Name a hero that would work better as a villain or a villain that would work better as a hero

Name a hero that would work better as a villain or a villain that would work better as a hero.

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I want her to anally violate me with that mace


Star is a hero?

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It was done and it was great.

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These two

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Good call on the show to make Rai the leader after that.

>Name a hero that would work better as a villain

>or a villain that would work better as a hero.
pic related. They need to just straight up make her a cape already.

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But they already made him a hero in this comic

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I would actually like her as a villain more because it would mean every horrible thing about her is intentional and not a fuck up

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isn't she a cape half the time anyways?

She ends up going good for 70% of the time and then some writer comes on who just screeches that she's supposed to be a villain and has her go evil again until someone else takes control.

MCU vulture as a hero.

Ha ha, get it?
Because whose side was she on anyway?

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is that alexstraza?

Diablo 3

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Wait, its supposed to be adria?
I remember her looking... different.
As for who's side she's on, diablo's. She's an utterly obssessively loyal servant of his, the entire plot was to fuck over all the other demons in order to give diablo control over them in one body.
A better example IMO would be Zoltan kulle Dude was 100% right about EVERYTHING and had humanity's self interest at heart.

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Star is a force of evil.

That was the plan since day 1, user.

Jack spicer should have been a hero.

Wrong Pines twin

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Fuck I thougt I posted the gif

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I can't believe they ruined this show with their forced racism allegory and teen drama. Fuck nefcy

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She'd be scary as fuck. She can remotely control the planets fucking water. If her desire was to just kill people she'd basically be an unstoppable force.

They already did that

I remember there was this old screencap of a discussion on an alternate Powerpuff Girls setting where Blossom eventually became the main villain just to get everything under control, Injustice-style.

I mean some editor needs to slap the shit out of that guy and say she's fucking reformed get over it.

>Even the show acknowledges it.

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>implying Ron wasn't totally badass when he kicked the shit out of Drakken and forced him to say his name

I want a full summer event dedicated to Gwen as a villain. She's trying to get everyone's books canceled and temporarily succeeds by having them stop for tie ins with different names

He also killed two powerful aliens in the finale.

Na, comics Thanos could work though.

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I can't tell if you're joking or not.

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Mao Mao would honestly work better as a villain.

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Making him a nice guy was a mistake.

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Jade from Jackie Chan Adventures. When she became Queen of the Shadowkhan she took over Section 13 and almost killed Jackie with the Ninja tribe when he has been able to beat them before. They even teased her becoming queen again in season 4 by Tarakudo and Jade remembering her using his mark to become queen and even offering multiple times for her to join him. She almost took his offer too in the beginning but Jackie ran away with her saying no thank you and she shook her head and replied "uh, what he said." Implying she was in a trance, like her queen persona was slowly returning in response to being in Tarakudo's presence and dark magic. He was willing to wait for her too, his response to her was "In time, you're young."

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Unrelated(?), but i liked that AU idea about Star and Ludo being switched as babies, with Ludo ending as a Butterfly and Star commanding monsters to steal the wand. Starco sexual tension intensifies, though.

> Evil Hekapoo sexually assaults Marco with even more disposition

Evil Kim Possible would have towered over everyone.

Lara Croft might as well be a villain.

Him being the villain for that one Exiles arc was pretty good.

ah boo-ya haha

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There's even the episode where Killinger tries to get him to arch against his brother. And later The Monarch turns into the Blue Morpho essentially becoming a hero albeit for the wrong reasons.

She is already villain, user. She cause end of world

Star vs TOFFEE.

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t. brainlet

>Name a hero that would work better as a villain
Scott Lang, hei$t artist.

>or a villain that would work better as a hero.
Indigo Tribe Joker.

>faggot that betrayed his team and would rather manipulate them than actually work with them
>good call
Personally I think none of them deserved to be leader, they were all really poor fits. They didn't even NEED one, they all worked well enough without one.

Scott Pilgrim would be a great heroe.

Kim is the inverse of Ron, so an Evil Kim would actually be useless as fuck. She already reaches her potential being good, so the Evil version would just be her being lazy and enjoying the things she normally wouldn't as a good guy.

The Lich being an Overlord parody and really being the good guy to stop Golb and reverse the effects of the Mushroom War would've been cool.

The concept of early season Marceline being evil because she has no moral code would've been great to keep too.

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>Star is a force of evil.
And she's her own worst enemy.

Star vs a good righteous version of herself (like a paladin)When they clash Good Star makes Evil Star doubt about the destroying magic decision.

But user, Star is an allegory for Lucifer.
Lucifer and Satan are two sides of the same coin.

>When they clash Good Star makes Evil Star doubt about the destroying magic decision.
Legit a better ending.
Then have them team up an murder Glossaryk for wanting to take everyone down with him in his stupid murder-suicide.

Then they can have a foursome with Marco and Tom.

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Lucifer can work as a good guy; he saved christmas in Persona 5.

All the more reason for her to choose her own way not, just fold like a wet blanket and go along with Glossary/a fucking loom.