In October, Superman smashes the Klan

In October, Superman smashes the Klan.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Take that Democrats!

Is it a direct adaptation of the old radio show?

Is this black label?

That's correct.

>Gurihiru finally working with a real writer and a good superhero character
I will buy this.

Why would he fight a bunch of undercover federal agents?

I am excited

>In October, Superman smashes the Klan.
>Superman inadvertently becomes an enemy of the U.S. government after assaulting a group of "Klansmen", which all turn out to be undercover federal agents, unbeknownst to both Superman and one another.

Does he do that before or after smashing that tight loli’s pussy?

>superman vs the foot klan
im cool with this

Finally Supes is fighting the Democrats

I liked the power pack stories he worked on

>a good superhero character
wait, is that girl standing next to Superman a super hero? which one is she?

Is that little girl Anne Frank?

Explain this meme.

Guri is actually two girls working as a team

shes pretty cute

Does the girl get tarred and feathered?


Superman smashes the FBI

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democrats were pro slavery

Democrats made the KKK

Nice meme, Don.

Dems and Reps were different back in the day

This is too good.

Not really. If you think they were then please post some proof of this claim
Not a meme. The democratic party founded the KKK

dems having been pro slavery is not a meme

>modern Republicans are a ripoff of old Democrats
That's sad, man.

Partisan hacks who don't want you to know about Lee Atwater's southern strategy.

/pol/ is seething

Saying today's democrats are the same as old timey democrats is a meme.

Why? The Klan was a leftist organization supported by Democrats who literally screened Birth of A Nation at the White House.

So is it like the radio plays or the real life story behind them? A combination of both?

Please provide some evidence that the Democratic party has changed
They have always been for more government control

The coloring on that black girl looks off to me...

Republicans used to be fiscally Conservative, dignified and strong on foreign policy.

Things can invert themselves unexpectedly.
Though I know you are both pretending to be historically retarded, so I won't bother explaining the Dem Party flip over desegregation.

Explain how the KKK is leftist.

Mental illness. Do not engage with this people

>Based Stetson Kennedy

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Strom Thurmond left the democratic party over desegregation.

Is this set in the modern era? Because it's been a long time since the Klan posed any sort of serious threat to anyone.

>The Democrats represented a wide range of views but shared a fundamental commitment to the Jeffersonian concept of an agrarian society. They viewed the central government as the enemy of individual liberty. The 1824 "corrupt bargain" had strengthened their suspicion of Washington politics. [...] Jacksonians feared the concentration of economic and political power. They believed that government intervention in the economy benefited special-interest groups and created corporate monopolies that favored the rich. They sought to restore the independence of the individual—the artisan and the ordinary farmer—by ending federal support of banks and corporations and restricting the use of paper currency, which they distrusted.

You fucking idiot.

No, he's fighting the Klan at the height of their power backed by J Edgar Hoover.

And it was thanks to Superman.

If only Captain America was this useful in real life!

The KKK is from the modern era genius.

t. hurr durr superman shit
Go back to chugging on so.y.

>He asks for evidence
>You copypasta a wikipedia article in response

Sad isn't it? The Internets puts all of the world's history at his fingertips, and all he uses it for is Blacked and shitposting on Yea Forums.
Makes you think.

Boring. Why cant we get a deep Superman story instead of this boring remake of the radio show

It was founded in 1865.

Please stop existing

Because almost nobody alive had heard the original radio show and this is a deep Superman story.

You haven't even read it

It's based on an old superman radio show where secret shit about the KKK was filtrated which brought about the group's downfall.

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Nice. Fuck you clan of the fiery cross.

And it was reconstructed in the 1920s and exists to this day.

>A Klansman, a Jihadi, and an EarthFirst(!)er walk into a bar.
>bartender looks up
>"What'll it be, officers?"

Looks like Maps from that Gotham Academy book.
Could be some OC filling in as like some rule63 Jimmy Olsen.

It's weirdly like the super old school superman comics where he just fought wifebeaters and purse snatched and shit like that.

You know who likes using this talking point? Racist cowards who won't own up to their own ideology.

imagine being such a brainlet that you can't come up with another word and have to use a period to avoid filters.
sure is summer in this thread.

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Yeah, not all of us can use the same word to refer to everything we hate.

>guri hiru

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Spot the pig.

Is that anne frank? Shes fucking cute. I get the preggo meme now.

>Dress up in stupid costumes
>Assault people you don't like for having more 'privilege'
>Say that anyone who opposes you must be on the opposing side and there can be no middle ground

Sure sounds like modern leftists to me...

Is this an adaptation of Klan of the fiery cross?

>the point

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>All this /pol/ memeing
The KKK was founded by Confederate veterans angry at the idea of Black people voting, you dummies. It’s just that all of them voted Democrat. The 1915 Klan (the modern one) was a bipartisan group aimed at keeping America a country dominated by Anglo Protestants. By the 1930s FDR had broken with a century of racist tradition and turned the Democratic Party into the multiracial populist party is now, planting the seeds for White Southerners to abandon it altogether.

Yup. match with pic related.

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This website is beyond saving

Historylets who don't understand how the two parties swapped places on racial issues over the course of the 20th century. Admittedly some aren't actually historylets, they're just ignoring the later switch because they get hard whenever they think they can pull the "y-you're the real racists!" card.

>posting a book written by a pedo
Oh hi Ladderbro.

>turned the Democratic Party into the multiracial populist party is now
Just remember multiracial for 1930 means catholics, irish/german/italians inmigrants and unions.

You deny the feds infiltrate, agitate, and entrap diverse groups that disloke the status quo? Plenty of examples in the radical environmental scene. And many of examples of Brown Muslims being bullycided into terror plots by feds.

I do have a mild-to-moderate in-group preference for white people. Like most reasonable Chinese/Mestizos/Blacks would rather spend most of their time around their own people. I don't prejudge individuals but I am honest about patterns.

I don't like the Klan because it IS a clown show that IS encouraged by thr Feds to dissuade and disparage white solidarity and white-well being.

Status quo doesn't want to stop environment destruction, so they make radical greens act a fool.
Status quo wants to continue expanding Israel, so they agitate Muslims so that people accept pro-Israel wars.
Status quo doesn't want whites to have the same socially acceptable group cohesion every other ethnicity in America has, so they make the KKKlowns embarassing spooks.

Read some Jared Taylor and Jason Köhne. White-well being

"Racism" as a term was pushed by Trotsky and fellow Bolsheviks to destroy the west. I don't accept even the premises of the term.

/pol/ either doesn’t know how the two major parties switched or doesn’t care.

>Character who never had a great run in decades or a decent movie ever.
>Good superhero character
Meanwhile Gwenpool was famous since her first run itself.

