Show ends with her dying and not sitting on my face

>show ends with her dying and not sitting on my face

You had one job, Nefcy

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poofags everyone

She wasn't gonna sit on your face no matter how the show ended, user.

Guess you bod didn't cut it, fatty.

So much butthurt over some overrated ginger bitch dying. She was asking for it faggot.

There was no point for her to keep on living if she wasn't having the Mexicock

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>>>>So much butthurt

>no episode where Chad Marco comes to Echo Creek and all his female neighbors and teachers want to fuck him
Fuckin why Nefcy?

>you will never dine on her pristine white plump hallowed ethereal ass

whats the purpose of continuing to breathe

A shitton of characters died though.

Im going to tell my therapist tomorrow about how mad this show has made me and about my rape revenge fantasies involving daron nefcy, any tips?

Janna will avenge them all

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It can be difficult to describe these things with the detail they deserve in the space of a single therapy session, I'd suggest bringing annotated diagrams to speed things along.

She was the best girl by the end of the show.

Bring a doll representing Nef and one representing yourself to the session, and enact what you wish you could do to her using the dolls (doing the StarFan13 voice for Daron, of course)

Literally no characters died

Doug-Doug died

Except for the unicorns, sentient spells, father time, high commission, the humans attacked by mewmans, laser puppies, etc.

Someone did the math and about 5000 magical beings died.

nice headcanon

Might as well put your fingers in your ears and stick your head in a hole user.