Why the lack of "Beach" episodes in western cartoons?

Why the lack of "Beach" episodes in western cartoons?

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That requires drawing lots of new character outfits and backgrounds.

Also, less focus on fanservice over here.

Because we see animation as a medium and entertainment form and not just loli fap bait

The female form is weird and scary for virgin cartoonists.

Actually OP lets talk about something that is actually important

Why is there not nearly enough porn of Model Citizen Nicole she's fucking perfect

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Because we don't fetishize the beach like the japanese do, who live in their ungodly towers of meat and metal in tokyo

We, as americans, can actually find the time to visit the beach.

Believe it or not, the main demographic for western cartoons don't think about jerking off to animated characters

>animation as a medium and entertainment form

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Two words

Feminist prudes

Dunno but Which happens more often? Beach/pool Cartoon episodes or beach/pool comic strips?

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Because the beach isn't that interesting or fun as a setting.

what are you talking. about there are a ton of examples where series have had a trip to the beach or characters go swimming episode. this is objectively wrong

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>Mandark's first own episode was about surfing

How would the beach trope even work in western cartoons?

Most Americans don't live near a beach.

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>Yea Forums invaders think that beach episodes aren't a thing in cartoons

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I thought the main demographic for western cartoons was sexually-frustrated adults who get mad at kids’ shows?

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US beach episodes: characters go to the beach to have a beach-centric plot

Japan beach episodes: oh shit I'm creatively bankrupt better do some exploitation

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This really, tons of western cartoons have a beach or at least a pool episode with characters in swimsuits. The characters aren't usually intentionally drawn to be sexy though since they're usually underage.

Off the top of my head, just recent cartoons:
>inb4 your taste in cartoons is shit
Star Vs: Beach Day
Steven Universe: Beach party
Gravity Falls: pool episode with Mermando
Adventure Time: There is at least one with PB in a swimsuit, I forget what episode
Amphibia: literally the second episode of the series
Horse Show's Human Girls Spinoff: Not just one but a whole series of beach shorts and a 44 minute special

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Binged Preteena some years ago. Sucks that it just kinda ends. It also has a criminally low amount of porn for being a pretty neat little comic with a lot of cute girls in it.

The very essence of a beach episode is to have characters in sexy swimsuits. The fact that all the girls in modern beach episodes are dressed in shit anyone pass grade school wouldn't be caught dead in is a travesty. Compounded by girls in cartoons all being boards now, I don't know why they even bother. A beach episode without fan-service needs to be really well written to be enjoyable, instead they follow the usual fanservice routine, except bafflingly without the fanservice.

No, that's the entire reason Yea Forums exists


>The very essence of a beach episode is to have characters in sexy swimsuits.
wrong. beach episodes are about the setting and the relate-able experience of beach-going, and the setting allows for different storytelling possibilities. there are many other ways to insert fan service, if it were just about fanservice, then beach episodes wouldn't be a staple in cartoons

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Llama Llama had one.

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You're talking about an episode that takes place at the beach, I'm talking about a beach episode. For example that episode of Tom and Jerry where they go to the beach isn't a "beach episode". 90% of Steven Universe episodes take place at or near the beach, but only the one where the gems morph into beach wear to engage in beach activities is a beach episode. Don't stick your nose into a conversation if you don't even know the terminology. Next you'll tell me that a bath episode is one where the characters just happen to wash themselves.

you get your head out of your ass, anime didn't invent the beach episode cliché. it's always been about characters going to the beach, not as an excuse to see them in swimwear when the writer is low on creativity, that's just the damage that anime did to the name.

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>Someone else has watched this show

Llama Single Mom is the best parent.

Because the female body is evil for some reason

Blame the Puritans.

>not as an excuse to see them in swimwear when the writer is low on creativity

>Jimmy's got desert fever!!
>We'll have to put him out of his misery.....

And I'm telling you that it's the wrong kind of beach episode. Without the romance of sexy swimsuits, it's just an episode of the show that happens to take place at the beach. And usually awful ones because the writing is "Durrr, they do beach things", which works when it's a girl in a sexy swimsuit doing it, but is garbage if you have to censor all of that shit but are too lazy to write good beach jokes and stories. So western modern beach episodes are either garbage or don't qualify as such.

kys weeb

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Weebs, in my Yea Forums?
Perish the thought!

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It's not an anime thing. That was literally the reason episodes of shows that took place on the beach were a thing.

Fanservice =/= low creativity. It's low creative effort. Those are different. But even then you need good echi-foo to write a good beach episode. To have good angles and shots and such.

>Weebs, in my Yea Forums?

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Manga takes root from old Western cartoons, comics and stories. It's modern Western censorship that ruined beach episodes, not lewd anime episodes that are their truest form.

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Phineas and Ferb?

>that's just the damage that anime did to the name.
Never thought of it that way. Anime really is degrading.

was always shite that fell into the fanservice trap to stay alive. great example.

>ran for half a dozen decades and still running
>household name beloved by all
>fell into a trap to stay alive
lol, are you some sort of puritan hipster?

