Fight preview is out. How hard they gonna screw Vic?
Aang vs Edward Elric
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Aang is gonna fuck up Ed's shit
Aang’s too fast and hits too hard. He’s gonna win.
Why did they have Johnny Cage and Captain Falcon fight instead of Cage and Ken Masters?
Ed can potentially win due to smarts and chemistry fuckery.
Then again once Aang go AS he basically wins unless Ed can touch him and deconstruct which is unlikely
As hard as Vic when he's left to his own devices.
Uh their grandparents/parents or with permission?
They’re gonna wank Aang hard
Isn't the point of a Lawyer literally to make sure nobody says anything dumb or incriminating?
Honestly this
>Just using the term "kissing" knowing it can easily mean a kiss on the cheek or forehead but most will assume lip contact
Sneaky niggas
Two anime characters. Take this shit to Yea Forums.
>Yea Forums
are you a fucking retard my man what does ed have to do with vic
Vic voiced Ed.
Death Battle airing has become something I don't look forward to as it usually means Yea Forums gets just a little bit more unbearable for a few weeks afterwards.
It's a subtle difference but there's a noticeable uptick in shitposting.
except Death Battle like almost never reuses official VAs of said character.
So you're saying the dials have been turned
The shitposting goes up to 11.
Oh god, this whole thing is going to be a passive aggressive move against Vic, isn't it? I didn't even think of it in that context, but because RT is involved in the various lawsuits, this is basically a plain fuck you.
>RT is involved in the various lawsuits
I'm curious how so?
Have they only ever done that with RWBY characters?
Johnny Yong Bosch had to use a surname to voice Ichigo and Jason David Frank I think did one or two lines over the phone.
Ed is smart as fuck
Intelligence as a factory always ends up as a problem when coming up with a fictional death battle where one character is clearly smarter than the other. By all means, Sweet Tooth should have snapped Joker's neck as far as feats go but the ruling ended up being, 'well Joker outsmarts Batman, so he would outsmart Sweet Tooth too'. As strong as Aang is, Death Battle can just say, well Ed's consistently smarter and leave it at that.
See, smart as fuck really only helps goes so far. This fight is a hand to hand fight, and Greed has no means of fighting any other way.
Ed can become a philosopher stone
Ed was the wrong choice. Mustang would be a genuine threat even to AS Aang, because his alchemy fucks up both fire AND airbending. The best you could hope for is throw a boulder and pray he can't dodge or blow it up.
Or just slam him with water and suddenly he can't use his water.
Use his fire I mean.
Dude, Edward is gonna fuck Aang all the way up.
joker vs sweet tooth made perfect sense. Needles outclassed joker physically, but we've seen joker venom incapacitate members of the justice league, so realistically joker would only need one opportunity to use it on Needles to win.
and we know Needles isn't immune to suffocation.
Ed has so many ways to kill Aang instantly as long as he can touch him. Problem is Aang can fly and can just zone the fuck out of him. Ed has nothing to deal with that.
Aangs got more raw power in the avatar state, but Eds got way way more utility.
I've never seen Aang make canons out of the ground. Whats more, I'm reasonably sure metal bending is beyond Aangs abilities, even in the avatar state.
Lust had the same idea and it ended badly.
whats stopping Ed from just shooting him
Yeah, because he carved a circle into his hand and just happened to get his hands on lighter.
It would make sense. Ed is WAY smarter and much more aggressive too. Aang likes to fuck around and give his opponents time to react
Aang’s really fast and has a good defense with his Earthbending
>stylish totally unnecessary engravings
>having to alchemize gunpowder and the firing mechanism
>somehow getting the components for gunpowder out of the ground
>doing this near instantly
The more I think about it the more impressive this becomes.
>that part where they lay out just how badly he got stabbed in the back
I'm glad his enemies are so fucking retarded and winning his case for him, but it must still really hurt
Ed also can literally blow Aang up by touching him
He can metal bend the bullets and stop them like Neo
There's a reason the Truth is impressive and so fucking traumatizing to people. It engraves a perfect knowledge of alchemy into your brain, and in terms of pain I mean "engraved" literally.
Ed is a better character no matter who wins.
If they really wanted to give Ed the win, just make Aang unable to finish Ed off because he's a pacifist. He couldn't even find it in him to kill Ozai and took his bending away instead.
Death Battle doesn’t use no-kill rules
Wait you guys are talking serious here? There is no way for Aang to lose this vs Ed.
It's really hard to say if the Avatar State counts as outside assistance, because while they're all reincarnations of one another the story also goes to great lengths to state each Avatar is their own person and not bound to the decisions of their predecessors.
>No mention of avatar state
So does Aang not get it? They keep showing him with it in promo art.
The judge can see what they're doing. Evil little bastards are going down and I hope Vic hardens his heart and goes on to collect scalps from everyone that wronged him.
what part?
Is KickVic really the first internet drama lawsuit to actually happen? I remember like 30 "Sue" threats but none of them happened
Can he do this at will?
Yeah but Roy isn't the poster boy of his show.
Non Avatar State Aang sure. Ed just needs to make a canon and shoot it at him. But ASA can just fly up and spam natural disasters until everything within miles including Ed is dead.
Joker's done some bullshit like killing an entire police precinct like he was Rambo so he might not be physically outclassed at all.
I can't recall the precise words, but it's essentially
>were you aware that your colleagues were spreading these "concerns" about you for years
>No, I thought they knew me well enough to talk to me about any worries they had
the preview rundowns never get into the meat of their abilities.
They're going to use Aang at his peak vs Ed at his peak, thats the standard they typically use. And its easy in this case because there's only one canon Ed and one canon Aang. It becomes stupid when they use comicbook characters.
It use to be that they would make composites out of characters with multiple incarnations, but thankfully they've done their best to avoid that lately, instead focusing on specific ones.
Its why Link beat Cloud way back. Composite Link is a goddamn monster.
