Today was a big Bendis day, even if Yea Forums didn't realise Leviathan #2 Naomi #6 Young Justice #7 Batman Universe #1 (Sweet, sweet Derrington art) Superman #13
I'm gonna help push through these but if you wanna grab one of these to storytime go right ahead Please take Superman
Jesus, and we're only just now doing Krypton politics? I seriously don't get what Bendis is doing over there. At least Naomi solved its mystery in 6 issues
Thanks guys. I enjoyed both issues. Just wish they weren't all tangled up.
Brody Watson
And to simplify things
Jordan Rogers
While it's a bit of a monkey's paw that Snyder and Bendis are the ones behind it, I have to admit that I'm very happy to see the Multiversity characters getting used so much.
For those not up to date on their multiverse lore, this is Earth 42, a sort of hallmark greeting card universe where everything is super saccharine and tragedy is a foreign concept.
OP here, thanks user. I did Batman Universe over here
Bentley Hughes
Unfortunately, the true nature of Earth 42 is that it's a robotic universe created by a cosmic supervillain known as The Empty Hand, who uses it to spy on the multiverse. The residents of Earth 42 are sleeper agents whose minds can be reset, and as such they live in ignorance of their sinister origin.
>When you write a story and almost all the side characters are more interesting than the main character Should just name it "Everyone But Naomi"
Julian Lewis
>five books from Bendis.
Kayden Lopez
This furry's paradise is Earth 26. Originally created to be the home of the funny animal comics DC published in the 1950's, it later got its very own superhero team in the form of Captain Carrot and his Amazing Zoo Crew.
This universe operates under Looney Tunes rules, making the inhabitants nearly indestructible. Of course, this can be a curse as much as it is a blessing, as slapstick comedy is still quiet painful!
You probably recognize Earth 22 from the famous mini-series Kingdom Come, written by now unhinged political crank Mark Waid and illustrated by eternal Superfriends devotee Alex Ross.
In this universe, the Joker discovered Superman's secret identity and murdered the entire staff of the Daily Planet, including Superman's wife Lois Lane-Kent.
Didn't KC Supes beat up Connor in Convergence or do we not talk about it any more
Hudson Gonzalez
This caused public support to shift away from traditional, old fashioned superheroes like Superman. Losing both his loved ones and the hearts of the public drove Superman into a deep depression. He lived for many years in a self-imposed exile, working on his own farm in Kansas.
In YJ is especially ugly because it is completly unnecessary if not for Bendis leaving his "sign", the poor artist probably has no word over this dumb choice.
Landon Davis
However, a botched attempt to capture the Parasite by a group of young edgelords, led by Magog himself, caused a nuclear explosion in America's heartland. When Superman learned about this, he decided the new generation of superfolk needed to be put in check.
>Sons and Daughters of the Bat >Dick is right fucking there
Lucas Rodriguez
Both comics are pretty mediocre. Better have all in a containment thread.
Wyatt Sanders
Superman and half of the older generation of heroes created gulags, and began imprisoning younger superheroes there in order to reeducate them. Batman believed this was a step to far, and formed his own team of older heroes to oppose Superman.
Wait what? Wasn't KC Batman a bit authoritarian, robot building in KC? Or was that a sequel? These guys are from TDKR but TDKR and KC Bats are prett different
Henry Fisher
Yeah, KC Bruce built a bunch of robots to patrol Gotham since his body is busted, but he still has the support of a few like Damian and Oliver
Gavin Garcia
If you're wondering why Alan Scott is here, it's because Hal Jordan was already dead in the timeline this story takes place in, but Alex Ross despises Kyle Raynor. Scott was the compromise. choice.
Thanks for the commentary, bro. I hate Bendis, but I appreciate your efforts
Kevin Cruz
The funny part is that Alex Ross brought Hal back in the future of KC, he's in the panel of Batman's funeral in the conclusion of the JSA story.
Adam Nelson
The superhero civil war eventually culminated in a confrontation between Superman and Captain Marvel (now called Shazam). Lex Luthor had used clones of Mister Mind created by Doctor Sivana to turn Captain Marvel into his secret weapon.
Nah I like this mini, I'm not going to give a shit when she becomes DC's biggest Mary sue all the DC universe knows about and loves.
Lucas Gutierrez
The United Nations decides to just drop a nuke on all the superheroes in the middle of their fight so the world can be done with capeshit forever. But Captain Marvel regains just enough of his sanity to fly into the nuke before it can reach the battlefield. Inspired by his sacrifice, the older and younger generations of superheroes put aside their differences and start working together.
sons and daughters of the bat is such a mouthful. just shorten it to children of the bat why is fate so fucking incompetent?
Camden Sanders
>Bar Mitzvah What
Is it canon in DC that judaism came from ancient aliens, or are both Bendis and his editor having a stroke?
Jordan Carter
It's probably the one Morrison annihilated in Multiversity.
Parker Morales
So is this comic doing good? I seen a lot of publicity for it but not that much interest.
