Has this happned to you Yea Forums?
Has this happned to you Yea Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Star Butterfly
I mean if you wanna use Star Vs as an example one user went into a tism fit so intense he threatened to shoot up a Disney Animation Studio over what happened to Jackie
and before that you thought you all collectively got asspained over what happened with Korrsami we would have never have had murrlogic exist if they didn't turn her gay that was the magnum opus that opened the pandora's box
No, but it wouldn't matter to me anyway because I'm still able to fetishize lesbians, so it would only arouse me.
Y'see Star having a fetish for muscle girls since she is a submissive subserviant cuckqueen is way more understandable compared to what happened with Jackie
that one user never recovered
>No, but it wouldn't matter to me anyway because I'm still able to fetishize lesbians, so it would only arouse me.
How many layers of soi are you on my dude?
You would have made them gay anyway the only reason why people get mad is because they didn't give you your ship exactly the way you wanted
People were already making gay porn of Bubblegum and Marceline long before Season 10
Nope none of the characters I like turned LGBT. They were either straight or already gay.
He's just upset the ship he wanted fucking sunk into the abyss. This always happens with shows Tumblr takes interest in and it was the absolute worse with shows like Voltron and Korra
Three times as a matter of fact. I have shit luck.
What shows are you watching?
dude wtf
So Adventure Time, Korra, Voltron, Star Vs am I missing any?
Remember the guy with this fetish?
>Not continuing to waifu your Waifu even though they're canonical gay
I'll just make them gay for someone else wouldn't be the 1st time I did this
oh yes, I remember, is he still commissioning new shit?
>How many layers of soi are you on my dude?
Just because real life lesbians have ruined the idea of "girl on girl is hot" for you, doesn't mean it's ruined for everyone.
The fucking you talking about? The waifu (that I can never be with anyway) is indulging in my fetish. Pure fap material, no shipping required.
You are a cuck born and bred aren't you?
I only waifu anime girls so no. Did lose some prime fapbait though, rest in peace Jackie.
He's mostly in the market for Craig of the Creek, Star Vs and Harvey Street Kids stuff
However he did watch Becky Prim recently and Jessica's very existence made him replicate the scene from Prometheus where the White Xenomorph was formed
>Just because real life lesbians have ruined the idea of "girl on girl is hot" for you, doesn't mean it's ruined for everyone.
>nu male smile-engaged
Whose your waifu then?
Here we go again
>Fapping to Vanilla Lesbian Sex
The worst kind. You need to ship your ass back to /y/ my guy
I mean... it just seems kind of weird to fantasize about a waifu who's only into other girls.
Making her lesbian just adds the extra fantasy of fucking the gay away. It just gets better.
Oh god you're the faggot who lost his composure after you learned your underage waifu was a metaphor for Daren Nefcy's trip to Paris
Or for my case she can be gay but its only acceptable in your headcanon terms
IE calling it what it actually is denial
>However he did watch Becky Prim recently and Jessica's very existence made him replicate the scene from Prometheus where the White Xenomorph was formed
what the fuck
Not really you're just a virgin
People like you are the reason toastie roasties call us Incels
>implying having a waifu in the first place doesn't mean you're getting cucked by reality itself
It was only speaking in hypotheticals, it hasn't happened to characters I waifu yet. And I can't talk about my number 1 waifu on here because of rules.
Ever Queen Bee'd so hard that poor people just being alive horrifies you
Jessica is like that cranked up by 100
>itt people thinking having a straight waifu makes them any less of a loser than one with a lesbian waifu
Oh that just makes it even worse then. I'm repulsed by you user.
They haven't learned having a waifu at all already makes them the biggest loser
They could have fucked an actual girl instead of fantasizing about doing it with a 2D image
my waifu is a subhuman lesbian schoolgirl in a physically and psychologically abusive codependent relationship so i think i'm fine
To be fair, at the very least they gave Tracer a canonical hot lesbian waifu. A ginger at that
They're just mad because people can't cope that Widowmaker is shit.