No shit. Ed actually had to deal with no-win situations. His writer didn't give him an easy way out bullshit solution just so he could stay pure.
Avatar State is gonna win it for Aang.
The rundowns are always shorter in than in the actual episode.
Maddox and Waid spring to mind, but prior to that it was usually journalists that would spark legal slapfights, and celebs like Streisand that would make really retarded decisions to be mocked.
>Can he do this at will?
Yeah, he turned himself into a stone again just so he can get inside Pride. I doubt it matters much though because even if he's willing to shorten his life span in this fight, there's only so much power you can get from one single soul.
I don't see how it won't.
Aang is the end-all-be-all of his setting while Ed is just a dog of the military.
Here is what is going to happen, Aang is going to be kicking Ed's ass, telling him to give up. Ed is going to say something about not giving up and that Aang will have to kill him. DB will take this one time to be true to lore and have Aang not want to kill Ed but instead take his alchemy away so he can't fight (They will probably completely ignore the fact that Aang could just cut off Ed's arms). Aang will then be brought before Truth where Truth more than likley kill him or fuck his mind or some shit.
I can only see this being toph vs gaara 2
Is it really wanking when there is no real way for Ed to win?
An alchemist can do a hell of a lot more with the elements than a bender can
They've had Superman, Batman, and Spider-Man, even Billy gleefully murder their opponents. They aren't going to give Aang a pass.
This is Ed vs Storm from the X-Men. Ed is fucked.
>Try to energybend
>Get fucked by Truth
It's another one of those issues where you have a Y7 character vs a MA character. Not only is Aand actually just less diverse than Ed, but he's not remotely as brutal canonically. The closest we've gotten is Zaheer. Aang should be able to sneeze a compression wave that blows out every alveoli in your lungs and makes you drown in your own blood. But he can't, and Ed will fuck him up if he just slings alchemy fuel at him.
Ed has to clap his hands and touch something.
Aang can just flick his wrist and throw a boulder, which he can then move mid-air.
I've noticed lately that characters who are pacifists, or in situations where they wouldn't realistically want to kill their opponent, they're writen to do it accidentally in the fight.
Optimus Prime didn't realize there was a human pilot inside the gundam, He-Man left Lion-O alive on the ground, but destroyed the eye of thundera, Dan Hibiki accidentally swallowed one of Mr. Satan's capsules, etc
I feel like If Aang wins, it'll be written in a way like this. either be because he thinks Ed is some kind of weird spirit given his abilities and he's simply banishing him, or it'll be some happenstance outside his control
When the hell has how brutal a character is in their stories ever been a factor?
They had Spider-Man kick his way through Batman's chest and Billy punch a woman to death just to go "lol my mad."
>Each and every Stan under my command owes me ONE, HUNNERD, FUNI, SCALPS
>And I want my scalps!
>And all y’all will get me one hunnerd Funi scalps taken from the heads of one hunnerd dead Funi’s
>Or you will die tryin
>stylish totally unnecessary engravings
Part of Ed's character is that he is a teen boy so all of his creations are maximum edge/style.
>Try to energybend
>Get fucked by Truth
Why would this even happen
Truth really only reveals himself when someone tries to play god usually by attempting to bring someone back
Edward would die if he fought someone who constantly jokes/taunts their enemies into opening their weak spots
So Spiderman?
Vic's not in this fight. Stop being retarded.
Or Dante or 2B or Nero or Bayonetta or even Little Mac
I don't understand how people can be such dishonest pieces of shit. Why is it so hard to just be real with people? Or if you're not able to do that, keep your issues to yourself.
>When people who you thought were closest to you and cared about you drop you like a sack a potatoes when you're going through a rough patch in life
>When people who you thought were closest to you and cared about you drop you like a sack a potatoes when you're going through a rough patch in life
worst thing about that is not only will it make that patch harder but it'll stick with you in the future and make forming new bonds that much tougher
They use brutality all the time as a factor
Wouldn't Aang trying to rob Ed of his Alchemy constitute playing god?
Canon Ed doesn't use guns ever, and he's incapable of transmuting one on the spot.
Earth Bending, Water Bending and Air bending.
Also I cannot stress this enough, literally just removing his arm.
Is it really playing god if you basically are god? Or at least the second closest thing to it?
in a world with a complete disregard for discretion confidentiality is a commodity that comes at a cost higher than most are willing to pay.
Yeah but the researchers have already said that anything 2003 Ed can do, FMAB Ed could also do so they are fair game feats.
I wish I had that ancient screencap about Ed vs Aang and Edward winning by a braid length.
Truth can only fuck you if you're using alchemy as he's not a real entity, just the UI of the setting's magic system.
Would bending even count as alchemy?
The Avatar is not a God. He is the AVATAR. The bridge between man and the cosmos, the spirit realm and the unknown forces binding together all things in harmony.
Aang's existence is still governed by universal laws that even he is forbidden from breaking at the risk of affecting the same kinds of world-breaking consequences that Korra did.
They'll do that when it's applicable, I doubt they'll give Ed a gun arm and have him just shoot Aang in the face. Ed will fight like Ed.
Pretty much true, Aang was capable of getting boiled in oil. There's also the time he almost got killed by a lightning bolt from Azula. Let's not forget that Ed's out of the fight the second his automail arm gets destroyed.
t. actual underage retard.
Aang about to score another big win for western culture over asian savages.
Correct. Ed has never changed his arm in battle to a gun.
The problem here is Ed always like to finish this with his fist. Yes he is a master fighter but Aang is supernaturally swift in a fight as seen the rotating boards in Korra.
I do not see ED winning this.
You know those 2 taunt cuz they are 100% confident that you will die a brutal death, right?
He’s used transmuted cannons in the manga
Aang can’t metalbend and Ed can make his arm impervious
It amuses me how similar DC and Nintendo are in terms of death battles.
