Since the sequel is gonna focus on them as couple, what do you think of them together?
Since the sequel is gonna focus on them as couple, what do you think of them together?
It was created by a cuck fetishist backed by an editor who knew that it would piss off fans. In other words it’s shit that’s expressly underlines why Miles is shit and will always be shit, but it does t matter because you niggas all hate spider-man anyway and are only supporting thos out of spite
Barf worthy.
If they wanted Spider gwen to be popular they should've put her together with MJ
I like him better with Kamala
Not a fan
Didn't the ending of the movie explicitly show that Gwen doesn't like Miles that way and Miles respects that?
It's pretty great. They're great together.
feels a bit forced, but i don't really care about spider-clones
If it doesn't focus on noir or ham it aint kino in my eyes
B L A C K E D is best.
think i can't stand seen any interracial coupe that isnt a white male with some ethnic female
Utterly disgusting
i liked them as a couple in "Sitting in a Tree", but it was so short lived that I don't see why that aspect of their friendship should be in the movie.
I like how white Peter and black MJ are okay to the majority of people but Miles and Gwen are not. The hypocrisy is hilarious.
first movie barely grossed well, this is going to flop or underperform.
anyone upset over comics honestly deserves to be.
most people complain about Zendaya as MJ tho
Fucked up that a Gwen doppelgänger is being recycled as Miles’s supporting cast
I think it's because many of us feel that Miles and Gwen do not have a reason to be together
with being good friends is enough
also the movie does not need a sequel
and yes /poltards/ and BLACKED meme make a lot of noise but they are a minority
Plenty of chemistry. They'd be stupid not to have them be a couple.
My complaint with Miles×Gwen is that it's GWEN, not that she's white. Could've been any other non-Peter-associated white girl and I wouldn't have cared.
anyone who thinks it's about comics is retarded
anyone who uses reddit spacing on an chan needs to go back
DOUBLE WHAMMY you gay nigger
Anyone baitin our comic fans on a comics board deserves to be drawn and quartered. I wouldn’t mind Miles if anyone wanted to do something new with him, but no one does and Bendis just did it for the royalties that he’d score off of repurposing a big name.
her dad failed
I thought they were from different timelines?
Does she fuck off her family and the rest of her universe or something?
They had decent chemistry for being in a movie that played off quips and already knowing the characters rather than full character interaction.
It would be interest if they explore miles learning about his powers and being unsure of himself next to Gwen being a practiced web slinger, while Gwen has to wrestle with not seeing to much of Lizard peter in Miles fumbling his way through fights.
But I have a feeling they will put them as a standard equal couple to not offend anyone.
Unnecessary but acceptable
Their chemistry was pretty bad
>bring up logical complaint about Miles
>get called a racist
So tired of people defending this shit character just because he's black
I prefer the superior Spider-Verse ship.
MJ is mulatto though, so it's kosher.
I feel pretty neutral about it.
If dimensional fuckery still jumbles up their atoms and shit though, it sounds like they'll be doomed to LDR hell.
People endlessly bitch about mcu MJ she’s shit and should be chat or Gloria grant instead. Second out of all the characters listed you know what they have in common? They’re all part of Pete’s supporting cast, Gwen and Miles are shit because of the connotations brought up pairing Miles with Pete’s first love interest. I understand all of bendises love interest for Miles we’re white women but gwen was when I realized that it was all for nefarious purposes. Pair him with a white check fine, but please make it either an original character or someone whose not more interesting dead than alive.
I wish they didn't give Miles Peter's hand me downs.
> Gwen came before MJ
Don't care about Literally Whorales and Shadman Coalburner, where is my Peni movie?
Have you not seen the hate for black MJ?
Will they be a couple? I liked them more as mere friends.
Sony Spider Gwen is to skinny and boring
I would like to see Miles having some self-assurance, I am fucking tired of the akward dorky insecure male protagonist.
I've yet to see a logical complaint against Miles.
it's that or full blown nigga, those are the only two varities and there's actually a huge overlap
I swear to god if there's unnecessary relationship drama or some shoe-horned love triangle I will riot
OP is either a self inserting kek or someone baiting
Maybe you should read the thread
It was literally confirmed
this desu
fuck you, the worst couple in the history, fucking piece of shit this is based
That's a yikes from me.
ITT: retards grasping at hairs
>blacked female lead
So this is children entertainment in 2019, woah.
pretty much all of Yea Forums in a nutshell
yo real talk how long has cho been running Outrage into the ground
Feels like solid 2 years now
I wouldn’t mind a romance developing between them, just that the first movie had literally nothing for shippers to work with.
Pairing Miles up with an alt-version of Peter's dead girlfriend just continues to prevent him from being his own character.
The only interesting thing about Spider-Gwen was her universe where she was the one who lived while Peter died. When you take her out of that storytelling space she has no real purpose.
Doesn't seem to be anything in the thread besides manufactured outrage.
There is a purpose, it's just not a story one
Honestly I find it cute. At the very least the movie version of them had pretty good chemistry.
She sure did. Probably multiple times a night.
Why americans are so obsessed with replacing their iconic heroes with blunt black characters and also have their white blonde females fucked by them?
At least the Spider-Verse versions of Gwen and Miles had way more chemistry than their comics versions ever had, and don't have the history of Peter/Gwen.
Also, its weird how Marvel won't allow any kind of romantic tension between Peter and Spider-Gwen. Peter is a little bit older than her, but women typically go for Men slightly older than they are so it makes sense.
>At least the Spider-Verse versions of Gwen and Miles had way more chemistry
They didn't. You were either brainwashed by media or you're on of them yourself. Stop pushing this meme. SV Morales was as shit as his comic version.
>Peter and black MJ are okay
Where the hell have you been? You can’t have an MCU Spidey thread without constant moaning about “not muh MJ”.
Only works in the movie (because the writers on it bothered to flesh out Miles' character). Felt artificially done in the comics because the pariing just came out of nowhere and it was pretty damn clear they didn't remember how old Miles or Gwen were.
Don’t like how Gwen has sort of been drudged up from the dead, and now the spidergwen loveinterest is gonna eclipse the character she once was.
Kinda like Red Hood and Jason Todd. Some characters are better left dead, but it’s comics so what do you expect.
If she was an OC Donut Steel I wouldn’t give a shit. I barely give a shit now, but yeah.
Stop pushing your forced meme.
They're not a couple. Me and Gwen are dating. She is my waifu.
Ya, he's a character that was made to create outrage
Jews are trying to genocide the white race
It’s the femghostbusters deflection. Sucks but there’s really nothing that can be done.
Like was shown in the best thing to do if you don’t like something in comics ISN’T to complain about it. That just generates interest. All you can do is say “that’s dumb” and go talk about something better to generate interest in that.
This shit isn’t important, you don’t need to stay and argue with people about it. If you do, you’re playing into the hands of people who push these dumb arguments and deflections.
Don’t take the bait.
Guys stop pushing this meme meme.
But imagine the spider sex.
It looks and sounds like complete shit, it's another bland and originally white character being BLACKED yet again introduced by Marvel's interracial fetishists as they chastise everyone on revealing costumes while trying to be "modern" and "with the times". It's social cuckoldry, on a scale demonstrative of author-based psychological cuck fantasy repressions and constant reaching for social woke points. It's spider-man, but black, and guess what, the black man gets peter's ex-lover, except it's somehow a different version and it's totally not gwen stacy but yet it is!!! it's stupid self-inserting cuck fantasies by some faggot completely obsessed with interracial pornography.
>miles, a hand-me-down diversity hire spider, gets Gwen, a hand-me-down lover
and of course, it's yet another black person with a white person. for some odd reason, SNOY and Marvel have a modern fear and hatred of straight white couples. if it weren't so predictable, it'd be disgusting.
I don’t really like it, partly because I’m just not a fan of romantic subplots and partly because Miles is supposed to be 13 in the comics while Gwen is in college, but ultimately I don’t give a shit and just want the movie to be good. I don’t understand all the not muh Gwen bitching either since Spider-Gwen and 616 Gwen Stacy might as well be different characters entirely.
>What do you think about two uninteresting characters hooking up
I am, surprisingly, uninterested.
Yes that’s the point of the first post, Miles just exists to ape the name spiderman while adding nothing of his own to the franchise. Hence why he exists to kill off a peter, hence why his major love interest is a rejiggered version of peters first girl friend. Bendis just learned that his fetish became profitable. I do want to see new black characters but I’d rather them be there to add to the world rather than replace already popular hero’s
That's why. People don't care about new characters, so reuse old ones.
>“not muh MJ”.
Shes's not
'muh MJ' is Mary Jane.
They could have given her any other name but they picked Michelle Jones specifically to have the MJ initials and generate faux controversy for the movie.
They chose to be race-baiting dicklets, and now it's associated with the movie by their own design.
At least they would both have fear of having mutant offspring.
I don’t really mind them as a couple, I don’t care for Gwen (616 or Spider style) so pairing her with Miles garners very little interest for me
gonna spawn more Tracy Scops fan comics
jesus what's wrong with their legs
yeah we're not all collectively doing that it's a small group of god's chosen writers
This whole aping off of Spider-man's name I don't understand. They way people in these threads go on, the name 'Spider-man' is apparently an instant road to success. But I mean if that was true, how come it didn't work for Silk? Or Gwen? How come it didn't work for Miguel when they brought him out of storage? How come it's not working for Otto? or Symbiote Spider-man? How come it's always JUST Miles? It's not adding up.
Shippers don't need anything to work with. Miles was attracted to her, that's more than enough.
I don't like it when black men date white women.
He's the only one being pushed unrelentingly despite failure after failure
Oh I don’t like Gwen or Otto either, but the thing is with most of them they tried to go by there own name. Spider Fwen and superior octopus. Miles has something Miguel never did a successful line backing him up and the unrelenting support of Marvels superstar writer. Miguel did alright but was the only successful character out of his line. Miles hasn’t added anything in his 8 years of publication, Miguel added alchemex, Otto added Parker industries what has miles contributed to the name other than racists talking about how he should replace peter?
Oh no
Why they gotta shoehorn in romance like that
I don't think there will be a sequel if FFH doesn't make 1 B
That's not Gwen Stacy.
He's still the face of Multiverse Spider-people, and he's the precursor to the modern concept of Spiderverse. He hard stops Peter from being de-aged. He adds a sense of progression to the world, that it's moving in some sort of direction compared to the suffocating stagnation that 616 is accustomed too. In a meta sense he adds tension to Parker stories when he's in danger that simply isn't present with other characters, he also provides an out for Peter should he decide to focus on a family, or a real job. His book is still better than Parker's too.
I generally prefer a hero's love interest to be a member of the hero's supporting cast Superman and Lois. less of a chance for other writers to fuck up the relationship.
