I love Hal Jordan. I really, really do. I have lots of favorite characters, sure. I have ones I self-insert as, others I identify with and some I use as Power Fantasies. But Hal is different in that I do none of those things with him, yet he still remains in my Top 3. And I guess that’s what makes him special in a way. I like him purely for his character. And he’s helped me a lot all these years. Everytime I think of giving up, everytime I’m tired, I simply think “would Hal give up” and grit my way through it. In the same vein, whenever I get worried about doing something, afraid that I won’t be able to pull it off or see it through, I, again, think of Hal. And then I do it, with all my heart.
>In Brightest Day, In Blackest Night
>No Janny shall ban my mind
>Let those who worship the Kikes’ Lies
>Beware my White Power
Gosh darn, I just love Hal
Other urls found in this thread:
I prefer Guy
Yeah, he’s pretty great. One of my fave DC heroes
How is he before John's run?
I've heard that his character changed a lot
A bit more boring.
His devil-may-care, hotshot flyboy wasn't on full display back then. He was a more by-the-book kind of guy and took his job as a Green Lantern really seriously.
Also, before Johns retconned his gray streak as Parallax induced, he was one of the oldest heroes on the JL, in his 40s I think. And was often called out for having such a mess of a personal life at his age.
I'm not sure why you're being a prick and using Hal to troll, but I love Hal, too. He's my second favorite superhero (after Ted Kord).
Fun fact, Neil Gaiman said Hal was his favorite superhero in an interview a hundred years back. when asked why, he said that Hal's the only hero who would jump of a cliff while figuring out a way to solve the problem on the way down. I dig that.
>Hal's the only hero who would jump of a cliff while figuring out a way to solve the problem on the way down
He's the opposite of Batman
prep time gets boring after awhile
He's a really underrated character
Based & GreenPilled.
Hal the best.
Hal, stop seducing underage girls. We've talked about this.
No joke, I literally saw one of those "Hal's so boring! John Stewart is better!" fags on Twitter admit in that very same post that he didn't read comics, and only watched the DCAU.
I nearly laughed out loud.
Hal is a pretty cool guy
>admit in that very same post that he didn't read comics
It's quite the plague on the fandom/community, everything from people who only watch the cartoons or films to those with 0 knowledge of a character crying when Superman murders Goku for the nth time in a death battle. Worst is when they act smug about their "knowledge".
Normies truly are the worst creature.
His Silver Age comics are pretty goddamn amazing.
John Stewart was the most boring character in the whole DCAU.
I've never seen anyone praise him at all when discussing the DCAU. These supposed John Stewart fans only ever show up when the topic of another cartoon/live-action Green Lantern comes up.
I actually didn’t read comics back then either and only knew John as GL, I was just about weirded out like everybody that Hal got a movie (decent enough but I don’t like it as much as I did as a 13 year old)
It's unfair to hold NigNogs to the same standards as humans, user. Remember, the moment a nog wormed his way onto the show, he just had his self-insert cuck Space Conan and black the redhead. I assume it was just him living off those Mosaic memories.
>mfw Hal's GigaChad Will shall always make them seethe
>they will never have a Johns-like epic for Nigger Lantern
>they'll never have Chad Grant write a story about him
It sure feels good to be a HalChad.
>inb4 it's called a characterfag
Fuck (you), faggots. We're HalChads.
I fucking loved the latest gmoz issue, only damn comic left on my pull list these days alongside dclock, and I'm only really reading that in the hopes that the Doc gets his shit pushed in by Superman.
If I had the ring, I would totally walk around in knight getup all the time, even full plate mail.
Kill all normies, seriously. I liked the internet better when everyone assumed that everyone else was a sociopathic furry pedophile and was okay with it.
Yeah, well even DCAU John Stewart was better than the comic version. MUH XANSHI this, MUH XANSHI that. Seriously, if I were DC, I'd resurrect Xanshi in the next big Crisis event just to shut John up.
I tried reading Mosaic, got about two issues in before I got bored.
>Superman murders Goku
Goku with Ultra Instinct and Instant Transmission dabs on Superman
That's really strange considering the DCAU actually changed the character to make him more boring. He used to be this sort of crazy but pretty smart guy with lots of issues.
Not really
>I fucking loved the latest gmoz issue, only damn comic left on my pull list these days alongside dclock, and I'm only really reading that in the hopes that the Doc gets his shit pushed in by Superman.
I've got a few others in mine, but yeah, TGL is the only "real" book I have left.
