What character will he play in the MCU?
What character will he play in the MCU?
Dr. Conners.
Doctor Octopus
Shut up, Policefag
>The Lizard (Dr. Curtis "Curt" Connors) is a fictional character, a supervillain appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.
Arcade. He's basically Marvel's Joker, right?
We need some kind of MCU containment thread. Or maybe just kick them back to Yea Forums
Fucking tired of these shits spamming the board
Ooh good point.
/cape/ would help both Yea Forums and Yea Forums by giving them a place to talk about super hero shit.
No one likes Yea Forums you can't have a discussion on anything there, I can see why Yea Forums is where all the threads are
It gets annoying when they spam it. There are more live action shit than actual comics/cartoons
Its not even just cape movies, its just MCU that they spam
live-actionfags can't behave themselves. only the Yea Forumsseriesfags keep to themselves. they make their one thread and don't pollute the board. the rest of the Yea Forumsfags don't give a shit and spam the board. as of this moment and the past few days, they've been spamming the board with spider-man threads. keep in mind that posting live-action will eventually turn Yea Forums into Yea Forums and kill the board. then no body will have a place to discuss anything.
Mark will play the High Evolutionary in a film set in the 90s where he fights the X-Men.
And winds up bringing Sonic into the MCU
no u
>they've been spamming the board with spider-man threads
That's just spider-fags autism
High Evolutionary for GotG 3
>its just MCU that they spam
it's the only thing alive enough to spur discussion
what are the chances that Guyver comic could get a western release by Marvel
Dr. Druid and just piss off Cumberbatch the whole movie by saying how much superior he is to him. Just for laffs
High Evolutionary in GotG3, it's pretty much confirmed.
>that makes it de facto not against the rules
Luke after he teleported out of Star Wars.
You know, that would be good enough to grab in (pun not intended) normies too hang-up over Molina's portrayal.
Pretty sure he’s in talks to play High Evolutionary in GotG
Roderick Kingsley.
Uncle Ben
He is not married to May.
>being so autistic that you sperg out about somebody misspelling a B-List comic book villain that nobody really liked anyway
Doc Ock
I'm tired of idiots like you spamming this shit in every MCU thread. There is only 3 threads on Yea Forums right now about the MCU and it's been only a week since Far From Home came out. Cool it with the autism.