More like federal agents on their off days.

*tips tinfoil fedora*

>anyone who disagrees with me is one person
Oh (you)

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>the two major parties switched
Lol. Democrats still support slavery, senpai.

Yeah, definitely a marvirgin. And a very angry one.

>marvelfags are a hive mind
This is sadly true.

And people wonder why comicbooks don't sell anymore.

I saw a preview with more art going around, the old-fashioned outfits seem to indicate it's a period piece.

If I remember right the story kicks off when a chinese family moves to town, I think she's the daughter. Her brother's a character too, I think maybe he gets targeted by the Klan?

>I do have a mild-to-moderate in-group preference for white people.
What a fancy wording to say "i am a racist". The conspiracy hysteria is just the cherry on top.

The parties never “switched sides” like you’re suggesting. Only a single senator switched from Democrat to Republican after the Civil Rights Act was passed. The rest stayed Democrats. Also, this is unrelated but worth mentioning, Jim Crowe was the name of a Democrat senator.

>l-leftists are the real bullies!
Oh no, did someone throw another milkshake at you?

Namrepus emoceb a ilol!

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That's not how ladderbro works, you idiot.

Not an argument.

>wide open mouth cuckfaces
>Evian water

Sure look like leftists.

Democrats also later disavowed the KKK, while the Southern GOP began seeking them out as a new voterbase

What argument could you posible give to a person with a rotten brain?

Do you hold in similar contempt blacks wishing for their own voluntary spaces and groups? If not, I think you have more racial hatred than me

So you're denying that there are actual racists then.

Democrats used race and identity politics with white people to gain government power
When that failed they decided to try the same tactic but with none whites. That's why they want as many non white people in the US
Democrats have always been the party of racism

Probably because this story is for kids, retard.

No, that was the Democratic voting bloc in the 19th century. The New Deal successfully brought Asians, Latinos, American Indians, and Black people (very significant, since just 30 years before the Republicans were considered the Party of Lincoln while the Democrats were the party of Jim Crow) into the fold. In the 1920s or so the Republicans decided that they would be the party of the middle and upper classes first and foremost, and when the Great Depression happened their minority voters abandoned them.

Shhh the summer child is trying to fit in. Let him fail on his own.
and just laugh behind his back.

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Why are Starbucks patrons dressed like skinheads?

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The senators aren't what switched you dongus, it was the voters, the base. Democrats embraced the civil rights movement late in its life as a power play to gain the love of that now very significant group, while Republicans welcomed the disenfranchised Dems who no longer believed their party pursued the white prosperity they voted them into office for.

>For kids
>Teen label
You're the retard.

you have no refutstion to my larger point that the US federal gov't agitates and degrades some legitimate concerns (Israel-firstism, Ecological collapse, white erasure) by co-opting groups and individuals and steering them into optics disasters

He's a pedo, though. Just note how he thinks I'm underage.

Yes i do. They should live among the white people and enjoy the same opportunities and rights.

>Gurihiru Superman
Now this I gotta see

The most powerful, unaccountable and harmful group that could be called "racist" is the ADL

I await your protest of the NAACP, AIPAC and La Raza.

Very interesting thread. Without reading the thread, I am going to guess that this thread will stay on the topic of cartoons and comics, and that this thread will not segue into politics that are completely unrelated to the topic of the thread or the board!

Because you haven't provided any evidence.

How could they disavow them when half their southern politicians where members.

Marvel should steal Yang

>white erasure
>legitimate concern

What makes the ADL racists?

Oink oink piggy. Fucker.

It's a political comic, what do you expect

Superman > Gwenpool lel funny XD

go back to /x/

I really like the way they draw Supes here. Big to the point of being larger-than-life but his face stays expressive and friendly.

actual answer: they're essentially a lobbying group for Israel that hastes muslims and arabs
meme answer: they're jews and /pol/acks are retards who think that all jews are a hivemind that hates whitey

If you believe that white people are superior than the question is what do you do with the inferior people.

They are unironically Jewish supremacists. Who hate whites, and to a lesser degree Muslims.

>The New Deal successfully brought Asians, Latinos, American Indians, and Black people
As a consequence, not as a objetive. The catholics and the european inmigrants only get their "white card" until the middle of the 20th century. If anything the republicans of the 19th century were more approachable to the inmigrants.

This is a straw man.

I have never said white peopl

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-e were superior. They are better at some things, worse at others.

I care because they are mine. And all people deserve a place.

Is that you again, pigfag? I'm sick of seeing you around these parts. Maybe I should show you what happens to piggies in this neck of the woods.

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Why i need to argue with you?Is obvious you had some sort of stagnant mind, much like other fools like the earth flatters, the moon landing deniers and so on. I will just hope you didn't end hurting yourself of the people close to you.

How many KKK members to you think voted for Hilary?
Or Obama?

>the question is what do you do with the inferior people.
Absolutely nothing as I don't care what they do as long as they aren't in my way
The weak should fear the strong

If they are protesting for something sensible, is most probably that i will be protesting with them :)

I'm liking how Gurihiru's going the muscled up route for Supes. It looks so good in his style.

Not a lot considering the organization is pretty much dead

The difference is American Blacks might as well be a unified ethnicity after centuries of slavery and cultural destruction, which encourages them to stick together and make common cause. White European Racial Conciousness is a meme because White people, in Europe and America, do not have a shared heritage and in fact have a very long history of hating each other. Black people in Africa all hated each other too until colonialism gave them a common enemy, and Asians in Asia hate each other to this day.

Good god, as a history major this thread is embarassing.

>Concern for my family and the future of civilization and the planet
>Wants to hurt people

I hope you stop wishing demonization, displacement and disenfranchisement on white people.

Jarer Taylor's you tube interviews are great intros to the positive white advocacy that I promote and that the feds and ADL want to silence

>The catholics and the european inmigrants only get their "white card" until the middle of the 20th century.
Which is, by complete coincidence I’m sure, when they all started voting Republican.

>This loli is mine.

The guy that coined the term racist was a convicted cild molester.

Black people still hate each other. They discriminate each other based on how dark they are. They also shit talk native Africans saying "they thinks they're better than us because we were slaves". They dont know that there were plenty of slaves in Africa because they usually want to be the biggest victims
Also the fact that they kill each other in the streets more than any other race

Hey now, Gwenpool was fantastic for the majority of its run. I juat wish he'd do another ongoing series, I'd like to see how his style lends itself to other settings.

