universe he spent the majority of his life in, or the mainline MCU timeline?
>Other times when he "retired" in-universe were all narrative choices
Those are some good mental gymnastics there user
>SHIELD'S fall in Winter Soldier has been a lasting consequence ever since
Not really considering how Fury and Hill are still as capable as they were before, and even pulled a helicarrier out their ass when AoU demanded it.
Look I had a fun ride with the MCU but come the fuck on.
How is Sam gonna throw that shield like Cap did? Stark's not around to stick rockets and magnets on it for him or make him an arm exoskeleton to compensate for not having the same strength/spatial awareness, either.
God you know? This is why I fucking hate why they revealed Thanos THIS EARLY.
They should have done Silver Surfer, or Galactus, or one of the thousands of other fucking planetary threats or solar system or galactic threats.
So I ask, how, HOW in gods green earth are they going to top Thanos in Phase 5 or Phase 6?
They sure as hell can't do galactus cause thats underwhelming as fuck, we literally saw HALF of the universe get fucking snapped, so Galactus is literally a walk in the fucking park.
First of all, the "topping themselves" attitude is stupid, and second, we spent ten fucking years building this shit up and it ended when it needed to. You also have an odd boner for Galactus.
Whatever you say, filthy casual.
Probably get the government to add some sub-par tech to it. Either that or just training up to a certain level.
>Those are some good mental gymnastics there user
Literally no mental gymnastics involved. Besides IM3, none of the times Tony has settled down were intended with being permanent.
>Not really considering how Fury and Hill are still as capable as they were before
I'll give you that because the consequences of SHIELD falling have not really been shown past WS. Still from an in-universe perspective, SHIELD went from an international intelligence agency with countless members to a couple of hundred (possibly) agents led by Fury and Hill.
>The entirety of shield and all of their recsources and agents are gone, leaving Fury, Hill and a few other members
>Nothing changed lol
My point is Fury is just as resourceful as he was with government funding. SHIELD falling ultimately meant jack shit in the end.
I can think of him getting something like an Iron Man arm or something to attach it to. That'd give him strength and something to carry the shield with.
It might be cute if they show there was already one made for him, like Cap had told Stark what he wanted to happen at some point and there was a contingency Captain Falcon getup in waiting.
Galactus eating the planet would still be high stakes and kind've an issue.
Just because you lived through a tsunami doesn't make a tornado any less terrifying.
Valid point.
doesn't make shitting on the source material any better
Wasn't the whole point of disbanding you know... actually disbanding? Didn't Maria Hill even agree?
lower the stakes and then re-up them later
Dark Reign and Secret Invasion are way more likely to come before another huge outside cosmic threat
future villains don't need to top thanos in terms of power to be entertaining/interesting. netflix kingpin is very low stakes compared to thanos but still one of the best live action marvel villains.
idk shit about physics but i'd assume he's use the momentum from flying to launch that hoe
it's fine
but post-Endgame it's hard to give a shit about it
>The MCU is the truest Marvel continuity
This is not an unpopular sentiment and precisely why Iron Boy "Spider-Man" is such a big problem
>Ten goddamn years old
The fact that the MCU has lasted this long in any form is a goddamn miracle. They introduced Thanos at exactly the right time
They can't, and they're not going to.
Avengers is done. Big crossovers are done.
From here on out, it's smaller crossovers, like when we saw Dr. Strange in Thor Ragnarok, or like how Nick Fury is in Spiderman FFH.
Beyond that, we don't need any more huge world-ending threats. The MCU has always been about character-based drama, and Infinity War/Endgame was two parts long specifically so they could square the circle of fitting a universal threat *into* a bunch of character dramas.
Why assume that he'll throw the shield like Cap did? Might develop his own style.
>iron man retires in iron man 3
>comes back anyway in an armor in AOU
>everyone dies in IW
>come back in endgame
They just unkilled half of the universe. You are full of it.
uhhhhh that't because nearly nothing happens in their movies. I'll admit that infinity war had balls but they shrink again in endgame. Yeah, Ironman died but that's more rdj contract than anything.