>Both have characters that have decades-long histories and several incarnations
>Both have a weak link that brings their win/loss record down (Pokemon for Nintendo, Bat-family characters for DC)
>Both are constantly underestimated.
>Both have dials that go up to 11.
>Both have an assortment of A-listers and literally whos
>Both have better fighting games than Marvel and Capcom
When are we going to get a Nintendo vs DC match?
Awesome, the arm will be the only thing left then.
Cannons aren't small delicate guns
And who said those were actual cannons and not just Ed being showy, why are just as/more talented alchemists creating basic medieval weapons when they can apparently just spawn gunpowder out of their ass and make an explosive or gun or whatever
Roy is a living grenade launcher.
Roy is a special snowflake if you didn't already realize
It's not the same at all. Ed is no where near Gaara's weight class and a few feet below Aang's.
Should have been Korra VS Ed
>Already getting information about Aang wrong.
Here we go again. By usual Deathbattle standard I think Aang should have this, so Ed should win the match. But I've also forgotten everything Ed can pull off with a philosopher's stone if he gets one, so who knows.
Korra metalbends, probably a bad idea. Or does Ed's automail have no impurities? Otherwise it feels like an odd advantage.
You don't need to metal bend to remove an arm, just remove the fleshy arm and now he has to use circles
ed constantly had to change the properties of his automail against scar to counter his alchemy
What did they get wrong?
They called the water incest duo as being from the northern water tribe
I forgot Ed can make blimps and parachutes
Because he fired them?
So he could use alchemy to remove impurities if need be? I feel like Korra would rip off the arm long before Ed realizes how to counter metalbending, but I forget her metalbending range and it's not like she'd instantly realize it was a metal arm under normal circumstances.
I understand that literally every fight is subject to circumstance, but I think metalbending against Ed would be a weird random variable. And Aang is more iconic than Korra and meshes more with Ed(kids from dead tribes).
Said Katara and Toph were from the Northern Water Tribe. It's always weird tiny things that make it clear franchises they don't revisit a lot are just being quickly scanned for feats. This leads to some weird conclusions and lack of context. I mean, the last Avatar fight had Toph beating Gaara which I really can't understand going by the power of the universes alone.
That’s part of it. It’s really more that they are a professional there to represent you and help you navigate the legal system. In that case, it looked like a deposition and his lawyer was acting appropriately by objecting to the question. That gives them grounds to challenge the statement and have it thrown out later. I think. I don’t know I’m not a lawyer.
They used a Composite for Green Lantern, they aren't done with them.
But how would he know that's how metalbending works unless a metalbender tells them
I wonder if Aang will lose to make up for Toph winning, sorta like how the one RWBY chick lost to make up for the win of the other RWBY chick that was bullshit
Ed winning wouldn’t be bullshit
He’s an underdog but not a huge one, and he exists in a deadlier universe than Aang with deadlier enemies
get fucked
Both are famous for their punches and those punches hitting very strong beings
Ed's transmutation suffers from one big notable weakness in comparison to Aang's bending
He can only transmutate one thing at a time while Aang can bend all four elements at once
They're also celebrities
Seriously, that's the theme of the match
If dubs Aang wins, if trips Ed wins
Also isn't Ed fucked if he loses an arm while aang while also fucked could use his feet?
I'm in the camp that Korra would probably just rip it off, but here's a hypothetical:
>In dialogue Korra reveals she controls "the four elements" when their understanding of elements conflicts.
>Korra clearly demonstrates the four different styles and Ed can register this.
>Ed knows his stuff so he acknowledges that Korra could control the impurities in his arm and either fixes this beforehand or does it after she takes off a chunk while they fight.
On average Avatar characters are probably weaker, but the strongest characters look to be superior. The best bloodbenders, especially the hilariously broken psychic ones, would beat basically everyone. Comet Ozai is easily more powerful than someone like Mustang, and likely stronger without it, etc.
If you want to look at the spirits against Truth then Truth easily takes it, but nobody in FMA seems close to Truth in power.
Father could beat anyone in Avatar
Truth doesn’t fight
The Avatar
-Master of the 4 elements at the age of 12
-The Last Airbender
-Final form: Avatar State
-Bald with tattoos
The Alchemist
-Alchemy specialist
-Manipulates environment into anything to his will, even without transmutation circles
-Metal prosthetics
-Bad temper
-Rated T for Teen
There's really no way for Ed to win. He has limited long range options, and even if he does land a shot, he risks flicking on Aang's Avatar mode. Colonel Mustang, however... that would be interesting.
The Avatar
>112 years old
As God Father? Probably, ignoring some spirit nonsense. I forget if he can do anything without moving though, I really need to rewatch the end of FMA.
He's still stronger than anything shown in the Avatar universe.
>go avatar state
>kyoshi him into a hole in the ground
idk chief
I haven't read FMA in a good while but I have a feeling they're going to come up with some crazy power scaling based on other characters to give Ed the edge.
Which of the Homunculi could beat Aang?
Pride and Wrath?
He’s supposed to be an all powerful deity, one that controls the law of the universe, he might be among the top in fiction, along with Zeno and the DC God.
>character that can pull stuff out from nowhere vs character that needs stuff to make stuff
gee whiz whos going to win??
If you mean God Father then no, he's a lot weaker. If you mean Truth then he's still probably weaker than Zeno or "DC God". If you mean Presence then he's stronger than Truth and Zeno by a significant margin, while Zeno is just a bit over Truth by virtue of Dragonball having multiple universes.
How will he make contact with Aang in the first place? Aang is faster, can fly, and can shield himself.
Yes, Aang has the advantage in raw power, but that's just it- it's only in raw power. He's wholly limited to physical manipulations of the environment around him. Edward Elric can do all of that with alchemy and so, so much more- how much will completely dictate the outcome of the match, AS or no AS.
Incidentally, I have been requesting this matchup for years and am totally fuckin' pumped.
Ed can create flying vehicles
This would piss me off because Ed would stand no chance against Bradley anyways.
