Butch got released a new cartoon some weeks called HobbyKids Adventures, it follows dventures of HobbyPig, HobbyFrog, HobbyBear, HobbyMom and HobbyDad as they try to make the world a better place with their amazing and funny inventions.
Butch teased about this project, in his "Why I left Nickelodeon video" as he said he was working on something with Pocket Watch, which turned out to be this show. Surprised no one talked about this before.
So is this going to be on his network? Did he just take that money and run with it?
Brayden Jackson
all Butch can do is that god-damn FOP artstyle now FOP episodes like "Channel Chasers", "Crash Nebula", "The Big Problem", "Tiny Timmy", etc. could show that Butch Hartman could draw other artstyles so well
Hudson Myers
they wouldn't hire Hartman to not draw in his art style, retard
Jaxon Nelson
Crash Nebula may have been his show, but the character designs were handled by someone else
Owen Martinez
did I forget any examples? like "The Good Ol' Days", "Wishology", etc
Connor Brooks
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Justin Ward
Butch may be shit now but the sound design on all his shows will always be god tier
Butch is so much of a joke that Nickelodeon refuses to mention Butch's name with anything he's made whenever they're brought up
Jose Torres
The 4channers of tomorrow are rapidly absorbing our knowledge. This comment section is amazing. Imagine what else we could see if youtube didn't block the comments of all kid videos.
For some reason that and liking EEnE seem to always summon him. Like, "You all like this popular thing AND I DON'T!" Really basic tripshitter stuff. Guy must be stuck in late 2000s.
Jordan Gonzalez
Stop shilling you faggot
Caleb Rivera
That truteal autist is another example of this. Except he is Canadian and militantly defends Canimation dreck while insulting actually good works.
there is no kids' youtube youtube algorithmically chooses what is kid-friendly by checking if it's a cartoon that's why this became a meme for "oh god filthy frank's teaching my kid how to slit their wrists" youtu.be/WT5KQuGToWA
Camden Foster
Because Butch is above their level
Nathan Cooper
Whatever happened to Noog Network?
Ian Watson
It still exists as an app but it hasn't been updated since it was released.
Christopher Russell
i don't like butch but it a streaming servers You know how long that going to take look how long it took fucken Disney
Gabriel Brooks
Based Zyklon Butch.
Aaron Martin
According to the twitter feed it's still getting content produced for it.
Adam Nelson
Meaning what, exactly? That he took that money knowing nothing will come of it? That's exactly why he's being criticized. I can take $250,000 for a streaming service that'll never materialize too.
>That he took that money knowing nothing will come of it? You know how much capital it takes to run a business? Seed money can run out.
Jaxson Collins
Jacob Butler
>cartoon avatar making smug impression I guarantee this guy gets fucked by black men.
Ayden Baker
$250,000 is not "seed money" for a streaming service.
Juan Robinson
He has to buy: -licenses for movies and TV shows -servers and tech support -budget for original productions It adds up.
Brandon Powell
Go to bed.
Kevin Hernandez
Did you not understand what I said? $250,000 is not "seed money" for a streaming service. It doesn't cover ANY of that. It doesn't cover a license for a single TV show or a budget for a single original production.
Luis Peterson
US Team Loco?
Evan Ortiz
Because he's a practicing Christian, SJWs feel he doesn't do enough to prostrate himself before the LGBTQQIA+ community. Even though he's never said anything anti-gay. Also, because he told people at a church that he thought they would like OXIS, his enemies made up the conspiracy theory that it's a Christian platform and he lied about it to his Kickstarters (it's not and he didn't).
Cameron Gomez
There was something decidedly jewish about that whole smear campaign against that kickstarter. A lot of cartoon commentary channels attacking Butch with flashy headlines. "He's a scammer!", etc, without any real substance and relying on the same several half-truths/full-lies to get their point across. I wouldn't be surprised if YouTube itself contacted a few of those useful idiots in order to nip a potential rival in the bud no matter how unlikely or trivial it would seem.
Juan Sullivan
It's 2019 you retards. Nobody fucking wants to donate for more sanitized cartoons.
Angel Perez
Then why are family friendly cartoons so popular on Youtube?
Colton Baker
He promoted it as a clean, family-friendly service, so obviously the people who donated to it did want sanitized cartoons. It's not like he's forcing you to watch them; live and let live.
Nathan Cooper
Because they're free? IRL adults don't care what they children watch, they just want them to shut up and stop being annoying
Nathan Lewis
Really? How much of them just wanted a Danny Phantom whitout executive intervention and the amount of money is ridiculous it's like this bullshit
Cooper Bell
He didn't personally draw the show
Jace Phillips
I don't get it
Levi Martin
It proves there is interest which helps attract other investors.
Jaxson Garcia
Bunny is just as good if anything. hell they're basically built for fucking.
Dominic Stewart
It's not even a good one. Retard should comission an artist at least before shilling his shit videos
Chase Ramirez
Ironically enough his new avatar was drawn by Kuro the artist
Isaac Howard
It's even worse than the old one
Ethan Collins
Yeah. But she ain't cat turd day material!
Liam Diaz
Charles Kelly
god for talking about cartoons you would think he could get someone to draw his avatar
Luis Ross
For better or worse, family friendly cartoons are better paced and written than so much "adult" stuff.
Liam Nelson
A lot of these internet reviewer don't understand that cartooning is a serious work and requires a very good understanding of fine art mixed in with a few years of discipline to do.
