>silly comedy relief character was right all along
Silly comedy relief character was right all along
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don't derail this thread with your shitty boomer opinions. Not even talking about the real al gore, just the south park version
he was still an useless cunt when it came to actually stopping manbearpig
fuck you faggot you aren't the marshall of this parade
he was. He literally gave the children all the tools to stop him, they didn't because of their own choose of not giving up onions sauce and red dead redemption 2
Wasnt he going to be the president but something happened with the Florida votes and Bush won instead?
George's brother (the Governor of Florida) blocked the recount that, after the election was settled, showed that Gore actually won the State and thus the election.
>implying manbearpig is an actual issue
And even if it was the chinese are doing more to cause his attacks than we are.
The Chinese are simply doing the same shit the same way we did for about a century.
We only stopped in the 70's because that liberal commie pinko Nixon massively expanded on T. Roosevelt's environmental protections.
But sure, China is now passing us up as Environment Shitters, so lets just go back to shitting ours up! Thanks Donald!
>villain and hero are love interests
>bully character becomes love interest
Did it?
The South Park version yeah, but not the real-life version.
>T. Roosevelt's environmental protections
You mean his federally-designated private hunting grounds?
This was a terrible two-parter. Cucked to shit. What the fuck happened to Matt and Trey?
>Nixon is a liberal commie
At the rate we're going in a couple of years you retards are gonna paint Reagan as a 'commie' too
You're missing the entire point. The point is that no matter how much the western world reduces its emissions, the so-called 'developing world' with countries like China and India will MORE than compensate for anything we do. They will be the ones to fuck the planet, not us.
Even if the west reduced its emissions to 0, it wouldn't change a god damn thing. You think China is bad, wait until Africa starts to industrialize.
I don't feel nearly as bad when women are being cucked.
China's population would die well before that point. They can't even breathe without masks nowadays. If they want to die, they die. Why should the US dismiss their country's necessities if that's not their case?
Currently China is doing more to prevent climate change than the US.
Note that I'm not saying that they're perfect at it,but they're actually willing to do something about it.
Also it does not help that the retard Bolsonaro is deforesting the Amazon for personal gain.And keep in mind that originally the areas around the Amazong were originally unfertile,but were made fertile by the people living there by using charcoal and whatnot to fertilize the land.A process that took a long ass time.
The hypocrisy of blaming China is maddening.
Do you know why out emissions dropped while China’s rocketed up? Because we moved all our factories over to China so we could consume more junk without the byproduct waste. Chinese pollution is because we consume even more junk than ever because we’ve decoupled the idea that making all that junk produces waste by forgetting about how it’s all made.
So yes you can still do something about environmental damage over here in the states. Stop consuming so much junk!
I just want to stop worrying about red tide in Florida
>Stop consuming so much junk!
And why should I?
I'll be dead long before climate change supposedly destroys the world.
>being this much of a selfish dick
It's people like you why I endorse Eco 'terrorism'
They've built more solar in the past few years than the US currently has period. But it doesn't matter. They could be doing the bare minimum and still be leading the race, because we are asleep at the wheel. And it's not a recent phenomena. The Trump administration is and will continue to exacerbate the problem with disastrous consequences, but even before he took office, we tended to talk a big game when it came to climate change but tended not to actually do a great deal about it. And the rest of the world generally either followed our lead without taking the initiative, or simply waited around figuring we would solve the problem for everyone, which is partly on them and partly on us for positioning ourselves as global hegemon. The only potentially positive outcome of our inaction would be if the rest of the developed world realizes this and takes action, which it seems to be doing.
>I endorse Eco 'terrorism'
>It's people like you why I endorse Eco 'terrorism'
>It's people like you why I endorse Eco 'terrorism'
Guys we should have done the green deal
Fuck planes and cows amirite
unironically yes. fuck cows
Yiff in hell furfag.
he made predictions that ManBearPig would have already raped 3/5ths of humanity by 2011; and that we should reorient our entire economy and political structure towards stopping MBP; at great human cost. We didn't, it's 2019, and only a few people have been raped by MBP. Gore is a dangerous alarmist.