Jackson Thomas
it will be the toonverse, he will make them unsufferable.
Caleb Scott
Probably Earth-10. Even though have helped fight for the universe as hard as those of any other Earth. But based on that image, it's probably the Atomic Knight Earth. Which is pretty insulting since that Earth is kick-ass.
Like I said, I started and couldn't be bothered stopping the other user because lmao Bendis
Henry Price
Aren't they the servants of the Empty Hand?
Xavier Adams
Ian Myers
You're welcome, of course! I'm no fan of Bendis myself (especially his recent stuff), but I love the DC Multiverse and will always jump at an opportunity to talk about it!
William Watson
Well, Captain Carrot knows how to return them to their own dimension, it would be quite contrived if they got lost again.
Aaron Peterson
Alan complaining about that just makes no sense.
Mason Hernandez
Its barely explained backstory, the meat of the comic is Superman getting back from retirement to put a new generation of more violent 90s inspired superhumans in their place.
Lincoln Watson
I think the gemworld folks put some kind of curse on them that's causing all the people who try to send them back home to screw it up somehow.
Sebastian Garcia
So either Earth 3 (Evil earth) Earth X (Nazi earth) Earth 16 (Zoomer earth) Earth 17(Atomic Wasteland) Earth 20 (Vandal Savage earth) Or earth 2 since it got super fucked up by Darkseid and evil Superman.
Andrew Mitchell
It might also be Earth 38 because Bendis really loves making fun of John Byrne.
Easton Rivera
Fine by me, I didn't liked those comics.
Robert Gomez
I wish it was that, but last issue Bendis went out of his way to explain that the gems are science and not magic.
Jeremiah Gonzalez
Luis Anderson
It's already confirmed to be Earth 3
Isaac Scott
Dylan Davis
Is that Midnighter?
Brayden Roberts
Midnighter has been doing weights without his pickle buddy.
Eli Collins
>Tke that, stocker vilgax chocolate edition!
Connor Peterson
Bendis liked to write Doctor Strange as being a lonely loser because of the rocky relationship he had with Clea or whatever her name was.
I guess he's decided to keep the joke going with Doctor Fate at DC.
Wyatt Walker
I don't know. probably shouldn't let a kid keep a hacked lantern
Christian Murphy
Because he can bang them out in five minutes a pop
I actually kind of want to see this just to see how Byrne reacts.
Leo Brooks
Where'd you hear that?
Evan Morales
I don't hate this. I mean there's still problems with this (the scene with KC Fate screwing up feels more like something that would fit in with Giffen League), but I don't hate this.
I didn't think about this until now, but if Morrison has no further plans for Earth 16/Zoomer Earth/The Just, I think Bendis could write it.
Michael Wood
I didn't think about this till now, but it sounds like KC Superman never learned that Superboy was a clone of both Superman and Luthor, before Superboy and Supergirl went off to the Legion's future. Surprisingly this actually makes sense since DC history in Kingdom Come world changed while Superman still had long hair.
Wyatt Cook
>botching storytimes just because the writter is universally hated here The absolute state of this board
Isaac Turner
Which one is this from?
John Mitchell
Superman #15. Part of the Multiplicity arc.
Eli Edwards
But he's right, though. [spolier]But really, any reason to shit on teen lantern gets a pass for me.[/spolier]
Ayden Allen
Ah, so the Tamaranians are Jewish.
Angel James
I haven’t seen tokens pushed this hard outside of an arcade machine.
Carson Perez
His ass
Benjamin Phillips
"I nearby banish you" "A trick of what"
Lots of "spellchecked but didn't make sure the word picked was correct" going on in this issue. They could probably have used an editor.
William Campbell
huh, I never pegged Bendis for a footfag
Jonathan Miller
Feel free to piss off
Matthew Watson
He was the one that made Mantis barefoot again. But nobody uses Mantis or the knowhere corps
Daniel Lopez
Didn't Inza kill herself in one timeline/series because Kent was absent in her life?
Charles Gomez
If Multiversity had came out a couple of years later The Just would have been interpreted as a critic of Bendis.
Logan Jenkins
the obvious gag is that it's our earth
Evan Morales
Yep, that was Giffen
Jose Garcia
and it was because she was effectively immortal but stuck in the Tower the entire time. She went mad over time.
Cooper Sanchez
Honestly it'd be the best Earth for Bendis to work on. -Teen superheroes -Not much happening so it means more opportunity for talking heads and it'd fit right in
Caleb White
Not just 5 books from Bendis. 5 books from Bendis ON THE SAME DAY. Based Didio.
Brandon Allen
This whole thread is a storytime of pain.
Carson Lee
This visual style doesn't work.
Everything is super dull and soft except energy
Colton Jones
But THERE IS a map!
Zachary Brooks
I don't understand how you can write such uninterrupted shit and still get paid for it.
Jaxon Rivera
Its earth 3. His calculation was off by 2
Jason Martinez
>our Earth >Kon-El is in this book. >Bart Allen is in this book.