People in Avatar can react to lightning, so I don't think anything in FMA is going to go above that in speed so easily. Some continental feats involving giant alchemy circles, maybe?
I don't remember Ed ever doing that, especially in a fight. Not that it would make a difference because Aang could easily knock it out of the sky.
At best he can make a blimp and parachute
Guess what happens when rocks hit them at high speed?
Can he though? I’m sure he understands the, but making one with what? In the middle of a battle?
>He's wholly limited to physical manipulations of the environment around him
Like Ed?
Has a character being smarter than another ever affected the outcome?
Would Ed be able to utilize his abilities more cleverly?
Part of me feels that the researcher who made that blog did all that to give Ed even the remotest slightest chance possible because its kind of a foregone conclusion.
Before they got promoted and back when they were doing prediction blog posts for upcoming fights, they gave Charizard as much as possible to skew him to even the most minuscule odds possible because they all knew how much he was fucked up against Wargreymon.
Bradley almost beat Scar without his ultimate eye and after falling from a roof after being stabbed
Intelligence has been key to some outcomes but never the sole factor on why a character wins
It doesn't matter, no amount of Ed pulling out something out of his ass or a chemistry book is saving him from falling down a chasm to his death.
He did in the movie
right? thats my take on this too - I didn't get too deep into FMA but it doesn't seem like theres a lot he can do when the other guy can just control whatever he makes ( excepting metal, I guess - I don't think Aang ever learnt metalbending until later in life, if ever. )
Not in the least. Aang can't make chemical transmutations- Ed can make *all of them.*
That gives Ed a colossal advantage, strategy-wise, and it's one his entire series, world, and skillset is based around optimizing.
Batman vs Cap
He never learned metalbending period
Its been commented that Korra was the first Avatar metalbender
Again, not gonna stop Aang from opening the Earth underneath him
Guess what Aang has that Ed doesn't?
Not succumbing to gravity
Scar had help.
Truth isn't even a "being." He's what your mind creates as way of rationalizing an alchemical henosis. He's the UI for alchemy.
Ed defeated by by not using alchemy. That's literally all anyone needs to do to beat him. Not use alchemy.
What the FUCK is that sword made out of?
>Implying Ed can't transmute his clothes into a glider so he can glide to the side of the chasm and climb his way back up
>Has to fight Aang butt naked now
What's stopping Aang from creating a chasm and then blow a tornado making the glider useless?
Doesn't Aang obtain all the knowledge of the previous Avatars in the Avatar state? Ed is fucked.
Yes, its one of the reasons why he was so much stronger in the Avatar State even all the way back in Book 1
Wouldn't a the glider?
Ed has a no killing code just like Aang, concerning humans at least.
>Aang likes to fuck around and give his opponents time to react
Ed did exactly this when fighting Kimblee and nearly got himself killed.
Ask a person who glides as a hobby
Ask him if he'd glide into a tornado
The fuck is Ed going to do?
This is like him fighting Storm. He's got no fucking chance.
What's he going to do against a tornado?
Destruction Capability: City+
Speed: Supersonic
Durability: Small building
Striking Strength (With Bending): Wall
Destruction Capability: Town+
Speed: Hypersonic
Durability: Town+
Striking Strength (With Alchemy): Nuke
So Aang wins in the destruction department but loses in speed, striking strength and durability.
>Made up powerlevel stats
All you need to say is Aang just needs to fly out of Ed's reach and pelt him with natural disasters until its over
>Being ignorant
How does this help him in a fight? He didn't fully heal the wound and still needed to see a doctor and the process also takes years off his life.
Aang already had a soul battle against Ozai so he's no novice in that area of combat. Ed only beat Pride because Kimblee froze him.
The picture they're using for Aang in the thumbnail looks off for some reason
Truth has conceptual existence, is understood as the embodiment of the universe, and seems to have some autonomy with how he conducts exchanges or punishment. Even if by nature he'll generally be in an abstract state of non-action, he's a more powerful entity than anything else in the two series that I can think of, save maybe the abstract notion of unconfirmed higher powers in their worlds.
>Ed only beat Pride because Kimblee froze him.
Oh fuck, if they do go that route, we'd likely see all the Avatars just gang up on Ed
>Being retarded
Thoughts on the new DBX host?
Soulless and gay.
>Using vsbw
Kill yourself
I honestly legit feel that when Ben and Chad want to retire and make Wiz vs Boomstick to kill both characters off, RT will just introduce two new hosts to take over
>Ed can bunch with the force of a nuclear bomb
In the avatar state, Aang can move land masses and throw lava. The only way Ed would stand a sliver of a chance would be with a philosopher's stone, but he refuses to use those.
>That time they had some nobody voice Scout when his VA was perfectly willing to do it
When you got Father as a father, you get the best shit
Outskirts is probably one of the best sites for VS matches.
Take it from someone who has belonged to just every major (and plenty of minor) VS forums since 2009.
>(With Alchemy)
Meaning he can create something that can hit with that force.
Aang without bending is obviously not punching through a wall with his bare hands.
JDF didn't voice Tommy
It was Kirbopher
They did get Sigma's official voice actor though using the same surname shit
The reason why they rarely use official VAs is because they're afraid of the legal consequences
Utterr faggotry.
DB has a good gimmick that they can milk until the end of time. They'd be insane not to pass the torch. Personally I want them to retire hosts as a concept completely and do what Deadliest Warrior did and have two teams of autists argue why their character wins.
Half the fun of Deadliest Warrior was watching the autists and larpers that were wayyyyy too invested in the fight. The other half was watching sides of beef destroyed.
Isn't OBD on life support?
What in the fuck can he make that hits like a nuke?
I think a lot of his fights would have gone a lot better for him if he could summon nukes.
So how many "secretly official" va's have they had?
...Well, he missed those 100 years in ice. Caillou the Airbender matured though.