>tfw it will be over by Novemeber 2020
What will we doo then?
>If I had the ring, I would totally walk around in knight getup all the time, even full plate mail.
BASED HalChad.
>tfw IronChad and LanternChad
>tfw headcanon Hal as a Space Knight or Operator depending on my mood
>tfw Iron Lantern existed in Amalgam
I've always liked that and it pisses me off when people say "lol, Tony would TOTES be a Batfag heehee". It's like those morons have never read a comic book. My HC is that they're each other's favorite character, considering Marvel is fictional in DC and vice versa. The Amalgam made perfect sense.
Thanks, fellow HalChad.
>I tried reading Mosaic, got about two issues in before I got bored.
I want to read it just for completionism's sake (I've started a proper readathon from the Alan Scott days), but I just can't get over the poorly done surrealism and the "it's another blacked redhead" episode nonsense.
I’d love a Tony/Hal teamup. It would be pure kino.
Why is Hal such a moron?
>the poorly done surrealism
Agreed, every time John addressed the audience I was groaning. Not to mention the faux-hip dialogue.
He probably has hit his head too hard too many times
Damn right it'd be.
>it's another "Tony gets dumped" episode
>Hal tries to cheer him up by taking him to Space Vegas
>it doesn't work
>they come back to Earth and find out Fin Fang Foom is trying to smuggle in Makluans by passing them off as small, "dragon-like" pets
>the Guardians put Jordan on the case and Stark tags along
>Alpha Flight and Danvers get involved
>things get wrapped up the way you'd think
>during the issue a Hal/Carol rivalry develops
>they have a drag race but we never see the winner (it's implied it's Hal)
>Hal has a drunken threesome with both Carols that night, as Tony stands in the corner and eyeballs the liquor, until he goes out and brings back HAMBURGAHS
>it all ends with a Stark Industries Gala where Stark presents a brand new AirCraft, the "Stark Lantern", and he meets a qt ginger biotech doctor from Scotland
>Epilogue is Hal opening a gift which contains a prototype "Stark Ring", a Low-Tier Power Ring that Stark based off the comics he read as a kid
It's just a bad series all around.
Based and Greenpilled. 11/10
I prefer Darkstar
I want to see Hal and Guy partner up more often
I also want to see Hal and Sinestro interact in Morrisons current run
>they come back to Earth and find out Fin Fang Foom is trying to smuggle in Makluans by passing them off as small, "dragon-like" pets
It's weird how that sort of happened in an Iron Man comic all ready
What are some good Hal comics before John's run?
His Silver Age stuff is gloriously stupid adventure kino.
Sweet I'll check it out after JLI
I wanted to get to know Guy a little more and it was suggested
Emerald Dawn and Emerald Twilight are pretty good, and I enjoyed his time as the Spectre
Thanks fellow LanternChad. Also, random notes:
>while a Hal/Carol rivalry develops, a Tony/Carol friendship blossoms as well
>the ginger doc at the end is a distant cousin of Carol's (Ferris) and the aircraft is a joint project by Ferris AirCrafts and Stark Industries
>Guy crashes the Gala and manages to leave with Carol Danvers
>Hal gets a double-decked Country burger, Danvers a hot sauce one and Ferris goes for the mushroom one; meanwhile Stark chomps down like 3 of them, with fries, extra onion rings and a Coke
It was that Kaminski story where Foom and some other Makluans were LARPing as old Asian men, right? This'd be Foom selling off other Makluans as mini-dragons. The twist would be that they wouldn't be proper Makluans, but lab-created mini clones. It wasn't an intergalactic smuggling at all, and thus Carol manages to scoop up Foom from Jordan's juristiction, which prompts them to drag race.
Are they not meant to notice that he wrote "Green Lantern" 8 times? Is he actually meant to be retarded?
>Guy Gardner/Carol Danvers
That’s one way to make her popular
>be on xnxx; incognito
>in the mood for some redkino
>type in Jia Lissa
>iphone autocorrects it to "His kids"
Hal, buddy, I know exactly how you feel. Fucking Steve Jobs...
so he was a generic do-gooder aka the standard DC hero?
you saying marvel heroes are assholes that they can't qualify for generic do-gooder status?
Well, the "idiot Hal" memes from the Silver Age aren't shopped at all.
True but some times they're out of context
>Guy’s hitting on Carol relentlessly
>”oh fuck off Gardner, I’m not interested”
>”come on hon, I’m not that out of your league”
>Carol’s enraged
>”it just wouldn’t work; I like my men /big/, really /big/; nothing else will do, and I’m telling you right now, you’ll never measure up”
>”measure up to what Toots?”
