Cartoons you hated as a kid but watched anyways because the one you wanted to watch was next on air

Cartoons you hated as a kid but watched anyways because the one you wanted to watch was next on air.

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yeah that was a weird one that. totally forgot it existed till now

Remember how this caused a divorce

it caused a divorce?

I liked this show, it was fucking weird but it was weird enough that it always drove my older sister away without fail. She wouldn't bug me, steal my snack or drink, or ask me about school. It was cozy. Thank you Sue Rose.

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muppet fucking babies

Count your blessings that you never had to endure the Tyranny of the Cool Cats or the Untitled Mermaid Cartoon(untitled because I can't remember the name).

>(untitled because I can't remember the name).

How old is the series?

Johnny Test ran for 9 years? So it's the second longest running CN show?

BASED! it even outlived both Avatar and Legend of Korra

This so much

I M Weasel was better.

Genuinely underrated. Ren and Stimpy but better.

Agreed, it wasn't non stop lol so randum like cow and chicken was which got unfunny pretty fast

>lol so randum


This to the max
I was never desperate enough to sit through this

>Jonny Test, Family Guy, and Nu-Simpsons.
They're the kind of shows you watch after a long day of doing homework, where you don't care how garbage the shows are. You just want to sit back and kill an hour or two. It's pretty pretty much television at its finest.

Anything on early CN that wasn’t...
>Looney Tunes
>Tom & Jerry
>Tex Avery
>Super Secret Secret Squirrel (didn’t care for the original show)
>SWAT Kats
>What a Cartoon!

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Literally everything on cartoon network that wasn't Dragonball Z.

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this stupidass dog, with the bullshit island and the somehow token black jamaican friend.

what kind of job would a middle class white family have ini a bone-shaped island anyways

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I remember when they put this back to back with I.M Weasel..ah memories. Back when cartoons have some effort put into them.

I feel genuinely upset by this

I have come to the conclusion that I watched Doug because it was on tv.

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I know it's in the OP but unironically Johnny Test.

I got to really like and get into most of the villains and their struggles and character progression, especially Bling Bling Boy/Eugene, I hated it when they changed Dookie's voice actor, and learned to not mind the whipcrack sound effect. It's still an awful show, it never made me laugh, and I probably couldn't stomach to watch more than one or two episodes today, but I can't really hate Johnny Test.

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I used to hate this show on my childhood. Now I can see clearly why.

They deserved it.

It seemed new but with the stilted animation style who knows


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I can still sing the fucking themesong to this shitty show

I liked streaky and ace though. they were cool.

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god i wanna FUCK anne frank

Nobody actually watched Doug but almost everyone around that time can name most of the cast, their little catchphrases, and know that Doug was a autist

>Get sick
>Don't have to go to school
>"Hell yeah, time for something to watch on carto-"

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I love Krypto

Me and my little sister would have to sit through this shit just so we could watch Rocko later, which was the only Nick show we ever even watched (we usually watched Batman TAS)

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Came here to post this

>somehow token black jamaican friend.

Just admit you don't want to see black people on TV.

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I remember liking this as a kid.
Then again I was the kind of dumb kid that you could put literally anything in front of me and I'd watch it.

Holy shit fuck this show

>was the only Nick show we ever even watched
Must have been sad childhood then.

its amazing how easily modern people can give up on their families instead of trying to work their problems out

Out of all the fucking shows to exist, why in God’s name did anyone ever think this was a good concept?

Not trying to be a contrarian. I despised the titular characters. It didn’t help that my stepdad at the time thought I was a closeted homosexual in denial for skimming through it, when in all reality, I just wanted to see some Samurai Jack

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Bruh this show was great

Its like some kind of weird shit some sperg would upload in DA.

>crying in a movie theater because you didn't like a short while probably being elementary school aged

This faggot caused the divorce himself. Who the fuck cries in a movie unless you're under the age of 3 or mentally retarded?

>Parents also don't speak very good English
>My lil boy mind can't comprehend all the fuck going on
>Who the fuck cries in a movie unless you're under the age of 3 or mentally retarded?

Seems like its both.

>Not trying to be a contrarian

No dude, you are.