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The sad part is that with today's low-detail noodle-arm bean-person designs, they could have dressed the characters in the most perverse shit imaginable without it looking lewd unless you're willing to put your imagination into overdrive. Yet they refuse to put the characters into anything less that very conservative. More so that the swimsuits from 80's cartoons that simply looked nice on the character designs of the time. How the fuck are we moving away from freedom of expression and not towards it? Why is portraying real life things in cartoons is deemed extreme nowadays?

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>less that very conservative.

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true freedom of expression is making cartoons with low-detail noodle-arm bean-person as you call it. doing the same shit over and over because it's always been like that is the antithesis of that which you long for. faggot.

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If anything Archie became less risque and fanservice-y from it's origins.

>from it's origins



I'm sure you would have solved the Mystery of the Mistype if you cared to at least try.

>Mystery of the Mistype

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I always need a reminder, have an unironic thanks user.

The point of a beach episode is to show of the main characters in reveling outfits. Most western cartoons are meant for children plus the west has extremely conservative views on sexuality.

Wow, what a retarded opinion. You think freedom of expression is following a standard of low-detail design that makes it easy for Korean sweatshops to animate and not drawing how and what you feel would look the best and make your cartoon the best experience possible for your viewers?

You are welcome.

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Adventure time? You refer to "Bonnibel Bubblegum"? Because that episode is mostly a flashback while in a pool.

>plus the west has extremely conservative views on sexuality.

Not in Europe and Latin America.

Because beach episodes happen because Japan is an island nation. We have our own beach episodes in the shape of science fair episodes

and look at there cartoon

>what is art progression and streamlining design

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Isn't that closer to their sports day or School Festival episode.

lol, why are they in hiking shorts?

it peaked in the 50-90

The entire country of Japan is a beach, it's a fucking island, so beach episodes are more common to suit the culture.

Does anyone remember what the back of that bikini bottom looked like? Surely it couldn't have been just a string?

More like what is product optimized for maximum profit. Capitalism is only good at making money, not providing the best product or service, but the most cost-effective.

>where are all the beach episodes in western cartoons?

>actually cartoons have a long history of beach episodes, qualifying it as its own genre--

>no! that's not a REAL beach episode. A beach episode is a fanservice specific type genre in the anime community that is entirely foreign to western cartoons. Only OUR beach episode definition is legitimate as a genre!

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cartoons are for kids
anime is for sexually frustated shut-ins

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> sexually frustated shut-ins

That's most males in the western world now

Yeah that’s accurate

I guess so.

user you're never going to be the norm.

She's too fat and Richard's too thin

But still a smaller percentage of men than the east.

ITT: OP completely blown the fuck out.

>"Let's discuss chips!"
>"Ack-chyually, chips is also the name for french fries in Britain, a long standing tradition that make British chips as feasible of a topic for discussion in this thread as your so-called chips, in actuality crisps."
Either discuss why there's no bikini bitches in Western cartoons or skedaddle.

Anime is for kids, cartoons are for kids of puritan parents.

Phineas and Ferb alone had four plus multiple pool episodes.

except we're literally on the western cartoon board, faggot.
>Either discuss why there's no bikini bitches in Western cartoons or skedaddle.
not a coherent topic of discussion, double faggot. take your useless manchild-whine threads elsewhere.

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the US doesnt have a lot of beach my man

They were more 80's beach flicks than anime beach episode

>the photos become more depressing

Is having children really that horrible?

We never got a beach or pool episode. THAT is horrible.

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If you look at a population density map of the US, you'll know that to be false.

context for this?

Cute. Do they ever get naked?

Anime ja nai, nigga.

OK KO had one literally called Beach Episode

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This whole thread is just a whole bunch of horny weebs complaining about beach episodes not giving a nice close up to a girls chest.
Why would a 7 year old give a fuck about the swimsuit that a cartoon character is wearing. All that matters to them is that the characters are at the beach.
Do y'all just want to beat off from spongebob wearing a speedo or

theyre boring.

It wasn't really a beach episode more of a 80's beach flick parody

Nigger "beach episodes" are episodes that take place at the beach, don't pretend your autistic ass Yea Forumsnimu tvtropes terminology is a real thing

How does an 80s beach flick parody not count?

My guess is to as why there are not alot of Beach Episodes in Western cartoon is that the USA is too big for everyone to go to the beaches every year, While Japan is only about a quarter bigger than California.

Its alot easier for most Japanese to go to the beach in a span of 2 days than it is for most americans..

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The majority of the US's population is on the coasts though.

Also knowing anime culture the animators know that people will claim their waifus and will pay a lot of attention if theres an episode featuring them in a swimsuit looking embarrassed.
They know what that demographic is after and will take every opportunity to squeeze in that unnecessary fanservice.

Most coastal city-dwellers never make it to the beach in their lifetimes.

Because some part of the US has never seen a beach, and from what I heard the US only has one or two good beaches

Maybe you're right. I wouldn't know because I grew up in the suburbs where the beach was just a 45 minute bike-ride away.

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I thought Yea Forums loved girls on bikini...

Does anyone have the gif for this scene? I'm asking for a friend

They do, but when it happens organically. Not when it's deliberately done to sell toys to geeks.

They prefer boys in bikinis.

>but when it happens organically
Like going to a beach?