>all people deserve a place
aka white people get america, blacks can go back to africa and native americans are dying out so lets speed that up

See how much you are an idiot? I don't even imply you had a ill intent. I mean that you, like every person who is not sound mind, probably are unable to had normal reactions to daily events. Basically, i hope you never poke a socket with a fork.

you know who likes to use ad hominems instead of addressing the actual argument?

Oh hey that sounds cool, like an adaptation of the old radio sho-
>he's got an OC donut steel little girl sidekick
Oh no

And another thread dissolves into politcal horseshit. Id rather see superman smash the billion dollar satanic drug cartels.

I like he has the black logo like in the Fleischer films

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Are you implying sups gonna smash something other than the clans?

ITs cause the writer is chinese, that girl is chinese even though she looks white thats why people thought she looked like anne frank LMAO at this writer

I thought the boy baseball player was the Chinese-American one.

I never saw an actual argument, just /pol/ talking points.

The boy is chinese, the girl probably is one of the original kids of the story.

Isn't what you want political in itself.

Superman was founded on fighting for the impoverished. Action Comics #1 literally had him beat on a dude for beating his wife and beat on some rich tycoons for having their workers work in such poor conditions, mining all day.

Superman is the original SJW, sorry if that displeases you. yang says that Tommy, the baseball kid, was originally in the radio show, and they added a fanfic OC sister in this adaptation so she is chinese.

pic related

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Superman was anti establishment. hes not a faggot tumblr tranny

I love Gwenpool but kindly go fuck yourself.

Yeah, I really think that design is neat. I love it.

I dont think you know what SJW means
Hell the entire thread was people saying the Democrats have changed over the years

Sounds good. Golden age Superman was a badass.

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Well why wouldn't he fight for transsexuals? I don't really see a reason why he wouldn't, he fights for those who need saving, regardless of who they are.

Don't /pol/ify muh blue boyscout you chud.

>thats why people thought she looked like anne frank
That has more to do with Yea Forums being full of idiots.

Also if you compare her and supes' skin tones, you can tell she's meant to be asian.

I'm guessing they might have ended up needing another character for Superman to talk to since stuff that would have been narration in the radio show will need to be dialogue here, we don't do super-long narration boxes as much these days.

So I guess Japan loved Shazam, right?

Yes, you retard. Stop pretending everyone who thinks your entire worldview is abhorrent and gay doesn't feel the same way about nignogs who want to bash whitey.

He would be saving kids from the parents that inject hormones into them

Social Justice Warrior isn't exactly something that's hard to decipher. It only has a negative connotation to you because you associate it with angry blue haired women or whatever.

Anyone doing their best to fight for those who don't have a voice are SJWs, be it Superman or MLK Jr.

well gurihiru are japanese

This guy gets it.

SJWs have changed since then. It's no longer about equality to them, it's about hate.
Groups change over the years and the SJW have changed drastically

>aryan kid is wearing a Superman shirt
This has potential for a lot of interesting drama but I feel like it's just gonna be one-dimensional strawmanning because
>bash le fash literally thoughtcrime good nite sleep tite
Is the hot meme right now

What is your point? I just said it's not much of a threat any more.

Are you implying Superman will attack people for misgendering tannys?

>Armageddon has arrived.

He'd save the people that sjws attack too. He's not politically chained to anything.

>Implying SJWs actually care about the lower class
Every SJW I've ever met has been super fucking privileged. But then you'd have to be to devote so much time to shit that isn't an actual problem.

SJW started as a namecalling to every faggot in Facebook who said things like "something bad happen, like and share to help". It was a mocking term that had nothing to be with politics. Then identity politics happens and i suppose everybody need a brand.

No one is oppressing them, so who is there to fight?

Classic story addapted for a moden audience, and it looks like they're actually taking some stylistic care with this one. Looks solid.

>that obese rich college student squealing about their pronouns is LITERALLY the same as MLK
This is fucking insulting. Go outside.

He'd politely but firmly correct them.

Because these people claim to first for social justice. In reality they just use it as an excuse to hate

Yang, despite being Chinese, didn't force any politics into New Super-Man and instead gave some pretty insightful info on Chinese culture. He's above the woke meme

It's a movement that started with good intentions but has basically just become nothing but "we want revenge for slights that may/may not have actually happened to us specifically at the hands of people who look like you".

No, you're wrong. he wouldn't care.

And this guy gets it too.

Oh fuck wait a minute this is the guy who wrote New Super Man? Color me fucking interested, my boy Kong Kenan deserves so much better than what he's gotten lately

FPBP, underrated, etc.

Moreover, the Klan has been irrelevant for even longer than Nazis just about.

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>hot meme right now

In any case I read a summary of the radio show plot once and if I remember right the kid's arc is a pretty standard "hey here's why racism is bad" thing, it'll be fine.

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The kid was angry that the Asian kid was a better baseball player, so his uncle took him the klan´s meeting. later he realizes he was wrong and helps Superman.

His uncle is the real bad guy. interestingly he goes to klan´s leader that reveals that he is only doing this for business, to get money by initiation fees and selling the ropes to the members, even calling the uncle an idiot for believing this stuff.

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Ya but they stiil work great for fearmongering

I feel like you need to read more Superman comics.

There was never a movement of anything. It was always a namecalling that conservatives used with others.

A hamfisted moment, from another of Jurgens meh superman run

Would Superman get involved in such a petty verbal squabble?

>Moreover, the Klan has been irrelevant for even longer than Nazis just about.

That's why it's easy to have a story of Superman kicking their asses. They're easily recognizable and won't make any attempt at trying to stop the comic.

>this slobbish, beast-like, jiggaboo-looking wellfare queen who refused to simply move a bus seat is the same as Jeanne Manford

It's almost as if you can dehumanize anyone who doesn't agree with you. Prejudice is blinder than you think.

>interestingly he goes to klan´s leader that reveals that he is only doing this for business, to get money by initiation fees and selling the ropes to the members, even calling the uncle an idiot for believing this stuff.
Just like our modern outrage culture. And certain closeted sound mind person who destroys star wars figures for a easy buck.

LARP more faggot

Is this bait?
Do you honestly think that only conservatives have a problem with sjw?

He'd surely have time to spare a "Hey, not cool, show a little respect."

Why wouldn't an immigrant fight for other immigrants? Makes sense to me.

>National Socialist Movement

Reminder that National Socialism is still Socialism and thus these guys still count as Leftists.

Illegal immigrants and legal immigrants are different
Superman would send them back home and fix their country

Oh, you right. They are not alone, retards and idiots also had a problem with the person they call SJW.

Sure, if you go to the university of /pol/

live action role play is strictly role play but in real life. Roleplay on the internet is just roleplay, or RP. Whichever you prefer.
In this case, he's not larping. He's just RP'ing.