>Meaning he can create something that can hit with that force.
He's never done anything like that, fuck off.
Just Sigma and Ichigo
>Everyone expects the Marvel and DC teams to be at each other's throats
>They're actually friends with each other and use death battle as an opportunity to share their favorite stories and factoids with the audience
>It's the anime teams that are distilled autism.
He can't, town+ is just another wild exaggeration that is all too common in discussions like these. Kimblee is the resident demo guy and what's the biggest thing he's blown up? A street? A bit of a mine shaft with a philosopher's stone?
>Its the Ben 10 vs Hal Jordan rematch episode
>They get actual Zoomers for Ben and HEATfags for Hal
Yeah but that doesn't mean the work they've already put into the wiki is any worse for ware.
Most VS forums are dead these days, one because of how homogenized the internet has become in general and two is just because VS has been exhausted, DB works because of the spectical and because most of its fans are casuals but if you check out actual VS forums (Even the lively ones) they've basically exhausted any fight worth talking about.
The FORCE of a nuke, not like a literal bomb.
It's scaled off Kimblee/Father.
I repeat. When the FUCK has Ed punched with the force of a nuclear bomb?
>It's scaled off Kimblee/Father.
Do you know what it means to powerscale? It means the character didn't literally do the feat, but they overcame a character who did.
Like we've never seen Goku blow up a planet, but he's beaten people who have, so we know Goku can blow up planets.
Before or after Hoenheim reversed Father's stuff?
>Like we've never seen Goku blow up a planet, but he's beaten people who have, so we know Goku can blow up planets.
Terrible logic, it works in DBZ because of how power levels work but with FMA no you can't just scale Ed to town+ just because Kimblee can possibly do something on that scale if he used a Philosopher's Stone) and powerscaling Ed up with FATHER is absolutely retarded.
Not him but why can't you scale Ed off Father?
The fact Father didn't blitz him is one major feat on Ed's speed. The other person was a bit off the mark in "overcome" and such, but the point remains you're just scaling off how characters interact.
>The fact Father didn't blitz him is one major feat on Ed's speed.
That's different than scaling up destructive capabilities, but still absolutely retarded since there was never a scene where Father tried to "blitz" Ed.
Blitz'ing isn't something you have to actively try to do, unless you're saying Father purposely held back, his speed comes into play when fighting.
>Blitz'ing isn't something you have to actively try to do
You say the fact Father never blitzed Ed is a good "speed feat" but the fact he never actually tried to blitz him negates that, obviously. There was never a time where Ed displayed notable speed feats against Father and trying to extrapolate some out of nothing is retarded.
Do you have evidence that Father purposely held back against Ed?
>Kimblee used a philosopher stone to blow up a town
>Thus Ed punches with the energy output of a nuclear warhead
This is why vs battle wiki is mocked.
Mechagodzilla will either be Kiryu or a composite with Kiryu as the base
>vs battle wiki
Not even the same site you dope.
They never really even fought, Goop!Father obviously didn't want to kill Ed and immediately grabbed him as soon as everything was set for his ritual. God!Father would've wiped them out if Hohenheim didn't block his attack. And then in the final stages Father was freaking out and dying. What single moment are you even talking about?
Kiryu stomps. Poor power rangers are likely ending up in the oxygen club
1. They're already in the Oxygen Club (Well, franchise wise that is, Tommy specifically risks it)
2. Its surprisingly not as one sided as you'd think if they're going with solely Kiryu
Tommy and the Dragonzord may lose in arsenal and weightclass but beat Kiryu and Akane in speed (the Dragonzord once flew to the moon and even rocketed itself as an attack), stamina (Kiryu can only fly for short periods of time and the Absolute Zero Cannon eats up 40 percent of its power alone), and strength (held up the Cayan tower along with the Megazord)
Really depends on if the Dragonzord has some way of beating the Absolute Zero cannon, dodging fast enough, or countering it while it charges
>It's just Kiryu
Tommy has a chance. Kiryu has limited energy and its absolute zero cannon drains a lot of it.
>Kiryu with composite abilities
Tommy is absolutely fucked. Composite just has way too many weapons that it can freely spam until Tommy is dead.
On one hand, Composite Mechagodzilla topped number 1 on Ben's poll
On the other hand Kiryu came in second and Ben himself said he leaned on the idea that Mechagodzilla can't be composited and that the poll only came to see what the fans would think
Honestly, the fact that Akane is the pilot makes me think it'll just be Kiryu
If it was composite, why bring her at all?
I haven't watched fma in years but doesn't Edward's feat cap out at peak human? I feel like Aang wipes the floor with him
Honestly? I think Kiryu is the weakest Mechagodzilla.
Who wins?
Mechagodzilla II> Mechagodzilla>Kiryu
He fought with two of the failed bradleys, which could dodge bullets
Since they couldn't blitz him and he was similarly fast then he was a bullet timer
I have yet to meet man who can outbend boolet
How good is Ed's marksmanship?
Yogi, he was strong enough to get a hit on the strongest homunculus
>Aang already had a soul battle against Ozai so he's no novice in that area of combat. Ed only beat Pride because Kimblee froze him.
Aang also has to immobilize his opponent and make physical contact with them to energybend. So if anything they're even there.
Cabbage merchant is shown making better decisions in the long run but Yoki tends to make stronger allies in the short term and at least has the guts to run over a homunculus with a car. Yoki takes it, assuming certain environmental elements and/or other parties are in play, a slap fight that leads into a draw otherwise.
>People in Avatar can react to lightning
Because lightning in the avatar universe has a massive cast time. All you have to do is aim where the bender is aiming to intercept or dodge their extended arm. We never got to see anyone who could react to natural lightening, despite Zuko's desperate attempts.
Zuko didn't start running to intercept Azula's lightning blast until AFTER she already shot it, so unless Zuko is massively faster than lightning I'd say it's a safe bet lightning bending is not nearly as fast as natural occurring lightning. However there is a scene during The Storm where Iroh redirects natural lightning away from the ship though I have my own thoughts about that moment.
