So who do you think it is?

So who do you think it is?

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the burglar

Doc Ock


After 25 issues I've long since stopped caring

No joke, Traveler.

It fits his style.

Deepest lore.

You guys think he'll be a one time only villain or a recurring one with a major arc every once in a while?

Someone had a good theory on why it could be the burglar who shot uncle Ben.

Meme answer: Skip

It's part of Peter's soul that Mephisto got in the One More Day Deal

I went back and read the exact wording of the deal. Mephisto states:
>You will not consciously remember this bargain, or this moment, or the life you have lived to this point. But there will be a very small part of your soul that will remember, that will know what you lost.
>and my joy will be in listening to that part of your soul screaming throughout eternity.

So I think it's a fragment of Peter's soul that's been driven insane from torment, and remembers the marriage. It's why he hates Peter because he hates that he went through with the deal, and why he cares about MJ.

And what Mysterio said about it being a prisoner of hell that rose through the ranks and became a demon himself only strengthens my theory.

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