This delusion you have that SJW are beloved by most people is hilarious
Everyone is fed up with these fucks. They pushed the Overton window so far left that we have presidential candids campaigning in mexico
The left are going to continue losing if they refuse to accept reality that the sjw are destroying their political party


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Ok im interested

Superman wouldn't make immigrants move anywhere they didn't want to, it goes against his own origin story.

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It’s fun to pretend

See, retards, idiots and conservatives are the only ones with a problem.

David Goyer is a hack user

Be that as it may, it doesn't take away from the fact that Superman is quite literally a dreamer.

This is why the left is dying
Have fun in your fantasy world while you force everyone to the right

I don't know how you measure relevance but there were plenty marching with their imagery at Charleston

I see you've still failed to refute the "idiots" part of that other user's claim.

Sadly, just because the klan is irrelevant doesn't mean their viewpoints have gone away.

You want me to refute an a ad hominem?
Ok please refute my claim that you're mentally challenged

The 1925 march in DC is relevance.
A few larpers and feds sitting around is not.

>and exists to this day
Expect you know 100% pussified since 60s.

Hitler literally called himself a socialist because socialism was popular in a war-ravaged Germany, these types of things are said to gain political clout. Anyone can say they're something, only a few have the guts to practice what they preach.

It's like how all the DNC candidates for 2020 are "progressives" all of a sudden, even though the only one with consistent history and action of progressive policies is Sanders.

Please educate yourself.

Can someone tell me where the fuck did skinheads come from? Last time i checked Hitler didn't want to shave peoples head bald.

Sorry, I guess "refute" implied that I expected you to formally argue against it. I just meant that your post did nothing to convince anyone that you're not a fucking idiot.

>they thinks they're better than us because we were slaves
But that is true. Africans actually don't like the american black culture.

The fact that nazis call for a war agains the "Judeo-Bolshevism" and attacked the socialists in Germany is lost to these idiots. The only reason to interact with them in the internet is for laugh of them, nothing else.

Why should I have to defend something you have no proof for
Your the one making a claim that their idiots so provide some evidence of it

Also I think they need to tone down Supes' curl.

They dont like it because its destructive, not because they were slaves

>no proof for
Buddy every post your make is proof.

Little sister type lolis are P U R E !


Are there any other artists that make it that big? I personally don't hate it, but it's got me curious to see how other artists have played around with it over the years.

In the 90's the right wing young eastern europeans taked the look and the western media started to popularize it as a nazi thing. It was a good move because in the 60's was a low worker class look.

Good thing this board is for /pol/ to spam their rehearsed talking point about the Democratic party's different values half a century ago and not a comic discussion board otherwise I'd say this is a an unusable shit hole and the mods should get off their useless asses.

You can always tell when someone's never met a black person.

>I just said it's not much of a threat any more.
Racism is still a threat as racially motivated attacks against blacks have gone up.

It's a big book.

>In the 90's the right wing young eastern europeans taked the look
Why though? How does that scream right wing?

A little yeah, it makes it look like he has too much hair up front. Like if you combed it down it'd look really weird.
I don't think he's an idiot, take your "ad hominem" bs somewhere else /pol/-kun.

Great evidence there user
Continue to defend sjw and make me look like a fool

don't google the lavon affair

>make me look like a fool
It's abundantly clear you don't need my help for that.

Half my family is black
You can always tell when someone doesn't have a good comeback and resorts to straw manning

Post evidence. I would also like evidence that the attacks aren't from other blacks

Can always rely on Yea Forums to come to the defense of Nazis and Klansmen.

>half my family is black

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How big? For 10 bucks I can get 200 pages of manga

/pol/ is a rot on this entire goddamn hellsite.

>Half my family is black
And still you play Uncle Tom on the internet to impress /pol/. Fucking yikes.

Yea Forums used to be better. Used to be love.

Ever since gator gate, /pol/ has bred a bunch of outrage-fags who leak into every board. The comfy Yea Forums of 2008 is a far gone memory in my eyes. I miss it, a lot.

>48.6 percent were victims of crimes motivated by their offenders’ anti-Black or African American bias
>50.7 percent were White.

>Take that, Dixiecrats!

You know how I know you're a klansman?

go fuck yourself

Because was the look of poor dissatisfied youths. One look badass with them. But the media starting to use the term "skinhead" to identifies the neo-nazis, because the look was unmistakable and very particular. Thus the neo-nazis being the giant retarded they are, eat this and appropriated the look.

I'm suprised Wiki has an article on that. I just saved it.

Aren't the KKK barely an issue anymore? Why not fight Climate Change or something more relevant?

Back to your containment board, /pol/kek

they aren't? nice try schlomo btw

Yeah. A comic about Superman recycling and investing in solar would just fly off the shelves.

80 pages.

no. what are you going to do now? I have dynamic IP btw, so trying to ban me won't remove me

There was already a comic about climate change with Jon Kent and "Ian" Wayne.

It’s a historical book you idiot. It’s about the role the Superman Radio Show has in taking on the KKK.

Anyone willingly taking on superman with chains and torches is a darwin award, political views be damned.

See . It's also an adaptation of an old plotline from the radio show.

>stop there white race!
>I'm about to erase you for my jewish overlords

This thread was extacly what I expected

>Superman smashes the klan
This is gonna be the weirdest porn comic I buy. In october. Of 2019.

Dare to tell why?

This artwork looks terrible. Like something out an Archie digest they sell at the grocery store.

Back to your containment board, /pol/kek

no, but it won't stop Yea Forumsmblr from masturbating

>NPC bot reply
thanks for proving the point

Why adapting it now? Does it has something to do with orange man bad?

>Aren't the KKK barely an issue anymore?
They rallied last week surrounded by police protection, sheltered zoomie.

>if you dont side with me you're an uncle tom
I've been called more slurs from leftists than people on the "right".

My favorite thing in really old Superman stuff is when they try to shoot him (understandable, he's generally not as well known at that point in his career and we're not even in a world full of superhumans yet), fail, but then KEEP trying to shoot him because maybe this one'll do it!

Unless you get range banned.

>Yea Forums was always sjw
An awful lot of gaslighting going on here. You do know we have years of threads recieved right?

Shouldn't then superman defend them now, to make it more topical?

Back, containment board, /pol/kek, etc.

The comic coming out period makes it topical, while hearkening to Superman's history with the radio show. Covers both bases. Any other complaints?

KKK has been rallying for decades. They go in, they say their shit, they leave.
The only time it becomes an issue is when people want to violently counter protest.
Then things get ugly.

then you'll banned, but I'll still be there

>the bot has glitched
they don't make them like they used to ehhhh

No complaints, just suspicious

That's not what range banned means.
It means they ban a range of IPs from your ISP or service provider.
I'm also not the user you've been arguing with. Just letting you know that a dynamic IP isn't a guarantee you won't banned.