How the hell do you have Nuke striking strength and lose in destruction capability to someone with wall striking strength?
Given that Aang can fall back on the experience of every Avatar that came before him, as well as the Avatar State, yeah, Ed's fucked.
Through the same vs battle wiki logic that makes Simon Belmont omniversal level beyond Galactus and all the Marvel abstracts.
Edward wins
>can instantly transmute any ekemental bending attacks thrown at him
>has fought against state alchemists specializing in said elements so has experiance countering them
>has way more utility to throw at aang in hand to hand
>get one touch on aang and can destroy his body at the molecular level
>aang jobs to a lightning bolt
>aang has no durability and relys on playing keepaway of which edward can close the gap with superior speed
>aang tries avatar state attempting to overpower him with sheer power
>ed has fought against the demigod father and the strongest homunculus with his wit and talent
Ed is smarter
Ed has more explosive output
Eds arm and leg cant be bended by aang
Ed has more wins against stronger opponents
>>can instantly transmute any ekemental bending attacks thrown at him
Can't he only transmute one element at a time while aang can do all four at once?
Transmute elements one at a time? What makes you think that? An alchemist can transmute, rearrange and manipulate any kind of matter. Alchemists work through chemistry. He can manipulate anything with enough raw material.
Look at this dude making fully functioning cannons with gunpowder and ammunition. That requires manipulating multiple elements at a time.
Ed is really well versed in the compositions of such basic attacks.
It'll push his limits but im sure he'd be capable of doing it by denying aang access to elements he'd have available by the environment alone.
I'm more impressed he could keep his arm still while deflecting bullets from a like a .44 machine gun.
I hope that for the episode, they don't include any lore from Korra for Aang's research. No Raava or any of that shit.
That being said, I think Aang's got this. He's:
-dodged Combustion Man's bullet explosion and lightning
-defeated Toph, Zuko, Zhao, Ozai, and the spirit from The Rift.
-air can destroy solid rock
-fast on land and the air
-can level an entire town
see Last I check, Ed can still die from fall damage
1. Ed never displayed that much finesse with his alchemy, at best he's made cannons that just fire rock.
Even Izumi just sticks to forging replicas of primitive weapons
1. Scenario
Aang is drowning Ed's head with water, crushing his bottom torso with uprising rocks, and burning his chest
He can transmutate them away yes but can only do so one at a time
By the time he's finished transmutating one of them, at least one of the other two would've finished him off
Aang has no real chance beyond bloodbending before he's overwhelmed by edwards alchemy
>can't go over a hole doing litterally anything
>by denying aang access to elements he'd have available by the environment alone.
Air and Fire are always available
>can't go over a hole doing litterally anything
Seismic sense nigga
He could tell where the fuck he'd be hiding and crush him within the soil underneath
Predictions on the song name?
Ed is quite a bit stronger than Aang in base, but Aang's fast enough to at least not immediately die. Avatar State is just on another tier though. Ed's best bet is to kill him before he uses it but that sort of scenario is very unlikely in Death Battle they pretty much always use everything in their arsenal in the fight.
>ed makes giant dome of metal over them
>aang burns up all the oxygen in the air with firebending
>aang is forced to rely on airbending alone
>edward mogs airbending by transmuting it to carbon monoxide
>aang suffers from not being able to breathe with ed beating the shit out of him in close quarters combat
>aang has no durability and relys on playing keepaway of which edward can close the gap with superior speed
>superior speed
>Ed's only bet to getting close to an airborne Aang is via stone pillars
>That Aang can just tear down easily
>All while the very ground Ed needs to propel himself off is crumbling apart
>Have to resort to coming up with an elaborate scenario where Ed wins
You do know Death Battle goes with the character who'd be likelier to win the most rounds right?
Full Metal Avatar
Alchemical Bent
4 vs 118
Honestly I think it's this. Ed really does have no real counter to flying. Canons shots can be dodged or bended away.
Aang isn't super agile on his glider, especially if he starts on the ground. In The Chase Azula kept him landlocked pretty easily. And I'd say Ed has the tools to keep up the fight even if he does get in the air. However Avatar State assisted flight would be too much for Ed.
Aang is nowhere near as fast as ed and all it takes is one touch and aangs body gets destroyed
Aang will win.
>Ed's only bet to getting close to an airborne Aang is via stone pillars
Aang can't fly without his glider
>That Aang can just tear down easily
When has he ever shown his capability of bending/destroying other peoples attacks while gliding
>All while the very ground Ed needs to propel himself off is crumbling apart
Which is also not an issuue because at that point aang is just playing keepaway being a scared little bitch and you're forgetting ed can just make platforms.
Same avatar state that jobbed to azula lightning.
>Aang can't fly without his glider
Nigga he flies in the avatar state
>transmuting it to carbon monoxide
and why wouldn't aang be able to bend that it's still air?
Aang wins.
>has to surround himself in air itself to do it
>ed transmutes the air bubble to hydrogen
>lights fire with that circle of fire
>explodes dies
Get fucked
Gas isn't air
>Sokka and Katara
>Northern water tribe
Anyway, I just hope they don't make Edward win through sheer bullshit, Aang is much more powerful than him by the end.
This, bending clouds required water bending to some extent
>Gas isn't air
Air is a nebulous concept it isn't like aang bends O2 he bends air and what is in air a mix of gases
Ed is dead too retard
It should have been Aang vs Storm.
Except it isnt to ed. All ed has to do is just fuck with aangs own bending to his advantage to win.
true but this battle is less about fairness and more about theme, classical vs modern elements, spirituality vs "science"
Wouldn't storm scale so some crazy Op bullshit
Honestly this looks like it's gonna be a rather close fight
>it's gonna be a rather close fight
So long as Ed can keep Aang grounded it would be anyone's win
>transmits the explosion to harmless oxygen at the last second and is ok
Aang loses 3 to 10
How far is his transmutation range?