This show literally brings me back to being in a high fever half conscious state on my grandmother's couch as she force fed me ibuprofen. God I fucking hated this show

>tfw poor Ausfag who never had CN or Nick growing up

Angela Anaconda was unironically the main event when it came to kids cartoons available on aussie free TV in the mid 2000s and I genuinely loved it as a kid, I found the hairy guido kid and her retarded older brothers and Angela herself all to be pretty funny.
Your options here outside of the Simpsons were all absolute shit, you had garbage silent shorts like Bernard, other Canadian shows (some of them, like Dragon Booster, were pretty good, most weren't though), Cyberchase, original ABC properties which were all shitty preteen dramas about girls riding horses or surfing high schoolers or some gay shit like that or reruns of live action Disney shows that had finished years ago (Zoey 101 and Lizzie Macguire, we didn't get any others outside of that).
So ultimately you learn to appreciate shit like Angela Anaconda when everything airing is everyone else's "crap you sit through so you can see what's airing next" tier. Fucking christ, I have a near encyclopaedic knowledge of episodes of The Nanny because even sitcom reruns were a fucking better option than most afternoon/daytime kids' entertainment.


I used to sit through that garbage to watch whatever was on immediately after it

Hey, don't trash Blue Water High. I wanted to fuck all the girls on that show.

This show gave me a diaper fetish

>if I sit in trash it eventually becomes ok

Cramp Twins, and Mike, Lu and Og.

Fuck both those shows so much. I quit CN over them.

Yeah, you're being a contrarian

Kid vs Kat I hated that fucking show

my mom always told me ed edd n eddy was gonna make me violent or some shit because she was a christian so she never let me watch it. she was fucking stupid, honestly

I’ll let you two hop on PPG dick and its insufferable protagonists

LMAO so sorry user

What happened? The ABC could afford all the big name Nick cartoons throughout the 90's and then we just got lumped with shit.

Your stepdad was right

Spoken like a true weeb.

I tolerated it.

the last two seasons were better

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Most kids in 2010 when this was airing had never even heard of MAD TV or MAD magazine. It made references to thing that went over the heads of the 7-12 year old demographic that watched CN at the time, and even had political jokes. It seems like this show was meant for adult swim but just got shoved onto CN. And the art was absolute ass.

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Scooby Doo, I fucking hate that dog. They aired that cartoon so fucking much. Once in a while they'd only air Scooby episodes all day for an entire week, holy fuck I was pissed.

Johnny Test was actually pretty funny to me. It was certainly better than the shit on Nick at the time sans Barnyard.

Every day before Looney Tunes or Ed boys. Every day. Fuck it.

These also sucked balls.

You mean like the crap girls and boys branded toy commercials on between the creator driven kino?

>That fucking Easter special that played on repeat all day.

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I watched a lot of Boomerang.

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>Not trying to be a contrarian
>gives opinion that is directly opposite to popular belief

Burn in hell faggot

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You take that back.

Why did you hate Mike, Lu, and Og?

same here, scooby doo was a filler for a long time and i hated every minuted i has to wacht in order to see a new episode of other shows

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You had one job.

Cow and Chicken was peak 90s kino, tho.

Seeing this thread so glad I had good tastes as a child. I did not miss out on anything.

I watched Boomerang all the time too but Top Cat was good. You should’ve posted . Remember when they started airing that more and more? Drove me insane.

they thought they could copy muppet babies

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Baby Looney tunes.

but that show sucked too

I agree, It's the same goddam thing every fucking episode! Why have a marathon of it!?

Nigger I will stab you.

>That episode where Daffy discovered cursing

Fucking same

You should see the unaired TV special from the 70s:

I have the weirdest sick-dream memory of this show watching it at 4:00AM. The guido kid was driving a car, talking to either angela and some other girl. He was talking shit and before driving off he says "See you later sluts.. I mean, sweets!". Can anyone who's seen the whole series point to that scene? I need closure on what he actually said.

Hey Arnold.

Grew to like it way more as an adult though

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Wasnt the son of this family fat?

I thought everyone liked Arnold?

Based and Dornpilled.

I remember forcing myself to watch this, have no idea what came on afterwards now

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I used to stay up super late during summer.
I'd watch Seinfeld reruns at 4am until Gargoyles came on at 5
Then I'd sleep tilled about 2pm

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