Nash Senpai is that you?
Come again?
Ask him is his waifu is Ai Eibihara or Kashiwagi from persona 4
if the answer is yes you'll get your answer
No, its implied she was always bi. No biggie.
I think you have a lot more to worry about then coping with the fact that your fictional waifu turned gay or not.
i dont remember, whats the deal with that pic ?
No, because fanart in itself is non-canonical, meaning they can have the character be anything they want
I forget, who was the lolcow who commissioned these?
Much like how due to the new waifus of the month being so cliche that its only enevitable they turn gay
Yea Forums is already expecting Anne and Sasha to fuck the second they see each other
Murrlogic. Resident lolcow and overall buzzkill.
Hey, murr, do you do requests?
I don't know who that is.
No, seriously. Like, from day one. She flirts with everyone. She don't give a fuck.
Failed project that was worked on by Murrlogic and his artist at the time Javis A. Ray
>wanting to fuck your waifu
I have a feeling you'd like Mikan from Danganrompa then.
Being proud of being a normalfag is even worse.
nope my waifu's straight as uncooked spaghetti
>Not wanting to fuck your waifu
>When even in your own personal imagination you can't help but being such a masisve virgin
And that would be whom exactly?
What the fuck this isn't how the ozone layer works
Ew, no thanks.
Murrlogic, do you do requests? I have an idea for you to draw.
True but at the very least they're slightly a step above from what we're societally
>this whole thread
*image replied to* I GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE
no no no, not yet user. the rules say i have to wait to post her.
Wow OK Boco now I know Yea Forums is justified in their hatred for you you absolute no taste degenerate
How many are you that you feel “cucked” out of a fictional character? How is it different if a character gets with a girl or a guy, if it’s hot, it’s hot
I can't help it man, the whole artstyle is just so...offputting.
based zimmyfag
What child?
Dykes are not hot user, plus i can self insert as a guy when they become a lesbian they hence forth become a man hating terf swine ball.
Thanks. For some reason I kept thinking it was the Maxi-pad Guy
It does if you apply Toon Force
Why do they cease being fapbait? I don’t get it
That's because I think you're ready to go out and fuck real women now OP
I want you to make a pic of one of your OCs polluting, deforesting, and dumping toxic waste in CWCville.
Ignore him that is the user who lost his fucking temper Disney gave his waifu the gay and he hasn't been the same since if he had any sense to begin with
probably not since Jackie was always worst girl
Probably get canon love interests or are in a harem show.
Absolutely not I refuse not since that faggot Chris Chan acted like he was in a better state of mind compared to me
Gee Chris that is some bold words coming from the most hated man in your state respectively
Boco your taste is awful how the fuck would your opinion matter to fucking anything
Your fucking shit waifus are off putting
I find it incredible just how much one person can hate lesbians so much.
I think user is asking you to the point of begging to get laid my guy
Fortunately for me, her sexual preference is none of my concern
He's letting his inner /pol/ show
Shiro wasn't my waifu but he was my hero, until they turned him into a butt pirate, that is.
No because I wisely choose to have one from a concluded series from a country that doesn't turn girls lesbian to sell things to people who won't buy
Hey, insult me all you want, leave the girls out of it.
>Yea Forums
We don't welcome your kind here
>Implying they should be in the first place
Shiro peaked in Season 2 he's a completely different character Season 3 onward
>tfw even in your fantasies you turn your waifu down because you think she can do better
Wow that only makes you sound more gay user
That's just sad OP. Did you consume so much onions that you cant even envision being a chad for 10 whole seconds because it just isn't realistic enough
Tell that to Tumblr they long since missed that boat
No self esteem is a bitch.
Nah they're the reason why this board see's you as the sad little degenerate that you're
That's what makes it the best
Gay people have no problem fapping to non-gay characters, why can't you fags do the opposite?
And you're posting...what is that, Steven Universe? Gravity Falls?
