3 dollar Amazon gift card for the best way to introduce them into the MCU or DCEU.
3 dollar Amazon gift card for the best way to introduce them into the MCU or DCEU
Nanite based robots and a fuck-crazy professor who made several robots for jobs like restoring the rainforest before Wiley hijacked them? This should be easy. Megaman's ability is just copying and storing technology he touches as well as evolving as a machine.
I meant moreso a description on what his/their first appearance in an MCU film should be like.
Does Marvel or DC have a Dr. Wily equivalent?
By which I mean not just a roboticist, but one that actually has a team of go-to robots with personalities that routinely show up?
Mysterio was the closest thing.
We can really just have Wily introduced into the MCU as well.
Kid Kaiju is playing Tatsunoko vs Capcom 2 for the PS4 and as a last-ditch effort to save Elsa Bloodstone and Moongirl he draws Megaman and the Robot Masters to save the day. They also stay there and do their thing.
Dr. Light and Dr. Wily were in college during the Ultron incident. Inspired by Vision, Light opts to further research on AI to create robots that can coexist with humans. Wily on the other hand is inspired by the sheer power commanded by Ultron chooses to make a more powerful peacekeeping robot that wouldn't go haywire like Ultron. Council chooses Dr. Light's idea for obvious reasons and it pretty much goes on like you'd expect.
>Dr. Wily is an ex-stark affiliate
>becomes next spiderman villain
>Dr. Light is also in cahoots with Wily
>megaman and spiderman are now friends
>Fury skrull and Hill skrull fuggin each other as post creds
Best one so far, post your email in case the thread archives.
Two words: Iron Man.
>You defeated Iron Man!
>Get equipped with Repulsor Ray!
>Kid Kaiju
fuck yeah this is the easiest way to go about it
Dr.Doom has his Doombots
I don't see how Dr Light making superpowered robots is any different than TO Morrow making superpowered robots. They would not be much different or stand out in DC.
Random scientist making superhero bots would not be that weird or out there in Marvel either.
In DC it's Dr. T.O. Morrow
In Marvel the Mad Thinker, Tinkerer, or Doom. All have made tons of robots, given people super suits or superpowers, and all steal and reprogram robots from Reed.
Will Magnus and his Metal Men
Light and Wily develop new technology based on (insert major Marvel/DC robot character here), leads to Mega Man 1.
>actually posting your email on Yea Forums
I mean moreso how his first appearance should be in a story.
Should he have his own film or be in a crossover?
Their world still exists with all its robots and shit, but it's Earth-XX. Dr. Will builds a Stargate to go fuck up somewhere else where Mega Man doesn't exist, but him and Rush get through. Something goes wacky though, so Wily and Mega Man get separated. Mega Man starts learning about our world and doing superhero stuff, Wily plots on an island somewhere and sends robots after him occasionally. Meanwhile, Dr. Light builds his own Stargate for everyone else to come through.
Damn i like this one too post your email.