A short story about a good boy

A short story about a good boy.

Attached: Action Comics V2011 #13 - The Ghost In The Fortress of Solitude; A Boy And His Dog (2012_12) - Page (1920x2951, 891K)

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Just hug your dog, Yea Forums. Just do it. They don't ask for anything else.
Good night, anons.

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Who was that strange, old man?

One of Morrison's best.

Homeless old men are known to have mysterious powers. Especially black ones.

it's actually Sholly Fisch

I like it!

No way. Guest writer? I remember this happening right in the middle of Morrison's run.

It's a backup for issue #13. Krypto returns from the Phantom Zone, this explains where he was.

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I liked Wolf Krypto. This threatening lupus-superius specimen who looks like he could (and he could) bite you in half, but would instead give you a lick on the cheek if you're a good lad.



Oh, cool. Thanks for clearing that up.


Is that Sex King of Virgin Planet?