Burrito Hilda just passing by.

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It actually looks a bit more conservative from the back view.

The bottom half, anyway.

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Now this is what I call bullshit

they're marketed at children not horny virgins

(((Cultural))) differences.

And him becoming gay in the end(or just bro)

this is from 30 years ago, user

Timmy's mom has hand feet

now if only the virgins got the memo

50 and 90-06 look like shit

You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Plenty of cartoons have beach episodes.

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What about Japan? All virgins, draw exclusively sexy women.

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Not everyone in the west has been to the beach
Japan is small and surrounded by the ocean. Many Americans don't live near a cost

notice western cartoons emphasize how bad men look in swimsuits of any kind.
be it boys in baggy swim-trunks or grown men who's guts extend over their speedo waistbands.

because why go to the beach, it's full of smelly dead fish, seagulls, and sweaty old men and middle aged women


Fite me

Western cartoons don’t do fan service

The people who make (ie write/storyboard) american cartoons almost entirely live in and around LA. They've been to the beach.


>Western cartoons don’t do fan service

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I’m still mad.

most of the upper middle class urbanite that make the media fear the sun in general, they want winter and rain to have excuse to stay at starbucks and social media.the people in swimsuits trigger them anyway.

>Because we see animation as a medium and entertainment form

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>Animation as a medium and art form
Japan treats animation way better than us westerners do. If the west respected animation in any way shape or form, we wouldn't be getting this terrible live action remakes of Disney films.
The West doesn't take animation seriously at all, what pipe are you smoking?

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because our porn is uncensored

Different age demographic

same thing

How many times are we going to have to explain to the adult losers who watch cartoons that cartoons are for children and that they're just enjoying them peripherally?

I know it's accurate to goats but every time I see that I'm reminded of I.R. Baboon asking "Why little girl have beard?"

did her hair just get wet?

Interesting that apart from ok ko all the western examples posted here are from old cartoons

>tfw Regular Show never made a beach episode
I just want Margaret in Bikini.

>you want to swim in the ocean? RAPIST PEDOPHILE NAZIIIIIII

>lake and swimming pools are literally like the beach man, I know because that's all my dad could aford every year for us

>Yea Forums talks about anime and fail miserably
and water is wet

They don't got dykes in charge in Japan.

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Beach episodes are ultra comfy.

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What episode is that?

that's not what he meant but okay

>socks with sandals

Are you retarded?

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>ITT anons valiantly but futilely try to have discussion with sperging Yea Forumsutist

pack it up boys its not worth it

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porn is entertaining too

>glorified slide show

>not giving a nice close up to a boys ass.


I wasn't talking cartoon and anime, retard, I was talking fanservice and "baby's first beach day" episodes. This is a thread about fanservice episodes, not episodes about building sand castles. But the one is as lazy as the other, but yet you have some retarded prejudice against fanservice because it's "anime" even though it isn't as people proven ITT. And at least fanservice episodes are fun, if lazy.

WTF is your issue, exactly? This is a thread about fanservice episodes, take your autistic REEE-ing about tvtropes and Yea Forums elsewhere.

Star Vs had three of them.

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>You want to see characters with more realistic anatomy and in realistic swimwear and not in stuff from the 20's? You monster!

>go to the beach
>hide 70% of your skin
>wear shorts to your knees
Do people really do this?

Came here to post this. It also satirized the typical tropes of a beach episode.

She did, but it was in Mordecai's daydream from an early episode.

lps had one, it was weird.

They are also antisex liberals to the core.

And people wonder why western animation is a joke


I'm sorry but with the position he's in, you must ask yourself, is Aqualad naked?

This isn’t a thread about fanservice

Hilarious that you're using OPM picture considering how that second season turned out.

Sorry but I like my cartoon animals with big tits.

they do, they just dont focus on the lewd fanservice you want because western cartoons are targeted at children , not man-children

someone refresh my memory here, what happened?
dog bit off mandy's costume?

nigga call them swimsuit episodes if its specifically about that

Yes but it happened off-screen

Because most all western animation takes place in Florida or California where there’s beaches everywhere, so they probably don’t think something they see everyday is worth making an episode over

what's up with this show recently?
i haven't seen it mentioned beyond when it came out, and all i heard was horse show copy.

did it get a new season or something?

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American fear of rape make them basically Islam-friendly these days

>defending a third party person just because truth hurts your feelings
Absolutely fanatical

>Go on google images to see what episode that image is from
>Go to the wiki it links me to
>All the images are captioned in cringy furryspeak

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yes children want to study the anatomy of their favorite characters, got me

I mean i'm a chubby girl
It's more of a thing of just not subjecting people to that.

Not him, but I always thought Totally Spies was more of an anime show than a western show. Maybe it was the animation.

A lot of women make up the H-manga circles, so it’s lovey-dovey vanilla or depraved shit.

Because Puritans ruined America before it even existed

>not liking one piece swimsuits

this artist has clearly never eaten a hotdog

Still, there's a line between accommodating other people and not enjoying yourself. People deserve to enjoy the sun even if they don't look their best.

Who the hell prefers one piece swimsuits unless it's one of those super-polymer ones that make you swim faster by eliminating friction?

