Tall Steven is the MC of the last show you watched and the last comic you read. What changes?
Tall Steven is the MC of the last show you watched and the last comic you read. What changes?
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idk who cares
That would Jojo I think.
>Ballmastrz 9009
The team would probably be a lot more competent. As shown in the finale of S1 they're all actually total badasses, but never had the proper motivation to succeed. Steven's pretty good at motivational stuff so they'd probably be a decent team and Gaz never would have joined them.
>Last show: Night of the Long Knives documentary
Could Steven really pull of the "Night of long knives?" and become Führer of Nazi Germany?
>Last comic: Mélusine
The comic suffers since Steven isn't a sexy witch.
>last show you watched
It was "Hole In A Wall"- that really shit game show where they made people jump through strangely shaped holes in foam walls.
>last comic
Boom Studio's Judas. It doesn't work either.
Am I bad at Yea Forums?
my readership status
>Netflix Castlevania
The vampires are corrupted gems and either Steven or a diamond gets the bishop treatment from this scene.
Alternatively he'll actually grow a pair and actually kill someone if he replaced Wee Hughie from The Boys especially since Connie would be completely dead. I doubt he can healing spit her back after A-Train turns her into bloody curry on the wall.
Steven convinces Kaldera that the one she was really angry was herself. She has an emotional breakdown, then she and Sam go off to have sex in a barn.
Does he get inducted into Kamala’s harem?
Young Justice Outsiders: He's all about the Meta Centers, joins up as part of BB's Outsiders.
Second Coming: He's friends with Jesus and they genuinely get along.
>What changes
the characters' heights from one scene to the next.
He's literally getting a Wreck It Ralph build
Jenny is now the antagonist of the last show you watched, what changes?
whoever drew/edited this is based
Not a Steven Universe fan, but I am a MLAATR fan, and if this were legit, it would get my viewership, if for no other reason than to find out WHY Jenny was the villain
>Once again Ballmastrz 9009
There really isn't a central antagonist to the series mostly just enemy teams so I guess she'd be on one of the teams and pretty much dominate. She could be part of the highest ranked team who the gang has to work towards qualifying to fight them.
Amphibia and Punisher Max.
this'll be interesting
Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated and Scooby Apocalypse..... I swear I’m not even that huge of a fan of Scooby Doo.
>Steven in YJ
Would watch desu
He dies right away I guess.
I want kevin to pick on connie and then steven transforms his arm into a giant arm or a jaguar and just fucking decks him in the face
You’re not great at it, I guess
What’s this?
>Steven trying to be friends with Vandal Savage and Darkseid.
Bara Steben inc. Since its a timeskip, does Peridooter get more control over her powers now? Or will she still use random garbage to fly shit around?
>shrink head, extend neck
>now he's older
>They’re all wearing flower crowns by the end
And the rest of his proportions are proper now.
No Longer Human
>Phineas and Ferb
Assuming the duo are still around I think Steven would have craploads of fun. Also sharing Gem-tech.
>Last show: Carol Benet
Very little, he's just another guest.
>Last comic: Berserk
He uses his shield ability well with the Hawks, try's to talk-fu the Godhands during the eclipses only to get butchered during the eclipse.
>The rising of the shield hero
>Shield hero
>swordfighter friend is a literal slave.
Last show I watched was Star Trek TNG and honestly he'd do fine there. Everyone but Worf is just constantly looking to talk no jutsu anyways, diplomatic solutions are the answer basically every single episode. It would be great.
That's how it works. Little things in animation change percieved age like that. Just like putting eyes higher or lower on a face makes someone look older or younger.
He chills with the Straw Hat pirates.