I don't like this one because Spider-Gwen is boring and Miles really needs to establish himself outside of Peter in pretty much every way. Give him villains, lovers, friends etc of his own. Not Peter's or somebody elses'. Does he even have an arch nemesis of his own?
They have potential but those two characters are basically just Spider-man but X !
Why do people say this? It was obvious they going to fuck but they didn't have the time for it yet.
His book is just written by a racist enjoying his views being publically accepted. Saladin is doing a good job but he’s not burdened with having to fix a literal decade of fuck up with his character, friendly neighborhood is still better though
terrible and still doesn't give Miles a character
I wanted this but I knew it couldn't happen.
>coal burner
Hard pass
who are you talking about
Why would it piss anyone off?
It’s just useless and a waste of time.
If there is romance between them I will not see the film.
>useless and a waste of time
You must be new to the internet, how I envy you
You must be new to being a faggot
How I don’t envy you
>Does he even have an arch nemesis of his own?
His uncle I guess
He’s pretending to be retarded, user. He knows exactly why.
She rubs the top of his thumb when they hold hands.
Less of an issue of mutual attraction (it's present between them) and more of 'they have to get back home or they'll die.' type of thing. There's also the fact (from the character's perspective) this rare instance of universe hoping wouldn't be able to be repeated. A heart felt love confession would just be confusing.
Damn bro you’ve got burns for days. you must be so popular yelling at your computer screen all alone in your sad apartment. I also can’t wait for spider-man and spiderman to team up and be totally unique together. No need to have new characters having interactions with new characters, just dig up whoever you can do you don’t have to pay royalties to anyone but Bendis
Real talk, why do think this cuck propaganda wont make people more racist? Im deeply confused by the supposed rationale behind this, this isnt normalizing anything but more of fanning flames and making race relations worse.
It is
The left have created their own enemies by pushing their shit onto everyone
They want people to be more racist user. It’s called controlled opposition, the more you hate each other and attack each other through public shaming and ostracizing the less you can do to actually bring the world together and uplift everyone
It’s not about making the world better, it’s about rubbing their agenda in the face of white men epic style.
Odds are stacked against you user, but it is a retardly cute ship.
>shit that never happened
Two legacy off-shoot characters. Yeah sure let them. They only exist to give Peter shine anyway
>It’s not about making the world better, it’s about rubbing their agenda in the face of white men epic style.
>The left have created their own enemies by pushing their shit onto everyone
This is my point, why do they think this si anything but a terrible tactic that will create more animosity and pushback against them? Are they completely clueless to the ramifications of all this diversity box ticking and agenda pushing?
>dense or delusional
What cuck propaganda are you talking about?
>the only thing we can do other than make BAD comics, is make bad comics that also deliverately piss people off
I know a lot of people throw around the word 'stupid', like when they simply don't like something, but this is so genuinely fucking stupid it baffles me how this chucklefuck was in charge for so long
Irrelevant to the point being made, it's a man carrying a woman in a very submissive hold, ass-first to the viewer, and it's not a big deal because of his race
Do you not believe it’s in corporate interest to keep a class of people down through public ridicule? You think it’s a new idea to have a group of people designated to be hated?
If Peter didn't wanna get replaced he shouldn't have died in two dimensions.
Fuck that bullshtt.
There’s only one Spiderman
He probably also should've avoided letting HER die in every other dimmension.
There are three currently not including peter
And whatever Miles is
I say shunt them all back to there places and leave it at that
(Old) Marvel Editorial admits they manufacture controversy to boost sales or to draw interest in characters. Where's the Cuck Propaganda?
>There’s only one Spiderman
youre not supposed to say that
Killing a white man and replacing him with a black man that steals his blonde haired blue eyes true love isn’t enough for you?
When the fuck did that ever happen in the movie, the comics, any of the animated series, or any iteration of these characters?
Look I get it you’re not a fan of peter and have no way to understand stand what subtext means. I wish I could be as blind as you. You remember the scene in spiderverse where we see Gwen cradling bee peter in her flash back? Or how about the scene where Mary Jane attends here husbands killers party and has no problem with seeing effigies of the man she supposedly loved around? Those are subtle bits of propaganda programming you to hate Peter.
Yeah but I reject them all.
Miles is Kid Arachnid.
It's true.
Just like there's only one Flash, one GL (outside of the Corps), one Robin, and one Aqualad.
ok faggot. stay seeing subtext where there's none.
Based retard
>Just like there's only one true Flash, one GL (outside of the Corps), one Robin, and one Aqualad.
Barry was dead for years before Wally took the name
GL is a job not limited to one person
The others are sidekicks so I'm not sure if they count
You're losing me user. None of that makes any goddamn sense.
>"I'd rather have my neck broken by Mile's dick than being thrown off a bridge by one of Peter's S&M partners"
respect her wishes
Why wouldn’t there be? Don’t worry there’s also a healthy bit of subtext in Miles to reinforce black self hatred. Like his fath, a black man named Jefferson Davis, states that he hates his criminal family so much that he won’t let his son share his name. If you want to blind yourself to these things you can, doesn’t mean there not there. And just to let you know not every interracial relationship is propaganda like this. It’s just the pairing of Miles and Gwen specifically is
As someone who pays for both BLACKED and BLACKEDRAW all i gotta say is nooooope
They did make Peter pathetic in this. Too bad for them that he's everyone's favorite part of the movie
Baisically the pairing is for people like you, who get there rocks off feeling morally superior in these discussions. It’s just a shame it comes at the cost of my favorite character in his own franchise.
That's Peter's love interest, not that nobody's.
who cares about your salty ass, user.
You may be surprised by this, but most spiderman fans like Peter
nah. all Gwens belong to Miles.
>every post user makes has a white woman with a black man
this guy is one of those interracial-fantasy faggots that shoves his BLACKED subscriptions in everyone's faces and then emphatically denies that he just got done whacking off to several gangbang scenes just like the disgusting propagandist that he is
lol pathetic
user don't tell me you're still stuck on that fallacy that all versions of Gwen are the same are you? Don't tell me you're mistaking 616 Gwen for 65 Gwen.
I’m well aware no one does user, no one cares about anything anymore. It’s just about what causes to most ire. We hate each other because it’s the only way to distract us from how much we hate ourselves. We’ve lost, the American dream was a lie and individualism is used as a intellectual beat stick to suppress dialogue rather than create. It’s nice you ironically enjoy something, that you have something to laugh at with people who also have no way to enjoy something for real anymore. I just unironically liked this stuff, I know it’s stupid but I did, I get why new characters should be created I just wish they went the whole way with it and gave miles his own identity and iconography rather than poorly copy someone else’s.
Shadow spider
There are quite a few good names for him, it’s just they all would have had to have stood on there own rather than just get the remnants of sales from peter
- that haircut
- that gap tooth
- plays drums
- that sass
Her movie design screams "I date black guys"
>it's a fallacy if I say so
Based retard
says the cuckold faggot with a literal BLACKED subscription
LMFAO @ your life, you penile-dysfunctional sissy
Is Miles going to be the first character in fiction to form a vertical harem? Is such a thing possible?
And don’t tell me that you don’t see the nefariousness of that. How making her peter a school shooter to be forgotten rather than an actual friend. You define yourself on who you stand over not what you stand for. So fuck off with your alternate universe botch shit, it says in her book she was created by Steve Ditko and Stan Lee the name is the name and the character is the character. Just because writers poorly wrote around it doesn’t mean it’s not supposed to invoke ire
>it's not the same version so it's not some girl-friend swapping fetish featuring a black man
Yuropean boomer here, question to all burgers, Why your media potrait so many mix couples?, always black or latino male and white female?
Is this true in real life?
Is about demographycs?
Is only a marketing campain?
O is only a meme?
Here in Yurope is more a think about all refugees
Thanks user
I actually like Kid Arachnid.
I get that he sells better by parasiting the Spiderman name, but that's why I don't like it.
He needs to carve out his own identity.
Spiderman has been taken.
ah interesting.
Yeah I guess I have to agree.
where the fuck do you live where you don't see interracial couples? you must be a farm cuck or a suburban retard lol
I'm talking about Jay Garrick.
I'm talking about Alan Scott. He's the only one who should be called GL outside of a title. All the others need their own names.
They aren't really sidekicks anymore, so yeah they count.
>Americans have been so conditioned they think mixed couples are the norm and not the exception
love it or leave it, limey
Monaco, my wife is from Swiss...
Here is not common mix couples, if you want to see blacks, you can cross the border with France or Germany. Here is kind of new, 10 years ago was really difficult to find blacks in Germany. I understand Merica is more diverse, but I dont know if the media potrait mix couples only because is like reality is, or if is some kind of fashion...
Oh no. No no no no no.
user you weren't supposed to admit you thought they were the same! Everyone is going to think you're retarded now!
Intersectionality cause more problems than people want to admit. Even Malcome X was against intersectionality, he knew it would never work.
he was also a extremist cunt.
>race-swaps peter's dead girl-friend (*in another reality™*) while replacing peter
>wh-what interracial cuckoldry?
Was there really even enough time in the movie for feelings of that magnitude to develop?
Oh so you’re not hear to say anything then huh? Just to shit post and admit you never actually liked the characters, well enjoy your masturbating over “totally getting us” while ignoring who is credited in her creation on every one of her books and that these discussions were always the point of the pairing as references in the first post by the EIC in charge at the time the pairing was made
nope, they were a little too busy with trying not to die and saving the universe.
He was also right about a fuck ton of things. Black people will never have dignity if they keep on taking the white man's leftovers. Black people need to be able to stand on their own.
Comics needs more development towards their relationship.
Maybe team up book mini about them?
Comics only had them as a very short one-off fling years ago and are now building up her relationship with Peter, Miles is being set up for Kamala
He also died before he could properly articulate his fully realized beliefs after his pilgrimage to Mecca
It's not hypocrisy, one act is civilizing a woman, the other is defiling a woman.
I lived in Japan all my life, then I travel to California...the experience was weird, first because it was the first time I see a Chicano and a feminist and they were married!
That's what I thought.
Pretty sure the quote you keep referencing was from the Joe Quesada era which ended in the early 2010's, before Miles' creation. I'm sure you're going to try and convince me that Bob Kaine Batman is the same as Justice Lord's Bruce Wayne. Characters placed in different scenarios develop differently. It's not hard to get.
>Peter was Stan Lee's self insert
>wrote Gwen as the insert for his wife
>nuwriters kill Peter off and pair Gwen with a black replacement
>nufanartists draw art of that ship and dedicate it to Stan Lee's passing
what an awful time to be alive
>Peter was Stan Lee's self insert
Site your source.
Erasing wh*toids from existence is the best thing possible to achieve.
2000IQ strats holy shit
>wrote Gwen as the insert for his wife
that's Sue Storm, the same girl who had the hots for the fish man and was written by Lee.
