

Attached: Hotdiggedydemon.jpg (900x900, 37K)

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What else is new?

(Formerly Jeep)

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His cartoon avatar is fucking disgusting.

>accidentally gains unquestioned control of monster race
> they want you to make everyone monsters to expand your rule
> you decide not to save humanity and turn yourself and everyone into monster
one of the best incel power fantasies

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>Hey uhhhh.....

I want him to cum in me

If he came out as bi I would not be surprised.

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This guy is what happens when you watch The Simpsons unironically

>another e-celeb thread

-er! Ohhhh man!

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He's grown less edgy and is friendlier, yet I've somehow become more repulsed by him.

Honestly how is he creepy, I see his content as fun and knowledgeable and he is pretty charming.


Honestly I don't get the hate for him either. He can get really preachy but that's kind of his shtick.

I can kind of get his earlier work being a little edge, I personally loved Jerry and the existential horror of life and death, wasn't the biggest fan of the mlp animations but they were still well made

But i don't want to save humanity. I want to turn people into dinosaurs.

Creep? more like dirt cheap

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oh god what happen?

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Fuck you, you could have cured cancer.

The Apu video is his magnum opus. He BTFOs SJWs and /pol/ at the same time. Kind of a shame he’s not doing more videos in the same style, he’s only doing this lame storyline where burnbot leaves him.

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Hey. Burnbot is cute. At least with a body, she can be.

(You could do both).

I remember being aroused by the dino-girl. I don't even like that furry, scalie or whatever the hell you call it shit, but she did it to me.

I agree, she is cute. I wanted to draw her someday.

I get the massive feeling that he's a kid diddler.

>one of the best incel power fantasies
yeah, but at least it was presented as a bad ending, instead of a good thing like anime does

>implying saving humanity, turning them into dinosaurs, and curing cancer aren’t the same thing

Oh man, please do sometime. and uhh if you can perhaps draw her in some android form, i'd really like that.

name ONE thing that wouldn't improve if every human was a dinosaurs

>I'm half the man I used to be

max can you please stop attention whoring here? it's getting old and it's obvious that you're the one doing it. nobody else gives enough of a shit to make threads about you

His video content is fine. Drawing Steven Universe as a jewish caricature isn't something you should be doing as a public figure IMO. I like his new reviews and I liked Wacky Game Jokez 4 Kids, but Max really is needlessly edgy for the sake of it. I don't fully understand why either, for some reason I don't actually think he's racist or sexist or whatever, I kind of view it more llike he never got out of his edgy teen phase.

>incel power fantasies
Make the protag a little brown girl, and boom, monster child that takes over the world and dooms humanity as we know it is a powerful anti-oppression statement.

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Not sure what you're getting at. Ever since he started Brain Dump, it's pretty clear he's been trying to rebrand from his edgy phase, what with tamer humor and even changing his avatar from the evilly smiling Spiky teethed one to the friendly smile looking CG one. The Steven Jewniverse thing was almost half a decade ago and Brain Dump never really goes past TV-14 levels of edge.

I'll always like him a lot. He's extremely talented at animating and is always pushing to improve and experiment with 3d and the like, and most of his stuff is genuinley fantastic.

It's just a shame that since then he's been forced to whore himself out to every tween internet trend in order to attempt to stay afloat.

I'm not Max you retarded fuck.


Wasn't it in like, I wanna say 2016? That's still recent enough. At any rate, dude's a grown ass man, being newgrounds-tier edgy then is just bad social and business sense. I get telling edgy jokes to friends and shit, but when your income depends on your art, probably shouldn't publish provocative things just for the sake of expression. Fucks' sake he had to give up his cats (which later got cremated in the pound) because he was doing so poorly financially.

I like Max's shit, really I do. I just don't get drawing Steven Universe all nigga'd out. That doesn't really do anything but net you more hate and get the tumblr crowd to blacklist you.

>I don't actually think he's racist or sexist or whatever, I kind of view it more llike he never got out of his edgy teen phase.

But its funny

Ehh, look, I like my edge. It just has to have a point. Just drawing Steven Universe as a nigga isn't clever in itself, you gotta work in a joke about how we wuz diamonds or whatever.

Fucking based trip-zero

Reminder that he faps to Sissy porn


shitty meme man tripfag

Max for the love of god, just pay a hooker to do this, stop dragging yourself here, I hate it
I hate it, Max
Stop making me look at this, I swear to god

>it will never be 2010 again

Max can draw cute girls. I'll try another tonight.

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stop posting yourself here, max

Okay but where's the Goofball porn

Oh man, that's nice! I love the design you gave to her, user. Thanks for making my day.