Children want designs that aren't "Calarts", aka simplistic crap you can animate for cheap, just as much as the average Yea Forumsmrade.

Very possibly true. Hotdogs aren't a thing outside of America and some parts of Europe. This was animated in Korea. The guy probably thought "oh, they are grilling meat sticks and grabbing them trough some bread to keep their hands from getting greasy. Must be a thing American kids do on trips if they didn't bring enough utensils along".

>Children want designs that aren't "Calarts"
Children don't give a crap about the "Calarts" stuff like Yea Forums does

The fact they don't know about Calarts doesn't mean they don't care. Find a single objective kid who wouldn't prefer Disney's old block of Rescue Rangers, Duck Tales, Gummy Bears and Darkwing Duck to whatever bean-shaped garbage from modern programming. Or any tween who'd not prefer Extreme Ghostbusters, Men in Black, Big Guy and Rusty or Godzilla to anything that's running now period.

>captioned in cringy furryspeak
the fuck do you mean?
>bwacula doesn't bite

but Islam is all about the rape

Does the mom get a scene?

I want to creampire leni

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It's more like weebspeak than furryspeak.

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Paul Rudish's Mickey was 2013.

this show has an ugly artstyle

So you like fat boys?

Americans don't go to the beach that often because their scooters get stuck on sand so they can't relate.

Because we like more then pedo fapping and power levels?

>more then pedo


I don't know who you hang with, but the average kid or teen is not going to know those old shows or even care for them. They will just continue watching stuff like TTG because thats what they're used to.


Now if only they paid the animators

If I were born as a woman it would be one piece swimsuits all the way for me, also one with a skirt as a young lass, but just vanilla one pieces as I'd get older.
Also I'd wear those shirts/turtlenecks that wrap around the neck but would leave the shoulders exposed during the summer as casual wear.
To combat the exposed boob shapes for the turtlenecks I would get a comfy bra, then a slimfitting dress shirt/wife-beater and then the turtleneck over that.
Also now that I think about it I would probably be that dumb bitch, whom complains about being cold while wearing a stretch miniskirt with cotton tights during the winter lmao, that and I would be a total ditz.

that looks inconsistent from the front view, maybe they did redraw it in some shots?

Cartoons unironically lack cultural/traditional depictions. So they always have to choose shitty resort garbage places

We have a lot more free time so we don't need our fantasy characters to go on vacations in the middle of the story, often with no relevance to anything. There's the famservice that we just also don't usually do, but cartoonists seem to be more openly horny now.

By this logic we don't need fantasy characters at all

In America because Americans are strange about nudity.

That is your brain on Puritan.

Nicole went from fun to cunt

Like every female character

geez, false flagger much?

Are you really so dumb that you didn't realize that I was talking about a choose and pick situation? Obviously today's kids aren't going to randomly start looking for and watching old stuff. But that's mainly because they don't know about it or don't know how good it was in comparison to what they have now. If you showed them, they'd probably riot.

In a choose and pick situation? Kids would pick anime.

Control was much more lax in Japanese animation sweatshops back in the day. Maybe it's someone who was just drawing lewd lolies for another project falling into routine, maybe it was a guy who just wanted to draw a lewd loli and he got away with it. Nowadays everything is animated in Korea that doesn't have a history of lolies and also it's a lot more strict with direct instructions to draw everyone as flat and unsexy as possible. Some characters are specifically designed flat because Koreans love boobs and tend to throw on a few cup sizes. There was supposedly a hubbub when an episode of SU came back with Lapis having boobs when she's designed flat, but they let it slide for economic and time reasons.

>removing something from a thing makes it bigger and more inclusive
lol, that moralfag logic, amazing.


>For example that episode of Tom and Jerry where they go to the beach isn't a "beach episode".

I beg to differ.

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Well, no, kids would pick Looney Toons and Disney stuff. Teens would pick anime, exactly because it has a lot of more adult and serious themes like the cartoons I mentioned. Still, teens who prefer western stuff would pick the titles I mentioned. Regardless, your point doesn't disprove that cartoons used to be much better.

"ies" vs "is" ending is unclear and unconfirmed as it is a loan word.

Kids would pick anime just like 80s and 90s non-american kids picked it back then.

>Looney Toons
Opinion discarded

>word filter tip tooeing.

WTF are you talking about?

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What wordfilter? There's no board one for it, and if you're talking about random faggots who filter that word, I don't care to talk with them in the first place.

>tfw we didn't get to see them visit the nudist beach

>only like two fanarts of the nudist beach

Why didn't they though? It was so easy to. They're anthropomorphic animals, just make them look smooth like Bugs and Daffy but still be embarrassed and have that be the joke.

3 caballeros had a beach party episode on Easter Island.

Remember that time when Lola walked around naked like Bugs and Daffy? me neither

Nicole sounded intrigued at first too, until she rememberd she was with her kids.

Would you expect ANYTHING ELSE from Dexter's Dad?



The human body does not deserve to be Seen

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finish it tomorrow

Because not every part of America has a fucking beach retard it's not an island like Japan is.