It’s literally the first fucking post dude I know because I made it. And yes your obsession of trying to justify the the cuckolding with the banal typings it different universes would mean something if it didn’t involve throwing the character whose now supposed to be peters successor into the mix. Did dick shack up with Selina when he became Batman? Or did Wally fuck iris after Barry died? No because the writers there knew it would be retarded to pair older love interests with current hero’s, that the best way to cement them as there own characters is to give them new characters to play with. But as I’ve been saying this whole time this isn’t about making quality books it’s about angering the fan base, so people like you would feel morally superior about your sad ass fetish. I hate miles and I always will, but I can accept that because shit like this happens all the time. But what I can’t accept is digging up Gwen Stacy to do nothing other than “legitimize” miles as spiderman because apparently spiderman needs to be with Gwen Stacy
The premise of her new book has her spending most of her time in 616, with an implication of regular appearances of Miles and Peter. Gwiles could very well be back on the menu.
I rewatched recently; there were hints that there was a spark, but thankfully they had the restraint not to force it. It was pretty obvious that something was coming in the next movie, though.
Have you seen the summery of he mini though? She’s going to college in 616. That’s it, what’s the point of going to college in another dimension? You’re histories are different your scientific laws are different the credits won’t transfer and how are you going to pay for it? Or explain to your class mates why you look exactly like that girl who died a few years back
>man smiles over awkward sexual chemistry exchange between another man and his no-longer-dead girl-friend from another reality
the self-inserts by these cuckold "woke" artists are pitiful
BLACK'D lovers are gay. If you can only get off from a black male fucking women, you're gay. It can be literally other race, but you fags want black donkeys.
Hey now, some people get off to bestiality
Why is this concept always so difficult for you to understand? Dick and Wally didn't fuck Iris and Selina because they're people they've always known. Nothing changed for them when They became Flash/Batman. 65 Gwen is NOT 616 Gwen. Literally children are able to grasp this simple concept. If both Gwen's where the same 65 Gwen would have fucked Norman Osborn and been thrown off a bridge and 616 Gwen would have Spider-powers. They aren't the same person and the literally never will be. The personal history of character defines them more than who their original creator was or their name.
If that’s true then why do they have to credit two dead men every time they use her? If the name Gwen Stacy has nothing to do with her than why bother to use it? Are you really telling me that you see no connection there?
And why th fuck do you post pictures like that? Miles means mayday never happens because all he is there to do is to erase what cane before him, hence your arguement that Gwen Stacy never has a relationship with Pete
>white people fucking
ew, it's like watching pigs fuck.
it's only natural to want to see large powerful men fucking small and curvy women. it's just so happens most of them aren't pale basement dwelling incels.
Parker has never Sired children with Gwen in any non-what if stories. Mayday, Annie, and Ben have always been Pete and MJ. The only kids Gwen has had are those Osborn Twins.
Just because you're doing something different with a character doesn't mean you don't have respect for their original creators.
This the part where you tell me that Gwen + Miles being together destroys everything that Gwen originally stood for and defiles the legacy of Stan and Ditko.
No here’s the part where I tell you to read the first ducking post, put two and two together and realize your little shit ship is supposed todo nothing but cause ire.
And pairing them unironically ruins Miles because his entire problem is that there is very little he brings to the franchise that differentiates him from peter. Just giving him a Gwen doesn’t rectify that. What has miles added on his own to the comics since his inception 8 years ago? He’s the last sieving member of his comic book line he has no original villains and he doesn’t have any motivation to be a hero since he came to the universe. Saying this ruins 40 year old stories is childish since they tried to do that with sins past already.
Also I do enjoy how much you try to defend your little shit comic pairing by saying it doesn’t mean anything to the original books. All the while actively shifting on the original books. I get you are to afraid to enjoy things unironically but let yourself go man(?) there’s more to life then attempting to totally trigger people because they’re unafraid to let themselves like something
Not enough porn
I feel really weird about the whole thing because I thought Gwen was great in Spider-Verse and I feel that immediately pairing her up as Miles' Love Interest in 2 is sort of reductive.
In a movie where one of its greatest strengths was how strongly it established its supporting cast and made them all likable in their own ways to the point where I could see basically all of them standing as their own film (and in fact there's been talk of gwen getting a solo film) immediately jumping to her and alternate universe miles entering a romance just seems like you're jumping the gun.
I also just subjectively think they're better as friends.
>he doesn’t have any motivation to be a hero since he came to the universe.
being Spider-Man is motivation enough and he's still driven by the guilt of not being able to save the Peter of his universe, same with mainline Peter and Uncle Ben. read comics u faggot.
His memory of the ultimate universe is writer dependent user. He has no motovation in this universe, fuck the fucker has been in the 616 for longer than he was ever in ultimate and he still has no proper origin. Now I get that you don’t care about shit like that, you know the connective tissue the makes a big universe of comics fun. But it really helps to cement the characters in there own life. Now another problem with Miles is he seems to be a bit player in his own books, the thing I liked about peter is how his private life and superhero life kept staying at odds with each other creating the drama that made him an icon. Miles gets none of that, he’s just a face to hang a skin color on, that’s it. Now are you going to counter my original arguement against miles and Gwen’s pairing or are you just going to keep baiting me until I say some awful shit to you so you can keep pretending like you have some sort of high ground? Here and had some nice moments where you like to take the worst books of peters to build up your own flimsy arguement. Got any more? Because I understand it’s not about what you like, it’s about what I hate
>He has no motovation in this universe
We don't know that because like you say "He got no origins"
>Kingpin! It's wrong to get a lover from another dimension!
>Now excuse me as I go on a date with my gf from an alternate Earth
Plus, there's this
>Kingpin! It's wrong to get a lover from another dimension!
More like "It is wrong to destroy a universe in order to get laid".
>Miles isn't a Spider-Man because his duty doesn't clash with his life
except it does.
read comics
u faggot
So the meme is true?
>/pol/ reaction pic
Well I'm not completely right on that. Here's Bendises super secret origin he wrote for Miles in the 616. On the next page peter goes on to say that Miles has a cooler costume tha him and gives his blessing to be spider-man for some reason. Though we don't know why Miles would have had web shooters there or where his costume came from, or even how he got his powers since oscorpe wouldn't have been working on the OZ formula at that time. So do you have anything to say or are you just going to keep being a snarky asshole hoping I'll become the devious racists your hoping to blam your load to blacked in spite of?
Congratulations for posting another page that Miles would not remember. Want to post anything from the roughly 40 odd issues miles has in canon?
>it's not canon because it happened in another universe
wow user you just lost every comic book reader with that stupid statement
actually didn't this story also end with her being a hydra agent? So you posted another example of Miles being a small part of his own spiderman story
>Its canon because it happened in a book
>who cares if this universe got destroyed and had nothing to do with the last five years of stories Miles has been privy to
I hope you're getting as much out of this as I am.
you're gettig desperate
Coming out of Secret Wars, the only people who remembered everything were the FF, Black Panther, and Miles. Did you even read those comics?
don't care much for it really
How is that cherry picking? Miles is a vestigial part of his own story, he's just there to be black spider-man. The story you posted was a young woman tasked to seduce spider-man falling in love with him before we find out shes a hydra agent. Miles had nothing to do with that plot
>spiderman being black is a big deal
Do the comics usually focus on his skin color
Peter should remember to since he was there on the front lines but he doesn't remember. and Miles seems to only remember when the writer needs him to for a story, hence his guest stint in Venom. The most interesting thing about him has been buried, though we'll see what that ol racist saladin has to do with it coming up
Because we the reader know he's black and that's important. Also the moral of this arc is that Miles should define himself solely as the black spiderman and he does proudly
turns into
>I'm not derailing!
I t's depends on the writers, I think most writers agree that miles got his memories erased. And got some kind of trauma.
I parried your "point" with the plot line from the page you posted. how is that derailing?
>"Miles has the same hardships as Peter for being Spider-Man as shown on this page"
>"lol isn't that the page where a completely unrelated thing happened let's talk about that now?"
as shown on one page, as a misdirect for the plotline, from a story that isn't canon anymore. Boy you sure showed me that Miles has so much to add to the name he bogarted, human drama in a spiderman book? Someone pump the breaks we're hitting unique territory here. You still have yet to give me one thing Miles has added to the franchise, besides these lovely discussions of course. Protip, you can't say spiderverse since its the fourth time that storyline has been done across just as many mediums
Who the fuck cares? She cannonically fucked one of her friends' dads bareback. Maybe she didn't know he was also an evil mastermind when she did it, but she was still fucking her friend's dad. Fucking slut like that, who cares who she dates.
Of course Carlos
>Miles giving a full facefront of his crotch
>Bombshell showing off her bod in a skintight suit
LOL I thought this was an american prudish comic how did the sjws at marvel allowed this to be published
that's 616 Gwhore Stacy. nuGwen is pure and perfect for Miles.
But user how could a coal burner ever be pure?
she's making incels seethe. pure and perfect
It's a sliding scale of purity
Catholic fiance pure is virgin
Normal fiance pure is 3-5 guys
Batting above your league pure is 10-25 guys
Coal-burner pure is 'hasn't been run a train on by the local bowling league'
oh shit we broke him he's gonna spam
yes hence my point that this isn't about what you like its about what other people hate. It's not a healthy way to live user, just enjoying the divisive nature of things that you don't care about
do black people bowl?
Why rddt believe all jokes are related with POL?
Big black balls knocking down scrawny whities by the dozen?
Why not?
But I just took coal-burner as someone who slept with a black guy, not an BBC-only girl. I thought those were queens of spades or some other dumb name. I'm not up to date on my racism, sorry. Hell, I didn't know about black people and swimming till sometime in the last 5 years.
because they don't have any points of their own to make. They're just desperate for villains to trounce
go back to DCSHG threads, you feg
Theres a video in my YT recommends where a fat black dudes whines about white peter dating black girls lmao
>Not accepting that you probably have some nigger in you from all the slave diddling your white ancestors did in private
Based and whitepilled.
Right here Seems like his changes are pretty long lasting.
This page is always taken out of context of the Comic as if it's supposed to explain something. Mile's 616 Bendis run may have had a lot of problems but Bendis did have some good ideas. Like the first thing he did was future proof Miles from these 'social issues' that you keep trying to claim he champions. Miles doesn't give a shit about that and you're mistaking his silence for admiration instead of disappointment.
How can he add a sense of progression to the world if we don't have any idea what the time frame is on when he got his powers in relation to peter? So you;ve attempted to show a "reason" he exists in the 616 but you have yet to say anything he's palpably added to the franchise. Oh another thing he isn;t unique for is the first spiderverse story line from the 90s cartoon also had gwen stacy paired up with an alternate spider-man (though that one was peter so it was a nice reference to her story rather than a reference to your fetish) is there a character or a story or a setting that miles has unique to him? Is there anything that would be missed if (hopefully when) they kill him off for good?