>ywn kiss a psycho dinosaur girl who looks like one of the Ramones
>we we we we
>the entire world revolves around OUR sins!
Your self-flagellating makes you very special.
On a sidenote, you have no idea what you're talking about. China causes a huge level of pollution simply by running their own services. On a cold day in a Chinese city, you can barely see across the street because of all the haze caused by buildings simply running their air conditioning.
Visit China sometime, and the West's attitude towards Nature looks downright transcendental by comparison.
Next time ask your parent or guardian to help you on your essay.
>and only a few people have been raped by MBP
Yeah, fuck others. I wasn't fucked by man bear pig. Only third world shitholes, and some states, and also my state sometimes in the summer.
He did exaggerate, but the fact is, man bear pig is real, and he's going to kill us now.
>and also my state sometimes in the summer
>living close to the equator
It's like you want manbearpig to get you.
how exactly is he going to kill me? i don't live in an area that would flood even if all the icecaps melted instantly. i live in a region with a mild climate on the cooler side so i'm not going to die from the heat either.
I don't understand, what new evidence was introduced between the first Manbearpig episode years back and the new one that convinced Matt and Trey that Manbearpig was real?
I know this sounds crazy user but, you depends of others people work.
That bastard created a news network then sell it to Qatar, a country rich form oil. Now we're stuck with Al-jazeera
i'm pretty sure the kids were ready to give up ONIONS sauce and RDR2, but the adults wanted it
Reminder: The real Al Gore confirmed Man Bear Pig right after this episode aired.
these episodes pandered pretty hard to the political left, but not as hard as the last two episodes of this season. jesus christ, they literally advocated for marxism in the last two episodes.
>calling Nixon a pinko commie liberal
how many layers of McCarthyism and red scare do you need to be on to even think that
>Not being a selfish dick that dumps his garbage wherever
>Endorsing Eco terrorism
You know Captain Planet isn't real right?
Billy and the clowns
Hahahaha How Can Pollution Be Real
Nigga Just Throw It On The Ground Like Just Ignore It
US emissions have decreased; mainly because fracking produces natural gas as an unintended byproduct, and free gas replaces coal. When Obama took credit for lowering US emissions, he wasn't talking about giving money to Green Energy crony-corporations that proceeded to go bankrupt. He was talking about the department of energy and the environmental regulators not being so hostile that they'd kill fracking (like the Greens in his party wanted).
China is building a lot more nuclear, wind, and solar than the US. China is also building 100s of coal power-plants, and chinese carbon emissions are rising, not falling.
well, his solution is to create mass poverty and starvation in order to fight MBP. The cost outweighs the benefits.
Earth must pay for its hubris
God and Earth made us, now they both must suffer for their arrogance
Matt Stone said in BD commentary that he has read Marx a lot. But I found those episodes pro-capitalism but anti crony-capitalism. Americans are just so afraid of communism that even a mention of Marx triggers them.
Prisoner's game mate. No need to pay the bill when your populace can't rally to avoid the world burning but every other nation's populace WILL, forcing everyone else to foot the bill while you sit back and laugh.
whatever happened to ya'wara anyway?
matt stone is a marxist? damn, i still had some respect for him
the benefits is humanity survival. How can anything outweigh that
>Americans are just so afraid of communism that even a mention of Marx triggers them.
No need to be that transparent and hypocritical Marx.
American here. Majority of my fellow Americans don't know what communism is, the history behind it, and associates it with the Soviet Union and its heavy repressions which is kind of justifiable.
People also like to bring up Marx when he was younger and dumber and not when he became older to form the Social Democrats and did a lot of good. Communism is still retarded and a pipe dream though and I don't want liberalism the same as Europe because they take shit too far and fuck the Republicans and Democrats as well.
>reads lot of literature to know better
>must be Marxist
I read Mein Kampf but I don’t hate the French with same passion as A. Hitler did.
