Where Sue is a spy
Invisible Woman #1 Storytime
I'm surprised it took them so long to do this, her powers are perfect for espionage
Damn it, foiled by the classic second gun trick!
Has sue actually personally killed someone before?
Does she use her powers to cheat on her husband incognito?
Tommy, Namor isn't in this
>Marvel character
>"I have a day job"
lol. What is this bitch's job?
Being in the FF
Being a super-hero isn't a job.
Wtf is this art?
Eh, it is if you get money out of it. Like the Avengers, I suppose. Besides, FF is not just superheroics, they are a full organisation
What is Clark Kent's job? Being a reporter or being Superman?
She’s been shackled to The F4 for years. Packaged deal like that prevents creative freedom
>what are you going to do, shoot me?
Pretty sure Justice League gets stipends, so both?
Why can't anyone in Marvel draw the Thing anymore or is "looks like shit" his official design now.
I mean, the torch had a team-up series out of the FF iirc
I still hate everything about this guy.
For some reason Sue Storm has always been THE HOTTEST comic chick to me. She looks like ass in this though. Since when does she have that mole?
And done! If you liked it, buy it at your LCS or something
Too bad he's sticking around due to the mcu
It is really surprising that Reed trusts Sue to disappear on her own like this, considering the things she has done when he wasn't looking.
Thanks, OP! Might buy the TPB if the following issues are good.
Reed doesn't care if it means he can dick around in his lab without being interrupted by family stuff.
Reed is oblivious to whatever happens around him that isn’t science
Pretty nice start, but it’s just a start. Will look out for the following issues
so lame, not a single marvel comic is still allowed to have fanservice
it all so fucking boring these days.
it´s always the same feminist "empowerment" story over and over again
This one actually has its roots in an old Marvel Adventures comic.
It's actually a pretty fun one.
back then marvel still was ok with releasing some cheesecake and fanservice every now and then.
nowadays it´s just the same feminist storyline.
so much for more "diversity"
>it's another "characters are treating Nig Fury, a random bastard, as their Good Ol'Pal Nick, and he tries to act gruff and shit, as if he's the real Fury" issue
I'm getting really tired of this...
I can tell you don't read comics.
Get some taste. She looks sexy af in this.
Thanks. Pretty decent start, reminds me of a movie plot though.
Man, it’s the mole. It does something to me
oh please list a few cheescake heavy current comic runs.
if you gonna say black cat I am gonna laugh because that one is super censored
With the art, it’s obvious they are going for the movie feel
>I'm surprised it took them so long to do this, her powers are perfect for espionage
Because if you put Sue in an espionage setting, then it's just a Black Widow book with no killing.
This art is ass, by the way.
Check out the recent Conan issue
When is the real Fury coming back?
can't go nowhere without my coffee gurl, amirite?
This is the same faggot who shat up the ASM storytime.
Look, buddy, go screech at a real problem like current She Hulk
not a superhero comics and also not really sexy
>then it's just a Black Widow book with no killing
That’s like saying any spy story is just James Bond with X
Savage Dragon
Conan's part of the Avengers now, he's a superhero.
those aren´t marvel comics
>oh please list a few cheescake heavy current comic runs.
Didn't say anything about Marvel.
Gonna keep moving them goalposts, huh?
cheese cake is banned in Marvel since Sana Amanat took over. Black Cat was a lie, the covers have cheese cake but the interiors the censor Felicia's cleavage it's a joke
>Gonna keep moving them goalposts, huh?
This is their MO
The tone and attitude of the female Marvel character tends to line up pretty perfectly these days. Sue doesn't have much of a personality when you really think about it. Put her in the same shoes as Natasha (who similarly has no personality to speak of) and you have the same story with the same "super competent action woman" trope character. If you want to put Sue in an espionage book with it's own identity, Sue needs her own identity apart from the generic Marvel identity they splash on to every female today.
I mean look she can't even have her own spy book without Natasha fucking appearing. That's how little faith they have in Sue as a solo character
>who similarly has no personality to speak of
And post discarded
What sort of cheesecake is this? Two weird looking cleavage shots and a crowd of butterfaces? They couldn't even help themselves shoving in a Muslim in a hijab could they. Just had to have that in there. And what sort of expression is the black one conveying?
This is the feminist-approved, sex positive fanservice Marvel has been putting out lately.
Why the casual misogyny?
What's Natasha's personality? Enlighten me. And I noticed you have no defense for Sue so you admit I'm correct there.
They already differentiated the two good enough. Sue tries her best not to kill, Natasha doesn’t give a shit. I’m ok with Natasha being in it as their dynamic together would be interesting if played out well
This is clearly a troll or a false flag operation. Or maybe they're legit this paranoid. But either way, stop feeding him and he'll eventually fuck off.
I’m not a sue or FF fan so I can’t speak for her. Natasha is cold, crass and violent. Her recent miniseries sums it up well
Reed loves Sue but he’s married to Science.
Why are super-heroes okay with a Russian crazy woman killing whoever she wants?
Who made her above the law? Trump?
>I’m ok with Natasha being in it as their dynamic together would be interesting if played out well
It's a rule 63 version of the dynamic Daredevil and Punisher have, only there will be almost no conflict or tension between Sue and Natasha because Marvel women aren't allowed to be enemies.
Trying to say Sue is the same as Nat is some galaxy-brain tier shit
Marvel heroes stopped really caring about murder after the Avengers Disassembled.