Feeling or experiencing being cuckolded by two imaginary characters is mental illness.
Thats from the beginning of the arc user, read the rest of it. He ends literally embracing all he'll ever be is black spiderman and how his skin color is a fine thing to define his entire life on
That's pretty good.
hey y'all
I'm not even gonna fuckin read a single post in this thinly veiled /pol/ thread.
Go fuck yourselves.
Yeah, he got his two minutes of controversy, but doesn't look like he knows to move on
The internet is a mental illness user, its removed the veneer of the world to show us how shallow and vapid we are as a species. We have nothing to fight for and everyone to fight against. We've lost our innocence and drive to push ourselves forward and have fallen back into tribalistic ways heavily. Only this time there is no way out for us, we'll just find smaller groups to latch onto and eat each other alive as the Earth desperately tries to rid herself of the virus we are.
TLDR We've failed and choose to divvy up the blame rather than find a solution
>that dialogue
I wonder who could be the writer?
then could you please kill yourself then? You're choice not to say anything is respected, but you're choice to brag about it is hilarious and childish and shows you for the vapid whore you are hiding from ideas you disagree with rather than debating them and coming to a common ground
Gwen Stacy is the most boring and overrated Marvel character anyways who cares
Why are you lying like this user? What could you possibly hope to gain?
Nah son, better dead than in bed ... with another man.
>true love
I never saw him making deals with the devil for her.
>the main character of a movie has a relationship with the girl character
oh no i'm so pissed off! this is utterly crazy!
>Miles dying before Parker
Why would they kill the only legacy character at Marvel that sells books? Are you retarded? The 'when' of when he got his powers is the same time frame that he did in 1610, because he's the same guy as the run fro 1610. I said the modern concept of Spiderverse user. The 90s cartoon had a multiverse adventure with 5(?) variants of Peter Parker. Even stuff like Scarlett Spider are clones of Peter Parker. This has been true of multiverse stories in Marvel since they started doing them. The backstory might be slightly altered but Steve Rogers = Captain America, Bruce Banner = The Hulk, Clint = Hawkeye etc. Miles is specifically NOT Parker. Yet he is Spider-man. He broke the mold on that, it's why his lucky number is 42. From there you get other concepts like Superior Spider-man, Majority of the Spiders in Spiderverse + Spidergeddon etc.
I’d rather see Kid Arachnid x Kid Flash
I love Pete, but if miles actually becomes a proper legacy character that could give Pete justification to actually fucking grow up and stop being a perpetual college-ish-aged guy.
Hold on.
You can’t mean because they would be interracial?
"True love" nigga she cheated on him with his archenemy
>He broke the mold on being spider man
>Who is Miguel
You niggas just love erasing history. Miles hasn't added shit to the universe he's just there to take resources away from peter.
So I just read through the entire abortion of an book that was Bendiss spider-man and you're right there is no time that Miles admits that all he is is black spiderman. All he does is say he's the real spiderman without any hint of irony. And the response to is in fact so we're supposed to infer that that is in fact the real point. Miles is important because he's black that's it. Miles got the push he got because he's black Miles has such a toxic and vile fan base because you niggas love attacking and deriding peter for the argument.
But you missed the underlying point, what has he added to the world? Captain america had a fucking multiversal crossover before spiderman and the point of the crossover was the same as spiderverse, to cement Bucky as the next real captain america. The only difference is Bucky has a connection to steve beyond the bogarting of the franchise and actually builds up steve to build himself up. Miles and spiderverse just tore peter down to make Miles look good.
but they don't complain about them being together or the relationship
no one is complaining about getting cucked in those threads
Not liking a pairing is one thing, but there sure are a lot of anons who’ve got black guys living in their heads rent free.
It ain’t cucking, you weirdos.
Because who would be cucked in that pairing? MJ, ary Jane or Michelle jones or whatever the fuck was created to be peters love interest. Gwen was also created tobe peters love interest who got killed off by a writers room tapped of ideas to use her for. Then she was picked up by a writers room devoid of any creativity to build Miles on his own terms, decided to get outrage to do the advertising leg work for them. If miles was in a relationship with a random white woman character it'd be fine but pairing him with Gwen is just there to cause ire that's it
Miguel isn't from another dimension (or at least he wasn't initially) He was always billed as the far future Spider-man of 616. Same with Mayday, she was billed as the next part of Spider-man's story. An inevitability as long as Peter and MJ stayed married.
As for you're second point It's ok to be wrong user. I know the narrative that gets pushed in these threads can be pretty convincing.
>An inevitability as long as Peter and MJ stayed married.
yea, and look how well that turned out
Wheres his counter argument user? Where in the rest of the book does he refute Lukes claims that he's important because he's black. It's you're turn to go hunting in the abyss that is Bendis speak. As I said there was no proper response to it Luke just says it and Miles agrees
And its nice to see how much you love the pairing that proves that Miles has nothing going on in his own right
>>Who is Miguel
Future characters aren't an original idea. They don't really affect the main character actions and could be written off as "Lol, it is just another timeline".
>future characters aren't an original idea
>alternate universe characters are
Plenty of media has white male x minority, it just doesnt trigger you so you don't see incels whine about it.
Not saying they are. I am saying that Miguel is harmless compared to miles.
But Miguel added to the lore of spider-man, Alchemex has been a solid villainous presence thoughout the almost 30 years of it being around. What has Miles added to the story like that?
Which is funny when blacks thinking BLACK'D means they're superior. It's crypto-beastiality, a slave fetish. LOL It's a huge joke that went over their heads.
By all means, supply examples of the black male being aspired too instead of slummed towards/shamed by
And I'm including JAV videos
That way you can prove user is wrong and shut him up.
Oh please, its not even the same Gwen, She's a different character
Dude, I bet you are nowhere near as white as you think you are.
How was he a "shit character" in Spiderverse. Go into great detail and I wont call you full of shit
You trying too hard, opie. Dial it back a bit.
I mean, if we’re talking Yea Forums material, Static Shock had episodes devoted to GL Jon Stewart and Soul Power as responsible heroic black role models.
If you’re talking porn, you’re on your own. I doubt anyone aspires to be like the people there.
Perhaps you need to develop a better frame of reference for your racial beliefs.
None of them were Black, its the only thing these fucking Spergs have against Miles. Literally no other tangible argument but that. /pol/shit
Well, Himself and being the youngest legacy hero to spider-man.
The first sidekick of spider-man that didn't get killed or written off for now.
>Brings prestige to the name with the critical darling ITSV
>Sells comic books
>"He's destroying the franchise!"
Look at the beginning of any of her books you dingus, who is credited as her creator? Do yu know why they use her instead of jessica drew or julia carpenter or mattie franklin or aryana or mayday parker? Its because they don't have to pay royalties to use her. her bitch ass doubles as a rage inducing presence on top of having to pay no one to use her.
I honestly would be interested in seeing how miles would work with Mattie, Anya or Mayday. They all have strong personalities that could work with his.
You want to give me an example of one thing he's added to the story? Or one unique story arc he has? Because I've said that multiple times this thread and no one has been able to answer that question. You just go straight to insulting me, like your post now
You really looking to see a pic of his ass?
>prestige to the name
If pete wasn't in that movie it would've done worse than it already did. Lets see how "well" he sells when he has his own name
He's not a side kick he's a usurper
I mean yeah, that's the point of this thread and post. Do you have a response or are you going to claim I'm /pol/ next? I keep wanting to insult you guys back but then I realize you're not worth it
Miles only works as a legacy character for Peter. That's a key part of his story.
The movie also did really well, and now he's reached mainstream popularity.
Also, do you really think they're not going to have him interact with Peter in the next film?
Make sense.
It made its money back, I wouldn't call that "really well" trust me its not going to be enough to justify the cavalcade of absolute shit coming down the pipeline. And yes he's a legacy character, he's there to destroy peters name and take it. There's no love or interest in expanding the story, just kill him off to replace him with a less interesting character incapable of holding his own movie. But I get that you prefer it that way
I would prefer a sequel that focused on the father/son relationship between Peter and Miles.
But a Peter's still there, though. He replaced the dead one. Movie made its money back and received mainstream and critical success. I'd say that's pretty good. Everything else is baseless conjecture when we have nothing but a few blurbs of text to go off of.
You're being a bit hyperbolic with the negativity.
Miles brings that out in me, it isn't helped bu pairing him with Gwen but then what enjoyment would you get if it weren't for old fans being disappointed by the turn the franchise is taking
Why bother killing peter off at al if the relationship is so important to Miles development? Why not just nix the multiverse shit all together and make it a streamlined story of an older peter being conflicted by having a family and finding one in Miles that inspires him to have a real one? The whole having to kill peter and fuck his girlfriend seems unnecessarily added on, but it probable wouldn't have won the Oscar without the death of a white man and subsequent reveal that his marriage was a sham. I wonder how bendis is going to do this to Superman?
Making back 4x it's budget, sweeping awards season, and topping charts for blu-ray sales for a several months seems pretty good to me user.
two times it budget user,not counting its cost ti promote it. Its true though who ever heard of Jews fetish winning an oscar?
The cost of the modest promotion was completely covered by the 115 million dollar deal Sony made with Nike + a few other companies.
Peter not being there makes Miles fighting to live up to the Spider-Man legacy an uphill battle. He doesn't have anyone to teach him how to do the things that he can do.
Problem is that without Peter, you can't have a "Passing of the Torch" moment. Film at least managed to do that.
Also, Gwen isn't Peter's girlfriend. She's a younger, alternate universe version of her. Marriage wasn't a sham either, and Peter gets back together with MJ anyway.
Don't think there are too many films that won Oscars because of that.
Imagine being so porn addled, it's your only frame of reference for positive role models
movie made under 400 million it cost 135 to make. Though you're right the movie was a gold mine of corporate sponsorship, what artistry, did you love that opening shot where Miles was listening to that song from Sony music production on his Sony head phones? I can't wait to consume more Sony products and get hours and hours of quality content from Sony's spider-man division.
But how is peter not there if peter is there? Why bother to create a "legacy" if all you're going to do is attack and demean the predecessor? The whole movie peter lost every fight and was shown to be an overly emotional bitch. Everything about it was to tank the character in order to build up miles. Why would any spider-man fan want that? The complete eradication and emasculation of the title character?
90 Million to make***
Where are you getting your numbers?
Eh, he's got a dad, and they have a pretty good relationship. Doesn't really work, would watch them hang out and shoot the shit though.
only 90 million? Is that why it was so choppy? Nothing spells quality like a movie making less than hotel transylvania 3
The Peter from Miles's universe had everything together and new all the tricks of the trade. He was the ideal mentor, but he dies.
Miles instead gets a Peter who has reached his lowest point and has no interest in teaching him at first. Still an uphill battle, but one that allows for a torch pass.
