ITT: The best slutty costumes in comics

ITT: The best slutty costumes in comics.

Attached: Star-Sapphire-1024x687.jpg (1024x687, 166K)

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please no
that is only going to make me oppressed about the current state of comics.
it´s crazy how much the have been changed by feminist over the last 5 years.
it´s almost impossible to regonize them anymore.
I mean starfire now honestly looks like a man, and I don´t think any female character at either dc or marvel is allowed shave big breast or cleavage these days

Attached: starfire new 52.jpg (480x360, 37K)

Yea Forums hates slutty

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She's still slutty

Attached: Mantis-Marvel-Comics-Avengers-Profile-b.jpg (500x1402, 129K)


Attached: emma_being_emma.jpg (400x628, 54K)

Emma is for lewd

Attached: exmarvel-emma-frost-premium-format-figure-sideshow-300688-25.jpg (667x1000, 78K)

>becomes good guy
>still dresses in lingerie

never been to school, slutty be default

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>lust is evil
Spotted the American.

If only

Spotted the fucking Frog!

Sex is a force of the JUST which creates life.

Like everything, it's good in moderation. Neither the American "sure thing hoss, show Hannibal strangling a guy with his innards, but block the painting's boobies", nor the French "SEXSEXSEX BOOOOBS VAGINA FUCK YOU PRUDES YEAH FUCK MY WIFE JAMAL" is right.

Fuck off hippy.

>he's still whining about his women in comics
Did you already forget that you got BTFO'd a few months ago over this shit?
Also here's Starfire from this week's Justice League Odessey, with tits and long slender legs for you to enjoy

All of them are for faggots


It has nothing to do with feminists. Corporate objected. The same corporate Perez was talking about in his recent interview that forced multiple rewrites and shit over nothing.

the humble high cut leotard

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