Way to try and put words in that user's mouth. They didn't say we used to be full sjw, just that the constant /pol/-type sperging never used to be this bad.

Ya because there wasn't sjw politics in our fucking shit back then

O' I am laffin

I know what it means, I'm not an sjw. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine

If we're going by rally behavior, Antifa is absolutely worse than the modern day Klan.

>the left is dying

Not an argument.

Didn't say it was

Why are you including me? What i said was true. African blacks don't like american black culture and they ever have "nigger" word version of american black in Africa.

Yeah, I've heard this a lot, too. I know anecdotal evidence is the least valuable sort, but in my experience African blacks tend to be almost Chinese-tier racist around Americanized blacks. At least, the older adults.

Just because you didn't notice it doesn't mean it wasn't there.

Sure, we never really won and we lost most of our stuff, but we got our independence in the end and are doing better than most third world nations. Would the same have happened if the KKK had done nothing at all? Maybe. But some ass was kicked, we got Christmas on the calendar, and it's pronounced pa-el-yah, you fucking pale nimrods.

Attached: kkk_704771839.jpg (767x432, 101K)

You have to be blind or intellectually dishonest to not notice the injection of sjw propaganda in comics and cartoons in recent years

The Klan isn’t even a real thing anymore.

Remember the proto-sjw and Kony 2012?

We’ve always had keyboard activists

Well that is interesting.

Ya but they didn't have the power they have now
Social media and echo chambers created a monster

I mean part of the difference is that I don't start frothing at the mouth and screaming about propaganda the moment I see dudes kissing or whatever.

And they have no balls to do anything.

>shitposting intensifies

Who is the little girl?

>social media and echo chambers created a monster
I mean that's basically the /pol/ infestation in a nutshell, yeah.

It’s like how sagging pants in prison originally meant you were down for butt stuff, someone thought it looked cool.

I thought skinheads went back to the 80s. I think the oi punk scene tended to have skinheads, though usually not of the racist variety. But there were racist skinheads involved in the punk scene back in the 80s too. Hell, Dead Kennedys wrote the song "Nazi Punks Fuck Off" back then.

True, but its ideals still pose a greater threat as a whole.

Neither did we until it become a common trend to shit on straight people and prop up homos
You might be too young to remember but most people didn't give a fuck about gays in comics until it became an agenda

yeah, there is something ironic in how hypocritical Biafra turned out to be

/pol/ happened as a response to the sjw
I dislike both but one did cause the rise of the other

Oh fuck off. If that were the case they should go shit up a SJW website.

What? Racism? That's always going to be a thing. Look at how much white people are hated nowadays. Look at how much the Japanese, Koreans, and Chinese heavily resent each other even though they barely look any different. Hell, the Koreans made a horror action movie JUST LAST YEAR (tragically, it was badly paced) about how medieval Koreans allying with the Qing dynasty was tantamount to being a mindless zombie.

The fact that you see it as some nefarious agenda leads me to conclude that you're drinking too much of the /pol/aid and also probably younger than me.

How charmingly old school.


>ugh how dare you react negatively to the klan rallying in your neighborhood? do you really wanna make it worse by counter protesting?

Attached: IMG_20190706_141052.png (477x477, 401K)

Believe it or not, most people hate sjw. /pol/ doesn't have a monopoly on hating sjw

Skinheads go back to the 50's and 60's actually.
Of course, they were just working class youths at the time. Considerably different from today's brand of skinhead.

Didn’t South Korea recently had a leader who was controlled by a cult?

They've come out and said it was an agenda you fucking idiot. They dont try to keep it a secret

Still racist towards China and Japan. That's always consistent. Cult or no cult.

That's not even remotely what I said.
I said VIOLENTLY counter protest.

Ya it was some kind of women wicca cult

/pol/ was around in previous incarnations getting deleted by moot before Tumblr SJW stuff became a big thing. However, when modern SJWism did become a big thing, /pol/ got louder.

Still does.
Daughters of Megalia or something like that, yeah?

Well it kinda is but more or less full of idiots.

The /pol/ stuff was just anons with different views. This site was made for the left or the right so it had a mix. /pol/ got louder because the left has kind of gone off the deep end recently. No idea why they keep pandering to sjw

The agenda is mostly "hey it'd be nice if society didn't treat us like shit"; thinking that it's some sort of nefarious propaganda conspiracy thing is where the /pol/ brain poison seeps in.

Thats what makes them so fun to mock.

Why shouldn't the Klan be expelled out of your neighborhood, by force if necessary? Why should they be given the benefit of non-violence if their ideology revolves entirely around violence?

Is this you playing the radical centrist?

Did they already do this on the Superman radio show in the 1940s?

>Classic Superman costume
>Cute loli
>Beating the shit out of unamerican faggots

Shit's looking good now that the 2010s are almost over.

>violence is okay when I approve of it

Its apparently an adaptation of that very thing.

Because I’m not allowed to run out my neighbors who play music to loud when I’m trying to sleep

>I'm too much of a pussy to stand up for decency and justice so you should be one as well

Nice try, Fritz.

Call the cops on them.
The cops however, don't do shit about the Klan.
That's why you have to deal with that kind of crap yourself.

Damn is that why they are advocating to make it illegal to miss gender a trans person?
Is that why they want to give the government the power to censor people on the vague notion of "hate speech"

You have to be an idiot to think they actually want equality

They don’t do shit about my neighbors

That's how the Klan operates, yes. What's your point? Are you against self-defense, pussy liberal?

Go to bed antifa

>Why shouldn't the Klan be expelled out of your neighborhood, by force if necessary?
Because they've a right to peaceful assembly. Making exceptions to this based solely on ideology means you, well, are willing to make exceptions based on whether or not you agree with something. If you only allow people to peacefully assemble if they have something to say that you agree with, that's not really a right.

>Why should they be given the benefit of non-violence if their ideology revolves entirely around violence?
If they're not being violent, they can say whatever they want, barring calls to action, of course.

>Is this you playing the radical centrist?
A what?

When will mankind finally agree that violence is not inherently evil? It's a legitimate application of force to initiate change. There are no such things as peaceful animals so why should man have to deprive itself of such a robust vehicle?

So the solution to vanquishing SJWs is become just as annoying, just as antagonistic, and also hang out in echo chambers, and not even engage with SJWs, but just shit on everyone and everything else? Got it. Keep fighting the good fight.

>The cops however, don't do shit about the Klan.
Because they're not breaking the law if they protest with a permit.
>That's why you have to deal with that kind of crap yourself.
You mean attack people who aren't in violation of the law.

