Post a character and others guess their dick size

Post a character and others guess their dick size

For girls if they're an innie or an outie

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can we have one thread that's not degenerate?


Where do you think you are?

Outie, because she's a SLOOT made for WHORING!

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go back


Outie, to the degree and thiccness that you can feel the squelch in your innards.

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...What? I'm literally playing by the rules here.

I assume Guy has a massive dick
That level of self confidence has to come fore somewhere

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A whole lot of people will say that it's the inverse of that (inferiority complex so he overcompensates), but that's a false reading IMHO. An overcompensating bravado is exactly Doom's deal here. Guy's cocky, and does have some insecurities, but his massive self-confidence is "pure", whereas Doom's is just extreme anger and anger. So yeah, Guy has a Big, Ginger-Pubed Cock.


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>tfw Kamala will never embiggen her halal sausage your insides and bloat you with her feminine cummies
This entire timeline is a Clown World disaster

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This kind of degenaracy is the only thing that keeps me from going insane and just killing myself.
Also, 8 cm, because futas with little dicks are cute.

A Guy that fucking confident and cocky has got to have something to back it up!

>For girls if they're an innie or an outie

She can make her clit as big as a mans penis

C'mon user, y'know. Innie or outie.

Or just make it a penis.

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No, I don’t.

11 inches long, as thick as a beer can, and knotted due to being part werewolf. And since it's attached to Irwin it will never, ever touch a girl.

Belly buttons are sexy

10" Bat that he once DickSlapped Batman with.
>Morrison HCs Batman as having a big weiner and getting all his confidence from there
>Guy doesn't wear underwear one day
>Batman has his first crisis of faith
>"still, one punch"

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I assumed Guy always goes Commando

pic related

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Are we allowed to guess for the character we posted?

You know it fucking sucks having meat curtains.
I had to ask my bf to turn out the lights when I had my first time.
Vaginas are pretty scary put dicks smell horrible sometimes.

What does that have to do with the thread?

>Vaginas are pretty scary put dicks smell horrible sometimes.

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>Dicks smell horrible sometimes
Tell this fucker to wash it properly first.

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Thought we were having a discussion
I dont wanna hurt his feelings

>Thought we were having a discussion
well yes, about Kamala's vagina not your vagina
>I dont wanna hurt his feelings
why hurt him?
you make thing for him, he do thing for you
also is for it's for him hygiene
and your

Forget it, Yea Forums is just sfw /aco/

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Ah well atleast its not derailed worse
Some people are just fricking sensible user

0.01 cm

A cute 8cm dick for tender loving

maybe women are
just do not tell him he has it small and he will be fine

>Forget it, Yea Forums is just sfw /aco/
You would show this thread to your boss?
Yea Forums is just /aco/, but the porn fucking sucks.

Kamala can have as big a dick as she want, shapeshifters and body stretchers are cheating.

Oh you lucky bastard.
You never met a beta guy in your life havent you?

Dick and balls were burned off, he only has a gaping hole his pee comes out from, it's why he's jealous of RICHAAAARDS' elastodick.

rate em

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Remember, she might burn you alive you say the wrong thing.

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I mean notorious problems
also irl there are few betas (on average besides not to be confused with shy)

Dick: 10 cm
Roy: 6 cm
Kid Flash: 5 cm
Aqualad: 20 cm prehensile dolphin dick (internal)
Wonder Girl: Outie, unshaven

Soon to be outie

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4 inches

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best guess anybody?

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You cannot grasp the true girth of Galactus' dong.

11 inches
ever so slightly too big

X is a innie but spiritually an outie

Psylock has drapes for a vagine

welcome to Yea Forums, may i take your order?

No u gay

Mentally ill.5

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psylocke is at least 11 inches.

TinTin's got that modest average range.

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As said in the Avengers Thread, around average with a nice upwards curve that hits the G-Spot.

Haddock is fucking hung like a whale but can't get it up because of all the whiskey.

9 inches

6 inches and fat


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x21 gets a small peenor and if not futa shes definitely an innie


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for some reason i can't even think of his gentalia. weird really

Its just a hand.
I don't know its just the first thing that came to mind.

>going small
Futa is always bigger.