Jorels Brother have like 3 episodes on the beach

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Pretty good, user


Gumball doesn't treat females any differently like that though, I don't think there's more females than males that wear clothes.

The woman has boobs... It's sure an old cartoon.

some cartoons still allow them

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Remember when Nicole and Anais walked around naked like Gumball? Me neither

I like happy nicole

You’re killing your own argument fag.

Not every part of America is New York yet it's the most used setting in cape comics and cartoons. Retard.

For a show based in an actual beach town, “The Weekenders” had very little swmsuited-on-the-beach time. Most scenes with the gang near the beach was just off of the boardwalk in normal warm weather clothes, without any beach-related activity. I guess if the beach is always there it becomes as boring to visit as going to the museum, which the gang went to almost as often.

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Same with Steven Universe

>things that wouldn't be made today

>loli fap bait
Doesn't exist, and why did a beach episode immediately make you think of lolis?

>Because we don't fetishize the beach like the japanese do

Why does a beach episode automatically mean masturbation to you?

Something isn't creatively bankrupt or exploitation just because you don't like it.

Something isn't a dastardly capitalist plot to oppress people just because you don't like it.

Myth. That is not what anime is like.

They do pay them. And how much do Korean animators get paid? Nobody even knows.

Bump for drawfags

nah, but revealing the parents was a huge mistake, they should have kept the cow & chicken approach

Cow and Chicken wasn't slice of life. They revealed the parents. They are just legs.

>islam friendly
star isn't wearing a burqa in this, user

let's play "spot the famicom"

lets play, spot the falseflagger

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Cute and honestly SFW.

What is my argument and how am I killing it?

I grew up in a beach town, and it's an issue of having to actually prepare for the beach: you have to take a swimsuit, towel, something to drink etc. but first and foremost, as a kid, your parents insist on supervision so you need to wrangle an adult to go with you. When we grew up, we went to the beach all the time to just sit there, watch the waves and sunset, but we only ever went swimming a few times a year.

This is so precious. Nicole deserves more happiness in her life.

was this like an anime pool scene?

Attached: marco polo sharon.png (1366x768, 654K)

I'm pretty sure there'd be more revealing swimsuits and some accidental groping in an anime version of this scene.

oh, so just generic western fanservice
Anyways i'm sure you remember that scene

Attached: 524.png (480x368, 145K)

>boys in bikinis
what did he mean by this? boys in swim trunks and tank top shirts

the scene that was a few shots later, is this an anime pool scene? or how would it go in an anime version?

Attached: that's my fetish.png (1366x768, 578K)

I thought that was against Fandom's rules
I wish the idea of a that TFWiki-style wiki for all Western animation in one officially supported by legal companies like Turner, Viacom, Disney, etc. came true so Fandom could die in agony

>what did he mean by "boys in bikinis"
He meant boys in bikinis.

Attached: solewd beach trap marco.jpg (1328x1500, 515K)

That isn't what a fandom does. That's what one random literal autist obsessed with the show does. A normal person wouldn't spend exorbitant amounts of time on cataloging cartoons scene by scene with personal commentary.

I don't see how these Disney remakes are a good example of how Japan treats animation better, seeing as how they make live action adaptations of their animes all the time and most are alot lazier than the Disney movies.

And what does that have to do with anything? One is animated, the other is live action. Quality of the animation isn't directly linked to the reverence of the product. If that was true, there would be no anime based on manga or cartoon based on comics because that's "not true to the artform" or some shit.

Attached: nb.png (1046x590, 783K)

Attached: rocko nude beach.gif (500x282, 1.37M)

I wish young good looking people would go to nude beaches. It's usually just old people who just don't give a fuck anymore. Ironically, it's not even the type that would visit Woodstock had they the chance, it's the type that spent their younger years protesting against such lewd and shameful things as nude beaches and gasping shocked at girls in mini-skirts and tube tops.

...and now I've made myself sad by remembering no one wears mini-skirts and tube tops anymore.

betting one would have seen their horseplay and said "party's over"
or more in context there would be groping

Wasn't this one of those state-funded Canadian shows with a moral every episode? What was the moral of this one?

I do too user, I've seen some things and some stuff I wouldn't recommend it.
I'm definitely the hottest one there though, I can't even feel proud of that because they don't even compare.

there was a PSA against smoking in this episode
Sharon would have an echo voice at the end of every episode with the moral of the story which was dropped after that episode


fuck this fucking episode made me doubt all advances from girls as a kid fuck

como te atreves !

What if Rocko was a girl?

I lol at this

>western cartoons
And that's how you detect a weeb, ladies and gentlemen

I just want comfy beach volleyball episodes. That's all.

A man of taste

Attached: 101db725755728bf07e95203773d4f99fa282ded.png (1050x700, 659K)

And now I want them to trade mommies, if you know what I mean. The losing side gets to be in charge.

The beach is for attractive people, and none of these new cartoons, nor their creators, are attractive to look at.

Attached: EDTL2.jpg (480x360, 15K)

All those damn French and German movies lied! I want my nude beach full of busty blonds goddamnit!

Smoking and pools? That's not very intuitive. I'd assume it would be about body image or maybe even getting groped or peeped on.

BTW, you don't recall what the echo voice was saying at the end of that episode where she got addicted to porn?

