So the Simpsons is going to parody Shape of Water, Stranger Things, and ???
So the Simpsons is going to parody Shape of Water, Stranger Things, and ???
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itself. the longevity of the simpsons is an existential horror.
>Lets do the popular thing but with out characters
Is there a less creatively bankrupt premise for an espisode?
The Shape of Water parody might be kino if done right
While I agree Simpsons has been lacking in the creativity department for years, this kind of can be used to describe other episodes of treehouse of horror.
Treehouse of Horror V had the shining but with the Simpsons, and treehouse of horror IV had a twilight zone episode and one of the (at the time fairly recent) bram stoker's dracula film.
You’re not wrong.
Whoever does these paintings, they're always pretty nice even when the episodes are inevitably bad.
Movie posters are a dying art form. Especially with MCU shit.
Grinding Nemo was a garbage movie
china still does good movie posters apparently
That's some tasty shit mate. You've got more?
>666 episodes
they are aiming to be american Doraemon or what ?
>MCU is the reason for bad movie posters
rent free
>Treehouse of Horror XXX
>that poll
Such beautiful numbers and this is the best thing they could do with it.
Didn't selma already do this like 20 years ago with troy mcclure?
Fuck it took me a sec that this is dark Phoenix. Saved
I have seen none of the things they are going to parody. Has it finally happened to me?
I've seen none of them either, want to go to the same retirement home?
Treehouse of Horror has always simultaneously been both the laziest and most creative aspect of the show. On one hand, it's the laziest because, like you said, it usually just consists of '_with The Simpsons', and has gotten worse with them parodying things that aren't even horror-related.
On the other hand, they also always tended to put a lot of effort into the parodies, experimental animation styles (the 3D in Homer^3, the stylistic copying of Charlie Brown), creative use of guest stars (James Earl Jones having multiple roles), running jokes (Willie getting an axe in the back in 3 different segments) clever shout-outs (The Guillermo Del Toro opening, Freddy Krueger!Willie becoming silly and non-threatening) etc.
Only if I can pinch nurse butts.
wow. that's way better than that movie deserved
what the fuck
Quantum Leap
I wouldn't, they're the only ones with access to laxatives
Didn't someone bet that the Simpsons were going to do "Shape of Water?"
thor ragnarok and gotg 2 designs arent in any way special but I found them to be the best marvel movies had to offer, especially some of the less used ones
Looks like Homer and Mr Teeny swap brains. Alright then.
Or this.
I'll laxa their tives.
thanks doc
I'd say it was Black Mirror
>Treehouse of horror xxx
Honestly, I’m ok that the Simpsons made it to season 31 just so this could happen
Maybe Get Out?
>episode 666
>nothing Satan related
One job.
Oh well, at least it seems like they're gonna do something related to XXX with Marge and Kang (or Kodos idk)
They should just parody that one American Dad episode that parodied Twilight Zone. They won't even need to do too much to get homer obsessed with a television since he's always watching unlike stan.
Sure ripping off your colleagues is kind of shitty, but does it matter when you're literally scraping the bottom of the barrel anyway?
I’m quite surprised they haven’t gone for an Arrival parody, with Kang and Kodos standing in for the hectapods.
thats selma
just let it end
even kirkman let his gravy ride come to one
Say what you will about the movie the poster was god tier. It was so good people were breaking the glass and stealing them from bus stops
Because nobody's seen Arrival.
Twilight Show remakes.
>Is there a less creatively bankrupt premise for an espisode?
Most of them. Nearly all of them.
>movie already taken out in my country
God damn it I wanted to see it
Agreed. That was actually my last phone wallpaper
While the MCU has some truly horrid posters, this trend has been going since the 90's. First they ditched painted posters for comedies and romance flicks (which is rather curious since those have always been the cheapest genres to produce), then action, and so on and so forth.
MCU often designs really good movie posters that don't get used because focus groups think they're too artsy. So they always end up going for the bland group shots instead.
Shape of water is literally just shrek.
>So the Simpsons is going to parody Shape of Water, Stranger Things, and ???
Naw. If they were referencing a fish named Selma, it'd be Troy fucking the fish guy instead.
>>Lisa is Eleven
of course.
Shot in the dark, but the Homer part of the poster makes me think the last one might be Eva? Not that Eva is really a horror story per se, but that's not unusual for a zombie-error ToH.
Stanger things parody, okay.