No, that's nuNatasha. Natasha has been a much better person in her original runs and her personality isn't abravsive too cool for school murderbitch.
>Why are super-heroes okay with a Russian crazy woman killing whoever she wants?
Hey, if punisher gets a pass, she does too
>Daredevil = Sue
Now that’s dumb. Daredevil is violent, almost as much as the Punisher. The only difference is that daredevil tries not to kill
Sue is on the other hand not prone to violence at all, and is overall much more light-hearted than DD
>Natasha is cold, crass and violent.
That's something any non-reader could glean from any given Black Widow comic cover. It's a typical female spy personality. Natasha isn't a very origin or complex character.
I’m going by her most recent run. Which is what user has to be referring to by saying “these days”
Besides, the story doesn’t frame her as cool. More disturbing
He’s married to Sue and loves Science.
That’s actually the typical spy personality. I agree otherwise, but the post I replied to claimed that Sue and Natasha fall into the same niche, which is wrong
You're missing the purpose of my analogy, which is the dynamic. The kill vs no-kill dynamic. I'm not saying Sue is just like Daredevil.
The kill vs no-kill is only one possible part of the dynamic. Natasha and Sue has a greater difference in approach and tone than Daredevil and Punisher
We will have to see how it plays out
The Dynamite Catalog.
>Who made her above the law
Nick Fury
>the somehow managed to draw cleavage without actually drawing cleavage
man marvel is putting a lot of effort into censoring their comics
I actually did in the very first post
pointing out how boring modern marvel comics are
Nick Fury, the Watcher?
The most recent run has been universally considered hot garbage by anyone who doesn't enjoy edge for the sake of edge.
Pray tell, what is the “generic marvel identity” every female supposedly has?
The quality is besides the point, but yeah it’s bad. How’s the 2016 series? It’s by waid too isn’t it?
it's pretty much 100% that her old partner is going to be the bad guy right
100% it’s a trap, but I won’t bet on him being bad
Not like Junior has ever been director of SHIELD.
2 out of 3 aren't 616 Sue and the third is Namor forcibly kissing her
Some of Marvel Knights was 616. The Punisher, Spider-Man, and FF were all 616.
is that the new conan comic where conan is a cuck?
Moravia is the eastern half of the Czech Republic. I was there a couple of weeks ago and it was fine.
An Agents of SHIELD issue had her as a secret SHIELD agent .
Eh, they're near Latveria.
Pretty sure Robinson or some other FF issue actually dealt with this bit. How she sometimes accepted SHIELD esponiage missions in exchange for her family's safety and assistance.
Fuck off Tommy, your shit gets debunked over and over.
As in, a mini centered around her being a spy. Or just an arc. I don’t recall it getting much panel time before
Thank god Sue just saved that interracial couple. Racism over.
She's one of the Daughters of America or something in the latest Captain America run.
Not sure if retarded or just pretending but most of MK output was 616, some alternate retelling of the past minis aside.
1 2 3 4 was 616 and that's confirmed by Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four entry on Moho.
Huh, haven’t been following that. Hope she gets used more as a spy
Wholesome page.
>1 2 3 4 was 616
And that was literally Doom and Reed controlling the FF, Namor and Mole Man as pawns in a high stakes games of 4D Chess.
Didn't even notice they were interracial until you pointed it out.
Absolutely obsessed
He's obviously betrayed the government and wants to lure and kill Sue for whatever reason.
Yes, but that doesn't matter for him saying it's not 616.
Sue needs the no killing moralfaggotry harder than anyone else otherwise nothing stops her from killing literally anything with a expanding force bubble on the brain.
Stop pretending, Tommy.
oh shit it's wonder woman!
Black Widow has a personality. The issue is that her personality makes her seem like she has no personality because, realistically, a spy of her caliber would be cold, distant and aloof. She occasionally breaks it up with some casual snark and/or aggression, but she's more or less a cold-blooded spy-type in terms of personality.
Yeah, Sue's fucking scary. It's a good thing she's also a suburban mom type or she could waste just about any mainstream hero in a second
this character is so weird. they really bent over backwards to have him be in 616 for synergy's sake and whenever you see him in a story it just serves of a reminder of how ridiculous his integration into the rest of the universe is.
Hell, it would have been less egregious to just bring Ultimate Fury into the 616 along with Miles Morales. At least then you could have him as his own distinct person and not this strange bastard child masquerading as his deadbeat dad.
I can't even remember if Sue has even ever met Junior before this.
She's not invisible, no one pays attention to her because she's annoying
Nig Fury already existed in 616 by the time they decided to kill the ultimate universe. Besides two Nick Furys would probably end with them trying to kill each other.
>Hell, it would have been less egregious to just bring Ultimate Fury into the 616 along with Miles Morales.
They really should have.
Poser traced, overly rendered colors. I don't like it either.
What with the grandma pants ?
What really bugs me is the aliasing.
What resolution are this drawn in to have aliasing?
Original FF suits look very outdated compared to perfect timeless designs like Spider-Man's
she has a phat ass
Quasi-3D has to be the worst trend in current comic art by far. As far as I'm concerned, it's today's Liefeldism.
artwork is really shit
Why not?
Would they have ever even met?
>Adam Hughes cover
>obvious Poser shit interiors
Tricked again
That's not exactly the issue here. The design is fine, just the way the fabric is drawn. It's looks less like something Reed made, and more like a bad cosplay
Sue did them up originally.
>"That's cute, Susan, but this will never survive reentry."