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I don't know but he made millions doing it.
no he didn't
Neck yourself, you tasteless fucking zoomer.
Even on Yea Forums I can't believe OP was dumb enough to critique some light, goofy panels as if they were intended to be side-splitting.
I honestly think it's more likely he was stoned and meant his post sincerely.
Scientific progress goes boink.
Would you fuck your time clone? I would.
Is it masturbation
why would you post only part of a comic to prove your point? Post the whole thing.
also, damn look at that linework. Super fast and simple, yet retains character and consistency. Good stuff.
I feel like I remember this happening
>Describe something badly, that means it sucks!!!
This really is the most common defense of brainlets who think they're smart.
kek calvin and hobbes is for people who think they're smart
>Not xkcd
Yea Forums is for people who think they're smart. I read Calvin and Hobbes as a kid just for the art. You don't have to take anything away from it to enjoy it. That's what makes it good.
calvin and hobbes is for people that like things that are made decently and well, and with talent. Does it blow your brain out of your anus everytime you read it? No. Is it accessible for both children and adults without insulting the intelligence of either? Yes.
To be fair
Weird how a good copy can fuck your memories
Jet fuel can't melt steel beams.
And now for our regularly scheduled existential crisis!
>shitting on Clavin and Hobbes unironically
I’m glad this place has conditioned me to place almost no value on the opinions of others in regards to comics or cartoons. That one almost stung a little.
I want to say this is bait, but I know that even universally beloved franchises have people shitting on them. No (you)'s, regardless.
Well, Calvin and Hobbes ended about, 5 years before the average poster her was even born, so of course they wouldn't get it in retrospect.
its funny, because as a kid, this is how you imagined your parents made food that you hated.
>the average poster her
A Powerpuff Girls villain?
not even
that guy at least had his OWN APARTMENT
99% of Yea Forums can't move out of moms basement!
I was born in 2000, and I grew up reading Calvin and Hobbes collection books. There are virtually no pop culture references, so being born after it ended isn't an excuse.
I love the comic where calvin pees while having a menacing grin on his face.
The most ironic turn of events for a guy who was so against merchandise is how that bootleg sticker was all over.
All caps and 3 question marks screams ironic shitposting to me.
Hiroshimoot needs to increase the posting age to 25.
Giving him a (You) just to spite you.
Don't fucking post in the first place if you don't want to give him attention, faggot.
>be gook
>eat raw octopus legs occasionally
it's my favorite way of eating that creature
I'm gonna give him a (you) now to spite you
Looks like your little plan failed
By having an imagination..?
This is amazing color design, every time I come back to these I'm like "jesus"
>Read that as a lad
>One of those comics I "didn't get"
>See it now
Fuck I should have understood
If it's a time clone from the same timeline upholding a stable timeloop, then yes.
Beyond that specific instance, any fucking of alternate versions of yourself including clones, doubles, doppelgangers, and yous from alternate timelines/dimensions would, in fact, be gay.
You could even argue that they would be incestuous, too, since it's a consanguineous act.
A lesson as simple as this(uttered in a meager 6 words) is one that a vast majority of people under the age of 30 simply cannot grasp.
Plenty of people over 30 don't get it either, but the selfie-fag generation just have no clue.
Hence the hatred of the series as a whole.
Humanity is doomed. Drink up.
I like those rare little moments between Hobbes and Calvin's mom especially since he's implied to be her made over.
Terrible parents.
So much autistic cringe.
>relentlessly baitpost
>get 80 trillion (you)'s
God I wish my threads were this successful
I wanna fuck Calvin's mom
Bill Watterson retired a millionaire and didn't sell out to do it.
He's the dream of all comic artists. And sadly, he's probably the last cartoonist to ever make it big from a newspaper comic.
shrunken heads smell fairly neutral theyre dried out and laced with tons of herbs and preservatives
this fucking kid...
>net worth of $100 million
Lads, what's it like having parents who love you enough to put up with your antics, and live comfortably middle-classish enough to have the energy to deal with your brattiness, and don't just beat you when they're tired of it or ignore you when you're being well-behaved enough for them to get some rest after their grueling wagecuckery?
