How would he fare in Marvel/DC?

How would he fare in Marvel/DC?

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Robots in both universes tend to get destroyed and rebuilt often so it’d be the usual for him.

alot of the baddies are humans,and sure Zero doesn't give a damn by the end,but would he really be willing to do it in public in front of other superheroes or let's say X,who's also there with him?

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Zero dying has literally become a running gag at this point.

He's died all of two times, Peter Parker has died more than him already.

>Arguably the strongest robot in existence in his first timeline
>Definitely the strongest robot in existence in his second timeline
>Have a separate piece of technology developed after him in his third timeline, that still matches his now considered legendary power from the previous two
Pretty well, I'd say.

If UMVC3's taught me anything, he slaughters Marvel.

Mega Man characters are pretty damn strong. He would probably be a pretty high tier hero. Not on the level of Thor, Superman, Hulk, Flash, etc. But he would definitely outclass most heroes.

Bet Batman would not be too cool with his standard arm cannon when charged up fires a plasma death beam that's about 15 feet wide and 300 yards long annihilating everything in its path.

Does he kill humans?

One thing to keep in mind is that Zero and X aren't just robots. They're the absolute peak of robotics. They were considered unparalleled even hundreds of years after they were built. And they both have bullshit power sources that never run out and kept upgrading their bodies over the years so they're never overpowered by any new weapon.
And when technology finally caught up to them, the resulting automatons were so advanced, they weren't even considered robots anymore, they were biological at that point.
Basically, they shit on any tech-based hero/villain. Ultron, Cyborg, even Brainiac's got nothing on them

Never shown, but considering he debuted in the X series he definitely has the capacity to do so

Ultron would recreate the Eurasia event to later steal his body.

>muh favorite characters will beat yours
>arguing power levels in comics

Stop with this fanfic nonsense. This is more embarrassing than the Goku-Will-Beat-Superman people.


He kills one in Megaman Zero
But that "human" has been turned into a cyborg for at least a full century
So maybe kinda

Zero would be in the League’s round table because he beats 90-95% of DC characters without much effort. He fares much better in Marvel, where even cosmic Marvel doesn’t faze him much. He def joins a team regardless tho, as Zero doesn’t tolerate evil.

Funny how in universe robots are sapient and are slaughtered en masse for being criminals yet we never see the same done to humans

really makes you think if humans are the good guys in the MM series. so happy the villains won in the end

yes in the final game, the villain invokes the laws of robotics and tell hims he can't kill a human then dares him to kill him, doing so would label him a rogue robot, Zero is basically a police officer who puts down said rogue robots.
He then willingly chooses to disobey the laws and enacts the zeroth law to kill said villain who was planning to drop a space nuke on the world.

yes in the final game, the villain invokes the laws of robotics and tell hims he can't kill a human then dares him to kill him, doing so would label him a rogue robot, Zero is basically a police officer who puts down said rogue robots.
He then willingly chooses to disobey the laws and enacts the zeroth law to kill said villain who was planning to drop a space nuke on the world.

a reminder that zero had the maverick virus at first and passed it on to sigma and other reploids

>Zero knocks Ironman out a window
>1 second later, Captain America jumps in from that window but he can't do anything until his feet touch the ground
>Zero leaps into the air and comes down at a 45 degree angle with a lightning slash
>Captain America doesn't know in which direction to guard and gets hit. Zero's speed-generated clone then hits with the same attack.
>Dante jumps in from the window on the other side of the room

Bad question. Now, how would HE fare?

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Humans become extinct in the series, so you're not exactly right about that.

to be fair, it's not like they went extinct, most of them just have their DNA fucked up beyond belief and riddled with So much fucking Augmentations it's nearly impossible to tell apart a bot from a human

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That's a guy?

X is better


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>most of them just have their DNA fucked up beyond belief
what makes humans well us is DNA. if its not the same they are not human.

>nearly impossible to tell apart a bot from a human
no its not. if it bleeds, has balls,dick, pussy and other shit that helps them give birth then they are human. even if the future is advanced enough that everyone looks human the moment someone trys to have sex they will know whats human or not