Then do something about it, "man".

>and one another.

Despite how much the alt-right obsesses over their macho view of masculinity, their new favorite tactic is sobbing about how those terrible antifascists threw a milkshake at them or decked a dude or whatever. Since their recruiting tends to rely on convincing disaffected guys of the fantasy that they're valiant crusaders in some culture war, it's important to make the enemy seem scary.

And yeah, while I personally don't believe in using violence unless absolutely necessary, it's kind of hard to sympathize with anyone whose viewpoint would see my family or friends swinging from the trees.

>everyone is /pol/
Believe it not I dont go to /pol/
I have a much bigger problem with sjw because they are the ones destroying comics.

Glad to see Yang back, even if it's not with Kenan. And Gurihiru is always a plus.

I am offended... that they didn't make it look like a golden age style or Fleischer animated style.

Well, if you, the typical fan, had been more profitable, then the various comic book creators wouldn't have been forced to expand their base audience. Cheapskate.

Then place a crate of alcoholic beverages on your lawn, wait for them to steal it, and shoot your neighbor in the face.
Problem solved, the American way.

>He doesn't like unamerican, racist retards
>He must be antifa

Get out of my great country and go back to Germany, you pissant, brownshirt, faggot.

I'm sure that you'd be singing a different tune if you had to worry about being lynched.

Hippies and pacifists are scum. Without the proper amount of violence, shit goes south, real fast, look at the whole border crisis. We wouldn't be worrying about all of those Mexicans if we'd just shoot the ones at the border.

When someone gets brain damaged from those "milkshakes" it becomes a problem
I thought the left were supposed to be anti violence

The comics industry has been fucked way before SJWs became a thing.

They've shrunk their base and are doing worse than ever
True but the sjw shit has escalated it

>Then place a crate of alcoholic beverages on your lawn, wait for them to steal it, and shoot your neighbor in the face.

>lie in wait
Great way to go to jail.

How ironic and small minded.

Couldn't he fight something more relevant like Westboro Baptist Church?

Bike lock dude getting off easy was pretty troubling desu.

Eat shit, Andy. Hope the grift is worth the class action lawsuits.

Go. Away.

The small amount of Christian's that write mean things on signs?
I'd prefer him to deal with Islamic terrorism

>actually believing the concrete milkshake meme

I don't know, he never ran a woman over and fled the scene.

You aren't allowed to confront radical islam in comics anymore, user.

>actually defends fascists attacking people for freedom of speech

I fail to see how that makes what he did ok or that he should get off with a lighter sentence for any reason.

I thought dude got brain blasted from getting elbowed to the face. Still haven't seen any evidence about concrete laced milkshakes

>I thought the left were supposed to be anti violence
Nah, you're thinking of liberals. Leftists have been talking about revolution for decades now. Violence kinda goes hand in hand with that.

What kind of shitty state do you live in?
Place the bait, and wait for the fuckers to show up.

>advocates violence and murder for being a nuisance
Internet tough guys are so cringe

Thank god for the law. It helps reign in or punish these atypicals.

Back then the Based Stickman faggot (an actual felon) was bashing counter protesters' heads open and was openly celebrated by the alt-right. I fail to see how arming yourself in the light of then-recent attacks is a bad thing.

>Republicans the anti-slavery party
>Slavery is abolished
>Reconstruction is scuttled by KKK
>Both parties are now the, "Blacks are free but they ain't equal," party
>Blacks vote red because of history
>Nixon and Reagan are un-electable hacks UNLESS
>Republicans run on anti-black, pro-dumbass Yeehaw-American policies in the 70s and 80s
>Blacks jump ship
>Bill Clinton plays the sax
>Blacks are now Democrats

It's really not that hard you doubleniggers.

I didn't tell you to murder your obnoxious neighbor, just to deal with the nuisance. Now I'm telling you to stay indoors because you're obviously an unhinged fucker.

*lilting flute melody plays*

No Democrats used Republicans as a scapegoat
Neither party cares about black people they just want their votes

Just come to real blows and get it out of your system. Just stay out of my general area.

Sorry I thought you were the same guy as

What he did wasn't acting in self defense. If you want to arm yourself in self defense that's fine but the professor who attacked him was not acting in self defense.
And was also a repeat offender.

Look, attacking the dude was wrong. I'm with you on that. But leaning into the concrete milkshake thing makes you look like an idiot.

18 U.S. Code §1111. Murder.
United states law. Section a clearly outlines murder by lying in wait as murder in the first degree.

Laying bait and waiting for someone to show up shows premeditation. It's murder.

What kind of idiots would attack Superman with a chain and a torch?

Very Nice.

Personally, you both deserve each other. You both worship identity politics. I just hate the fact the antifa scum in this thread isn't treated as bad as the /pol/tard will be.

Remember kids eat your Pep, don’t waste it!

Eh i don't think modern KKK is anything like it used to be. They just want to have full white neighborhoods and love their race in peace.

Pep is worse than Skub

A negative by it's very nature is impossible to prove. When you argue that something is true the burden of proof is always on you. That's just basic rhetoric.

At this point the KKK is a joke, but you've got shit like the alt-right which are basically just the sequel.

>people here actually go out of thier way to defend the KKK just to stick it to liberals and SJWs

yeah...ill pick it up. Cool real life story too.

before the KKK was just FBI guys it was an actual terrorist group for the Democratic party

Some people seem pretty pro KKK but most seem against the group, even if they're defending their right to speak.

>switched sides
lol...more like people just in general just stopped being that racist over time
calm down bro.

welcome to nu4chan

more of a foundling than a dreamer

Love that art!

>politicizing comics
Fuck off, retards. DCucks

Comics have always been political

terrible bait

What I don't understand is why the Klan are never depicted as the good guys. Surely they aren't ALL evil. Some just get into it because it's important to be part of something.

Like, they're barely a threat. It's just a handful of dudes.

>Gurihuru are working for DC
I hope this doesn't mean SEN is out of work

It was at this moment little Timmy realized he done fucked up.

yeah but the parties switched

I can guarantee that will fly over lots of people's heads

back to tumblr

>And certain closeted sound mind person who destroys star wars figures for a easy buck.
Does this person have a name?

>Adapting the radio show
Based as fuck.

I get the feeling that batfags are closet racist and usually try to make supes the bad guy

Someone got milkshaked.

with the growing diversity in america, they're really not going to do it peacefully

Superman isn't a transphobe.

> Gurihiru will draw the KKK in your lifetime

what a time to be alive.

Let me guess, you're enjoying Bendis' run?