You're just pissed because shrunken heads are part of your culture, but they're an ingredient of funny everywhere else.
You want him to make out with himself? Gross.
>Yea Forums is for people who think they're smart.
Not really, in fact we idealise mental illness, hence "weaponized autism"
Shitting on Calvin & Hobbes, even "ironically", feels crass and tryhard. I grew up with this stuff in the newspapers (I'm 32 now), always admired the art and content, so obviously seeing some smug dumbass trying to act funny by saying "lolol so smart" just to be an attentionwhore makes you put some things in perspective.
It feels like being a kid in the '90s, assuming your parents didn't get fucked over in the 1987 recession.
I know this is bait but its damn good bait. Well done.
I don't get it
>since he's implied to be her made over.
English isn't my first language, so I am not sure I understand what you mean.
Calvin's mom was just like him when she was a little girl.
>Hence the hatred of the series as a whole.
Its almost inexistent.
He got her nose.
That one always had me puzzled as a kid because I didn't understood how they had to chose between either a dog or a kid and wondered why they couldn't have both.
You can't. It's only half of a Sunday strip that OP cut out for his weak bait.
I never liked C&H and never understood the circlejerk around it. It didn't help that most of my knowledge of the series from an early age was those shit Calvin pissing bumper stickers.
Let's hope you never find out what your parents really thought of you, cocksucker.
Can you imagine putting all this time into researching dinosaurs and sketching, inking and coloring them just to set up a silly punchline about a kid playing with his toys?
...uh yeah, and?
They did this storyline once by the way, and he did it well, most other times it's humor strips
So what's your criticism?
wait is this where the peeing rebel kid comes from?
Imagine being so embarrassed by your initial depictions of dinosurs in your funny papers comics that you actually go ahead and learn how to draw them properly.
It's about how no matter how hard a mother tries to blend her child's least favorite ingredient into a meal to make sure he's receiving his nutrition, he won't eat it as long as he knows it's got that one ingredient he's overly picky about.
For me it was chicken hearts, which turns out I've eaten all my life in the shredded chicken taquitos my mother made me.
Of course I didn't know this until it was revealed to me when I was 21. We had a good laugh.
Good strip, I can relate.
Yes, Bill Watterson IS a genius.
That's part of the joke, user.
it's not about ingredient it's about this ingredient being distasteful shit.
>chicken hearts
That's an actual ingredient people eat? Good lord.
Don’t look up the ingredients for potted meat then.
Better not look up what haggis is.
It is extraordinary, but the memories stung a lot when your lovely dad dies suddenly when you just become an adult and you can't bide him farewell properly. He's been such a perfect father, he could at least say hello before going away.
I ate chicken hearts, hardboiled with spices, along with chicken kidneys, livers, legs.
I stopped eating legs because they made my fingers sticky and soggy.
die, zoomer
I love that early comic with the alligator-bellied faux t-rex
It feels nice, like a genuine slice of the American Dream. Your childhood is fun with plenty of fond memories, and it feels like nothing is impossible. It's almost indescribable, that genuine love you feel and their desire to see you grow and succeed, and even surpass them.
>shitting on based Calvin and Hobbes
How about you neck yourself you braindead cunt?
>low quality b8 but it's working
I like to think calvin and susy end up together
Watterson is an idiot and a hack for his opinions on merch. Could you imagine a Hobbes plushie? Or a c&h animated show?
>t. Philistine consumerist pleb with no artistic integrity
Go shovel more cow """meat""" into your grease stained jowels, mutt.
His "integrity" hasn't helped anyone.
Susie looks too much like a child version of Calvin’s mom. Calvin’s personality already takes after his mom so that’s kind of weird
why everything have to help someone ? some things just are there for enjoyment, not to be a role model or life enrichment
No, you're just an angry prole mad that he can't waste more of his mediocre income on frivolous trinkets.
Best strip, comin' through.
If you think C&H is good you might be the problem you Gen X retard social reject.