Brandon Nelson
He was working with Kuro to make some detective fantasy cartoon, I guess kids stuff is more marketable and familiar for him. youtube.com/watch?v=2CGeN-glVvU
People are just tired of serious and dark cartoons clogging the internet. Only a vocal minority wants this kind of stuff. Do these brainlets really not understand that cartoons need to be marketable to execs and toy companies?
Oliver Mitchell
> He was working with Kuro Did Butch really hire some Internet nobody to help him make a cartoon?
Nathan Rivera
I wanna believe this, and the internet nobody's idea got shitcanned because he has no social skills, business skills, or idea of who his target audience is.
Angel Butler
the show was butch's idea and Kuro straight up made a video about how he didn't understand anything about animation when butch got him to make shorts for his channel and had figure out everything on his own. then butch got him a job doing art for a wrestling tv show.
Aiden Collins
What are they teaching kids at these art and animation colleges these days? Did the humanities decline so much that it's just uni professors and students screwing around?
Asher Gutierrez
I don't think he went to college for animation, he was just some dude that made a fan comic about ben 10 and Danny Phantom, he tweeted his art to Butch and he got hired for some low budget youtube videos.
Nicholas Smith
Is it really that easy to get work from Butch? Is all that's needed is fan art of his shows?
Jason Davis
Based on his video Butch just assumed he was an animator
Bentley White
It's YouTube. Caring only slows down production. The "HOBBY FAMILY" is another one of these child abuse things that's making a fortune on the site.
Gavin Torres
Based Pieguy
Hudson Smith
Nathan Garcia
Luke Hernandez
This looks like just a slight step up from Finger Family. C’mon Yea Forums, I thought you were better then this.
Joshua Brown
user you can’t honestly think it looks good even if you like Butch.
At least it’s not Indian/Chinese cartoons about Mickey Mouse getting his eyes ripped out.
Samuel Stewart
>Dog + Rabbit = Pig How?
Asher Rogers
user as someone who teaches middle school I can’t tell you how wrong you are. Most kids don’t watch cartoons at all anymore and when they do watch someone it’s vidya streamers or lets players on twitch/YouTube. The ones that do still seem to watch cartoons are girls and they like gravity falls, Steven universe, voltron, etc. Cartoons are a dying media in general sadly.
Camden Turner
Worse than Tuff Puppy, better than Bunsen
Isaac Watson
No, they specifically hate Christians because a lot of them are super asshurt babies still mad that their parents made them go to sunday school when they were kids. Just like all pretentious atheist Youtubers. Babies with an irrational hatred of one specific religion.
>Hagentoons You're right about this one, at least. This cartoon is the most unfunny garbage i've seen in a long time. The only reason people watch it is for Tea's poorly drawn tits and bad anatomy.
I despise Muslims on an entire other level more than I dislike Christians but that’s doesn't me I still don’t like Christcucks are retards.
Nathaniel Scott
Cartoons are a dying medium because they're made by over anxious adults projecting their ideas onto the work. Kids aren't stupid, they can smell the moral.
Lets Players on twitch/Youtube gets kids attention because they're pretty friendly and don't try to act like a role models.
Girls watch cartoons because they're easier to manipulate and too dumb to understand that they're corporate shills.
Gabriel Hall
Ha ha boy I sure am happy to see that the average Yea Forums user is more or less indistinguishable from 8 year olds in Youtube comments.
Really shows that the youth of today are filled with cool meme-spouting wit, and not that we're just a bunch of god damn idiots with our hands on our dicks half the day.
Brandon Evans
>Butch teased about this project, in his "Why I left Nickelodeon video" as he said he was working on something with Pocket Watch
>Pocket Watch
Wait, is that the same company that Viacom funded and now partners Nickelodeon with? Butch left and in retaliation Viacom decided to partner with the other company, and now Pocket Watch works with Viacom on making shows.
That's like leaving your spouse for another, and then coming home from work one day and finding your new spouse being fucked by the old one you just left.
Alright I tried to explain but you’re just a mega nigger.
Josiah Sanders
Kids are reading manga and watch anime nowadays. It's cheaper and easier to find anime than an old cartoon.
Matthew Campbell
Ricepirate is cringe too, his Sonex the Hodgeheg video is the definition of tryhard randum funny face humor
Adam Lee
Kids watch Youtubers because kids are especially susceptible to parasocial relationships, and a lot of Youtubers actively capitalize on this. The stream of content is also much more consistent and steady than traditional animation, for obvious reasons.
>Girls are still supporting cartoons, but only because they're fucking dumb.
Can't even begin to grasp where this is coming from, but cool story bro
James Rivera
Speaking of Fairly OddParents, why did Nickelodeon just let it die? It was one of their second longest and most popular show only behind SpongeBob. It was what Family Guy is to FOX Animation, while SpongeBob is the Simpsons.
SpongeBob continued production after Hillenburg left after the first movie, why couldn't they continue with FOP after Butch left? You still had all the staff in there, only the creator was gone. Sure, FOP hasn't been good for so long, but the fact that it's over just seems very wrong. It's especially baffeling that they didn't even give it a proper finale after all these years.
The fact that it even managed to outlive a ton of 2010's cartoons like Regular Show, Gravity Falls and Wander is pretty impressive.
Henry Edwards
Because it was painfully average, as stupid as Post-Movie Spongebob is. At least they tried to use different concepts even though it always came out disgusting. Fairy OddParents was just another typical show that was on the network. It had virtually no soul in it other than the “fairies” concept.
Kayden Moore
Crocker was great
Ethan Gonzalez
Or you stay not-an-asshole and keep working in "the industry", you dumb furry. Or at least with the same resource as "the industry".