>L-loli bait is better than a show with substance!
When will you quit with these terrible lies?

But children ARE horny virgins.

I would unironically support a system where beach goers are segregated according to attractiveness. I'm a 6/10, but I'm not greedy, 6/10 girls would do.

You're the moron who wants to remove something. I'm fine with a show with loli and substance.

Attached: Tylee Bikini ref.jpg (3357x4000, 3.01M)

But then the show would be yanked off the air for sexualizing children.

Because of reactionary retards like you. Japan has that, and it also has one of the lowest sex crime rates in the world.


Attached: AKU.png (376x866, 242K)

Okay but seriously Raymond looking hot af in that ep

I wanna suck her feet

TIL thinking power levels are stupid makes you a moralfag

Attached: sounbe.png (941x707, 606K)

I wear socks with sandals. They're cozy!



wasn't this that boring show about a girl with braces that did weird things every time she got too close to radios or electrical appliances?

Attached: 1561244329802.png (498x549, 339K)

Wonder who she ended up with

good stuff

>Americans are strange about nudity

Most of use really don't care that much, but unfortunately the vocal minority of angry soccer moms and bible-thumpers in the South make a ruckus whenever a female nipple (over the age of a toddler) is shown on television. It's getting better now though, but the land whales and sjws taking over the animation industry are jealous of people with actually attractive bodies, so they respond by banning/censoring anything remotely curvy in women now.

Nah, they're just both inspired by samurai helmets.

Oh wow, see you decided to ditch the coconuts. Pretty hot. You forgot her whiskers though, how about a quick fix?

BASED what about a SFW version with the coconuts?

Attached: PAINFULLY thicc.jpg (480x608, 57K)

>Yea Forums is against THIS kind of Beach episodes
The state of this board

You got a gallery, user?

Attached: Vlcsnap-2014-10-29-11h49m38s121.png (1045x800, 790K)


Attached: nicoleSFWs.jpg (1025x1622, 831K)

Great kot. Thanks

Attached: Qr5oDic.jpg (1024x683, 114K)

Attached: hula.gif (500x367, 2.99M)

You either have no idea who he is or you're intentionally making a false accusation in order to change the topic.

It has become pointless to post anything here because it just immediately leads to people either accusing me of being famicom, accusing me of being a weeb, or accusing me of being autistic. There is never anything even remotely resembling proof, not even any definitions of the terms. Yea Forums cannot deal with anime-related realtalk (despite constantly bringing up anime), they just want to live in their safe space bubble where literally any nonsense they say about it has to be true no matter what, and anyone who says otherwise is an autistic famicom weeb whose posts must be ignored, even if it means completely derailing the thread.

This is the behavior of desperate, delusional people with an inferiority complex.

Attached: SoThatsHowLow.jpg (1920x1080, 388K)

>There is never anything even remotely resembling proof, not even any definitions of the terms. Yea Forums cannot deal with anime-related realtalk (despite constantly bringing up anime)

I agree with that part.

Attached: b3fd3595345e7388f82d7b6fbfd7d03a.png (720x540, 536K)

Did they fuck for science?

Attached: vlcsnap-127074.png (640x480, 275K)

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Attached: ltscdc.png (1048x590, 1022K)

I'm actually embarrassed you forgot this was a thing

Attached: backyardbeach.png (1280x720, 746K)

Attached: Darkwing_Duck_Something_Fishy_Screenshot_2.JPG.jpg (549x392, 28K)

more niccole


Attached: witchtrials.png (1292x727, 1.23M)

Is that a fundoshi?

yes a farapu mareo.

Life at the Dreamhouse had at least two of these.

Attached: adatb.png (1280x720, 1.81M)

Based and beach-pilled

"Fandom" is the new name for Wikia

Attached: bd336a27209330c3ab1b7c17f3a64fc5.jpg (1280x720, 133K)

That sucks. Would love to see a tough girl like Mandy in that kind of situation.

She sounded more pissed off than embarrassed in that scene though.

t. seething paedophile

>beach episode
>all the female characters are wearing ridiculously conservative outfits
listen buddy, I live at the beach. That is not how people dress, even tweens or whatever. I guess it just means the creators are worried about the fanart and shit. Pretty gay desu.

Attached: WITCH_I-06.jpg (640x480, 34K)

Attached: WITCH_I-02.jpg (640x480, 29K)

Attached: sway.gif (330x280, 902K)

Attached: 1536380941884.gif (330x280, 899K)

What was deleted

Attached: Winx+Club+-+Gift+Video+-+Magical+summer%21+0843.jpg (1600x900, 222K)


well I haven't rewatched that episode yet
for the episode with smoking that pool scene was a brief scene

that didn't have to do with smoking and Griffin only wanted them to do something other than the mall (this was before Griffin made Sharon smoke)

for the R34 episode i'm sure it was something about not lying to your mom

by the way here's where Sharon was smoking

Attached: cigarsharon.png (635x471, 275K)

defending your autism to an anonymous crowd.
butt doctor diagnosis: Buttstrated

Thanks drawfriends

Attached: 1562997763021.jpg (1025x1622, 831K)

Nicole Has a Flat Chest, Flatter than a Loli's Chest

Attached: 1440088062836.png (1280x720, 870K)

Silly user. Everyone know she is one of these "looks flat but it's busty in-univese" characters.