Also, at the end, Peter B still manages to get himself together and go back to being the Spider-Man fans want. It's a character arc.
Yes they turn RIPeter into the ideal mentor by making him into batman. Great how woke of them kill the blonde haired blue eyed white guy because he was "wrong" to replace him with the black kid trained by a mensch. Nothing to unpack there no siree bob. Yes all you have to do for the movie is show how bitchy pete is in front of his first girlfriend (yet make no attempt to even mention the relationship despite the fact that Pete was brought up in Gwens back story) then get his ass kicked before being thrown out of the movie. What love and care this movie handled the franchise I can't wait to see further adventures and how they'll tank petes character even more to build miles
So you're saying that in every single universe the local versions of MJ and Gwen must orbit around the local Peter Parker, no exceptions, even if they go to another universe where Peter is dead?
>Where in the rest of the book does he refute Lukes claims that he's important because he's black.
Where he just swings off instead of engaging with the assertion.
Gwen was 19, Miles was 16-17. There's always been about a 2 year age difference.
What I'm saying is if you want old fans to accept a new character why provoke them with something so trivial? Nothing about Spider Gwen is reliant on her being Gwen Stacy so why not write a new character to be Miles love interest? Did no one read the first post in the thread? I don't mind interracial relationships I mind this interracial relationship. Why would you make a completely new character dependant on a 40 year old one? Especially if that fourty year old one is so important to the development of his predecessor? But then again this ire is the entire point, it wasn't a decision made from a creative stand point or timing, it was made to divide the fan base and make people indignant about liking Miles because "it triggers racists"
You don;t define yourself by what you love you define yourself by what your enemies hate. That isn't sustainable
Or he agrees in silent contemplation
Why are you provoked by something so trivial?
If only the rest of the comic didn't provide the context that he disagrees with that perspective.
Honestly I get this. It's a really annoying attitude to jump all over some shit because it's black now. That's why I don't give a shit about black ariel. If it's a good movie then it's a good movie. But I'm not gonna go see another disney shill thing because they got a black girl in it. Nor am I gonna give them back pats for it.
I dunno, because its a sign of historical revisionism that I recognize? Because Bendis designed Miles to replace Peter in every facet and this is a step to far? Because I've decided that every single step into my nerd territory has been a step to far, I've lost star trek star wars all comic books and decent movies but I stand firm here. Do whatever the fuck you want with every other franchise, milk the last bits of creativity out of every bad decision made over the last 100 years. I like the expansion into new voices in art but these aren't new voices they're just the same voices in different color with most of the life squeezed out of it. I have no control over these things but I won't stop bringing it up until you all just let new characters pop up
White man x ethnic women: Ok
Ethnic man x white women : OMG they're shoving propaganda down our throats !!!1!1!
He never brings it up again, the rest of the book is a civil war tie in. Then bendis forgot and proceeded to rehash the Miles uncle arc. THough this is a question not brought up for the sequel, what is Miles going to do? His only story was used up here theirs nothing for him to do now
There are a bunch of dateless white guys here who are looking for any reason they can to justify their inability to seal the deal.
Currently, the blame's on non-white guys, real or fictional.
Imagine being jealous of cartoons.
Read the rest of the thread, I have no problem with an interracial relationship I have a problem with THIS interracial relationship. Pair Miles up with any white woman Bendis wants, just make it a new character and leave Gwen stacy dead
>I've lost star trek star wars all comic books and decent movies
I'm sorry that you, the lone nerd culture savvy Morman in Utah never realized that literally everyone found those things popular within mass culture long before you were even born.
I know, its a damn shame it happened to me and me alone.
I think he's saying that eveeyone who whines about "massively popular thing was taken away from me" is so self important that they never realized it wasn't "theirs" to begin with. MLK asked Nichelle Nichols to stay on Trek because so many black kids found her inspiring, there's black kids in the original Kenner Star Wars commercials, comics are and have always been written by a whole wealth of diverse people, and every decent movie was definitely worked on by more than just dudes.
There are mad hoses here?
We better cool them off.
I;m well aware of that, all I'm asking is if we have to take away the name spider-man can we just get a new love interest to go with it? Because I can guarentee you the moment spider gwens popularity cools off as much as her sales already did, we're just going to have Miles go through his own "death of gwen stacy" and that shit seems stupid to me. Why not just make a new character to go with a new character, why do something that feels so wrong to anyone who actually liked this shit when it was just a measly multimillion dollar franchise instead of the multibillion dollar one?
As I said I want to see more character coming from many different backgrounds whose stories are told by people who are from those back grounds, not just rehashes on already known stories told in the right color? Is that unreasonable? Or do you just want these arguments?
Gwen is still dead. She hasn't stopped being dead since Parker killed her. No body has dug up her corpse. Stop confusing the 65 Gwen and 616 Gwen. No one ever does this shit with Gwenpool.
See, its the little chiding that makes these discussions so fun. You honestly think that pair isn't going to end with another dead gwen stacy? Only difference there is its going to make gwen just another frigid girl rather than a turning point in the industry.
Movie Gwen will mature into a 30 something single mom with a mulatto child with a Spanish name.
nope she's gonna get killed so Miles can have his own unique death of gwen stacy arc
That would be compelling and tragic.
They'll never do it.
It's amazing how even though I have a big ebony fetish and hopefully a girlfriend if tommorow works out I hate seeing mixed couples in media nowadays. It always feels so dishonest and forced, like they're trying to sell an agenda to the populace more so than to portray something that actually happens. Five years ago I never seriously believed in the Jewish conspiracy for a racially mixed servant class supposedly better fit for being sheep but here we are now.
why? because the monkey can't lose his love interest while he gets to steal an alternative version of peter's dead girlfriend? black privilege is real
No, they won't. You don't need another corpse to motivate the hero to keep doing what they're doing. It happens so often to Parker I'm convinced half of NYS has died by this point to 'remind' him why he's a hero.
No, because she'd be dead and losing a loved one is tragic, you nut.
Also, he can't steal something that doesn't belong that was never owned to begin with.
You're jumping to conclusions unprompted, mate.
They have this obsessed idea of "normalization". They constantly want to push the overton window so that they can get away with more perverse ideas. Look 30 years ago with the push to make gays less ostracized and now we're at a point where people are making op-eds openly supporting the idea of not shaming pedophilia.
Look I'm done with your pointless berating, you don't actually want to say anything because you just like to bully people. I get it shit sucks when people don't fall i line the way you want, in two year after sonys next three spider related movies tank marvel will kill spider gwen for good than giver her costume to someone different, maybe spider deb whitman? and we'll go through this whole thing over again, Gwens book sucks and will continue to suck Miles just got a writer who wants to do something different with him finally and hes used half that time to make fun of white people. We'll see where this goes, its nice how much fan art you've dug up. What gets your sad dick harder the blackd element or "totally pwning nazis"?
If you even unironically use childish words like "bully" and get tired of arguing because they disagree, you can't keep up with that hardass anti-SJW persona. Gotta keep that online persona consistent if you're a sissy Tumblr softboi who hates conflict or a stubborn "muh family values" Yea Forums racist. If you're done arguing, don't reply, otherwise you're still arguing. I don't disagree with you but it's just such mood whiplash within a post lol.
Damn user, you gonna pick your toys up and just go home? Alright, but the reason Gwen won't be killed off is that she's too popular inside the public sphere. At the moment she's probably the most recognizable Spider-woman out there. The popularity hasn't translated to moved units by the non-comic reading public but, she has the most potential out of any other iteration of Spider-woman, besides Mayday who won't be used for obvious reasons.
I'm not a persona I'm just me, I'm not anti anything other than censorship and historical revisionism. People exist, I don't like it but they do, queers niggers, trannies, slants, honkeys, spics, cunts and dicks it's be nice if we could do something together beyond yell at eachother about ownership of decades old franchises created by jews but its the nature of the beast. I'll be here next gwen thread saying the same thing, I suppose I'll see you then
You can't list off that many slurs and pretend you aren't anti anyhing like that.
I get the feeling you're a soft boi who thinks Yea Forums and being offhandedly discriminatory is cool and counter-culture like I was as a teenager. Do yourself and get off of Yea Forums if you can. Understand when you're being tricked by the jews in the media and the unfair double standards that exist in society, but don't be like us, man. Don't let it change you for the worst. Get out. Take the blue pill dry. We're trapped here forever, you might not be.
so hows their comic sales goin?
why do people like this have this attitude of "i say it is therefore it is"
it's been not-uncommon here for at least 200 years if not longer... though it's difficult to prove that in part because people covered up black ancestors so they wouldn't get racially classified as black due to stupid laws and "anxiety" about "muh purity" and shit.
I've always hated spider gwen and especially hate the shaved-side-of-head design they gave her here
Miles was pretty good in my opinion though
I honestly just want more Spider Noir and Peter B. Parker in the sequel
The interracial aspect is very aesthetic
>Miles was 16-17.
He started out 13 in Ultimate. Did they ever mention him aging, before the Spider-Gwen crossover?
>full blown nigga
I would read it. I like hood movies in general and it is sad that they don't make those kinda movies anymore.
>You just know
It's gonna be amazing for her,
Yeah I imagine taking all of that in her will churn a bit of her organs.
you are retarded like all spiderverses fans all 4 of you
>Comics needs more development towards their relationship
Hell no. Miles in comics is finally becoming his own character and last issue was pretty good.
White man fucking black women is kino though. Black guys are always seething.
>Miles and Gwen are already in, no argument
>no Boomer Peter since his arc is complete
>between Noir, Peni, and Ham, only one can return
>everyone else is fair game
For me, it's Miles, Gwen, Noir, 2099, UK, and PS4.
Will Kamala ever appear in spiderverse?
Have you seen how tight miles’s costume is? He isn’t packin’ shit, Peter B though those sweat pants were hiding something
>What do you mean there’s a BLACKD meme in the movie? There are only references to some memes in the movie there’s no way they would have referenced other memes
absolutely disgusting
Comic fans are literal cucks
Hated it. When you think about these characters they just don't work. Miles was far better of with Kamala
Like Cage dislikes Spider-Man like every other fucking hero. And in terms of importance. Modern era Spider-Man is hard to judge but I still think in universe he's a street level hero whose villian tend to be world or space level but only tangle with him.
>Like Cage dislikes Spider-Man like every other fucking hero.
It is different with Luke Cage since Jessica Jones had a crush on Peter Parker since high school.
He's not lying you know
Basically it's all your fault for keeping buying shit from them. Faggot
>that logan in background
People actually aged in the Ultimate Universe. He was bitten at 12, but he left 1610 at 16 and stopped aging once he started living in 616
There were two time skips Miles had on 616, we saw him get bit when peter was still alive but started spidermanning a year later later during his death that had a two year time skip where he quit being spiderman after his moms death. Miles was technically spiderman longer than ultimate peter ever was
Both are awful. Spiderverse is worse for having the main character be black.