People in glass houses should not throw stones.
My only two actual unironic waifus I ever had were Jenny and Sakura from CCS, so no.
No because they're not real anyways? How retarded would you have to be to care
Because degenerates like you belong on the cross
Ask Tumblr that they care more then most people
>Yea Forums shit
This is why stacy won't notice you OP
All characters are gay unless otherwise stated, and even then.....
While true doesn't make it any less calling the pot and the kettle black given your track record on this board
Your waifu being a lesbian means nothing because the odds of you fucking them remain the same
>This fucking thread
Degenerate mindsets like yours are the reason why Tumblr has made it impossible for Western Cartoons to progress past "my ship should be the most importance towards this show's progression"
Sourdough is superior to white bread
This too.
Based Jake
Spider-Man's wife?
Nah. 2019 Guy from Critical best describes it.
No, actually relationship bullshtt should be left out altogether.
But if it has to go in its gay. Fuck off.
You take that back right fucking now.
All sandwiches should be made with Wonder that is pure fact
Because it's not our fault that we can't see past the sexual preferences of a fucking cartoon character. It's obviously these showrunners who have the audacity to insert gays.
You are a confirmed fag.
Again you sound like you should be out fucking real women instead of being on this board
They make for good grilled cheese sandwiches
Blame them all being bi-products and ex-members of Rebecca's Sugar's team they own the monopoly of western cartoons
>Untethered reactor grade autism set loose from a top secret government testing facility.
First of all, this is not even remotely similar to the first thing you said.
Secondly, only real faggots give a shit about other peoples bed lives.
Wonder is good for EVERY sandwich you have any idea how much of a fucking souless subhuman you have to be to eat Toasted White Bread instead of its soft spongy freshest form straight from the bag
I don't wanna share the same breathable air with that person
Oh you mean like yourself like you're doing right now
Go find a real girl OP get off my board and leave these poor deluded fools alone you will not sway them with your tism fits
>There are people who compare Murr to an SCP like a real M. Nigh Shamalan villain from the unbreakable universe where is super power is he feeds off of subversion
holy shit this isn't some larper, is it?
No. You’re the only faggot telling others to get laid.
Go being a retarded loser somewhere else
Harsh but true
I think its actually murrlogic being a fuckwad after being found out in the draw threads. I would say just ignore him but hes clearly just spamming the thread because he can.
What bullshit are you talking about
The post, what was that about you being better than Chris Chan?
>When you genuinely hope and wish for the best that someone on this board gets laid and he is responded back to with absolute violent anger
Yep. Only proved my point you need to let that testosterone out OP before you start tard raging something intense. Society already hates you why take it a step further
Lesbians are just women who haven't been dicked properly yet.
Did the fucker manage to get shmorky to draw this?
Green pea ness.
That would imply Chris as a person is better at all that is the most delusional leap from reality ever. You'd almost have me believe I was talking to Chris right now
I think he gave birth to a legit genre of fetish art that people now draw solely for fun.
>When you literally don’t realize how much of a faggot you are, you literally ask strangers to cuck you
The guy who drew this is a popular artist on Yea Forums named Chris.
Jokes on you my waifu was lesbian from the beginning
There is no way for someone to be so autistic that he spawns a new fetish that has any following. Can there?
>Another dumb faggot has entered the chat.
>Implying I frequent the draw threads
I don't go there because I actually go on Tumblr for my commission related needs. You're no worse then when Kiwi Farms gets the narrative wrong
>dyke ra fan triggered in an anti lesbian thread
Fucking figures
I have a husbando and thankfully cucks never make the guys gay so I'm doing fine.