>”Rhodes’ BBC”
>”Big Black Cock. In fact, you should give me that Stewart guy’s number”
>”well, yer in luck, cause now you’re gonna experience the GGC”
>unzips his pants
>Carol gasps
>people start turning
>Hal shouts “Gardner” at the top of his lungs
>”Pardon Tone, Guy can be a pretty huge-“
>”yeah, yeah, I noticed... and so did everyone else...”
>Hal pushes Gardner out, with Carol following
>Ferris leans on Tony
>”see darling, this is what I put up with... and Hal wonders why I drink”
Yeah, I love how Morrison characterizes him as an experienced old guard who has been through everything. I mean fuck, the guy has been through shit like having his entire city destroyed, turning evil, killing his own Corp, being used as the avatar of the specter, then returning. His personality should portray it.
Can’t wait for Grant to reveal what Mu’s plan truly is.
>>Hal gets a double-decked Country burger, Danvers a hot sauce one and Ferris goes for the mushroom one
This is a sex thing right?
It’s clearly referring to the HAMBURGAHS user.
based and Halpilled
I prefer Scott.
Nothing wrong with preferring a good ol’American hero. As long as it ain’t the mosshead or the towelhead, you’re good.
>Erases you from existence
Watcha gonna do?
>Ages you to dust
You can't fight as a pile of ash
>Watcha gonna do?
Not care.
Willpower solves it
Halfags: the original cancer.
The whole series was a subtle satire of the superhero genre by Broome.
Great taste
Dial it up to 11!
It's normalfags, you normalfag.
Come on, don't be so hard on Tony. I can't stand how modern writing has turned
>punchline for love stories and a joke with women
Let Stark make bitches thirsty
Why did they make him such a retard
Oh, I'm not going at it from that angle. Trust me, I'm as sick of the recent crybaby stuff as you are. Do you remember that CWII Tie-In where he practically kisses Carl Manvers' boots? Disgusting. It's just that I watched Swingers this past week and wanted that hypothetical special to be a bit like that. It's become a trend with him getting cucked these days, and the whole point would be that he'd leave a scene he never much liked in the first place, but only stayed in because it'd become safe and comfortable. It's a redemption tale.
Mosshead and towelhead?
The pioneers and Kazaam?
For the record, are you the user that has created a redhead botanist OC waifu for him?
Can't they just kill off Simon already? Too many Earth GLs and it's clear Jessica is the breakaway star of the duo while Simon is the Jannety.
No, he’s the token middle easterner. Just like they made Kyle into the token Mexican.
I though Jessica was the token Hispanic and woman. Twofer
he is an S-tier brainlet, it can't be denied.
Weird how they took a unique character and turned him into a token mexican
Why doesn't Ben just use Alien X for every situation he struggles with?
Dan Slott only knows how to insert himself in to characters. That is why Tony has become the buttmonkey that he has become in modern Marvel.
Kyle is the token rape victim who got Bueno Excellente'd, nothing they can say will make him a token Mexican, he is not even Mexican and his name is Raynor, not Ramirez.
Simon needs to die a martyr to be Gwen Stacy to Jessica's Peter Parker. It is clear the public does not like Simon. His whole gunplot was so stupid, why did he love his gun so much even after he obtained the greatest weapon in the galaxy? We only have room for one diversity hire GL on earth and her name is Jessica Cruz.
Kyle was the Tim Drake of the Green Lantern universe. Kyle was never a great character, he was always "gee wiz I'm just happy to be here. I hope I don't mess up and embarrass myself in front of the other GLs!" and making anime lantern constructs, which was cool in the mid-90s, but now is dated.
Kyle will now live out his days as the token Mexican, showing up to give a random spanglish sprinkled box of dialogue or two ever few issues. This is the sad fate that Tom King has given to Kyle "Bueno Excellente" Raynor
Kyle should just get another ring
I may have mentioned in the past that I've created a redhead OC waifu for him, but no, she wasn't a botanist. I flip-flop between biologist and physicist. I've just gotten tired over him not having his ginger mommygf, so I said "fuck it, I'll do it myself".
Slott's Tony is 10 times the "Chad" (and that's not saying much) Bendis' version was. BENIS Stark was seriously fucked.
Look at this shit. This isn't Tony Stark. This is the dude who makes his kids wear a slave attire and be ordered around by a nog with a whip. And yup, that's a real thing.
