Batman Universe #1 Storytime

Next up, pulled from the aisles of Wall-Mart
That guy none of us like and NICK DERRINGTON

Batman Universe #1

Attached: Batman - Universe 001-000.jpg (1988x3056, 1.24M)

You have to understand, after Doom Patrol I was so excited to see Derrington do some straight capeshit

And it had to come with fucking Bendis

Attached: Batman - Universe 001-002.jpg (1987x3056, 1.3M)

Ehh. He's writing like 5 books right now and one of them's good, sooooo this might be OK?

Please bump for good art

Attached: Batman - Universe 001-003.jpg (1987x3056, 1.3M)

Bendis writes a good Batman. Deal with it.

Attached: Batman - Universe 001-004.jpg (1987x3056, 1.46M)

I guess I'll find out today, I only skimmed Event Leviathan

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Some news article said this was good because it's fun, so I hope that's true.

>I rely on tech too much too often
Okay Bendis, strong start

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Attached: Batman - Universe 001-007.jpg (1987x3056, 1.27M)

As a character?
Sure, but the story he put Batman in sucks.

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Was this a Wal-Mart exclusive at one point? I smells like Wal-Mart. It looks like it came from Wal-Mart.

It was, they've started collecting them in issues

Attached: Batman - Universe 001-012.jpg (1987x3056, 1.05M)

>with what's his face from the original crisis
Anyone got an idea?

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>That guy none of us like
sorry, Im not part of the hivemind, he's done a great run on action so far

I'll be continuing Jinnys adventure after this with Young Justice #7.
Today was a good artist day going by the preview I saw

Attached: Batman - Universe 001-016.jpg (1987x3056, 1.06M)

I actually like AC as well, I thought it'd just grab attention easier, so thanks for the (you)

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Thanks for coming along on our little Wal-Mart adventure. Story seems simple and fun so this seems like a good outing to test out Bendis Bat-Voice which I find okay I guess?
But still
is the main draw for me

Looks like an user beat me to Young Justice so you can read it, Superman and Naomi here

Attached: Batman - Universe 001-025.jpg (1987x3056, 1.29M)

Thanks for the story. It was fun.

Between this and Tom King's Superman, I really don't know what the fuck is even happening any more

Oh it’s Bendis. I read the whole issue without knowing and was thinking the whole time, the dialogue seems off

>Jonah Hex

It's Mad Hatter behind this, isn't it? I can see a tag in Riddler's hat in the final panel.

Writes a good Superman too. But Yea Forums is full of retarded memesters who can’t admit when people they hate actually do an ok job.

I think that's just a plaster over this bit of glass that got in his head

Bendis Walmart Batman is canon for Bendis. Tom King Walmart Superman is not canon to the main DCU and is just a Tom King standalone Superman story.

reading bump

Wait a second, is he Adam Westing in the third panel?

Attached: Batman-IceSpy06[1].jpg (630x468, 61K)

Next year, a new exiting miniseries, VILLAINS IN CRISIS.

Jinny Hex, really?

There is some logic in what she says, is not like it was made of that much gold anyway, is more of a collector item that a real jewel. Much like a Stradivarius, modern violins sounds better but the name is still synonym with expensive shit.

Hex doesn't seem like the guy that takes pictures of himself. In account of being ugly as sin.

I know Eddie is short for Edward, but it still sounds really weird.

deathstroke getting rekt Is always great.

>I'm gonna pretend I didn't already know it's from the Wal-Mart exclusive and can just "tell"
You're an idiot

He only writes a good Superman in Action Comics. His Superman in the main title is strangely out of character.

Batman should've said "Your grandfather, he was a good man."

He doesn’t a write a good Superman comic.

>Batman in the open like this in the middle of the day


>We are in a different universe? Even Slade is a little different than Priest Slade..