You're overselling it. Yes on occasion people do send me art for me. I got some Princess Marco themed stuff, an Asami one recently and a fucking amazing pin up one that I printed up and wanted to hang up on my wall
He's more horrified over me then being outraged no one actually unironically ships Catra and She-Ra outside of Tumblr's sanctuary site
Micheal this obsession isn't healthy, please stop, we're worried for you
That makes you a whole different level of gay OP
Its only acceptably heterosexual if its a qt trap because that character made his choice
Reminder that the faggot with a hateboner for lesbians in this thread was cucked by a FUCKING FEMALE. He is literally below dirt as a subtier male.
Nope. I can give a tip though, just ignore canon sexuality and love your ideal version of your waifu, there is that old copy pasta about waifus being alternate versions of a character ideal just for you or some shit, but i can't be assed to digging it up.
That said, i don't have neither a waifu nor a husbando to start with, i just have fapping material and that is hardly the same thing.
How does that not make you just as gay as you were before you had that information
How does it feel having shit taste
No because my waifu is an anime character and Japan doesnt give too many shits about catering to the mentality disabled.
That's just called denial user.
Wonderbread is only good for feeding ducks and fish
You and I both know that is the biggest amount of loaded bullshit you wrote down you're past the point of denial you fucking quadruple downed on it
you fucking stared into the abyss that's that bad
are you quoting me as a response to that guy? Lol
t. duck with no taste
Why are their eyes so far apart? Is this a comedy?
He certainly sounds like stacy cucked him
He got NTR'd in real life that had to have hurt his non existant pride
An artist named Javis A. Ray and me were working on those. They were some of my 1st commissions ever
Why don't the workers just rebel? Surely she can't kill them all.
All that wonderbread killed half of their brains.
>ntr'd in real life
I thought ntr was just a meme made up by the slants for their rape fantasies
Felling pretty heterosexual not gonna lie
A trap is just denial layed into your expectations
Yang from RWBY. It hasn't happened yet but the way RT is going and the way the last volume was between her and Blake it's gonna happen
I like Stroehmann's Bread.
......What was this thread about?
You wanna fuck with a woman who has a Semblance
Traps are just gateway degeneracy.
And isn't that all what REAL waifuism is about? denial of reality to embrace the sweet lie of personal fictional perfection , because Waifufags sure as hell give that impression.
t. JelloApocolypse
Oh you're on the depressive level of denial
user stay away from all sharp objects
Its the only acceptable part of the slippery slope
Micheal please stop, you family wants you to get help
This is the first attractively drawn woman I've seen in your fetishes Murrlogic, glad you finally got one. Hope you keep it up!
/r9k/ is that "fearsome terrorist organization" that the stacy's who don't use Yea Forums are worried about
They used the hard "I" word a little too often
The White haired blonde girl is named Abundance Plentiov and the thicc brown girl is named Holly Wholewheat
These were made by my friend Shen
Who cares.
Wonder Bread is good for them it says so in the packaging
It is 200% bleached grain what could be better for their mental health
Hot Lesbians are a meme pushed by the (((porn industry)))
Oh, you misunderstand, im not a Waifufag, i just accidentally double-negatived when saying i don't have a Waifu, i have seen Waifufags spout a lot of funny shit over the years when theirs turns out to be a slut and what not, don't mind em though, Free Entertainment. And for the record, im talking about the "True Believers" with shrines and what not.
What's the point of caring about how your waifu will end up sexually if you can't even fuck her to begin with and especially since she's not even real
Why the fuck are you even on this board then?
Honestly, can anyone here say there actual a waifufag, as most "waifu" are just they made your dick hard that one time, unless your one of these guy who draws/comm nothing but that single character for years after there spot light gone.
Once. And only once.
You're insane if you think everyone Yea Forums isn't exactly the opposite of what you just described
this board was founded on its unyielding love for background blink or you'll miss it waifus
My waifu Holly Blue Agate wanted me to let you gems tho that all Blue Sapphire Gems need to be shattered for being degenerates
Sadly, I cannot refute that statement.
I like webcomics and cartoons and i like discussing them, even bad ones, and as said, it is entertaining to read people rant about these kinds of things.
Fair enough.