Calvin's parents are adorable.
no one tell this dude that some food is made up of dead body parts
It helped me, because it made me happy to know he never sold out and I don't have to worry about some shitty live action adaption cashgrab.
>implying anyone from this fucking place knows
Is this whole thread a big meme?
What the fuck is wrong with artistic integrity?
So you don't get to have a C&H coffee mug, so what?
Fucking make a C&H t shirt yourself if you're so mad about it, it's not that hard.
>"B-but my film/series adaption"
Don't you have enough shit to consume? It's 2019, there's enough shit to watch, let a diamond shine.
I agree, but you should know better than to speak condescendingly of memes and then post Zen Pencils around here.
Is this a LOL thread? Can we post Dobson now?
It's nice to see that at least one person on this site isn't some edgy teenager.
>guy worth 100 million telling art students to drop their stable careers and live their dreams
Yea Forums would laugh their asses off if this had been said by anybody else.
Not at all what the quote is saying. Don't look at the shitty zen pencils comic using the quote
what is the quote saying
Fuck you. I wasn't privileged to be alive when it was in the funniest, but I had all of the strips in books and I loved it.
Aren't the books still expensive? I remember the cheapest ones were about $40.
>that last panel
sad cat time
forced meme cock sucker, when will the meaningless mods start word filtering these idiots out of here
When live action gets exiled from Yea Forums.
I honestly don't know. Two of the books I had were from a neighbor, but my brother had them before they were given to me. I even brought them to school for reading time and let my classmates read it, I'm not sure if they liked the strips to begin with or got into it because of me because a few other kids got books of their own eventually. I liked them enough for my parents to buy them for me on Christmas and birthdays.
>zen pencils
the fuck is zen pencils and why is everyone mad at it
Goats stomach right? I remembered it from one episode of Rocket Power. and that is literally the only thing I remember of the show.
This webcomic. They are at best pretentious and at worst fucking stupid.
Sheep I believe
It's a webcomic. They usually take a quote and create a comic around it. It's pretty bad.
I was lucky enough to get the complete three-volume hardcover set at a huge discount.
Heart, lungs, and liver of a sheep, boiled in its own stomach.
can you imagine a Calvin and Hobbes trilogy of animated films made by Pixar Ghibli?
Yes, it makes no sense for Watterson to not profit off his genius and beloved characters. If he was smart with the license and contracts he could make sure everything Calvin and Hobbes related was quality controlled and signed off by him.
Why are boomers afraid of true success?
get the paperback collections you pleb.
it's usually deep fried and highly salted and basically tastes like a fried liverwurst hotdog every time I had it. Haggis is good and not as gross as it sounds. Most people eat sausage right, what do you think the casings are made of what do you think is in the filling?
Faggot, boomers are the one that created this consumerist Hellscape. Watterson is one of the few good boomers, and profit fundamentally cheapens his integrity.
what the fuck did he do with all of his badass nazi war memorabilia in the first one? If he went to India he would have seen the beggars on the streets of every city who had their legs and arms broken as babies so they'd grow up to be cripples and better babies. If he went to Africa he would have seen the rampant crime, corruption and disease Nazis always rant about with his own eyes. All a trip around the world would do for Nazi man is confirm his racist beliefs. maybe he would have liked the Japanese for their strong ethnonationalist beliefs and culture.
Timeless Calvin and Hobbes well made classic cartoon films or TV would do more to spread his art and message than his comics ever will. Watterson deserves to live like an emperor drowning in gold and bitches.
Yeah, that's what they said about Lord of the Rings, too.
Watterson deserves to live his life as he desires, not according to how your greedy, goldlusting faggot ass thinks he should.
But he doesn't want gold and bitches. He wants to live out in the boonies and paint. If YOU want gold and bitches, of course, that is your prerogative; but first YOU have to create something as great as Calvin and Hobbes.
The Lord of the Rings films are amazing and lead to whole new generations and millions of more people reading the original books so what's the fucking problem? A classic cartoon or movie would just lead to more and more people in the future reading the original comics.