Exactly, despite Aang being undoubtedly more powerful, Ed has a lot of potential checks for his powers, is smarter, and has a one hit kill
>and has a one hit kill
But the range on that one is so tiny
Anything he touches
>Anything he touches
So how would he touch the flying ball?
Ed is specifically very quick on his feet, especially post cold-climate automail, but he isn't superhuman in this aspect. However Aang's airbending assisted movement does make him superhuman here. Ed couldn't like run on water or run up the Ba Sing Se wall. If Aang can evade Ozai for quite a while, who had complete free vertical access zipping around like a jet, I'd say he wouldn't immediately die to Ed.
get the fuck outta here
Yeah, that's part of why it's a close fight, it's a question on which is more likley
Ed can find a way to deal with Aangs power, and explodes his head, or Aang overpowers Ed with the avatar state
True. Aang vs Ed is actually really well themed.
>Western character that uses an Eastern conception of magic vs Eastern character that uses a Western conception of magic
>Classical elements vs periodic elements
>Chosen by destiny vs hubristically trying to change destiny
>Both fight evil kings with magic powers
I think it makes up for Captain Falcon vs Johnny being "lol show your moves vs le epic mortal kombat boomer."
Storm is Avatar State Aang on roids. She's Omega Level.
>I think it makes up for Captain Falcon vs Johnny being "lol show your moves vs le epic mortal kombat boomer."
both are famous for their punches and those punches hitting things way stronger than themselves also both are celebs
Can Hal’s willpower kill Gold Experience Requiem?
Hals willpower is beyond multiversal in deathbattles video he cant lose anything
If Sacred star of milos is counted, Ed does have a lightning dodging feat, since he dodged Melvins lightning thing pretty easily
>Can't he only transmute one element at a time while aang can do all four at once?
What a fucking retarded sentence. Ed transmutes chemical elements. Aang fucks around with the mystical elements. You're trying to equate two very different things
So if a high speeding rock bullet and a burst of really hot fire were to hit him at the same time would he be able to transmute both at once
Irrelevant to how stupid what you said was.
>I don't understand how people can be such dishonest pieces of shit.
it's called workplace etiquette,
Ed scales to bradley in combat speed since he went toe to toe with scar who beat Bradley
Man if he some how got RT shutdown that be awesome
>Dragonball Team
>Everyone is either mexican or black
>Immedietly start arguing if Jiren is stronger than Broly
>Aang is nowhere near as fast as Ed
Did you even watch Avatar?
Ed always had help fighting Scar, and Scar had help fighting Bradley. Aang actually redirected lightning by himself.
What the hell were Bradley's powers? I still don't know what his eye does or how the stone affected his body's composition, considering he doesn't have immorality or healing like his siblings.
Except save a little girl from being turned into a dog
I think what he meant is, most things are made of several chemical elements, while Aang bends mythical elements. So that question is just stupid.
These guys had Toph beat Gaara and now they put this weird lopsided match out. Guess they really like Avatar. Hope they at least have enough taste to draw the line at Korra.
Ultimate Eye basically gave him extra sensory vision, precognition, and can discern strengths and weaknesses at a glance. He could basically make the optimal moves and perfect attacks based on whatever he had. That combined with being generally superhuman allowed him to essentially be a one man army
Dont mind me. Just posting Best boy.
RT isn't involved at the moment. The lawsuit is against Rial, Toy, Marchi and Funimation LLC.
Peak Human body with enhanced strength, stamina and speed because of the philosophers stone inside him.
His Ultimate Eye also lets him predict every move his opponent makes and gives him short term precog as long as he can see them. He’s the most broken “human” character in the series
I love Edward Elric.... but I know Aang will win.
Pretty much this
They can give him any feat made by another avatar
Even with the Philosopher's Stone, against the Avatar State what can Ed even do? In raw strength, speed, durability, feats Aang is like 50 times above his league. This is a spite matchup.
Aang is going to win hands down.
>But But...... Edward is ssmartter!!
Throughout the series we see Aang learn and adapt in difficult situations and in Avatar state is has the knowledge of all past Avatar(And one said avatar opened a ravine in the ground and lava bended
>But.. But Edward can just one hit him!1!1!!
Forget Aang is the avatar and forget about fire,earth and water. AIRBENDING IS ENOUGH to make sure Edward doesn't it anywhere CLOSE to Aang. LOL
>But.... but the if Edward uses the Philosopher's Stone.....
LOL! That's like BATMAN using a GUN, Edward doesn't like or has on him the Stone.
>But.. But Edward is faster112!!21!
NOPE! Aang can use airbending to increase his speed 10 fold kid. In fact he is so fast with bending he can stop an explostion mid-blast!
ALSO DONT FORGET!!! His limbs make it hard from him to swim, and the avatar is a waterbending lol
Aang has this in the god damn BAG!!!
Unless Avatar State is soul based, I don't see Ed winning
>Aang is like 50 times above his league
No he isn't. Aang would still win but people acting like he's the pinnacle of strench need to calm down. Ed may not be able to beat him, but pretty much every villain from FMA would massacre Aang
So we just gonna pretend as though Ed couldn't transmute parts of Aang's body to incapacitate him? Dude could literally make iron weapons out of a pool of blood, who's to say he couldn't just clap Aang on the back and wait for the iron ball he just created out of the kid's blood to get lodged somewhere important like the heart or brain?
Ed has transmuted his brother's soul, his own soul, and pulled a single soul out of the soul hellstorm that is a philosopher's stone-fueled homunculus
energy bending can get fucked
the most advanced thing Aang does aside from the bullshit OP power up mode is rudimentary to any alchemist, and Ed is one of the greatest alchemist there is
>get up you novice, i'm about to show you how outclassed you really are
>Truth can only fuck you if you're using alchemy as he's not a real entity, just the UI of the setting's magic system.
great fanfiction
>muh air bending
alchemy is the same thing as bending with less rules, air alchemy isn't even novel
Who the fuck cares.
had ed ever transmuted a gas?
