Uh i dont think using the Death Note live action as an example of whitewashing was a good idea

uh i dont think using the Death Note live action as an example of whitewashing was a good idea.

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This is Yea Forums not Yea Forums

All three of those examples are piles of shit.

People complain all the time about white people starting in anime adaptations because most of them don't even fit the role.

What the fuck is this person on.

People hate all those examples.

>these movies noone defended

Remember the dumb shitpost guised under "A leak"?
>The reason he calls himself Kira is that Turner heard of a similar incident happening in Japan in 2004 and feels that God himself has chosen him to continue the legacy of Justice and the reason L is Black is due to shenanigans of successors and lineage.

No one liked those movies and L was black washed. Not to mention the Last Airbender, movie that created the word race bending, was made by an Indian guy.

So we're now to outrage of outrage of outrage?

>Last Airbender
We don't speak of that.