Insufferable and unfunny, and i hate the way he draws himself, no matter how he draws himself.

The real star of the show


Creep? Don't mind if I do....

werent his cats taken in by others? i feel like he also fucked himself over by living in a high rent state instead of the middle of nowhere like where he is now

Extremely underrated lmfao


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>Hasn't done anything edgy in years, instead tries to make funny short reviews on movies with a subplot going on in his new animations

>"Y-Yeah but what about that drawing he made where steven universe was jewish three years ago?! he's super needlessly edgy

Jesus christ you'd think we'd be talking about Shadman here, the worst edgy shit he ever did was those mlp video's and those were pretty standard edge for the time
And what's this about him not being a good writer? Wacky Game jokez 4 kids still holds up as a parody of shows being video game focused and his Jerry series was real good to

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>B-But muh robot fee-fees!
Nosering did nothing wrong.

neber 4give nevur 5get inspect us

The only reason he'd come out as bi would be because he's been lonely for so long that he would've decided to take the Eric Andre approach.

"Hey I mean a hole's a hole" -Eric A.[\spoiler]

What dinogirl?

Ride his microdick harder

the female creep

Dinosaurs don't get cancer.

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he's got a point, y'know

who? what?


Edgy Brony Apusexual bald guy. AKA Max G.

No prob, user!

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What does that have to do with being an incel?
That's just the power fantasy of a child who likes dinosaurs.

>Grinch review

That episode reminded me how great of a writer Diggedy really is. I've yet to see another modern animated show willing to get as uncomfortably real as this.

I just hope he doesn't end up following the route of all other internet animators now (ex. let's plays, sponsors over content, cancer diagnosis or suicide, etc).

Dude's an asshole, but he's the asshole we need now that south park has run out of material to work with.

>"why do people gloss over the other sterotypes!"
>*glosses over all the negative race relationships in the US
>legitemently cares more about a character in a zombiefied show than actual people

there's a difference between being a racist and being socially autistic

can you be even more of a based bitch?

based and retardpill

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>won't someone think of the race relations in the us!
>won't someone think of the starving african children!
not being a fucking bleeding heart who constantly bitches about how terrible things are, things that you're certainly not going to do anything about except gain twitter likes for virtue signalling, is not the same as being a racist you dense fucking peabrain.

>Creep, edge
Define these things without appealing to shifting baselines of "normality" capitulation to big brother advocating, socialist crybullies.

I first learned of him when he asked my friend for nudes and then ghosted her when she said no

I'm sure you were saint your whole life user. :)


so why was your friend bragging about meeting an internet animator on tinder?

It's because he panders to a Yea Forums-type audience since his MLP videos were shared here pretty heavily, I think before they had their own board so even non-mlp fans got into it.

Incredibly based post

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>yeah a cartoon character in a zombiefied show is much more important

You called?

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>mlp videos
Frien, you should probably watch more of his stuffs

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Nice trips

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Are you capable of eating a sandwich without thinking "SJWS WOULD RATHER HAVE ME EAT FRIED CHICKEN HUH"

When he's capable of turning on the TV without being assaulted by anti-white propaganda then maybe he'll stop complaining about it. If black people and jews can cry about fake racism then white people should be allowed to complain about real racism.

>dirt cheap
Is that a ...

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He is an incel with antisocial personality disorder but it's good knowing you can make internet cartoons, trigger trannies and still make a decent living at the end of the day. The only reason I still hold on to the dream of making web cartoons.

Felt like doodlin' this.

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Stupid pink whore, I want to hatefuck you so bad just on general principle
t. Creme

>turning people into dinos
>now this
What is this, a stealth Jojo thread?

this is fucking great


Looks like reddit found the dictionary again

Max looks like the kind of like one of those really fuzzy monsters from the covers of Goosebumps books if you shaved it completely and put clothes on it

Max looks like he eats fruits like Kiwis and Bananas without peeling them

He looks like the kinda guy that eats Pinapple with the rind and has probably bitten into a tuber like it was an apple before

you mean his other parody video's which aren't really worth bring up?

sure thing kiddo

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June needs more art

Way ahead of you, buddy

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Benthelooney? Is that you?

Looney doesn't understand volume or the concept of 3/4ths if it bit him in the butt

Looks great!

Max sucks at writing. He's a talented animator but everything he does is something that a edgy 15 year old would write. My favorite animated thing from him is the Speed Racer short.

No, just a BF of him

I dunno, it looks just like one of his shitty drawings

Sauce on this? This seems to be a goose bumps cover.

Calling all creeps
