Holding the world for ransom with a body swap episode.
Wonder Twins #6 Story Time
Wow, rude.
Fine, i'll remove it. You sound like a nice guy.
Thank you, user. Bad book or not, I think it's only fair for all story time threads. Have a nice day.
yeah, it was a low move on my part. A good day to you too OP.
And that concludes Wonder Twins for now. So what are your thoughts on it? Are you looking forward for more or would you rather it just get canceled?
I'm digging it a lot, glad we're getting more of it. Not Russell's best work, but still good. I'd rather see the JLA from the Twins' point of view than read whatever nonsense is going on in Snyder's book.
Is there twincest in this
>White lady with a cellphone.
Wait. Wasn't that lady black?
Race is a social construct
Well they get sexually aroused during thunderstorms and were both kicked off their planet for reasons we still don't know for sure yet. So officially no, but headcanon says yes
Nah I think she was just tan. She had a Kryptonian cell phone that zapped people into The Phantom Zone whenever she was frightened. So yeah a lot of random black people got zapped there, and Lex had to do some serious PR to make this go away
>Well they get sexually aroused during thunderstorms
What? Please post pics
I never cared about the Wonder Twins before this comic and I will almost certainly never care about them again after this comic is done, but I'm loving this book and I hope it goes on for a little while longer at least.
That being said, I hope that if this comic keeps going it takes a good break from Polly Math. I liked her at first but now I'm not sure if I even want the comic to keep going if Russel is going to keep her as a regular character.
Their entire race has orgies depending on the weather
Damn, so it's likely that they did fuck each other
I need to read this comic, for the twincest obviously
>what are your thoughts?
I really liked it till it got here. I don't think the scrambler really earned this Ozymandias treatment nor is Polly is particularly sympathetic.
I love Supercomputer
The Polly Math story need a rest. There are other issues to tackle to just stuck with her.
Insert name of anime that just had a body swap arc here
Brilliant such a lame hideout is invisible to the heroes.
the very first issue shows Zan getting his first case of Thunderlust (yes that's what it's called) so that can't have been it.
I liked it, the funniest book of the new releases, A little on the nose but at least it cynical sense of humor makes it bearable.
It got extended to 12 issues bro
Same with Dial H
Real talk I would love to see a whole comic that's just people preparing for a mass-body swap
It's the beauty of hiding in plain sight.
>No mass body swapping
I'm more annoyed about them not finding Polly's dad.
I was actually surprised because I thought they were gonna wrap it up by resolving it. But I guess that's for the next arc?
Scrambler couldve activated the swap via email now. I think the swap will still happen. This is an interesting premise for applying equity, i kinda wanna see this happen
Something about seeing Flash in the wall makes me laugh like an idiot.
kek Lex pls
>prison kidz
>a subsidiary of Lexicon Prisons
That's bleak as fuck yet still funny
Shouldn't this have been broadcasted? Why wouldn't this cause a new american revolution if the president , congress, and the senate got caught not signing those bills?
How is that going to work with a metahuman collar blocking his powers?
I’m concerned about those who were swapped. Were they reverted back to normal?
IIRC last issue mentioned that it was just a temporary swap
Does anyone else want to fuck Jayna?
Polly is a fucking bitch.
Who tf is standing behind Superduperman?
El Dorado, from Super Friends, and Mera
>It's not your job to fix the world
Why not? If you can make things better, you do it
>Why wouldn't this cause a new american revolution if the president , congress, and the senate got caught not signing those bills?
Is this a serious question?
Yes, ever since I was a kid
Why the fuck is she so hot
They were theoretically about to solve every single social ill or problem within the country that could be solved via legislation and immediately celebrated when they didn't have to at the last second. They did this while they should have been on camera and had reporters watching them.
Even if it wasn't on camera then everyone KNOWS that the only thing stopping them from taking effect is the president not signing because the previous steps before everything got to the president were broadcasted.
Not signing is an absolute fuck you to everyone in the country that isn't them because there is no reason not to at that stage, Satan.
>Not signing is an absolute fuck you to everyone in the country that isn't them because there is no reason not to at that stage,
All they gotta do is yell 'those fuckers our shit" and possibly something about socialism or recast a character as black to make the controversy go away.