I stopped buying comics when superior started and didn’t start buying again until nick Spencer’s took over on amazing
no. I bet you hate Alien because the protagonist is a woman.
I'd rather they just remain friends. They can have a fling if they want, but in the end they really need to think it more seriously if this relationship really is going to work
One of the downsides is that they are from different universes, and as such there are complications to this no matter the outcome.
Even if they are together then what benefit would there be? Are either of them truly willing to leave their worlds behind? Even if it mean abandoning their friends, families and the responsibilities? Would either of them be willing to do that? Then there's the matter involving multidimensional jumping. Time in these realities work differently. That mean time could affect both of them were one could age faster and the other one isn't. And since we're talking about age, would this be made an excuse just to hook them up. Despite the differencees, they are still agewise the same, but in different times
The more you hook them up together the more it will feel like a gimmick since there is that connection to Peter, but also they are being hooked up because it's good for attention. It didn't feel that much real
Also if anybody has forgotten, Gwen was a plothole in that movie. She's been a plothole and it was never explained how she would still be alive in that one week
Honestly it felt like a stunt since Bendis started this with no real explanation why. What reason is there for this to happen in the first place? Ignore the race part, but is there any real reason?
Regardless, I feel the sequel won't reach the level the first one did. Knowing Sony they will fuck up, and this ship won't have much attention as before. Now since the comic is shipping Miles with Kamala, and Spider-Gwen now in a developing relationship with Peter. Infact, two issues of her comic showed this PeterXGwen build, while MilesXKamala has shown more times in how many comic issues
Might get good attention, but won't reach the same success, and again, Sony will fuck up like always
They could do something similar to Persephone, and each could hang out in the others universe for 6 months at a time.
Would the baby be bi-universal?
The baby wouldn’t survive gestation since it would have DNA from both universes rejecting each other.
What’s the obvious reason Mayday won’t be used? The entire reason that I have any hope for Miles is that he should allow peter to actually age and grow to retirement since that’s the only way it makes sense that he’d keep being spiderman despite the fact he has no reason to not find another name in the 616 universe.
Honestly I kinda feel the same. Miles and Gwen work well as friends because of their shared experiences and everything but an actual intimate relationship seems like it'd just plain old be too taxing on them. Besides I feel like most comic relationships are doomed to fail and I'd rather Gwen and Mile's friendship be something each of them can fall back on if they ever are in trouble or need to confide in someone. Not that I'm opposed to them hooking up either. Just not some long term committed thing.
I'm also hoping Gwen is a bit looser in the 2nd film like she is in the comics. While on one hand it helps differentiate herself from peter to have her be less of a snarker, I honestly enjoy when she looks/acts like she's having a fun time while being spiderman instead of always just being proactive and just speaking blatantly what's happening at any given moment.
Spiderverse really sold me on how good a Mentor/Student relationship with Miles and Peter works. I feel like you didn't have to kill him off to accomplish it. Maybe have him just retire due to an injury or just be too preoccupied with shield stuff to watch over New York and he needs more hands on deck to really protect everything. That way we can actually have that passing the torch feeling that Miles SHOULD have as a character, seeing him copying Peter at first before slowly becoming his own Spider-Man.
(No scene with Peter helping Miles come up with off the cuff jokes to keep up the "Spider-Man" persona)
Mayday is a definitive answer to Parker's love life. editorial would never let that happen. Even having her pop in from another dimension would just having the audience asking why MJ and Peter don't get together so Mayday can happen. Not sure why people keep spouting Miles has no motivation for hero work though. They're the same as they where when he was in 1610.
Won't that make it worse? I mean what are the chances either could age much faster? Then there's he matter involving their friends and family. Depending on the time of each realities won't they age faster? And 6 months could mean more time for ay villain to strike when they're not around. That is a risk that would likely get people hurt
Then there's still the facter involving the effects of the multiverse. Won't that make their offspring be affected by the dimensional radiation from either of the two since there's a chance the rules of either universes could reject this?
Example: RIPeter already has a Gwen. Would the universe allow more than one Gwen in the universe? That's going to have complications. You have to think of a universe as a body. Would the body accept more than one of the same organism to live in the same body since one already exists. What are the effects for that to happen? Won't the physics and the biology of the body be affected as it tries to correct itself?
This can't be simplified if more than one being exists. Not unless one dies to assume the place of that person. That means completely destroying the body of that person if they wish to live in that world. There really needs to be a better understanding of the long-term complications of this. There can't be any loopholes with out a price to pay for it
I dont read the comics so I dont know about the issues with Miles
I do recall playing one of the Spiderman games where he was just a no nonsense edgelord and I thought he was alright in that
A good way to have Peter remain alive, retire, and pass the torch in a Miles story could be by having him older but refusing to settle down with MJ or whoever in favor of being Spider-Man, superpowered Miles finding him and wanting to be trained, developing a father-son relationship with him, realizing he wants to be a dad, passing the mantle and resting easy in retirement because he knows he left the job in good hands. But nope, gotta kill off the white guy and not show him as a family man.
Let's see what steps are necessary to bring Gwen and Miles together
>kill off a beloved character (Peter who's based on Stan Lee and Ditko)
>replace him with a character whose only "merit" is being black (against Stan's wishes)
>introduce an entire multiverse event early on just so they could meet (events usually best reserved for late escalated stories)
>dig up a character known for pioneering permanent death in comics (who's based on Stan Lee's wife)
>age her down half a decade, age him up half a decade
>have a statistically unlikely pairing happen
>have her completely ignore an alternate universe version of her dead friend
>pair a legacy character with the original character's first love
>pretend all of this is completely fine and normal and even wholesome and cute
Truly the definition of an unholy pairing, pretty much crack ship tier, this is definitely what we deserve
>mental illness
>Shallow, self absorbed society
Please, did you know Black women specifically have been oppressed since the dawn of human civilization? White men specifically, were holding them back even before colonialism happened. It's true! While giving more roles to black women is important we also have to understand how inherently sexist these roles are and how they only acknowledge straight black women. What about the other multitude of gender identifications? It's tragic how close minded Hollywood still is.
Cute. Would have threesome with them.
How can he have the same motivation from the ultimate universe if he doesn’t remember his time in the ultimate universe? this is the closest we’ve come to seeing a 616 origin for miles and it, like the rest of him is boring shot that does nothing but have established characters build up miles because bendis had no idea how to make the audience like him beyond writing characters the audience already likes to say they like him. Saladin did the same thing with cap in his first arc, shit talking peter to build miles. It’s all just so tiresome
This. Any BM/WF couple in media is a direct and distinct attempt at alienating people and being hostile towards the audience. It should be automatically rejected as in this day and age, no one pairs these people in fiction without a very obvious ulterior political and social agenda.
They should always be out right rejected and burned for it.
Honestly you could’ve nixed the alternate universe bullshit and have an older peter afraid to have a family until he meets miles and forms a bond with him. Learning he can trust Miles with some of the responsibility while learning what responsibility should mean to himself and his family. It’s all right there but the editors bitched out to Bendis and let him do the half ass job he’s always done
They're both not fucking okay. How about we live well along and not race mix or race swap or make new characters you we can race swap and then race mix.
>replying to a day old comment
You are allowing your masculinity to be threatened by children's cartoons, even other white nationalist think your pussy.
Well clearly this was important enough to you that you had to reply to me. But please, cope harder mulatto. No matter what anyone tells you you'll never be black.
Oh Jesus Christ have you never heard about subtlety? My problem with them isn’t the racial aspect of it but the characters specifically involved. Let Miles fuck all the “aryan” goddesses he wants he’s fake and merely a masturbatory tool for his Jewish creator, just make new characters to pair him with. It’s all I ask
I remember people used to be more ok with it until it became a political thing.
Companies just use it to defend their shows/movies now. "You dont like this badly written thing, well you must be a racist."
No one would care if Black Panther or Falcon hooked up with a white girl
>Steals Peter's girlfriend, often described to be the love of his life
>Steals Peter's suit
>Older Spider-Man gets killed to replace him
>Basically does nothing new and only serves to pander to selfinsertfags
>Isn't even the best part of his own movie
I wish instead of Miles and Spider-Gwen we got a movie on the superior Japanese Spider-Man.
>black man steals everything
How is this not racist
How come the leads are a black male and a white female?
You're gonna have to step you're bait up. This is getting pathetic.
He does remember. His 1610 origin is alluded to several times by himself and other characters. And literally no iteration of Miles from video games, to comics, to movies, to cartoons has he EVER shit talked Peter Parker. Even when Pete came back from the grave, knocked him on his ass, called him a poor imitation and ran off with his web shooters did he have a rude thing to say about Parker. He immediately jumped to the conclusion this was a wayward/malfunctioning clone thing. Why are you lying?
>No argument
>Calls everyone a samefag to shut down arguments
Are all Milesfags this transparently insecure?
>this is getting pathetic
you've always been pathetic
mutters the cuckold as he searches for yet another picture to ship his girlfriend-swapping fantasies with a specifically black male
She is a new character.
>a company that doesn't care about anything more than making money wants to alienate the audience
Yes this is how the world works since everyone is butthurt about racemixing like you and they're not just trying to rope in as many demographics as they can get.
>Parker has never Sired children with Gwen in any non-what if stories.
Thanks for outing yourself you fucking casual
What other characters remember his time in the ultimate universe? All of his supporting cast came with him but they don’t realize they’re not from the 616. And it’s not the character shit talking, the writers are stupid but not that stupid. It’s the writers themselves sabotaging Pete, like in the ultimate universe when he called Miles the better spiderman, or in 616 when Pete said miles had a better costume. It’s called sabotaging the character to build the new one, you don’t want the new character to do that themselves but the character is the reason it happens
I don't understand this rather racist idea that the original white spider-man has to retire for some odd fucking reason in order to pass on the torch to some fucking undeserving black person just so we can hit the WE WUZ audience and acquire "woke" points.
>muh spiderderks
Spiderverse is just the glorification of diversity-hire and affirmative-action Spider-persons all while shitting all over the original Peter and insisting on his death. What bullshit that any shitty producer can make a flashy movie shitting all over peter and people will eat it up saying, "this is great crap". Utter shit.
You don’t care about Crimson Spider and Scarlet Spider? Maybe it wasn’t the best way for them to come into existence but I like them fine.
This. What the fuck?
No such thing as bad publicity, user.
Because movie and comic book companies lack imagination and are racist, insisting that no other demographic mix-up is as popular as their beloved black and white person mix-up. The reality is that mixed black and white couples are a very small statistic (only 11%) compared to all other racial pairings, such as white/asian, white/hispanic, white/multiracial. Miles and Gwen is the result of some cuck fantasy that several Marvel execs and producers have
>Whites are particularly likely to intermarry with Asians and Hispanics, and thus places where there are large Asian and Hispanic populations tend to have higher intermarriage rates.