Vic is little shit and he had it coming
>Gets beaten to a bloody pulp for a while before realizing that he should use alchemy to to counter the thing his opponent is doing that he's clearly using alchemy to accomplish.
Wow, so smart. It's truly the move of a genius to keep trying to break something he can't break while getting murdered. Instead of, I dunno, using his opponent's lack of range to his advantage, using alchemy to restrain him instead of trying to injure him, or fucking realizing that he should obviously be trying to use alchemy to deconstruct his shield already.
>Ed tries to transmute an air burst
>Both arms get ripped from their sockets because said bursts can shatter mountains
Should be GG the moment Aang goes Avatar state but it's Death Battle so Aang will probably lose due to his own no kill rule or something equally bullshit.
So, when do we cut to all of the clips of Avatar characters who are massively outclassed by Aang neutralizing tanks with much greater ease than mr. Fuhrer does here?
yeah putting no-kill rule characters into death battles always felt off to me.
FMA is a dumb show.
>Speed: Supersonic
Way higher considering how he matches up against Zuko multiple times, who was able to jump in the way of a lightning bolt after it got fired.
>Durability: Small Building
His earth shield by the end of the series withstood multiple point blank attacks from a comet-empowerd Ozai. His Avatar State air shield alone is incomparably stronger than that.
>Striking Strength (With Bending): Wall
Bullhsit even by his early-series confrontation with Bumi back when he only knew Airbending. Completely batshit horseshit by the end of the series.
>FMA is the better series
It had an interesting idea for a plot that it dragged out for over twice as long as it should have, has way too many unmemorable characters, barely takes advantage of its interesting anime superpower system and overall just thinks it's way too fucking clever for its own good.
>Wow look at this goofy dude he's so nice and he loves his kid! Sure don't hope that this pointless character whose only defining character trait is that he's really likable tragically dies because who gives a shit about making actual stakes when you can just manufacture them like this?
>Wow that Shou Tucker dude sure was fucked up, and that lesson from Mustang that this is how the world is sounds really ominous and edgy, surely the series will actually deliver on this by ramping things up, right? Surely Shou Tucker won't end up being the most despicable character in the whole series by a landslide, right? Additionally, it makes total sense for him to raise a nice kid and be amicable to the Elrics while also being a total psychopath, right? That's not just a cheap twist for the sake of shock value??? RIGHT???
>Wow, Al questioning his own humanity would sure be compelling if he wasn't taking it seriously while he's being told that by a deranged serial killer who is currently attempting to murder him with butcher knives! Also if the entire concept that he isn't real making no fucking sense given, I dunno, THE ENTIRE INCITING INCIDENT OF THE FUCKING SHOW???
>no memorable characters
It's been years since I saw the show and I can still remember 90% of the characters
I will say that the deep philosophical moments can be cheesy and that the start of the series is really slow and drags on.
Shame the Scar vs Bradley fight was Bradley being on his last legs or it'd be a reasonable feat for Ed to match. Meanwhile we saw Bradley wiping out an army on his own without any wounds and only getting caught out when fighting another homonculus tier opponent.
Scar would have been long dead if Bradley was even remotely near his peak and thats with Scar basically being blessed by his god with obscene luck.
Alchemy requires knowledge of what you are turning something from and then into. is a perfect example of what happens when a physically generic guy with healing and a basic bitch armour ability fights Ed. He basically tries to punch him to death despite knowing that he can't be hurt. Ed is a stupid fuck that lucks out his opponents are just as retarded or arrogant. Bradley shows exactly how easy Greed is to counter while just using swords, with no real alchemy.
At the moment, maybe his thirst for vengeance will grow stronger if he wins against Funimation
Yes he made ammonia
Can he do it to Aang flying 100 meters above him?
>There are actually people who think Aang would lose
Careful Aangfags, you're starting to sound dangerously close to Benfags
Why are people bringing up Bradley? Ed doesn't scale to him, not even close.
He fought two of the lesser bradleys
So he scales to them, and they have a few similar feats
Unlike them we know DC always wins
That and Ed could keep up Greedling, who could keep up with Bradley
Putting them all at a similar level despite Bradley being faster
No, those bradleys didn't have the Ultimate Eye or any impressive Wrath-level feats so you can't say they're the same as him. Even the gold toothed doctor directly said they're not as strong as Bradley. And Ed has shown nothing to suggest he's even near Wrath's speed, durability or strength.
They dodged bullets, and were able to easily incapacitate roy
Not at bradleys level but still pretty nuts
Everytime Bradley and Greedling fought, Bradley always overwhelmed him with superior speed and strength. Those two are not even equal, so pretending Ed is equal to them is even more nonsensical.
Ed fought with an a just born Greedling, whom took him down when he went serious, but Edward is indeed fast with a Lighter Automail.
Being strong doesn't automatically make them comparable to Bradley though. They would have beaten Hawkeye and the others in 2 seconds if they were even near Bradley level.
They had an extended fight where neither were able to take eachother down
No doubt Bradley had the speed advantage, but considering Greedling didn't keep losing his head he was able to hold him back
>Ed has transmuted his brother's soul, his own soul, and pulled a single soul out of the soul hellstorm that is a philosopher's stone-fueled homunculus
Can he do that at range to a flying acrobat who specializes in evasion? No? Then how the fuck is it relevant to this fight?
>alchemy is the same thing as bending with less rules, air alchemy isn't even novel
Not even slightly true. I doubt you've watched either show. If you have, you are a true simpleton.
>two siblings from the northern water tribe
Ed is a much better twink than Aang, and is much more fuckable
Appropriate since Aang is going to fuck him up.
If Ken scales anywhere close to Ryu he'd absolutely demolish Cage.