How we make miles less fucking ugly

How we make miles less fucking ugly

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Make him white.

If you made him 100% Puerto Rican would people still get mad?

No blacks.

Make him into a tranny then he kills himself

As a straight (sort of) man I think he's handsome.

Make him full black.

why not make a 100% puerto rican new character instead of subverting a culture and a character that aren't yours?

Why do you want him to be attractive?

If you consider that ugly, I suggest you stay as far away from his PS4 version as possible

Literally just turn him into Spiderverse miles. He looks a billion times better.

Something about comic miles just looks off to me

>As a straight (sort of) man
user you're a fag, stop trying to make your opinion valid it's not going to happen

Idris Elba

Fuck it let a race war break war happen
Nah the good looking black dudes are always mixed like pic related

Attached: ZionKuwonu.jpg (810x1296, 91K)

Let him grow his hair out somehow. Afro, dreads, his spider-verse hair, just fucking something

Nigga looks like he's about 80 in the PS4 game lmao

>good looking
>black dudes
pick one and only one

Lame nigga don't even got no waves

You gay
It's some black dude that can get more ass than you, considering you're posting on here all day.

Skin whitening creams



that's not an argument you silly nigger

The only choice

Are there even any good looking black dudes?

I do like women, user. That's makes me bicurious?

Meh, who fucking cares? I'm a fag.

Bisexual dumbo

Stupid fucking bulbasaur
Ask all the white women getting blacked in your vicinity

use anime artstyle

Not that user but outside of murica and Western Europe?. Probably 10 or less

A lot of those women don't find them attractive, they just get off on being fucked by some ugly beast because they are damaged

Isn't that what the mask is for?

Nigga barely wears it in the comics

I bet you got a SBC

Make him a light skin fuckboy with curly hair

he already is

Just draw him as Sam

Miles is no where near light nor does he have curly hair.

He looks like Syrian refugee

More muscles, more hair, more facial hair. Thanks!

Attached: tumblr_pb78e424Yi1th1kvho1_400.gif (320x568, 2.71M)

Marvel artist are obsessed with ugly black twinks sorry