Further, most relationships which aren't white/black have a greater percentile in both education and their earnings, with white/black being only 14%, while almost every other mixture was above.
The constant shove with white person/black person in all media is the result of some very wealthy faggots having an interracial fetish and shoving their bullshit into every medium which'll swallow it's nonsense.
Who do you think are at these board meetings now and are a large part of decision making for a lot of these places? White women.
House of M is literally a massive 'what-if' which I already stated he's gotten with Gwen inside those timelines. Maybe read before shitposting.
Gwenpool directly references his origin during their team-up, He attacks Eddie and Venom over events that didn't happen in 616. He's being observed by a trans-dimensional science group called the Tank whose interest in Miles stems from their scans that show he doesn't match anything else in 616. It's a constant thread.
Gwenpool is a meta character so of course she would know about stupid shit like that
Miles remembered that something with Venom bad happened but didn’t remember where or when
The think tank(the makers own people) obviously remember since they’re from. Though I don’t know how the maker survived being eaten
So every point you’ve listed with the exception of the maker happened in other characters books. Bendis and Saladin have yet to directly reference the ultimate universe events of Miles life, as few as those would be at this point
House of M had a subsection in secret wars as much as it’s a what if it is a real universe as the ultimate universe was.
>Now since the comic is shipping Miles with Kamala, and Spider-Gwen now in a developing relationship with Peter. Infact, two issues of her comic showed this PeterXGwen build, while MilesXKamala has shown more times in how many comic issues
This, nowadays the current comics are trying to pretend that Bendis' weird little fling never happened; current Miles is 15-16 and has a girlfriend and Gwen is in her early 20s looking to find a college in 616's Earth, which implies that she'll be integrated in Peter's universe soon, as hinted from the new comic cover the new Marvel artist did (this time with pink ballet shoes). Also, in Ahmed Miles' recent issue, there was a panel showcasing all the people that Miles ever cared about, with Barbara and Kamala being in the center, Gwen wasn't even shown lol.
Also speaking of the age thing, why the fuck did they allow a relationship between a teen and an adult? It made Gwen look like a fucking pedo.
>People actually aged in the Ultimate Universe.
Peter only aged like one year before he died.
There's the conversation he has with his Uncle Aaron after he's resurrected in 616. His latest villain, the assesor and his goons, who captured and are torturing Miles for the past couple of issues has a other worldly appearance about him. Plus his Landmark 250 issue coming up is dealing heavily with 1610. It's something that's been building up which comes to a head at 250.
>Peter only aged like one year before he died.
That's great, but he's talkin bout Miles
His uncles alive and they talk about it but there is no talk about the universal convergence.
>his landmark 250th issue
How is it a landmark? He only started getting written in issue 166. He’s hitting issue 90 right now roughly.
>Also speaking of the age thing, why the fuck did they allow a relationship between a teen and an adult? It made Gwen look like a fucking pedo
That was the main complaint about it. It had no reason to happen. It literally had no reason or any purpose for that pair to happen and never explained properly why. They just done it for no reason and just forced it to happen because Bendis wanted it
I still can't understand why. Ignoring what happened in Spider-Verse, did that ship even had a point to begin with? Or Bendis just wanted it for no real reason?
I actually rather like black male/white female pairings but these two have zero chemistry or business being together.
Yes and Miles aged only in time skips. The ultimate universe made no sense since the ultimates books are separated by about a year a piece and are kept in canon but peter himself couldn’t have been spiderman for more than two years despite him being spiderman before cap got unfrozen.
As long as that’s Parker.
>Peter being ok with an alt-version of the love of his life running around next to him
This seems so...odd. Peter literally has a panic attack anytime he thinks about what happened to Gwen.
Disgusted that this is going to happen. Miles proving once again that black characters can only be successful if they're scooping up a white man's sloppy seconds.
rent free comics
they used to cost 50 cents
Despite being 13% of the population, African Americans make up 50% of the violent crime.
>no such thing as bad publicity
>people find out that you eat assholes for a living and suck dicks after taking a bunch of them in a row
alright, whatever. you gay, son
>people find out that you abuse your animals
wow, what a giant asshole, hope he gets ran over by a reindeer
>people find out that you fuck children in your free time
this person should be arrested! FBI!
>people find out that you eat and abuse people that you kidnap
time to die, you faggot
I'm thinking that there are indeed scenarios which are bad publicity and which will never be in the good for any person in question.
I actually think they are fun together in that issue, and showed the kind of playfulness that we don't see much from these two
Well wouldn't that make an interesting story to make if both characters would see each other as their own version and acknowledge each other rather than think about their own versions that have died?
This will depend on the writer, but from a psychological point-of-view, this pairing actually has potential if you add the complicity of their relationship, but I think that's the kind of think that would challenge them both into acknowleding their faults in order to move forward
The pairing is actually really interesting, but they need a writer with experience in psychology and add the playfullness and complexity of this to pull this off. Have them both really build each other up to make them really believable
How is that "rent free"? It's disgraceful that the Black Man can only rise to success after the White Man dies and he gets the White Girl that used to be shipped with the White Man (in a different reality). It's practically the definition of sloppy seconds
Do YOU worry about your internet privacy? With the woke media you should really get a vpn, and for that I USE-
>in a different reality
>a different reality set in a fictitious world
>a fictitious world set in a comic book
>drawing all these connections like a pavlovian response to years of being a cuck
user? user?! ANOOOOOOON!!!! They got him, the suckas got him. I’ll lay a wreath in your moms basement and write “RIP user 2019, let’s hope they have privacy in heaven” on my cars back window in white soap
Except they didn’t do any of that you delusional motherfucker. Peter died, so Miles was GIVEN the mantle cause he also has spider powers. The other Peter trained Miles. This Gwen is from another world and she’s also a spider person. She doesn’t know Peter and Peter doesn’t know her. You’re making shit up.
>Or Bendis just wanted it for no real reason?
My theory is that Bendis had no faith in Miles to stand on his own, so he ended up piggy backing Gwen's newly founded popularity, and tried to use her to boost Miles.
What he forgot was the age difference, which I wished had backfired at the time.
>n-no, y-you're the cuck!
>no-not me, like seriously who cares that shipping Miles with Gwen is the literal definition of a Girl-Friend Swapping fetish
>it's a d-different version
Anyone who pushes Miles/Gwen is a cuckold who daily watches Wife-Swapping and "This Guy Fucks Your Girlfriend" videos on xhamaster and xvideos like a good dedicated cuckold
Most Spider-Man fans also prefer him MJ or Black Cat, so why the fuck are you all whining about Gwen, the most boring of Peter’s love interests? Fuck, it’s not even the same Gwen.
Like the myth of your missing testicles
>Gwen attending ESU as the premise for her new book.
>Miles about to graduate and considering ESU because of their English program.
Sorry user, but Gwiles about to even more canon then it already is. Also Gwen was 19 at the time of the sitting in a tree adventure, and Miles was 16-17. There's always been a 2 year difference between the two. Peter x Spider-Gwen though is pretty bad on almost every single level. Thank God editorial has some sense and will make sure it never happens.
Did you even read the posts in that conversation?
He called you a cuck first user so you're the one saying
>no y-you're the cuck
>resorts to green text stuttering
>thinking it being a different reality should be a take away and not the fact that these characters don't exist
your own insecurities are you own problem, if you choose to come to the conclusion you have no one else to blame.
>she doesn’t know pete
>she was shown cradling her dying peter in her flash back
Come on son, come at me with thought out shit. If there was a spider Ben in the movie and there wasn’t even one scene where peter b and he talked that would be called out as weird. It’s the same thing here, bringing the character in without mentioning her connection to peter and immediately shipping her to Miles is an odd decision done because it would piss of spider-man fans. Why is this so hard to get through your heads?
>Dyke shit
I try to keep in mind that this version of Gwen is so distinct that she might as well be an entirely separate character, but Bendis does like his BMWF pairings and I think the dude either truly has a cuck fetish or just fetishizes black men.
Keeping in mind that she is so different from 616 Gwen that she might as well be someone else, Gwen and Miles are cute together. From a meta perspective, it's kinda creepy.
>shipping Gwen with spider-man doesn’t work
>shipping Gwen with spiderman is woke as fuck
So you really do only like this for the arguement huh? What’s it like defineing yourself as a contrarian? Only ever professing an interest in something to get a rise out of people? Do you not have friends to share genuine interests in things with? Do you want me to be your friend user? I don’t mind doing it out of pity
She literally says she couldn't save her best friend peter parker in the movie
Euroanon, the US is 60% white, 40% everyone else. 70% if we count white Latinos and Hispanics. Mixed couples are incredibly normal in the US outside of majority white States. The anons bitching about this are either shitposting, incredibly sensitive, weirdly fanatical of the comic book canon or just plain racist. That being, the reason it’s always a white female and a black male is because it’s the easiest to do. There isn’t some cabal of evil Jews wanting to destroy the US (you know, the greatest ally of Israel?), there’s no Leftist conspiracy to kill white people (most Leftists are white) and there isn’t anything fetishistic about it. It’s just there cause it’s the most common interracial couple and has been for decades. If it was fetishistic, according to some, it would be white male and black/Asian/Latina female. Because, apparently, white men can’t be into non-white women, which is bullshit.
>i-i'm s-serious, yo-you're the cuckold, n-not me!
user, I pointed out that it's the very definition of Sloppy Seconds. Denying it as sloppy seconds is outright cuckoldry.
>he called you a cuck first
The facts matter here, you fucking brainlet.
It's a cuckoldry to push girl-friend swapping, and now it's racial too so we combine it as your interracial cuckold fetish that you parade about.
You can try to avoid it with mere deflection but your obsession with wife-swapping and girl-friend swapping is disgusting and should always be shit upon. Your entire life must be a disgrace as you are proud to be a recipient of Sloppy Seconds.
>Who do you think are at these board meetings now and are a large part of decision making for a lot of these places?
>it's all fiction so it doesn't matter
>stop critiquing me
if it's fiction, then anyone can point holes in your faggotry, cocksucker
Most Spiderman fans prefer him with Flash.
Its incredible that you managed to type all that out, yet managed to be wrong about literally everything you said.
Didn't the labor party make white people pay more to enter their events
You guys are more cucked than us
>Thank God editorial has some sense and will make sure it never happens.
Well if you want to get Yea Forumsutistic about this then consider this is a new Gwen in a different universe it's not even sloppy seconds. Fucking a clone isn't sloppy seconds, the clone is an entirely different person.
It's cuckoldry if the person is in a relation ship is being cheated on. I know cuck is a funny in joke word that's been parroted for the past 5 years and it's probably a verbal tick for you even in written form, but at least know what it means.Now go back to reading comic books and manga, try not to seethe about it.