Matt is the smart guy (Kyle) who often knows what he talks about while Trey often doesn’t and makes lot of assumptions. But Trey is the more creative one and better writer.
who knows
Matt: “Yeah, I think when we came up with the idea of just- I mean we had been talking about and quoting an Amazon show. Uh, and then I think we started it at a place where we said what if, what if South Park- and again just starting a show and there’s a new reality and the new reality is that-that-that-that this is a company town now. Where, you know, everyone kind of works at the same or a lot of people work at this place. That they shop there they get their stuff there. And Amazon is reaching this point where it’s so ubiquitous in our lives, um. Kind of what that, um, What that does to everybody but I think it was the- it was also the time when Amazon was doing that headquarters search was in the news. They made all these cities kind of audition for the, for the, uh, spot of having an Amazon thing there.”
Trey: “Yeah.”
Matt: “Um, Which seemed kind of ripe. And then the idea of- I think that’s when we- we really kind of loved the idea was when we just came up with the idea. Like holy shit they’re called fulfilments centers you know what I mean? Like they actually call it a fulfilment center. And that’s what it obviously isn’t to anybody who, you know, works in that kind of environment,um. So, but the really big thing which Trey was super excited about was I really wanted to do a lesson about Marxist economics and Marxist critiques of Capitalism. Which is really what this is.”
Trey: “So I decided to stuff it in a box.”
Matt: “So great. Yeah.”
Trey: “I just like to have it all come out of a guy’s mouth it was in a box.”
Matt: “Yeah, that was great you know what I mean? And so like- there was just, uh, in the,uh, I don’t know. There was just something about it the Amazon fulfilment centers and how gigantic those places have become and how dehumanizing the work is. It seemed like a perfect time to slip a little economics in there.”
Trey: “Yeah and we really quickly came- Remembered this song. You know and, and we were playing it again and going wow this really is someone’s- you’re sort of working there and we’re all and-that-that’s what’s so funny is that in doing these, these couple shows I was made aware of how-because I get on Amazon every day. I-I get something from Amazon everyday. I have an Alexa in my house you know and all that stuff. And it was like how many times I realized like I’m sitting here making these jokes and then an hour later getting something off Amazon. Like getting on there and realizing like I-I-I’m totally addicted too. You know? And to you know just how-how clean it is. How, you know, how well it works.”
Matt: “Right. It’s one of the, one of the things in America that works.”
Trey: “Yup.”
Matt: “I mean really it’s like it’s just so amazing how, how, uh, how-how well of a consumer experience it is and that was the Jeff Bezos. We found this thing online where Jeff Bezos had said in his, in an investor letter ‘The consumer is always beautifully…’ What is it ‘beautifully unsatisfied’?* Or something like that.”
Trey: “Yeah”
Matt: “And, the idea that the consumer like Amazon’s, uh, whole business is relentlessly, relentlessly focused on the consumer experience. Which is a great way to get into Marxist economics. So everyone knows that if you’re relentlessly focused on the consumer you’re probably relentlessly focused on the worker or all the other people that are involved in that thing.”
*: blog.aboutamazon.com
>I really wanted to do a lesson about Marxist economics and Marxist critiques of Capitalism. Which is really what this is.
So he's an actual Marxist or at least sympathetic to Marxist ideas. Fucking disgusting.
I can't wait for Kyle's final form
(Bike Parade)
Matt: “And then in this episode we also took Te-brought Tegridy Farms back, um. Which we kind of knew we needed a kind of like wrap up ok Stan and his family are really not- just leave them out there but we wanted to check in with them and that’s how we came up with this idea that-that Randy starts- and you know and then again bring the scooters back kind of doing it and show everything is kind of make an appearance. The scooters get combined with Tegridy Farms and then they create a delivery service and that becomes slowly the thing that, um, breaks… brings the town together. The workers- the workers, the shoppers to fight against the big Capitalist alien guy, Jeff Bezos. Is they all sort of just get high and are ok for the bike parade. And I’m not like- I just like let- I love that when we came up with the end I think is such a good- that was the season was about. Like ok we didn’t stop Amazon, we didn’t blow anything up it was just this town, this day decided to get high and like sit and watch our kids ride bikes. And it was like a little community coming together and it had this weird fucked up kind of tone but it felt very much like- I dunno it felt very like- I dunno I really like it felt like a little town that loves each other.”