Lisa is El and Bart is Mike. UMMMMMM.
Have they even used that background black kid since like season 11?
Also possibly a Monkey Shines type of thing?
>Lisa is El and Bart is Mike
Oh, god. They didn think this through, did they?
Oh, boy! A new FOX animated sitcom!
I sure hope it has a lengthy run lasting more than one season
Lol this has been the case for me from the very beginning
It's not so bad
Not really Shrek is an Ogre who takes place in a fictional world
Shape of water is the creature from the black lagoon in a human 1950's era. Where the female mutates as oppose to Shrek where the female was on Ogre all along
I liked the Raven episode, it was just The Raven with Homer and Bart but it was fun and it made kid me want to read more things from Edgar Allan Poe.
I dunno why the Cap movies just didn't use the posters Paolo Rivera did for them. Especially the First Avenger poster. That one was sick.
Man I remember when I was excited to see a new treehouse of horror but now its just another movie parody and movie parody.
>Man I remember when I was excited to see a new treehouse of horror but now its just another movie parody and movie parody.
Ignoring some twighlight zone parodies, wasn't that always the case?
Yeah but they use to be clever with them like the one where they raised the dead or when Mr. Burns was a Vampire.
I swear I thought it's a parody art
Aaaaaaaaand it's canceled.
That's pretty damn cool. Shame it was wasted on a shit movie
I thought this was one of those shows that slipped through the cracks 10 years ago but then I read the date
It practically writes itself!
But I think Arrival is too niche. The Simpsons only seem to want to pick really low hanging fruit these days. If it had won an Oscar then it might have gotten in.
Arrival had a higher domestic gross than shape of water.
the posters are much better because how much they take from the era they're trying to emulate
but despite that they still are inferior and i'd still rather have posteres be actually illustrated than just mashing photographs
The Day of the Triffids I would think, look at those plant things at the sides.
They used to be horror movies. And sometimes the horror adjacent genres of sci-fi and adult adventure.
Now it's fucking Harry Potter, Jurassic Park and Hunger Games.
Did anyone see the movie "Arrival"?
Was that the one with Charlie Sheen as Gordon Freeman?
Fuck You!
Yeah, it did pretty well for a mid market science fiction movie.
I didn't know they were making a bitmoji cartoon
This poster looks really neat, i mean the actual episode will be shit but at least this single picture is good
Real Talk for a second: Are the Treehouse episdodes still worth watching, even if you've fallen off the trainas a wholeß
I'm pretty sure those are Demogorgon. Y'know, the monsters from Stranger Things?
Okay so Lisa is Eleven I'm assuming? But they put bart front and centre so I'm guessing he's mike, but mike and eleven are dating. I feel like they didn't think about this
They are abysmal. I tried watching the last one and I literally screamed because there were no jokes whatsoever. Just I dont know, a random script generator probably would have come up with something better than what aired.
THOH 28 was quite good with its Exorcist and Coraline parodies, though 29 was a bit more eh.
They just did Invasion of the Body Snatchers last year.
Maybe. If you wanna see how the show can still be disturbing and unsettling, watch 26 and 28.
well, they really nailed the russian feel.
Fox puts you in charge to come out with the plot for a TOH short. You get to choose what movie/videogame/trope to parody and have complete freedom.
Here's the only catch: it has to include Sneed & Chuck
No, fuck YOU!
Watermelon man. It's about a white guy who wakes up one morning being black
>Wiggum is Hopper
I hope he is just as Badass, but I have no expectations because it's The Simpsons
>So the Sneedsons is going to parody Sneed of Feed, Chuck Suck, and ???
haha so funnee
Tucker and Dale vs Evil
The joke will be he seems badass but then hes just retarded as always
Also did he turn out to be an exspook or is he really just a city cop?
I can't wait for the unironically inevitable Chernobyl episode.
Or they did think about it and that explains the Bart/Lisa shipping threads that have been popping up on Yea Forums the last year or so.
When your shows so dead you gotta fuel the weirdos
>last year or so
Incest fags have been doing that shit since S1, it's not new.
Chloe Price?
Which was the best Treehouse of Horror, and why was it III?
>not V
You'll get an axe in the back for that one.
>More Kang/Marge
I don't know what this is, but I hate looking at it
This looks like someone tried to make Life is Strange in goanimate
That's why the HD episodes have so many Lisa/Marge bare feet shots in them.
That’s... Selma.