Most of america doesn’t have a beach or access to one, and a lot of cartoons are geared toward middle america

Wakfu had a few bath or hot tub scenes, but it didn’t have a beach episode IIRC

for what? self-delivering something no one asked for?
he always does that, and what a surprise that it's some hula-dancing shit

t. newfag

>DURRR, I don't have a single argument, but I can always just shitpost and namecall
>But boy gee, I sure do wish I wasn't an autist who can't tell drawing and photos apart

I absolutely hate seeing women smoke and especially the ashtray smell they have coming out of their mouth IRL. But goddamn are smoking cartoon women hot.

You're awesome. But I can't find the lewd version with whiskers, do you have a gallery somewhere?

>t. pepi-bot

That wasnt me, look at the filename it was a re-upload since mod went auto default and baleted it, i didnt upload it directly.

and those are the whiskers.

my gallery is here


havent updated the galleries.

>She has eyelashes

Oh damn, that was you? Your style isn't as instantly recognizable when you draw fur. I already follow you. But still thanks.

Literally everyone who smokes in real life look like they're homeless.

I think you meant to say smell. Well maybe also look depending on what they smoke. Those hipsters who self-roll do look like bums sometimes.

Attached: gottem.png (1128x2100, 958K)


There's something extra delicious about mommies stealing kids from mommies. And it's not as controversial as mommies cheating on their kids with other kids.

Its a shame that surrounded by beaches , Mike never used a swimsuit.

Attached: milu.jpg (832x590, 36K)

can't have a beach episode without a swimsuit

Attached: 1523028929758.jpg (1000x1085, 97K)

Who is she?

cope harder, paedo


Attached: 1549072875736.png (942x712, 79K)

Talia from Lolirock

Attached: galoupop.png (540x790, 650K)

It's likely that no one in that pic besides maybe Grayson has actually eaten one before. Martians, Atlanteans and new clones don't necessarily have access to the same junk food.

I prefer Aurianna, but both are superior to Iris.

Attached: Auriana3.png (960x540, 369K)

Are these official?

One is a screencap, and I think the other is fanart.

Attached: Lolirock Ass-to-Crotch.png (1200x1000, 990K)

that beach one is art from the production staff from the official tumblr

Attached: images.jpg (257x196, 8K)

Attached: Miss_possum's_lookalike.jpg (695x570, 286K)

Because Yea Forums has horrible taste in cartoons, and only watches sufficiently nostalgic and/or currently popular shows (read: mostly garbage).

Attached: W.I.T.C.H. at the beach.png (768x576, 649K)

Who "forgot it was a thing"?
This thread is full of people telling OP about it.

>T. W.I.T.C.H fag

that hip sway

Oh wow, that bottom backside. Now that's a swimsuit design.

thank pepi for that

About time someone posted that.

i rather not, honestly
not until he actually makes something different, bro


Where are all the Western cartoons with hot springs episodes where the guys spy on the girls or the girls all grope the bashful, chestier girl? Or festival episodes where the girls all wear yukatas and the guys act like it's really sexy for some reason, and they all watch the fireworks?

this is most likely
but i prefer this fortunate coincidence

this but unflippingironically

>Hotdogs arent a thing

Well what does those motherfuckers do when it’s Hot Dog day? (Which is today)

>Or festival episodes where the girls all wear yukatas and the guys act like it's really sexy for some reason, and they all watch the fireworks?
This would be great

It's so weird that this show was on the same channel and advertised alongside The Cartoon That Shall Not Be Named. It felt like a legitimately good adult cartoon. I also like how realistically Chris's body looks. It's pudgy but not fat, like how most people look. Cartoons usually go easy slim or extremely fat, not in between

Dan VS was amazing.

Free expression is junk.
Let's say I paid you for every word you wrote. That's the only stipulation. You can write whatever you want, absolute free expression, without even economic circumstances to put limits on what you say.
Would you write great works? Maybe the first time, and a few times after that, but sooner or later you're going to turn in junk, or nonsense, or the n word copy and pasted until it fills up the word limit.

That's an extreme example, but TV is a lot like that now. Many of the best, most original, creative ideas come about not because people say "do whatever you want" but because an outgroup (management) says "Don't do that" and an ingroup (animators/writers/etc) resent it and think of creative ways to fuck with the group who put restrictions on them. Half of the fun of dirty jokes in cartoons is the knowledge the censors are out there trying to stop them, that the audience knows this too. As we've become more liberal, there's nobody to say "Don't do that", nobody to have fun subverting and evading.

that back bottom design, yeah that's totally going to pass on beaches (sarcasm)

>characters are walking around naked
>they dress up for the beach

Explain this logic to me

Attached: hqdefault (1).jpg (480x360, 20K)

french show, french character, I'm sure people on the beach won't care

don't want to be sitting in sand all day with no pants on

Difference in culture. Japan are horny bastards and so they make more episodes involving hot situations like girls in bikinis at the beach. America is more sensitive and pc to stuff like beach episodes.