I just want to say that 4th panel with the tongue licking and spit trails is hot as fuck
garnet herself isn't gay, though. she's just handcrafted out of wholesome homolove.
Artist name is FLBL
Yes and Malachite isn't an allegory for statutory rape
>unyielding love
Yea Forums idea of loving a character a how much porn they get out a certain artist, Honestly i wish there was character that didn't just get rewritten to be a bland ass slutty chick.
Never gonna happen especially not on this board
Shit dood gonna make me dig deep in the memory banks here
so is there a page with them fucking on the table or not
I like tomboys, and am thusly damned to an endless cycle of this shit.
...is a bucket
Dear God.
There’s more.
can i have the bucket?
Would you guys accept a commission from Murrlogic if he paid you several thousands just for one picture?
Better than sucking dick down at the docks to pay rent.
Yes, with my waifu Tracer, but it doesn't affect my love for her in any way. I just headcanon that she's straight.
Daily reminder that cucktoons can't be waifus, this shit never happens in Anime. If a character is a lesbian it is stated as soon as she appears.
He’s the Chernobyl of autism, unleashed upon the world and affecting everyone that’s dares so much as see his works
Is that the scalie school guy?
was it confirmed?
Does Murrlogic still haunt our drawthread?
some of them are, yes
I don't understand what this is and it scares me...
What the goddamn fuck is this?!
It's like Autism made material.
I called tracer the first time I saw her, I really did. She was the only logical choice for a dyke character.
Not Zarya?
Just make every fictional character gay. Skip to the end, I'm bored.
Zarya probably wears little flowery dresses
Wait, is that loser? Kek
Wonderbread isn't real bread. It's just male piss condensed into sliced loafs.
I can't handle it, this level of autism.
I feel like my mental health is being damaged just trying to understand what the hell i'm looking at.
I gotta get outta here.
Not even Shad is this Toxic to the human soul.
I thought he was an orphan
liar, it is the powdered bones from aborted babies from the tween burdel.
Then why do they pander to neets and pedos
That post is more mild bemusement
what did I miss jesus christ
To him, any post with a mention of She-Ra is automatically bad. No matter the context.
I missed a fun thread, didn't I?
It was just Murrlogic sperging out.
>not self-inserting as the dyke love interest
baka senpai desu
You can literally just go to desuarchive and see the posts in the thread if you want to see so bad.
Just imagine yourself as a girl
You don't get it. Shad REJECTED Murrlogic's commission. The man actually managed to present a scenario that he refused to draw, even for money.
Anyway, no! I usually end up waifuing characters from dead shows that would be considered too problematic at their core for the social justice crowd to ruin.
>tfw Yea Forums X
What in all the ungodly fuck was that
I just let my inner sadist run wild for a brutal rape fantasy.
but you're fantasizing about being cucked, not just having to live with it.
Maximum Autism.
>I called tracer the first time I saw her, I really did. She was the only logical choice for a dyke character.
you're a fool then, she was only made gay to boost sales, she wasn't supposed ot be in the original cut of the bible they threw out.
my husbando is Soldier 76/Jack Morrison so that worked out nicely
Might as well have been.
>even SHAD rejected him!!!1!
why is it so shocking that such a well-known, mainstream/normie-tier artist would refuse to do something like that? He has plenty of other ways to make money at this point. Why would he be doing commissions in the first place?
>she wasn't supposed ot be in the original cut of the bible they threw out.
Got proof of that?
This was when he was doing commissions you tard, Before he was well known. The thing is that shad was at a point where he could be picky and if he didn't like the concept he just wouldn't draw it.
My waifu is the biggest lesbian of all, it only makes me love her more
You missed chadlogic improving a thread.
My waifu is immune to changes.
this is a high level cuck
>Not trying to cure her with a good dicking.
Wish the mod didn't deleted everything, whole thread is a mess to read even with 4chanX
.... is this the wonder bread guy?
If Chat Noir were confirmed gay, I may never stop cumming.