Hal is my favourite charater too and I like a lot.
Is his current book worth reading?
Please never get into actually writing comics for DC. There's already enough idiots in the industry projecting their fetishes into the books.
Its It's written by Grant Morrison
He WAS the White Lantern but DC Rebirth fucked that up.
>he was always "gee wiz I'm just happy to be here. I hope I don't mess up and embarrass myself in front of the other GLs!"
Kyle in the 90's was more of a "Why does everyone have to compare me to Hal Jordan" personality until Morrison gave him some background development in JLA and Winick rolled with it and actually got him to get out of Hal's shadow. It's just when Johns came on board, Kyle became the resident jobber until Sodam showed up.
Is this bait? It's morrison. Of course it's worth reading, best it's been in years.
Anybody else just like all the GLs? I don't think there's a single GL I look at and wish they didn't exist, I think they all have their niches, it's just that most writers aren't willing to put them in said niches.
Wasn't he the white lantern and the most pure of all lanterns for awhile? How did he lose that power? You're right, Kyle needs to get a different ring color and permanently switch to a different corps if he wants to remain relevant beyond being the token Mexican now who brings up 90s pop culture references.
Nigger, I'm talking about Stark, not Hal. Read the whole convo before responding. Jesus, how short an attention span do you have?
what even is this garbage tier photoshop filter trace art?
I thought that was DCYOU
Pretty much yeah, Personally I just love to see them all together.
[Current Year] Deodato.
Uh, it was in Omega Men by Tom King I believe
Not a huge fan of Morrison. So, saying "it's Morrison!" isn't good enough for me.
I'd like to see all the GL just hang out and chill
Except Simon
Marvel, DC, same difference.
Deodato used to be an actual artist like Land. Like Land, he got lazy and it just stuck with it.
It was in Venditti Hal and the GLs. Blue Dick caused him to lose the ring when he was trying to bring back the Blue Lanterns.
well you're in the minority there, so probably best stating such an opinion when it's relevant, no?
... how?
What's wrong with Simon?
He's boring
His only gimmick was a fucking gun. Why the fuck does a GL need a gun.
Just admit you didn't read the whole convo and move on, Jesus. Or don't even respond. Are you really gonna keep responding until you get the last word, when you're completely in the wrong?
He didn't write anything I liked.
Doesn’t Jack T Chance have one?
True but the gun wasn't his only gimmick. He had an actual personality
benfags dont even try anymore
Talking about Simon. Is he and Jess are still friends or did writers forgot all about it?
Well she’s in space with Darkseid and Cyborg so I guess he doesn’t really come up
cause guns are cool
Why don't you marry him then?
>You who are wicked, evil and mean
>I'm the nastiest creep you've ever seen!
>Come one, come all, put up a fight
>I'll pound your butts with Green Lantern's light!
Simon is in limbo. He hasn't shown up since his and Jess's book ended.
boring diversity hire. after he got rid of his gun and lost his gimmick he became pointless. It was stupid of him to have a gun at all after he got a GL ring.
always seemed like they were building a will-they-won't they endgame relationship for Jess and Simon when I read their books.
It's racist that they don't have an Asian GL from earth. All of the GLs are Americans, it would be interesting to see a Chinese GL replace Simon. The Chinese GL's personality can be that he loves China and everything it stands for, and he wants to use his GL ring to bring the order and glory of China to other planets and galaxies.
The first Green Lantern of Earth wasn’t he? In Green Dragon or something. Forget if that’s canon.
Was his battle construct a giant green dragon he rides around on? That would be pretty based.
I remember he viewed the being that gave him his ring as a dragon
Damn what a boss. Thanks for showing me this user
Yeah, yeah.
Shut up. People writing their fetishes is why most characters were created.
Thank you Jack Kirby for giving us Big Barda and Mister Miracle
Batman Beyond as a GL Asian monk
Highball is great. I much prefer when he’s fighting his love interest though.
God I wish
OP here. Because I'm not a faggot, duh.
Yuh huh
Fucking him in the ass wouldn’t even make you a faggot
Why the fuck did we never get Hal Jordan Green Lantern volume 2
People joke that Hal is Johns' husbando, but in reality it's Sinestro.
The final stretch of Johns' GL run basically had Hal take a backseat to him, so yeah I'd agree
I'm ok with this. I love his Sinestro
Who doesn't?
Not even a fan of this ship or yaoi, but I love these pics. They always get a chuckle out of me
They bring out my impulsive side.