One Million Moms Object to Toy Story 4 Showing a Child with Two Moms

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Speak up ladies
We really need to stop appealing to the 1%
We are going to get invaded one day and aliens are going to see all this cringey LBGTBBQ shit and kill us all

>One Million Moms
>Objecting to a movie having a higher mom density
This story doesn't check out.

The movie should have had Buzz/Woody

>Women objecting to LGBT content

What incel website is this?

For the record, it's not a million people, it's a website called "One Million Moms".

Moms, rise up.

They hush it up.
Women have been the gatekeepers of good morals for thousands of years.
That's why we're so fucked up now they got to enough women.

That would have been a fun twist

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Based. moms need to put dykes in their place.

>thinking all women are a hive mind
Misogyny is okay when liberals do it.


IT'S 2019!

literally a million moms do

Do they at least show the two dad?

But then they could have been two million moms!

Ummm, my kids who get exposed to this shit?

It's not like it's even endorsing it, it's just showing that these people exist. Would you rather raise a kid that knows what's going on and can form his own opinion, or raise a clueless fuck who knows nothing about the world around him?

You should not be taking them to shit films like TS4 in the first place

I would prefer to rise a child in a normal environment and homosexuality isn't normal.

>The scenes, which last only a few seconds, show two mothers dropping off and picking up their child from school and hugging their child.
The fucking horror.

Fuck your kids.

Child rapists and murderers exist, but you're not casually showing children CP and slasher movies, are you?
If you're a homo, chances are you've already fucked his kids.

Yeah, like how Disney (and other shady companies) hiding their horny stuff in kids movie is "harmless" and didn't create a generation that obsessed with sexuality.

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One million moms, apparently.

But vivio has two mommies

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It's a Christian group

You should know you've been on the internet too long when you start to believe all women are progressive feminists and you forget that IRL middle-aged moms are famously conservative.

Fun fact: There are far fewer than one million moms in One Million Moms. In fact, I believe there are no more than 100,000 moms in One Million Moms.

you mean Yea Forums? this board warps peoples skulls. almost everyone here is conviced the [not straight white males] have taken over the animation industry deliberately to spite them

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Did you also think there were 88 guys in the Crazy 88's, you literal minded fuck?

Get off the internet,you incompetent incel goon.

You dumb fuck.

A psychotic echo chamber.

It's all a huge coverup by the greys and the tall whites man.

It's a joke, you cunts.

"C-come on guys, it's current year!"

>All the Trumptards ITT thinking anything other than a straight white male will collapse civilization
How pathetic

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Lesbian couples are statistically the the most violent with the highest number of domestic dispute cases. Dykes dont make good parents, but Disney and Hollywood want to condition the public into thinking otherwise.

You say this, but people do believe that there are at least one million moms in One Million Moms.

Man, those MILF fetishists must have a blast at OMM conventions.

You're right about that, the collapse of civilization seems to be coming regardless of who's running the show.

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Of course. The history of the world is the history of the white man.
We built civilization, we'll destroy it too.

No they're not. You read a study that purposefully misrepresented itself. Women in current lesbian relationships reported a history of domestic abuse in their past - where their past included straight relationships that they have since left.

One Million MILFS

Two Million Moms support it so they’re outnumbered.

>We want more progressive depictions of women
>Women don't like what we did
>Get back in the kitchen before I beat you with a sack of oranges.

Any reaction images with Peter become even greater when you imagine its the 13th Doc saying it

aliens have zero reason to come to earth

>plenty of uninhabited planets that are literally floating balls of resources
>no reason to attack a planet full of people that will attack back just to waste time and resources with zero benefits
>plenty of other planets to live on

I felt that. I'm sure the original Buzz would agree with this.

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I know teachers with kids who only have one parent. Why do they have to get exposed to movie's with two parents? I'm sure they find it a little offensive.

So the only reason they'd come here would be FOR US then.
Life is a rare resource in the universe, and this planet has it.

If they're carnivores or omnivores they could make a ton of money on "exotic meats" selling us and our fauna, and us and our fauna on the planet would also be useful as exotic pets not unlike tigers to humans.
That being said, they'd most likely kidnap and resettle earth life on other planets to be used for breeding farms planets instead of culling directly from us for long.

Wait, soccer moms are back? Where the hell were they these past ten years?