You should know that writing name My Little Pony Friendship is Magic won't make you banned.

See I think that showing too much is bad. Europe doesn’t like violence for the same reason America doesn’t like nudity. Ironic since the two deadliest wars to ever happen on earth were in Europe

Attached: AECF8B59-7498-4832-A0C9-BFAE4D1B51A6.jpg (380x500, 61K)

I work as a lifeguard and all the female lifeguards complain about the one piece swimsuit. According to them it never fits right, either to tight on one size but one size bigger means too large

nude beaches are a thing

Amaerican Beaches aside from Hawaii are horrible. East it's murky too cold 10 months of the year and people look like shit, Gulf has horrible pollution, and West is always overcrowded and a chore to visit even if you live in the area, not to mention all the homeless.

Yes and America profited enormously from both. Most Americans believed going to war was the greatest test of a man's mettle. It took Vietnam to change that, but we still have a warrior culture in the deep South where most of our white soldiers come from. Our nation was founded by Protestants, meaning that drinking and fucking can't be forgiven just because you said you're sorry. We're a breed that loves violence, loves to fight, and loves to work our asses off to feed our families. You can't call Americans lazy. Sexually repressed? Sure, but at least our women aren't such whores that the government had to ban DNA testing in children to prevent cucked husbands from divorcing all their slut wives, like in France. We still whip our children with switches and leather belts, though I admit this isn't necessarily a good thing. Moderation and temperance, however, are.

Good thing I live near the Great Lakes

Take this.

Attached: 1435945484652.png (380x277, 57K)

Pool episodes are also great.

Attached: as told by ginger.gif (480x360, 936K)

>western animation is a problem because absolutely every series does not contain the exact same story arc designed to show off fanservice of its characters
If this is your definition of quality animation, I don't think that we're going to agree on anything.

Attached: 056.gif (480x270, 669K)

that isn't even a beach, but she puts on a swimsuit because being naked all the time is "le boring~"

>Most Americans believed going to war was the greatest test of a man's mettle
It was far from just an american thing. Chinese, Brits, French, Russians, Japanese etc all treated military as a form of nobility, and the Brits had always viewed serving their navy as a way to toughen up men.

Americans didn't like Vietnam because it didn't involve "us". It involved political systems, and communism was worse than being a Nazi. Americans actually liked the Nazi party prior to the war, and a lot of people were in favor of eugenics, just not the practice of genocide. Communism though threatened large industries, in turn this became the number one threat to humanity.

Corporal punishment is fine, you just aren't supposed to beat kids to the point that they look like they were in a bar fight like a psycho. I grew up with that old school of fear=respect which goes to show how insane my dad was. However I do understand that children do not posses the comprehension for reasoning and it can confuse them. Sometimes just letting them touch a hot stove is a faster learning experience than trying to explain the concept of pain, how your nerves work, etc.

>our women aren't such whores that the government had to ban DNA testing in children to prevent cucked husbands from divorcing all their slut wives
It will happen this decade and you know it
>We still whip our children with switches and leather
LOL you can't even beat your dog in America

She wears the swimsuit again while chasing Furrball in one of the coloring books.

Attached: CB26b.jpg (3200x2100, 2.81M)

Attached: CB26c.jpg (3200x2100, 3.16M)

>hot girl in a bathing suit basically says "I want to le fuck you"
>Furrball is like "DUH NO WAY FAG"

A true wizard.

Attached: 053.gif (480x270, 1.25M)

She wears a bikini in a different one, I think. Or it might be the same one.

Attached: CB20b.jpg (3200x2100, 2.32M)

Stop jerking off to literal coloring books, you gigantic weirdo

Yeah, btw an episode that has 1 scene in a pool isn’t a “pool episode”

This coloring book was begging to be jerked off to and you know it.

Attached: CB32.jpg (3200x2100, 1.27M)

Do people forget that she smells absolutely horrendous?

Nobody has forgotten. It's a selling point.

Attached: 055.gif (357x268, 2.1M)

Actually it depends on WHO.
This won’t be true of everyone.

Stephen Kings been able to do whatever he wants for decades now and, aside from his sick fucking fantasies, he usually writes good stories.

How did he get away with the child orgy in It?

The canon reason is because she uses way too much perfume. Her smell is fixable.

>The canon reason is because she uses way too much perfume. Her smell is fixable.

That was only a gag used in one episode, but there IS an autist who shows up in every thread about Fifi and insists that it's canon. Are YOU that autist?

Attached: 010.gif (480x410, 3.87M)

Yeah but are you going to ignore this one scene?

>Horse Show's Human Girls Spinoff: Not just one but a whole series of beach shorts and a 44 minute special

They are really going all out.

I grew up knowing you have to hit pit bulls harder because they're just tougher dogs.

>animation as a medium and entertainment form

i hated this episode
almost A Pal for Gary-tier bad

because whores cant cope when they see a hotter whore

>this was based on her OG design

Attached: 614.jpg (640x632, 33K)



>Sucks that it just kinda ends
Really? Damn I used to read that a while back.

instant loss 2koma

I don't get it

Famous last words.

>Muh Voldemort of Yea Forums