Did you know that the lack of non-muscle meat in the Standard American Diet is one of the reasons disease and malnutrition are so rampant? Are you one of those people that think the dark meat of the chicken is "weird and gross" too? Do you have any idea what chicken nuggets and most commercial-grade meat are made from?
>The Lord of the Rings films are amazing and lead to whole new generations and millions of more people reading the original books so what's the fucking problem? A classic cartoon or movie would just lead to more and more people in the future reading the original comics.
Also more money for Watterson's family and descendants. Why is Watterson so selfish? Won't someone think of Watterson's family?
I remember Squid remarking that it tasted like "salty marshmallows" before realizing what it was, which weirdly made me want to try it
beef heart is absolutely delicious and tastes like steak if cooked right. Good on BBQ.
Kidneys and liver are full of protein and also delicious cooked with garlic and onions and veg.
All ground beef you get at the store contains beef heart and offal I hope y'alls know.
I think you are talking about tripe, not haggis. Haggis is tasty seasoned ground sheep sausage encased in stomach (just like sausage is encased with intestines.) It doesn't taste that weird or gross, just tastes like meat sausage.
>The Lord of the Rings films are amazing
Lmao no they fucking aren't. The LotR films are passable as movies but do absolutely no justice to the books, and the Hobbit movies even moreso. Christopher Tolkien has even said that his father, had he seen the movies, would have them, and nobody knows Tolkien better than his son.
>A classic cartoon or movie would just lead to more and more people in the future reading the original comics.
And bastardixing into commercialized mainstream shlock.
Is that all you fucking parasites can think of?
>the lack of non-muscle meat
read that again carefully
i must be fucking stupid because that tied a knot in my brain
>Tolkien has even said that his father, had he seen the movies, would have them
What did he mean by this?
Calvin is beyond based.
That Tolkien would have them on dvd I guess.
Would hate* them
>Tolkein would hate them, therefore they're bad
That's some retarded logic right there.
They might not do full justice to the books, but calling the LotR trilogy "commercialized mainstream shlock" is just being contrarian for the sake of it.
chicken breast/thighs/legs, steak, pork chops, etc. are known as muscle meat because that's what they are. organ meat (liver, heart, etc) is differentiated, even though the heart is technically a muscle I guess
>Lmao no they fucking aren't
Maybe Ralph Baskhi's films are bad, but Peter Jackson's films are literally considered to be among the best films of all time.
I can only see UPA or WB making a Calvin and Hobbes cartoon that would be considered classic now.
>That's some retarded logic right there.
No, if the literal author of the books that the movies are based off of would think they're bad and don't do justice to his work, then they're not a good example of preserving the integrity of an IP.
Litterally irrelevant; whether they're good movies or not has no bearing on the fact that they dilute the original work.
Imagine being angry at an Artist for NOT selling out.
Thinking they're not doing justice is one thing. Calling them bad movies is another.
>preserving the integrity of an IP
The LotR trilogy gave the IP more integrity than they'd had in five decades. I'll agree that the Hobbit was a soulless cash-in, though.
I'm touchier about chicken organs but beef hearts are delicious. Every time I'm enjoying a sausage or something I look at the ingredient list and BAM! Beef hearts.
>be American
>always hear haggis jokes and about how gross haggis is
>grow up
>find out it's an oat/blood/meat thing that's basically a giant sausage
>want to try it but have never had the oppertunity
Dear C&H shitposter. I know you think that you'll trick someone into believing your bullshit, but C&H will always be beloved.
I just buried a kitten today, this hits right in the feels
I want to try it because of the oats- I've always wondered if they'd be good in savory things.
>What a stupid world.
This entire fucking arc hits me so hard every goddamn time
>Why can't a creator do what they want with their own creation
Jesus Christ fuck off. Watterson made C&H it's his to control. If he wanted to stop printing books and only release nude sketches of Hobbes that's his fucking business. Nigga doesn't owe you shit
>and only release nude sketches of Hobbes
Imagine how much money he would make with the furries.
You ever consider just being generous and NOT a hand-rubbing like, user?
