Black Mask will be flamboyantly gay in the DCEU

Holy based

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Well is he a creepy gimp

So...a stereotype?

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How will DC fans EVER recover?

Grace... stop posting your videos here

If he's an out and about fag, why does he care about dick pics?

>Sodomites are villains
Are the writers.. dare I say it.. based and redpilled?

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black mask's entire plan was to get his grindr dick pics back

if they were trying to be woke they fucking failed, holy shit

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based gay villains are the best ones

I don't think they were going for "woke"

Small dick.

i agree with your premise and would like to subscribe to your newsletter

Many woke attempts by Leftists come off as the opposite because they have no peripheral vision, no self awareness.

that's true
honestly i think gays will like this character anyway. if they found a way to like disney they will like dic pic bdsm mask man.

when you lay awake at night worrying about leftists under your bed, do you call mommy to come and tuck you in?

So he’s a homophobic gay stereotype. People are definitely not going to like this.

How the fuck can you think tht's them going for Woke?
I swear some of you don't even really know why you're mad and just want to shitpost

cobra commander= gay
starscream= gay
hans gruber = gay
shredder and krang = gay
joker = gay
gay villains are the best ones

whats the homophobic part?? unless simply making a bad guy gay is automatically homophobic.


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He's after dick pic so he's a joke. Even though he's the second biggest mob boss in Gotham and isn't afraid of the Joker

by making him a OMG LOOK AT ME I'M SO GAY~ whose entire motive is to retrieve his dick pics

I watched her video. She doesn't provide evidence she just says "my source told me"

He’s a flamboyant gay man which is a homophobic stereotype.

>the movie will revolve around dick pics
>narrated by harley queen
the absolute fucking state of the dcu

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When will RuPaul be arrested for hate crimes?

Know who else is flamboyantly gay? Everyone who watches capeshit. Ha ha got 'em

>He's after dick pic so he's a joke
That doesn't make him a joke, he's still a threatening and powerful gangster.

That's fine. If he's like an evil Shoreleave, then yes, a thousand times yes.

That's how scoops work.

Other insiders are corroborating the story, if only to shit on her for spoiling it. It's real.

Literally who

Did you even read the rest of my post?

You know what I find homophobic? How Grace added "flamboyant" all by herself as the only two reports I've read specifically mention how it's not explicitly stated he was gay.

>Other insiders are corroborating the story
Only shit tier places like We got this covered

Real life flamboyant gay men are okay but it’s homophobic to have almost every gay men in media to flamboyant.

No, flamboyant gay men are not okay. They are the most annoying fucking people in the world

Grace always uses hyperbole for everything. She's also saying FFH is failing because it isn't "making waves"

But if your gay man isn't gay enough people just say you're queer baiting

gimme grace randolph lewds

I dont care, give me aggro gay Midnighter.


I got you bro

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>let's make the villain the gay one that the straight characters have to beat

T-Thanks guys

Daniel Richtman, Thomas Polito, KC Walsh, all the "reliable" guys are saying it's true, but it works in context.

>but it works in context.
So it's Grace putting it out in the worst possible way?

Would you rather another "STRAIGHT WHITE MAN BAD" movie?

I mean if the dick pic plot is true then that is pretty ridiculous.


That's the part others are saying works in context

Yes. Straight white males make excellent villains.

Not really, as she says that even her sources said the script is good. Her issue is queerswapping a straight character and then making him a villain with a somewhat pathetic endgame. She feels it's problematic.

It's a comedy.

>works in context
sounds like poor damage control for me

Why would they damage control a movie they didn't work on when they get more out of working up the rumor mill?

Then Grace didn't overreact. It REALLY is a joke and over the top

Yeah. It's a comedy

>Why would they damage control a movie they didn't work on

You'd be surprised how much they do that in exchange for studio perks.

At the expense of making fun of gays. Not cool

those guys are massive dcu fags, thats why

sounds good to me.
>gay people can only be portrayed as heroes

As the leftist under Anonymous' bed, that is none of your damn business.

seems like its suppose to be a goofy over the top action comedy

I'm fine with this but did they have to cast a straight man?

Watch the film actually turn out to be good

Why is that an issue?

I'd like to see Midnight and Dr Mid Nite meet.