Trey: “Yeah”
Matt: “You know what I mean?”
Trey: “Well and it also had- it was funny cause this season started with a big joke. Before the season even started which was a couple months before the season started we all kind of came together and came up with this idea of a marketing campaign where we did #cancelsouthpark.”
Matt: “Oh right! We did.”
Trey: “And, um, we were like really stoked on that idea and we started looking at different versions of it and we ended up deciding that the best was just a black, uh, screen with a white ‘#cancelsouthpark’. Really simple. And we- and seeing those billboards up everywhere and, and you know in the train stations in New York and everything was really funny and a lot of people really got the joke. And then- so it was nice to bring the whole season back to that. And the idea that the boys are trying to cancel the bike parade for their own selfish reasons and then they have this little moment which was again another Tuesday, uh, addition was this little scene on the bridge at the end of this where they’re saying you know ‘Why is that everything else is getting cancelled if just can’t seem to do it?’ Which was obviously a very subtle self-referencial, uh, joke.”
Matt: “Right”
Trey: “And, um, but yeah, at the end of the day, we actually we really like this season which is a rare thing.”
Matt: “Yeah, I really liked this season. I felt like the end thing when, when, uh, when Randy is yelling at Bezos at the end when he’s high. I kind of feel like that’s us a little bit. Just being like all right, you know what? Ok we’re over here were a little bit high. We’re a little bit this.”
Trey: “Yeah”
Matt: “But we fucking didn’t get cancelled we made it through the season. Fuck you that’s what we kind of like yay!”
Trey: “And what was funny was the stories that came out going ‘Wow, I guess Trey and Matt are anti-capitalist now even though they’ve clearly changed their stance because in their second season episode with Underpants Gnomes-’ And it’s like re-really you’re gonna talk about Underpants gnomes?”
Matt: ”Yeah”
Trey: “You’re gonna base our politics on Underpants Gnomes? But now because of what we’ve said about fucking Tegridy Weed and gigant-”
Matt: “Three hundred episodes.”
Trey: “Yeah”
Matt: “Three hundred episodes you can do both. You can do both critiques of Capitalism. It’s fine”
Trey: “Yeah, yeah"
Matt: “You can do a pro and- A wow I guess these guys don’t like Cheerios anymore what about when they were five? They did like Cheerios.”
Trey: “What about when they did the fart on Cheerios joke?”
Matt: “Yeah.”
Trey: “All right everyone thanks. As always, thanks for watching, thanks for being fans and thanks giving us jobs.”
Matt: “All right, bye everybody.”
Trey: “Bye"
Name one (1) modern cartoon that doesn't do this.
No. Bush was winning and Gore conceded. Then one of the networks showed Florida as for Gore. Gore rescinded his concession and demanded a recount since the results in Florida were so close.
The recount did not put Gore over the top, but he challenged that the recount wasn't done right and wanted another recount. According to Florida state law at the time, the final count needed to be registered by a certain date. The AG of Florida turned in the count despite Gore's team wanting another recount.
SCOTUS ruled against Gore and in favor of the Florida law.
All of this, of course, went on party line as expected. But all attempted recounts afterwards still had Bush ahead. So it didn't matter anyway. He won. Fun fact, the deciding factor of the election was actually West Virginia which flipped to Republican for the first time in decades and was enough to put Bush over the top.
Damn, these guys are even more retarded than the last five or six seasons let on. Holy SHIT.
he owned like 9 cars at the time he made an inconvenient truth. Fuck him.
>Do you know why out emissions dropped while China’s rocketed up? Because we moved all our factories over to China
and why is that? because of all the BS carbon taxes. you cant solve pollution by taxing, it must be done by developing technology
>because of all the BS carbon taxes
Why are we allowing these American companies to circumvent the laws? That should be the question to be made instead of kneeling down to lick the corporate boot.