Not my fault everything in the US costs money like health care and education.
pretty much all parents regret their kids, it's just over time and through biologically wired maternal 'love' they get attached enough to raise them
sucks for the parents, good for the kids, it's called evolution of reproduction
oh shit what the fuck why are my eyes watering
i honestly dont know
and i don't remember the last time anything made me feel this way
Based and anti-Christcuck pilled.
He got some serious hate over this one. That and the comic where calvin said his "real" mom would have bought him a comic or whatever, and it got changed into a "loving" mom
Does anyone have a link to the story watterson told about reading a book concerning art criticism and how it was the most vapid and pretentious thing he ever read?
Dude is still a millionaire. His family is already set for life. If his kids aren't loaded it's because Waterson chose not to give then a trust fund.
One thing that becomes more apparent after reading the comic as an adult; It's possibly the most bitter, cynical comic ever written. It's also probably the only one where the creator actively hates the main character.
Schulz was at least on Charlie Brown's side, and treated him sympathetically. A lot of Watterson's material is almost sour.
>bitter, cynical comic ever written.
I know it's a meme but you really need to stop projecting your own insecurities onto a comic character.
Was Waterson autistic? Just because he refused true wealth to stay merely rich, doesn't mean that's the choice other people face when forced to consider abandoning their principles.
The guy who drew this is definitely autistic, I mean he unironically drew a fucking parody of what he was attempting to draw , but who the fuck cares about him.
God damn I'm so jealous! I remember BEGGING my dad to get me the set from Costco!
Fuck, mean to link , is merely naive and out of touch in that context.
Unlike true redditors like yourself
Jesus fuck, how did he ever manage to get his strips in by the deadline?
so fucking based
>Best Strip coming through
No arguments here.
Seeing Watterson draw other characters makes me realize how often he reuses poses/expressions.
Watterson said he used Calvin as an outlet for his frustrations with adulthood and thought writing a character he disagreed with 95% percent of the time would be fun
It'd be impossible to have every panel you ever drew be 100% unique each time in a weekly comic strip
always with the money, always with the fucking money
It's insane to me that compromised artistic integrity is the consensus of the majority.
Fucking sharks all of you.
Learn to appreciate a good thing when you find it, instead of just cramming it all down your throats and begging for more.
This is why shitty reboots/spinoffs/adaptions get made. Pigs are always hungry, eating trash and food alike.
Learn to love good things you morons.
Never too much of a good thing.
this same comic but with the japanese panel and samurai sword in the version on the right
Too much water and you drown.
Too much air and you die
Too many dicks sucked and become you.
Then none of those are good things.
What about Scott Adams?
As they say in wall street...
"Bears make money, Bulls make money. Pigs get slaughtered,"
>that last panel
fuck man
Was this all an excuse for a Calvin and Hobbes thread?
This is my favorite "Calvin's dad makes up bullshit to fuck with his son" strip.
He has a name, user. Show Bill Watterson some respect.
Then stop breathing, drinking, and sucking ducks, faggotron.
I miss the golden days, bros.
you don't think you're smart? :)
Ah you're right, Dilbert is '89 while C&H is '85.
y do dad
>re-reading this
>notice the triceratops stamped on the t-rex's plane
holy fuck thats incredible.
Who hurt you?
I just noticed that too and checked if anyone had made this comment yet and FUCK
I love the huge smile on his mom's face as the bus arrives
The internet.
Fuck off newfag, there is no “we”
Based boomer dad
I constantly spread this type of inane misinformation, but to other people's kids.
Hobbes molested me when I was 12.
Hory shet
I have to read all of my old C&H books that I read when I was 5
I remember that my bro drew all over some pages with red marker doing stupid shit like drawing nukes destroying the house
I didn’t understand anything about the content of the comics, just the fun visuals
damn, I really need to take inspiration from bill’s style, the first comics I ever read
also susie a shit
Shut the fuck up boomer
How the fuck does the communist "I'm just an insignificant cog in the great machine" live with the capitalist "I am a man with rights and liberties" in that melon of a head of yours? Who the fuck even are you? A boomer nostalgiafag?
Chicken hearts are the bomb! Super tasty.