Don't shoot me, I'm just here for the Ewing Valkyrie stuff
War of Realms: Omega Storytime
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I never read that far, how did Volstagg lose the hammer?
Best girl!
>Mortals can believe in Heaven--but we don't know
But Heaven is real in the MU.
I think the current canon is that your afterlife depends on your own belief.
No Marvel comic is complete without the obligatory smug female face after getting rewarded for absolutely no reason.
Sorry about the stopping and starting, my landlord was trying to swindle me
I just don't understand why Dani Moonstar doesn't count anymore
As they do, no worries good storytimer.
Ewing will probably sort Aarons mistake, as is his burden
Isn't her whole thing being some freaky Nega-Valkyrie since she ferries souls to Hel. I'm really hoping Ewing just establishes that all the Valkyries just went Dark and are still around instead of all being permanently dead.
Nigga its just dreamworks face
Mangog messed him up.
Christ, would they really bulldoze bodies like that after a genocide?
>Punisher recruits child soldiers
Wonder if Zdarsky will ever bring these up
I guess that Heimdall is foreshadowing Zdarsky's Daredevil run here.
Retards. Ultimate Thor's hammer looked like a hammer because "form had to follow function", in the words of the doctors who made it. Hickman and Pacheco's Ultimate Comics Thor #4.
Is there anything else big that needs storytimed? If you guys list some stuff off I'll try do some. I'm gonna do Batman Universe(Doing it for that sweet, sweet Derrington art) and maybe Black Hammer/Justice League later
>Bulldozing a pile of corpses
Well that's pretty dark
Naomi #6(Finale of Vol. 1)
Young Justice #7
Christ that's a lot of Bendis today
>Punisher adopts a dozen orphans and teaches them to slay cosmic trolls
I'd read it
Naomi and Young Justice, please. Thank you.
Something that could be storytimed in this very thread is the latest (last?) issue of Thor.
I'm gonna do some Bendis first then I'll come back for Thor then JL/BH. I can't handle all that Aaron and Bendis at once
She lost her Valkyrie powers to make room for Best Valkyrie Evah
Are these kinds of giants even edible?
Imagine being this triggered by a character having a smile.
I was hoping for follow-up on what happened to Dario Agger.
The leader of the biggest corporation on Earth was outed as a minotaur, an Earth-traitor, and criminal. I want to see the fallout.
Me too, after all the shit he's pulled, it'll be great to see him finally go to prison for crimes that not even his lawyers can get him out of.
And then Roxxon will just get a slightly less evil CEO that sticks to typical evil Roxxon stuff and none of that Asgardian war crap.
I don't know if there's worst punishment than jobbing to a cancer patient and a SHIELD mook in a single page.
>This can't be happening, I'm in charge here!
So the they are going to be fine, nice.
She actually looks cool
Superman and Naomi over here
Right its Thor time
>Del Mundo
It's no Ribic but it'll do till the mini
Bumps are appreciated
It's a troll, the giants are made mostly of ice.
You know, I'm surprised that no writer did this before.
But Dario was created in Aaron's run, i wouldn't say he has nothing to do with asgardian stuff.
Thor and even Jane's Valkyrie can use a political foil and a decent punchbag.
Still alive kek.
Only Malekith died and due to the nature of Thor's lore he is bound to show up again if a writer so whishes it.
Laufey and Angela's mother also died.
>Thor just needed a hug all along
Angela's mother is still alive tho
So any predictions who will write Thor after the mini?
that was actually a great way for psychological torture.
Next time we see Valhala Battlin' Jack Murdoc better fucking be there.
This reminds me of
Donny Cates
Jane is a moron with a martyr complex. News at 11.
Even so, is it even sanitary to eat a troll?
Now let's agree never to talk about this run ever again unless it's to NOT recommend it.
Thor needs to;
Bring Angela to Asgard
Light Elves and Dwarves
Viking Hulk
Remember that he has other brothers and all kind of Gods of something that should be just as powerful as him but never show up
When he finally gets the Odin/Thorforce turn Asgard into a planet, also give the trolls the planet he promised he would give them if he was All-Father
Fuck the dark Elves
came here to post that
user meant the Queen of Heven.
>Murder Angela dead for her countless crimes
So I guess Hela decided Karnilla was better than nothing after that retarded Thanos thing in gotg
They better bring in Moonstar as well...
Kindergarten Cop 2: Punishment
>in the words of the doctors who made it
Mjolnir being tech made by the Captain Britain program was one of Loki's illusions. Or reality rewrites...however his powers worked in that story. The point is, it WAS the real Mjolnir at one point and Loki created the whole "he's a crazy person who stole it" scenario.
Not only Punisher, their other "dad" will be Juggernaut.
When was the last time we saw Heimdall without helmet? why are they so scared to show that he's still white?
Dario's only problem is that he's a spoiled kid. Completely untrained, he can trade regular hits with Thor.
If he actually put effort into training, he'd be a real threat.
I don't get it.
woman: *smiles*
you virgins: GRRRRRR
I hope Mirage and the Lone Defender get to appear.
Malaketh's entire fuel for the war was his horrible childhood.
His torture is seeing the alternate scenario if he was given love and joy as a child. And without that fueling him he's broken.
X-mutt outside of her containment book?
Aaron would have her clean after Jane's Pegasus kek.
It's not even that Mjolnir, the one in the 616 was made by God Doom.
Don't like the run, but the art is tits
>believing they're defending/shilling for MarLEL
It's not MarLEL's fault you're a misogynist incel that prays for God to murder and exterminate every woman in existence.
Aaron is self inserting his own beliefs on comics, like always.
Is Arron leaving the book yet
Thor needs to dump that toxic thot
Odin has always been proud of thornyou fucking hack!!!
>Is Arron leaving the book yet?
not till September when we get the last of his 7 year long Thor run I'm pretty sure he will leave after that point.
Ughhh any one rummored to take the job?
So does Matt quit being Daredevil after this?
To my knowledge, no one has been rumored to replacing Aaron yet. For me as long as it's not Donny Cates it will be fine. but if it is Donny Cates, I have a feeling he will try and write Thor in similar ways to Jason Aaron did.
Yay Damage Control!