The Walking Dead Storytime Pt. 15


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I'm only going to be doing one thread for the next couple of days.

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pirate samurai that used to be married to a king

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i almost feel the art would be better if the guy didn't draw the shine in the eyes

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thats true
I see this and think of pepe

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why is he in shape?

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What else is he supposed to do all day? It looks like there's enough room in the cell to work out.

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for real?

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But why?

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I'm going to be busy and wont have the time to do more than one.

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What if one got to share a cell with Negan?

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I can only imagine how much begging he did while this was happening

You had it coming, you fuck.

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I'd wear that shirt, no homo

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Well shit I thought we were close to being fuck buddies. Alright, you want your space. I respect that.

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Reeeally great speech, mom.

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I can understand them walking with the zombies without much issues but how can you have a roaring fire and livestock and not attract a mass of them

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There's a lot about the Whisperers that doesn't make sense. I assume Kirkman tries to imply that they have some sort of walls or means of herding roamers.

How do their costumes work? If it's just the mask, can't roamers smell them and bite down. If it's full body, do they die from a paper cut that gets infected from the suit?

Why do they speak in broken sentences?

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Hello Negan

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I assumed they spoke in broken sentences so they wouldn't draw walkers attention.

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Razor & Negan

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uh oh

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Did he draw Morton and Tammy Rose with the wrong child? Kek

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Negan's head looks like it was badly photoshopped onto the image.

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its Laser

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What with the hand/finger prints in the back of the last panel here?

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special my ass you fucking war starting faggot

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they can't all be good lines

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>She’s special to me.
Yeah for about a year then you realize you ain’t dealing with the mess that is her psych so you go off and fuck Sophia for the next 30 years.

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this is the dumbest shit i have read in a while

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It’s really surreal seeing this and knowing how it ends up for them. They were more fuck buddies than anything, which may have been the point. Lydia used Carl for comfort and Carl used her to feel like an adult.

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Shouldn’t Carl’s eye hole still get infected if it’s out in the open for too long?

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Kill Lydia and send her head back. Simple and clean. Then kill Alpha while she’s emotionally distressed.

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Ezekiel was based.

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Really carl you're gonna point a fucking gun at her?

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Carl is dicknotized. He’ll get over it in time.

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Yep Dante mentioned it earlier. You'll do anything to keep your first piece of ass.

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I wonder what happened between Carl and Lydia. Did he just realize that he was just more emotionally attached to Sophia like Lydia said he was? How long did they even last during the timeskip? A year?

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>Did he just realize that he was just more emotionally attached to Sophia like Lydia said he was?
Probably? They had way more history and grew up together in the early days. Its also possible Sophia confessed her feelings which made an impact on him, seeing as Kirkman hinted at a mini love triangle with Sophia being jealous.

Oh man

Carl did save Sophia's life after getting ambushed and then suddenly ditched her for some ass.

She approached him later saying she just wanted to talk and be friends with him again. They probably kept that up until it got romantic.

Lydia also told Carl something about how what they had wasn't a real thing. They were friends after that but I don't think they hooked up (much) after she cast him off there.

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I still don't get how V'ger was able to take 12 fucking people, some of them proven fighters and off them. Bad writing at it's finest.
S for shit.

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So pretty much when Lydia wanted more dick after like a year of “dating” Carl Sophia cake along and actually showed him what a relationship should be like.

the only way i could imagine her pulling it off is if her dumb tribe use their secret stealth and blending in moves to drug them and drag them off but that would still be them dragging them off for miles since i ain't seen a single horse and i could only imagine the roads would still be patrolled even with a fair going on

RIP King Zeke. He was the greatest larper that ever lived.

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ok that's a little uncalled for bring up the dad you fucked over

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He looks like a damn pug

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Imagine if his name was Frank.

How long has andrea been wearing her pants that low?

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I really liked this talk between them.

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He explained in the letter hacks that they got the suits clean by letting them go dry. Dry suits would kinda lose the smell tho, so I don't know.

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get fucked lori

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Carl mad for that piece of pussy

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God Carl. Stop trying to kill people you’ve known for years because this girl fucked you.

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Honestly I just really don’t like Lydia. Am I alone in that?

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Nope, I never liked her.

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Ok good. She just feels like a plot device to give Carl conflict. Honestly the story wouldn’t change much if she wasn’t in it. Why couldn’t Kirkman just have him stay with Sophia the whole time?


man carl is really acting like a bitch this arc

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looks like the start of a porno

Awww so cute. Too bad he has more love for Sophia.

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Why not just send him to gay baby jail to join negan?
I mean he'd be in a whole 'nother town where nobody would know him.

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Things are finally looking up for our boy negan!

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you think it would have had more impact if alpha just killed a bunch of kids instead of random adults for the border spikes?
12 kids for lydia and then you can have the community really hate rick for his son still being alive

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That's all for today. Have a good night and see you tomorrow.

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dangit maggie!
that girl aint right I tell you hwat

I just love how Rick is basically Kirkman at this scene saying "what the fuck is wrong with you readers, calm down", and Negan is just like "oh bummer".

Thank you user, see you next time.

That’s cool with me. I’ve been enjoying reading these threads with you scum bags and missed the majority of this one and the end of yesterday. Some fun discussions and it’s interesting to see how many of y’all watch the show. I’m the hipster user that refuses to do so. Thanks OP for making Yea Forums feel like old Yea Forums.

You'll be with Shiva now


One of the most beautiful covers

Based Star Trek the motion picture reference

This is kino, i love Andrea's expression

Negan comfirmed dicklet

it's my headcanon Olivia left the door open to give Negan a chance to fuck her brains out.

I can't remember if it's ever explained how Alpha managed to kill all these people? Didn't she like "lure" them out of town, whatever that means?

From the wiki
>In order to mark a border between the land belonging to the Whisperers and the communities, Alpha disguises herself and infiltrates the fair to lure people off the fairgrounds. Afterward, she decapitates them and then places their heads on wooden pikes to mark the border

That's some lame bullshit, 12 fucking people, all season post apocalyptic survivors, fell for this ploy?

Kirkman posted in the letter hacks that it would never get explained in deep, that Alpha is only really, really, charismatic and good at bullshitting people.

>Kirkman posted in the letter hacks that it would never get explained in deep, that Alpha is only really, really, charismatic and good at bullshitting people

So he wanted to trim some fat with a mass killing off of characters to shock the bored reader base and make the writing process easier for himself

I like this series but Kirkman can be a real fucking hack sometimes

I agree that the angle the shock culling was presented in was shit. It would've made it obvious if Alpha was shown being friendly to all of them, I think. However only showing a few of the characters having to leave for some reason didn't sell it well at all.

Do you think it would've been better if they showed every character having to leave for some reason, or a few characters having a chat with Alpha before she wants to "show them something?" or something else along those lines? Something different with a couple or all characters?

I'm glad Carl got laid, but nah. She's shit otherwise.

Goodnight, user.