ITT: Times a silly drawing made you seethe irrationally

ITT: Times a silly drawing made you seethe irrationally

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Have sex


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gonna just get this one out of the way

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to be fair, who the fuck does Art on a wall in pencil?

Fucking Japs don't know how to deface property, look how little graffiti there is in Japan.

How “awful”, clean appealing streets.

I live in Cleveland and it's weird how many people who present themselves as PC or even follow outrage culture will walk to their car and have this face plastered on their rear window.

Could the person who defaced it no see the line work? It is a little faint, but I feel like once you take the time to sit there and stare at the wall long enough to draw, the excuse disappears.

>being offended by a cartoon Indian
good to know most people aren't this retarded yet

I'm not a big social justice guy but this one does make me seethe a little. Mostly cause natives got fucked over the hardest by Americans and are mostly just an afterthought.

I guarantee you if we had some jigaboo tar-baby looking thing as a mascot for baseball or football, it'd be getting a lot more attention and outrage.

I can honestly say that this has never happened.

Go Indians!

My dad calls him chief sambo.

op wasn't even trying to be stealth /pol/

Honestly I think that artist did notice it but thought "haha it'll be fine he drew it in pencil so that doesn't count" otherwise they wouldn't have drawn the face like that.

sounds like some fuckin nazi shit to me

I used to think he had a moustache with the way they drew his smile line and upper lip. That being said this is kinda fucked, didn't South Park do an episode about that other team and their logo or name?

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It's a doodle wall, it was literally made to be drawn on.

>A stealth /pol/ thread doesn't immediately give into what they want
It's almost like I'm on ANY OTHER BOARD.


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Even PC people aren’t literal incels

Way to almost blow the game you choking fucks

People that get triggered by Wahoo are still a step above people who think the Oriole bird is blackface.

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Based Chief Wahoo