Wolverine + Captain America: Weapon Plus storytime

The conspiracy begins.

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Had to compress this one a bit.

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Venom is a Weapon?

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>a bunch of literally whos
These are usually surprisingly good or outright bad

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Whoops, jumped the gun on mentioning Venom

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is this all a retcon? i thought Sublime had been revealed as the source of the plus program, a means to create super troops he could control since he couldnt possess mutants

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>Fantomex is dead
So how long will this last?

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Wait, I thought that the government covered up Cap and Bucky's death by replacing them with other guys without telling the public.

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Who knows, Xavier is parading around in his body for now while Fantomex is chilling on the astral plane.

>good at erasing her tracks
>uses pencil to find what was written
It would have been better to show nothing.

>Brute Force
Fucking kek. The We3 reference of Weapon II has gone full circle.

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Yes, all of this is a retcon, and one that doesn't make much sense because apparently the Weapon Plus projects were done out of chronological order.

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...weapon XXX? really?

Jesus, Marvel

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was it really nessasary to make his costume look like that? i mean i can understand making it look like a knockoff but the whole stitched together thing is massively cliche

Marvel editors are barely doing their jobs. That's been obvious for awhile.

As usual, Unbeatable Squirrel Girl is considered non-canon by other writers. They already revealed that Weapon II was a modified squirrel there.

If he made it himself, it kinda makes sense.

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Weapon Infinity was already taken, and Weapon XVII doesn't sound right for the ultimate weapon to end all weapons.

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>C4 smells before it blows up

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is it just me or does this feel more like a deadpool type adventure?

So is that guy in charge supposed to be another Steve clone?
And what is Weapon XXX a giant red monster?

Can you name the Weapons?

Like it, buy it are your LCS.

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Love it. Love seeing Brute Force, love seeing the Truth shield, everything.

I just want one damn thing: Protocide.

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>II: Brute Force
>IV: Man-Thing
>V: Venom
>VI: Luke Cage
>IX: Not sure. Madcap?

Regardless, this doesn't make any sense, this very comic establishes that Weapon X started in 1974, how the ever loving fuck could Venom, Man-Thing, and Luke Cage possibly have come before?
Brute Force being Weapon II doesn't make any sense either, since Weapon III was created in the 1950s, and Brute Force are 1990s characters.

2- Brute Force
3- Man Thing (makes sense)
5- They want me to think Venom, but we all know it's Deathurge.
6- Luke Cage
9- I thought this already revealed to be Nuke.

Nuke is Weapon VII.

It's a reference to some nonsense in Cates book.


Nick Fury is in it.

OK, that explains how the Venom thing could possibly preceed Wolverine. What about Luke Cage and Man-Thing?

pretty sure by venom they really mean the symbiote-soliders that eddie learned about shortly before fighting knull

IX is Typhoid Mary. Look here Dr Michael Hunt was her therapist

This is basically the writer throwing in random references to past obscure characters to draw in people interested in continuity porn like this. In most cases, don't think too hard because the writer certainly didn't.

Ah! Thanks!

>no Maverick
not getting my money today Marvel

Why would Maverick show up here of all places?

It's a back reference to the original Morrison stories that Weapons 4-6 experimented on minorities. And Weapons 8-10 uses psychopaths, criminals and mutants. The writer didn't pay too much attention to timeline issues.

You expect Marvel to know its own continuity? No way. But IMO this can be retconned with them saying they found Cap and Bucky again.

Isn't this essentially 50's Cap backstory?

>Weapon XXX

would be funny if the weapon XXX character was revealed to look like vin diesel

I wonder if there will be more vin diesel jokes, or porn jokes.

Till he gets the Phoenix Force or something.

So with this, only Weapons VIII and XI are left unaccounted for, right?

Wasn't he in Weapon X with Logan and Creed

This comic is about the wider Weapon Plus, not just Weapon X. Especially since it seems that Wolverine was the "official" Weapon X and everyone else was just guys that the same scientists worked on afterwards.

Weapon IX is Typhoid Mary per

I said XI, not IX.

On one hand, I kinda like it.
On the other hand, it feels.... random
Should we expect some Weapon Plus origins specials tie-ing all of these characters together?

Isn't Deadpool Weapon XI? or someone else?

I think that Fantomex also mentioned that there is a Weapon 0 in Morrison's run.

It's kinda weird that I never noticed before that Man-Thing and Luke Cage did gain powers through Super Soldier Serum

Disappointed that Warhawk wasn't a Weapon something

>how the ever loving fuck could Venom, Man-Thing, and Luke Cage possibly have come before?
they didn't.
Their PROJECTS did.
Most likely they got more than one result working.
Luke Cage could have been, say, the 26th result of the Weapon 6 Program.

What do you mean?

We3 was based on Brute Force, and Morrison implied that they were Weapon II, despite it being published by DC. Now, Brute Force, upon which We3 was inspired became canonically Weapon II

That is a rough idea, that Cap would inspire bad people to replicate him.

You'd think that Steve would be used to this by now
>Isaiah Bradley
>Commie-smasher Cap from the 50s
>Too many others to count

Hey, where's Weapon VIII (8)?

I want, no- I DEMAND more Man-Thing content

I think that Weapon VIII might be Madame Worm, a statue of her was shown in The World alongside Skinless Man (Weapon III) and Doctor Mindbubble (Weapon Minus, it's complicated) in Uncanny X-Force, and she later showed up in a Winter Soldier mini set in the past and in the main Captain America title, also written by Remender. It's one of the many plots he never resolved that nobody followed up on.


>he unironically reads Unbeatable Squirrel Girl

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the Kami of the C4 alerted wolverine of the danger, out of respect for his mastery of bushido.

You and I (and probably Remender) are the only ones who remember her. Marvel has probably forgotten her.

There is also Taskmaster who in that mini by Van Lente was also a spinoff from some super soldier formula knockoff by SHIELD. And also Sentry who used another better version of the super soldier formula to get high.

The programs are concurrent, the numbers don't mean the order they were started in.

You think the writer will know enough to tie Project Glamour into Weapons Plus?

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>Doctor Mindbubble
I thought that guy was interesting and creative, I hope they bring him back.

So Luke Cage is into this too?

Yup, look at the blackboard , "Power" and "N. Bursterin", he's a Weapon VI subject.

Weapon XXX, better be some cheesecake on there.

>We3 was based on Brute Force
Were they though?

>trusting a Marvel writer that isn't Waid, Ewing or Robbie Thompson to read other comic books for actual research like writing stories set in a shared universe was a job
Idk about that, chief