>b-but ironman lost his arc reactor
That didn't change shit
>b-but thor cut his hair
>iron man retires in iron man 3
>comes back anyway in an armor in AOU
>everyone dies in IW
>come back in endgame
all infinity war casualties don't count, user. those changes were never intended for permanence.
the real lack of continuity would be if evans and rdj return for an actual character ressurection.
Well duh. This is reality. People age and their bodies can't stay perfect forever. You can't just redraw them good as new whenever you need.
Stay mad lol
OP is talking about how they don't retcon shit like in the comics, you spaz, I hope you get to endure Iron Boy for the rest of your life
>>iron man retires in iron man 3
didnt the movie end with him calling himself iron man
quoting other user
>beats Peggy's cheeks
>they both forget they just had sex
>fuck again
>repeat for days
MCU is the only Marvel in a lot of peoples' minds. OP said that I said that a lot of people tend to agree with it. Don't insert yourself if you can't comprehend something, user.
>implying they won't eventually open a gateway to another dimension where young alternate versions of every dead or retired character appear to keep their movies going with new actors
you still didn't comprehend what OP said, fat fuck
only way this ever happens in the mcu is if feige gets replaced by some pascal type retard.
He literally threw the arc reactor into the fucking ocean and blew up all of his suits for pepper promising not to use them again. “I am iron man” was a tongue in cheek nod he didn’t need the suit to be iron man
What are your expectations, user?
Some melodrama movie with the Joker title slapped on it
I fucked up wildly
Silver Surfer and Galactus were tied up with Fox you know?
That reminds me of Nerdrotic whining about characters like Iron Man not getting recasts after the actors retire.
not an argument
Because of that there's much less of the kind of lazy Bendis crap that has infected Marvel and DC.
They actually have to think carefully about character progression because they can't wheel out a cheap retcon ad infinitum.
> Steve gives him the shield.
> General Ross makes John Walker the "official" new Cap.
How is anything permanent if it keeps changing?
but aren't there a bunch of retcons?
retcon, you dolt
It's easy when every movie is basically iron man 1
This is actually true. The MCU is kind of like Silver Age Marvel. In the early days of 60s Marvel, business was bad and they never knew how much longer they would be publishing the stuff. They weren't writing the stories with the intention of going into issue #456 or #783 or whatever.
Every Silver Age comic (until the birth of Franklin Richards, thus beginning "Marvel time") happens in live time. 1 year of publication? 1 year has advanced in-universe. This allowed for real change to occur, such as Peter going through High School, or Reed and Sue getting married (and then having children).
I bring this up because the MCU is a movie and they're using actors, and actors are people who age in live time with us. And it's all one continuity so they can't recast people. When they're gone they're gone. When you know you can't use the character forever it totally changes the approach to storytelling and the stakes that brings. Imagine Marvel just killing Peter Parker or Steve Rogers in the comics and it actually stayed that way forever? How different would comics be?
I wouldn't hate the mcu as much as I hate it if their fans weren't such religiously fanatical about the franchise.
Too bad the writing is shit compared to the silver age comics
One is a movie franchise from the 2010s and the other is comic books from the 1960s. They're so far apart as an experience I'm baffled that you can say one is "better" than the other. How are they in competition?
u mean unlike the way comic book fans talk about comic books?
in civil war you see Tony Stark talk to Capt about how he 'retired' and came back again and again and it drove Pepper away
They both use marvel characters so I can compare them
The silver age characters had better writing and more defined personalities
>u mean unlike the way comic book fans talk about comic books?
only hard nerds do that and they are shunned for it unlike the average mcu fan that defends their shitty mouse franchise to death and its like the most normal thing.
every fanbase has cancer in it. mcu is no different from others.
>mcu is no different from others
They're just modern fujoshits
Like remember when Gamora was killed off and never came back?
See, I agree with this 100% but the creative leads who write summer blockbuster movies and comic crossover events don't think like this. Which is why so many goddamn movies are about the heroes stealing the macguffin before the villain does, even Infinity War.
Look at Thor Ragnarok by comparison: Thor coming to terms with his, his father's, and his brother's failings is the A plot. The total destruction of Asgard is basically the B plot.
Can't tell if sarcastic or not.
Weren't changes in the Ultimate universe fairly permanent?
Exactly. Totally forgot about that term, but absence of Marvel/comics time is what I was trying to articulate in OP, but I didn't word it clearly.