And I guess the DPRK (North Korea) are a democracy because they have democracy in their name?

superman is all about the little things you fucking ignoramus, how about you read a superman story sometime, you may learn a thing or two

Oh fuck, this looks fucking awesome.

I'm more excited for ya boi Zack's review of this comic tbqh famm.

Attached: Samara Lee channing tatum mouth open toungue.jpg (1024x764, 124K)

This isn’t a statement, this is Superman being Superman.

it's ya boi
zack here-
>drops comic

cool,cartoon when?

October? But I want it now!

Of course, and is just a example. There are so many uncle Matts and Wilson in real life that is almost tragically funny. And yet people still eat all the charade like 70 years ago.

Yeah, I miss when we had apolitical comics like Sandman, Doom Patrol, Transmetropolitan...

It's not "Superman joins the Klan"

>thinks 80s liberals are the same as sjw

>for the conservative wing of the democratic party (colloquially termed "Dixiecrats").

Shazam!, Captain America, Hellboy, Wonder Woman...

Attached: hitler-vs-captain-america.jpg (361x500, 321K)

Attached: superman-hates-nazis.jpg (670x925, 119K)

>the left is dying.
what's dying is the notion that you've got to pander to the economic centerists

Heres your KKK crusher bros

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 101K)

Fuck. You. Nigger

>Gwenpool was famous since her first run itself.

Attached: Beam Up.gif (250x188, 899K)

Morrison, Pollack, Gaiman and Warren works would still be considered Left by today standards.

There were a lot of segregationists in the Democrat party back in the day, especially in the south. Not all mind, Hubert Humphrey was pro-integration and it cost him the election against Nixon.

Sjw doesnt mean left
The left has just been taken over by rabid puritans. These people are more authoritarian than actual leftists

Those EU elections were a lot of fun
seeing the right win everywhere was fun

Looks pretty rad.
Also it's nice to see Gurihiru do something DC related for a change

>4 hours lateg


>Anne Frank is 9 months pregnant writing her diary about how she fears for her child being born into a world ruled by Nazis
>Negroid SS soldier bursts into her attic
>"muh dik, Jewish bitches, sheeeeiiiittt"
>"No please! I'm pregnant. Don't hurt my baby."
>"That baby gonna come out carmel colored by the time I'm through with yah."
>music from the Mad Max Fury Road trailer begins playing in the background
>"Da fuck?"
>50 men clad in white hoods carrying torches ride over the nearby hill on horseback
>"What's this cracka shit?"
>cries of "yee haw" become increasingly audible
>SS soldier's eyes widen
>"Oh fuck"
>SS soldier turns to run but the all-American Klansmen catch him with a lasso around his neck
>Anne watches in half-horror, half-amazement as the Klan drag the hapless SS soldier to a nearby tree and begin stringing him up
>once he's fully secured to the tree, the hooded men take turns whipping the SS trooper repeatedly
>they finally finish him off by taking a red hot Bowie knife to his farm parts
>"say goodnight to them nuts blackie"
>they strip and clip him and he bleeds out
>SS soldier's last words before the life force drains from his shitskinned body are "we wuz Nazis and sheeiiittt"
>Anne protectively holding her belly approaches them as the Klan as they finish their deadly work
>"Thank you kind sirs for saving me and my child."
>one of the Klansman takes his hood off
>it's Jared Taylor
>"No need for thanks ma'am. We always look out for our Huwhite women, be they Christian or Jewish."

-With love, /his/

Attached: Klan Annie.png (611x1381, 729K)

Well cops are also racist retards so it checks out

before they fucked with niggers out in the open

now they eat third world children in secret basements

Attached: ahmed head.jpg (1200x900, 264K)

>Dems and Reps were different back in the day
No they weren't. Dems always resented emancipation and engineered a tacit slavery which is actually far more widespread and egregious than the chattel slavery of the Colonial period.

The WBC was never more than a dozen or so people (mostly the Phelps family) who just peacefully protested, albeit in a pretty rude way. They were only a "threat" because the media needed a boogeyman to shame the religious right and scare coastal liberals.

>Can someone tell me where the fuck did skinheads come from?
British kids who really, really liked Jamaican music like Ska and Reggae. Then some Nazi assholes started appropriating it as a way of recruiting people who were poor and dissatisfied.

The meme is that conservatives are morons and actually think that the party alignments of 1860 are the same today
Funny meme, huh?

thanks murdoch

You're welcome

Attached: heart.jpg (201x219, 11K)

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And also, apparently, that the entire Democratic Party was Pro-Segregation during the Civil Rights Movement. Which is a pretty gross interpretation of the conflict within the party at the time.

What happened to the based pregnant anne frank greentext story?? Fucking Yea Forums mods only do their job when they feel like being party pooping assholes, the lazy shits.

>dude his sacrifice wasn't important just be a good person lol!

Attached: believe_in.png (370x272, 198K)

Nazism is Fascism
Fascism was created by a Socialist
Fascists are Socialists

I'm an atheist and even I find this embarrassing.

This is an ant-SJW page though so I'm not sure why you replied with it.

This is some of the best stuff Gurihiru has ever done.

And Nazism was created by an artist.

An attempt to go No U by the people currently most allied with the Klan for their misinformation campaigns/propaganda. Basically the idea is to say that Democrats made the clan to prove the modern democrats are the real racists.
In reality the KKK was formed independently of either party. The meme is akin to claiming Yea Forums was founded by democrats because some janitors became democrats.

>Adaptation of that golden age radio show storyline

Consider me excited.

If you support white supremacy movement and don't see an issue with joining a blatantly racist organisation with a history of murdering people that it isn't ashamed or apologized for, let alone cut ties with, I think it's fair to say you are not a decent person. Especially if you just join to belong. Of course you can get better and quit, but that requires you to first acknowledge the KKK is wrong and feel remorse for being part of them.

Sure, but what's the name of said person?

Wworshipping a fucking cross isn't emphasizing his sacrifice, its emphasizing the method of his executions.

If Jesus was killed today itd probably be via gun. How fucking stupid would it sound to you if the symbol of Christianity was an ak-47? Shit's retarded

>What I don't understand is why the Klan are never depicted as the good guys.

Boy, have I got the kino for you!

Attached: Birth_of_a_Nation_theatrical_poster.jpg (961x1482, 1.57M)

Christians don't worship crosses, they use crosses to worship

I mean. I once heard a (admittedly probably fictitious) story of a black guy joining the Klan because over the years it had basically just sorta devolved into the local bowling league.

Attached: I just live here.png (435x348, 49K)

This seems like something that should be funny but probably won't be.

Attached: IMG_20190710_223934.png (1200x1813, 2.1M)

Are you sure you aren't thinking of the Dave Chappelle skit?