>>i-i'm s-serious, yo-you're the cuckold, n-not me!
>user, I pointed out that it's the very definition of Sloppy Seconds.
It's really not but okay
>Denying it as sloppy seconds is outright cuckoldry.
That dude was right you are obsessed with cucks and ntr
>It's a cuckoldry to push girl-friend swapping, and now it's racial too so we combine it as your interracial cuckold fetish that you parade about.
Gwen was never in a relationship with peter as far we know
>You can try to avoid it with mere deflection but your obsession with wife-swapping and girl-friend swapping is disgusting and should always be shit upon. Your entire life must be a disgrace as you are proud to be a recipient of Sloppy Seconds.
You're the keep bringing it up we're just telling you you're wrong and braindead
>most common interracial couple
Wrong, read an actual set of statistics
white/black pairings are only 11% of all pairings, with white/hispanic, white/asian, and white/multiracial way more common.
you forgot to say that with the sensitivity of African Americans (in the United States) it is always easier to attack, humiliate, mock a white man, because if you do it to a black man, well, you can imagine it
> it is always easier to attack, humiliate, mock a white man, because if you do it to a black man, well, you can imagine it
you know, unless you're on here. Then, well, you can imagine it's par for the course and no one bats an eye.
user Gwen and Miles is unironically the most aesthetic Marvel couple out there. Literally no other couple looks as good as they do both in and out of costume. The brilliant thing is that the aesthetics extend beyond surface appearances. I don't know if it was by accident or by design but it just fucking WORKS.
>this is a new reality gwen so it's not girl-friend NTR swapping because its a version of the one Peter originally liked
LMAO, that fucking denial and cope. It may not be the one that Peter dated but it's a version of her and the pairing is specifically part of the constant shitting upon Peter as Miles takes over and WE WUZ's his way into Spider-Ape. It's Sloppy Seconds and the Black Man getting Hand-Me-Downs, instead of having his own thing and his own unique female companion. No, Marvel cuckolds and shills must push the sloppy seconds girl-friend swapping of Gwen with Miles.
>you're wrong!
Nah, cuckold, you're the one that is wrong.
>muh alternative universe
>kill off white man
>take white girl
>take over white man's duty and girl from another reality
it's Miles: the Black Spider-Man, Affirmative Action series
>you want to get literal about this there are no sloppy seconds
>her fucking origin has her peter Parker in it
>it’s implied she had feelings for him
But beyond that why are you so desperate to hang onto this ship? Nothing good can come of it
Is that all you can say?
Dude you seriously need to stop projecting it isn't normal
t. cuckold that pushes girl-friend swapping with "alternative versions"
>It may not be the one that Peter dated
So it's not cuckoldry, glad we go tthat out of the way.
>it’s implied she had feelings for him
Isn't this new Gwen still a mino-
OOOOOH, I see what this is all about.
>it's not the one he dated
but it's a remake, a specifically Gwen Stacy look-a-like, remake in the fashion of Gwen Stacy. So, it may not be the "exact version" that Peter was with, but it's practically a clone with spider-powers, so those that push Gwen with Miles are pushing NTR swapping fetishes onto the general populace.
>Miles is single
>Gwen is single
>all of the other Peters are into Mary Jane
>Gwen's Peter is dead
Who exactly is being cucked?
Sales went down and now they’re doing KINDA what they were doing before this shit. Hulk is surprisingly outselling Batman for past like, 2 months, but that’s more to do with King’s run going to shit after he dropped the wedding.
>So, it may not be the "exact version" that Peter was with, but it's practically a clone
And a clone is an entirely different person. Alternate timelines show it's a different person, just with different outcomes.
I think they're a great couple. I want to see more BMWF relationships in media desu
The reader apparently.
>Sorry user, but Gwiles about to even more canon then it already is
Are you seriously kidding me? Look at this page and see who the people that matter to Miles the most. Kamala is there
>Also Gwen was 19 at the time of the sitting in a tree adventure, and Miles was 16-17
Miles was 13-14 and Gwen was 17-18 when that storyline happen. How did you not noice that?
>Peter x Spider-Gwen though is pretty bad on almost every single level
How? This is something that no one has ever bothered to do when Spider-Gwen was introduced, and the new writer actually did it brilliantly. They were much fun together and showed the kind of interaction that Gwen never showed with Miles. That pairing opened a number of potentials given the correct conditions
How about explain what benefit is there for a MilesXGwen in the long-term? What would be the purpose of it and how it would serve both characters in their own titles? Because I see nothing they have offered, which with the current writers have clearly showed actual development for both characters that are lacking. They're much more relatable now when it's just them, and Gwen had a much meaningful interaction with Peter and showed how they meant to each other
I hope he editorials actually got though with the PeterXGwen pairing because of how much it can offer
Namely with this:
Yes user we know you're not the cuck everyone else is
ITT: cucks
Kamala or Bombshell are more suitable girl for Miles, but ignoring the aesthetic you talked about, what is the benefit for it in the long term? It's not enough that they have to look good, but can they offer that has meaning in the future? Do they truly connect as individuals or would they just remain as friends?
Don't think about if they look good. Think about what's to offer from it
this, but I only want the gf if she's the ex of a black dude
It was by design user, it’s bendises fetish. I wonder how he feels knowing that writers broke up luke cage and Jessica Jones. Give it two years, her movie is going to bomb then they’ll kill her off to spite bendis and you.
You've made a lot of posts in this thread, and all of them amount to "it's so because I say so", stop posting anytime
>Miles was 13 after the events of spider-verse
user please, another post and you're going to claim He was 10 years old by the time of Spider-geddon.
As for why Peter x Spider-Gwen is terrible: In universe Peter has a tendency to treat all variants of Stacy like a porcelain doll, Just like a lot of people in these threads, Parker has difficulty separating the Gwen from his past, whose dead, and fucked Osborn, and Spider-Gwen, who wasn't filled to the brim with Osborn's semen. It's obvious he would use her as a crutch for the loss of 616 Gwen. On Gwen's side porcelain doll status emitted by all the Peter's that she meets is a massive turn-off. It doesn't 'cause her to hate the other Parkers, but if you've read her book she's not the type to enjoy the princess treatment.
In a meta sense It's Peter replacing the corpse of Gwen with a newer and much younger version. There's also the age difference of 10+ years(!) between them. I know you Peter x Gwen shippers where ok when Hawkeye Clint Barton eventually got together with Mayday, but for everyone else that was real creepy.
Miles treats Gwen like an individual and allows her to be her own person. It's the difference between Miles and every variant of Peter. It's why Peter always just be her friend, and Miles will always be a bit more.
>miles treats Gwen as an individule
Miles also has no purpose in the relationship, what’s the point of crossing universes for shit like this. Why is a character so reliant on the effigy of his predecessors dead girlfriend. And yes I did read spider Gwen and the book sucked it was a stupid idea expanded into a bad book that emphasized the development of its universe at the expense of the title character. The pairing is a bad idea fermented to crest bad blood in the fan base. Hence why the bulk of your arguement is heavily dependent on tarnishing peter and Gwen to build miles and Gwen. You just want to feel superior about you ship that’s been terrible in every book it’s been in, you don’t actually want to see miles succeed you want to see peter fail
Lana is top tier don't get me wrong, and with no access to the multiverse she's the obvious endgame. But the story takes place in a multiverse, and to just dismiss Gwen completely is foolish.
Are you shit posting? Because you are seriously two different versions of Gwen when what I talked about isn't the point. At least I paid attention. Plus Sin's Past is being forgotten by other writers, and they can retcon it out of continuity when the opportunity arise
And Peter just met that Gwen for the first time. He doesn't even know much about her until later on
And you are seriously missing the point on this. Both are complicated characters with their own treatment based on their own versions of Peter and Gwen, but they've never interacted with each other directly. Both have their own reasons to feel guilt with their own loss, but that's were the opportunity comes where through their guilt comes the need to fully acknowledge heir faults and acknowledge each other as their own and view each other as both equals and the people they see each other now. As a psycological stand point there is an opportunity to further develop and explore the characters and how they need to accept and move on from their past failures and comfort each other to the version they are seeing now. It's a much more complex and interesting concept that only a capable writer can pull off. Which the current writer did, and they were talking. Just Peter and Gwen talking can make all the difference
And Mayday never existed the the Old Man universe
Miles doesn't know much of that Gwen, and in Spider-Verse they've never interact until their crossover issue, which Bendis start. They barely had any interaction. There was nothing between the two that was remotely believable or genuine. There is just nothing
You're not thinking long-term or how their futures collide, but storywise there is something he PeterXGwen pair can offer that you are not seeing. And that's been the problem here if people are forcing the MilesXGwen ship without offering anyting that would benefit both long-term wise
Miles never interacted with her much you moron, and you think that's enough to justify this ship? It was so hollow and forced that it had no reason to be made. Stop being a fag that you had to force Miles with Gwen for no real reason
You’re so fucking retarded holy shit
But why a multiverse when you ignore the risks of it. That's the foolish part you're not seeing. What's the benefit if you ignore the cost of it? That's where the problem lies, and with multiverse that mean times works differently. We're essentially talking about someone who would be Peter's sucessor trying to hook up with a younger version of his successor's deceased girlfriends. And with multiverse you're ignoring that fact and making it as an excuse for a ship like that to happen
Don't you think that's kind of wrong and really off for this? There is a problem with it that people tend to overlook, and the cost will affect both characters badly if no one thinks about it
You are an idiot. You are an absolute idiot. Like what the fuck
So many/pol/mosexuals in here crying over a non-issue.
Parker will never be able to look past that. That's been established. You mistake me saying they'll never be romantically involved as if that means they won't be friends. They'll always be friends. Good ones even. But that's the end of that thread.
> they hated him because he spoke the truth.
You don't have to like it. But it's true.
Now how many of those are BWWM couples?
Oh no you don't. Kamala is for white man.
What’s true? That the pairing only happened to get the free publicity of tainting the name of Gwen Stacy even further?
That’s one of the worst things about spider Gwen in general
>the death of Gwen Stacy was my fault
>the death of peter Parker was his fault
Turning such a simple relationship into a weapon to justify pairing her with miles is genuinely sickening. I’d say you cucks should be ashamed but I know that only makes you harder
>No one would care if Black Panther or Falcon hooked up with a white girl
black women would, and they are the bigger consumers compared to black men.
So many of you non comics fans bitching about how valid your cuck ship is
You can't tease us like that and not give a source, user.
It’s from house of M spiderman. Another interesting one to check out would be earth x spiderman but that’s way sadder
Another thread down and he just keeps winning!
Keeps winning what? These are the only threads of his to hit the bump limit. You’re only attracted to the outrage not his boring character