Post who you think is the sexist character in comics. Male or female
Hottest Comic characters
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Both of them
That last one always make me chuckle
He’s pure.
almost all of the female teenage and older X-Men, there is something in the water at the mansion and a girl for every taste.
I like, Rogue, Psylocke, Jubilee, X-23, and Magik.
Is there a reason why so many mutants are sexy
>the sexist character in comics
Ultimate Captain America.
>black bolt
ok that's great
I'll always love my wife Diana!
I'm also into mommy femdom
Yea Forumslassic.
why does stuff like this trigger liberals at dc and marvel so much that they had to outlaw it in comics?
The left are now the puritans
Which ever political party is in power will become more authoritarian to keep their power. One of the best ways to do this is fear mongering to puritans
>Which ever political party is in power will become more authoritarian to keep their power.
But Trump is a Republican
>t. Brainlet
They are an endangered species that's why
Should be Me am Pass Her
gosh I wanna sex with thicc milf so much !
They’re all ugly in real life.
Power Girl.
Hippolyta is the best milf
For me, it'll always be Angela.
Forgot the damn pic.
What’s that thing on her right hand again? No one mentioned it for three pages and I forgot.
True taste.
Spawn or Mahvel?
Diana is the best
It's called the focused totality of her psychic powers, you may have forgotten because she doesn't mention it very often.
>I absolutely positively need a general to roleplay about masturbating to cartoons in every day or else I can't function
Hope reddit enjoys their new users!
X stands for seXy
t. Mad roastie hamplanet
, As the basis for a new species based around powers, all of the female mutants are hyper-specialized for the purposes of breeding to ensure their genes are passed on. It’s also why so many dress so slutty; they instinctively desire to be bred and thus display themselves to nearby prospective mates as it subconsciously alters their choices.
...........That's a shit milf.
Doesn't deserve to exists neither as a concept.
She is essentially less hot if she is a milf
God Yes!
>need a general to roleplay about masturbating to cartoons
Do you know what roleplay is? No one is role playing we are in fact fapping to comic characters
Weird since I said make and females are welcome
My man
Human Torch is capable of rising his body tempature to upward 2000+C