Democrats occasionally do good things for black people, and they are not currently the party of, "Let racist cops murder black people in cold blood and get away with it," so, no, they're not the same.

no there was a netflix documentary about a black guy joining a KKK chapter and convincing them to disband by befriending them

what are your thoughts on the first step act?

Why are you forging Based Ben's siggy on a Mark Waid comic?

This is a Ben Garrison comic

Sounds like some doublethink used to get around the fact that it is still idolatry.

This fucking Tumblr art though.
I'll just go listen to the radio thing

wait... for real?

>trigger warning?
i am pretty sure jesus would start stoning himself

To be honest, KKK isn't anything like it used to be.


>Legal immigrant

Pick one, you can't have both, Byrne

Abraham Lincoln was a republican

You and me both, user.

>not joining the Dems to be futureproofed for when they switch back to pro-slavery

Attached: boy-everyone-is-stupid-except-me-43084875.png (500x376, 113K)

I love New Super-Man
But it was pretty political
For fucks sakes, Kenan's parents literally represent two sides of China's politics
His mom reminds me of my mom whenever I bring up how corrupt China's shit is

And this comic is set in a time when the KKK was still actively harassing and lynching people.

>Antifa having made a couple of assaults in the last 2 years is worse than literal lynchings and burnings that have happen en masse over the last century due to Klan or Klan mentality influenced actions.

Assualt is apparently worse than murder as long the assault is against white conservatives and the murder is against black or brown people.

Ethan Van Sciver
Dude also got angry at modern Muppet Babies because of the new penguin character

Klansmen were assaulting the privileged?

ive never heard of that, please continue

>For fucks sakes, Kenan's parents literally represent two sides of China's politics

Yes, but it wasn't about American politics so it didn't trigger him, thus the comic was "non political" in his retarded brain. This is the level all these "waaah comics should not be political" people operate. Being political only counts when they decide it counts.

I wanna see Gurihiru redraw this

Attached: fE7C7Gn.jpg (1680x2576, 538K)

>unironically comparing Jefferson and Jackson to the modern democrat party

Attached: 1545104022768.png (960x540, 402K)

>an adaptation of a Superman story that was originally told in 1948
>the Superman radio show shedding mainstream light on the KKK is the reason the Klan lost its social cachet in the US
>Superman in a very real, tangible way destroyed the KKK
>somehow retelling this story is a dogwhistle for contemporary politics

I hate each and every one of you.

Attached: 1485265755731.png (500x644, 179K)

>didn't force any politics into New Super-Man
>didn't force any politics in the making of a CHINESE Superman
This guy is a fellow consumer. Yikes.

>The Klan of the previous century is the modern Klan I'm comparing to Antifa.
Don'y purposefully be retarded to make your point. The Klan hasn't done anything this century, especially not anything as bold as assault a minority and had the police refuse to intervene by order of the city.

>Chinese loli in 50's American clothing
She reminds me of the kind of girl I'd fantasize in elementary

Oh hey boner didn't expect to see you hear

If this book wasn't made for kids, I'd like to see how Yang makes things blunt like the scene from Boxers and Saints
You know the one

>Superman fights the KKK
>leftists waddle in
>"wow SUPERMAN defeats DRUMPF and the ALT-RIGHT and NAZIS and"

This shit always starts because of one specific side. Even the advent of /pol/ and whatever you ordain neo-nazis on the internet was done purely to annoy their annoying asses.

Attached: 1548093956614.jpg (552x449, 100K)

>This shit always starts because of one specific side

Yes, people like you sperging.

yeah I wish people would stop basing their life views on children's cartoons and comics

No, people like you deciding the word "nazi" should be free-use and applied to anything you dislike. When everyone is a nazi nobody is. You singlehandedly validated stormfags, a group who was laughed at on /pol/ until suddenly everything they were kvetching about came true. Everything you think is white supremacist is your fault and your fault alone. Even fucking non-whites side with them now, all because even the most ardent branches of racism somehow end up more fair and equitable than the stupid shit you support. Now tuck your dick back in and feign being a moderate or centrist.

>to get money by initiation fees and selling the ropes to the members, even calling the uncle an idiot for believing this stuff.
HOLY FUCK is that relevant


>It didn't happen much post 2000, so that means the murders and burnings and beatings don't count anymore when comparing the Klan's or anyone directly influenced by the Klan's actions.

We still have plenty of living people who have suffered at the hands of the Klan or men who might as well have been part of it and would be unhappy to know that the crimes commited against them and their people are seen as "irrelevant"

>Calling racist people nazis become said person more openly racist.
You had a mental disorder or are a retard.

I'm waiting for Antifa to actually kill somebody or at least throw a milkshake with acid. The Unite the Right rally manage to killed one people but those Antifa fucks haven't gone full murder just jet. it will be great once it happened.

Wasn't this the reason why the Ammon Bundy case fell apart?

>Tumblr art

>wishing for the murder of somebody

Get help.

>Anne Frank is 9 months pregnant writing her diary about how she fears for her child being born into a world ruled by Nazis
>Negroid SS soldier bursts into her attic
>"muh dik, Jewish bitches, sheeeeiiiittt"
>"No please! I'm pregnant. Don't hurt my baby."
>"That baby gonna come out carmel colored by the time I'm through with yah."
>music from the Mad Max Fury Road trailer begins playing in the background
>"Da fuck?"
>50 men clad in white hoods carrying torches ride over the nearby hill on horseback
>"What's this cracka shit?"
>cries of "yee haw" become increasingly audible
>SS soldier's eyes widen
>"Oh fuck"
>SS soldier turns to run but the all-American Klansmen catch him with a lasso around his neck
>Anne watches in half-horror, half-amazement as the Klan drag the hapless SS soldier to a nearby tree and begin stringing him up
>once he's fully secured to the tree, the hooded men take turns whipping the SS trooper repeatedly
>they finally finish him off by taking a red hot Bowie knife to his farm parts
>"say goodnight to them nuts blackie"
>they strip and clip him and he bleeds out
>SS soldier's last words before the life force drains from his shitskinned body are "we wuz Nazis and sheeiiittt"
>Anne protectively holding her belly approaches them as the Klan as they finish their deadly work
>"Thank you kind sirs for saving me and my child."
>one of the Klansman takes his hood off
>it's Jared Taylor
>"No need for thanks ma'am. We always look out for our Huwhite women, be they Christian or Jewish."

-With love, /his/

Attached: Klan Annie.png (611x1381, 729K)

>The Klan
>Saving a jewish girl

As expected of this retarded fanfiction meme.

That's why based Orthodoxy uses icons

Lmao, America is LITERALLY still in the 60s