Contagion Marvel Event Comic in October

A seemingly unstoppable force has invaded the Marvel Universe, and it’s going to take every hero the streets of New York has to stop it! A strange substance is taking over heroes and citizens alike, draining them of their life force, stealing their knowledge and abilities, and neither science nor magic can stop it! Where did it come from? Can anything destroy it? And who will fall to its awful, overwhelming power?

Contagion #1-#5 (of 5)
Ed Brisson (W) Roge Antonio, Stephen Segovia, Mack Chater, Damian Couciero, & Adam Gorham (A)

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Other urls found in this thread:

Will this finally shut up that "The Thing" fanboy?

>Marvel Zombies
>except not
>please buy

No. Fuck off.

>DC rips off Marvel Zombies for DCeased
>Marvel announces Marvel Zombies reboot
>Marvel then announces Contagion, a DCeased rip-off

>New York City will be infected - and infested, apparently - with a strange new force this October as part of a five-issue weekly Marvel event titled Contagion, according to ComicBook. Some various Defenders alums including Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Moon Knight, and the Thing will be teaming up to stop this new threat - that as of yet, doesn't have a name.

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I’ll only buy if those creatures rape and breed Kamala Khan

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I hope it's Gay-Pox.

Sounds retarded. Christ how many events is Marvel going to have?

What the fuck, Pei in a book that Kaare didn't write him?

The moment they do that, the world is doomed. They'll embiggen and spread without limit.

>New York City will be infected
where else would this take place?
I see this as something similar to those five-week events that DC ran last year
The Witching Hour was the October minievent from last year, followed by The Drowned Earth.
Both were thankfully done in five weeks.

Did you also think Cancerverse was retarded?

I knew she's turn villain at some point

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DC did an Bat-event with this exact title in the 90s. Shit, they're truly running out of ideas.

>neither science nor magic can stop it!
>Some various Defenders alums including Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Moon Knight, and the Thing
oh it's one of those "X completely fucks over the really strong guys but these street level dudes can win with punches and guerrilla tactics".

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Reminds me of the last of us fungi

As many as people will buy instead of good comics like Champions or Runaways


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it is a mini series, OP is baiting.

>DC has the copyright for every word they ever used

You heard it here first folks, from the cum filled mouth of a DCfag.

Nah, it's being described as an 'event'. Not a line-wide one, but an event nonetheless.

Hang yourself by the balls, faggot.

What an awful team selection. Only Moon Knight fits the theme here. It should have been Blade and Doctor Strange and other magic/mystical based superheroes.


why do they keep shoving Jessica Jones down our throats? Also when is Luke going to drop the suit look? I liked his Mighty Avengers costume.

that's dumb but would be cool if Stokely drew it

I would?

Sounds like a poor excuse to give characters who normally don't interact a reason to be in the same area. Not even in the fun way, mind you.

Thankfully it'll be blissfully short.