Tell it to this faggot
Yeah, but there's fanbase more cancerous than others. Also, the mouse really did a good work into making their cancer available for everyone. I literally have seen boomers defending the mcu. BOOMERS. the fuck.
Well it's shit, so what's the profit?
this post.. man. you need a break from the screen
>I bring this up because the MCU is a movie and they're using actors, and actors are people who age in live time with us. And it's all one continuity so they can't recast people. When they're gone they're gone. When you know you can't use the character forever it totally changes the approach to storytelling and the stakes that brings.
but there is always the option of recasting the characters like James Bond.
If you think they won't get a new actor to be Steve Rogers when this new phase of MCU fails you are crazy.
The MCU might do a soft reboot with mutants if phase 4 sucks dick
For now.
Your problem is that your idea of "topping themselves" is purely one of scale.
A single death can have more tension and drama around it then the entire universe. In fact the smaller and more relatable the scale the more emotional impact it tends to have. The sympathy we felt for John Wick after his dog was killed vastly trumps the sympathy we'd feel for some guy trying to stop terrorists from launching a nuke or some other apocalyptic cliche.
The only opportunity that I feel was truly truly wasted in the MCU was civil war.
Yes but the MCU has done differently. It has continuity, where as James Bond restarts every time a new actor takes over. The MCU is treating time as being a real thing.
The reason the MCU is able to make it work is because it's so young- it has 10 years' worth of continuity to keep straight across 23 films, most of them self-contained, versus the comics' 60+ years and literally THOUSANDS of issues. It's doable at the moment, but every year that the MCU gets bigger, it gets a little less feasible that they'll be able to keep it up without some fairly major retcons.
Enjoy it while it lasts, because they can't keep those plates spinning forever. As it stands, I feel like we're looking at a reboot when we hit the 20 year mark, if not a little sooner.
Yup. Well said.
For sure. At some point there's gonna be a hiatus and then a reboot. Won't be for a long time, though.
Spiderman, Wolverine, Magneto, Xavier, Storm etc will have endless new iterations over and over. There will likely be continuous Spiderman for decades to come.
Certain characters will likely not be re-used:
Doctor Strange
Scarlet Witch
The current MCU versions are likely to be the ONLY live action adaptations of those characters, as the Spiderman, Wolverine, X-Men, Fantastic Four domination will sideline those characters likely forever.
RDJ and Evans have created definitive versions of Tony and Cap, but there will be new iterations in a decade or two.
Cumberbatch, Olsen, Bettany, Pratt, Pom, Bautista, Saldana, Gillan and Rudd on the other hand are likely to be totally definitive by default as there will be no future iterations of their characters.
Gamora is actually dead. The Gamora that is alive is a different person. Quill's going to find she is not the Gamora he loved.
A new Vision is created in WandaVision, and the title may be a clue as to his ultimate fate.
The absolute state of Marvel fans.
>Gamora is actually dead.
>still in the story doing shit
Pick one.
>"Buh... But then they'll do this in the next one."
Does anyone use this excuse other than MCU shills?
Which kind of sucks when you think about it
>Doctor Strange
why him? I kind of understand the others you mentioned, but they will always need a magic person and he's really Marvel's premier one.
Cumberbatch can be replaced.
they won't reboot a universe they painstakingly built up for years
And that’s a GOOD thing
should have shared the title with bucky.
also how is he supposed to use the shield with his wingsuit?
Kids watching Endgame never watched IM1
You haven't started to age yet zoomer
Oh but you will
Pretty based
They literally said tony stark will return in the future with a new actor they won’t let iron man die forever
But yeah keep believing they won’t
Not in the MCU.
Because now that Marvel has brand recognition, it won't hurt sales significantly enough that it will matter if they reboot years down the line. Look at how money Venom made despite having no ties to the MCU.
same way batman can beat 5 big dudes by himself
Sam may not be a Super Soldier in the strictest technical sense, but let's not pretend like he hasn't done some borderline superhuman stuff in this franchise. I mean, if he weren't exceptionally strong, with an exceptional sense of spatial awareness, there's no way he could have done the move in pic related. Not without getting chopped up into stew meat, anyway.
He won't be EXACTLY the same as Cap, but I imagine he'll do just fine.
Nice pentagram Sam!