post your favorite Yea Forums related cringe and autistic tomfoolery
Yea Forums autism thread
Other urls found in this thread:
I honestly feel like we've had this thread before.
We have, but Yea Forums is a no-fun zone, so every interesting thread gets deleted.
Wait, someone told me about this
Less autism, more psychotic. No mentally stable person has gay furry porn on their walls
These are the people that have no idea how a show filled with politics can possibly fail, or have people not like it. They just assume it's filled with a political message and made by a minority showrunner, that should be enough for it to be a #1 huge successful hit.
I find this just very weird
Is that monkey fucking a Tigrex?
>Taron Egerton gorilla
One could have worse taste
what the actual fuck
What did she watch, Ace Ventura?
Just wait until she watched 16 Candles
>Asian stereotype character
>Sexist topless scene
>Chest groping grandparents played off as a joke
>Privileged white people constantly showing off privilege
>Misogynist rich white males talking chest sizes in gym class
>Anthony Michael Hall tries to rape at least 2 times in the auto shop room
>Endless unwanted advances from him before and after that
>Hot guy bragging about how he can rape his drunk girlfriend anytime he wants
>Anthony Michael Hall actually did rape drunk girl
>Rich straight white male beats up minority because he thought he was gay
>Misogynist period joke scene
>Everything is better once prince charming notices poor girl
it's the most anti-sjw movie made and it was not even trying. It's just 80s era edgy teen humor
Oops. Sorry, I meant to reply to
i know real life people with autism and they aren't so fucked up like the people who made the pics in this thread
The later Animorphs books went in a weird direction.
Eddie was straight up a better pilot in every way
I'mma be real here, i've have been classified as being on the autistic spectrum most of my life, and I gotta say, I am nowhere near as autistic as these people, thankfully.
Why are Steven Universe fans specifically so terrible
Their show empowers their autism.
Autism is a spectrum. Being fucking nuts is also a spectrum.
These are the people at the top of both spectrums.
You often see this version of werediaper on the internet. However, this is the true, full werediaper transformation.
There's honestly some sort of artistic merit here.
>Find this guy's deviantart account
>See this
Well, i'm not surpised
There's some t posing going on here.
>usually wear gray sweater, blue jeans and converse
>even had long hair until a few months ago
Oh, God. I need to change my look.
This guy posts dozens of pictures of the same T-posing characters/ms paint OCs standing outside of company stores. Like AT-T, Apple, Burger King, etc. It's truly something.
And if you go to the comment section of those pictures, the same person replies with a bunch of gifs saying "OMG I love it!" before explaining that she never visited whatever store is in the picture.
the thing I hate about this way of thinking is how all-or-nothing it is. Sure, you can acknowledge if an old piece of media has something that offends you, but letting it dictate your entire opinion on said piece of media is stupid as fuck. It's okay to like things even if you disagree with some aspects of it.
Nobody can top of this guy
Not even the mighty CWC
Literally who?
Pamperchu is a happy guy who enjoys cartoons and like to dig other peoples garbage cans for used diapers. Then he microwaves the used diapers and wears them under his fursuits.
imagine the smelle
>the first thing i saw in the ED page is this
DESU the part with the inhaler is actually a good idea. Better teach kids how important that shit can be.
Oh god, isn’t he the guy who reuses diapers?
Oh, yes he is
fully delitized and loving it
this show was pretty decent but nobody watched it because of the lgbt shit and its only on amazon prime, niko and sword of light was pretty underrated too
literally me
This was maxtaro right? Speaking of autism
Didn't he get ass cancer?
he did, but he's not dead yet.
he looks so defeated in the 8th panel
he doesn't want this to happen
he hates that this happens, every full moon
does he?
was it from wearing microwaved diapers?
Wearing microwaved diapers is perfectly safe
thats why we have immune systems
I think it would look more interesting if it wasn't so saturated with colors, it looks like it has too much already in this pic I can't imagine how loaded a whole episode must be
danger and eggs is a show about a giant fucking egg that walks around with sticks for limbs
If you are gonna post Pokemon cringe, do it properly
Great Mouse Detective IS better.
He had (has?) Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Just because of one scene?
Wow, and I thought my autism made me incredibly fickle when it came to cartoons.
That's pretty fucked up, poor guy. I used to like his vintage restoration/explanation videos years ago, but I guess he went off the deep end with his diaper thing, huh.
he got leukemia from microwaving diapers
Yeah, you better, or people are gonna figure out you're an Inflatosaur.
If anyone ever finds out I play this game I'm going to shoot them and then myself
I remember when this used to cause shitstorms now it doesn't even phase me.
Is this for some type of school?
I always questioned when zekrom would come into play
>GSM replaces LGBTQ as it is all-inclusive
This might be a good idea. The old acronym's getting a little unwieldly.
I remember when this was the first comparison everyone jumped to. Now you'll only see the resemblance if you've been binging on their earliest stuff. Mike's aged and we're still posting the same dAutism art. Where does the time go, Anons?
Rick had nonconsensual sex with an entire planet's population under mind control.
How is that even possible?
Why are Bisexuals and Transsexuals part of their group?
danger and eggs made me laugh super hard. Wish tumblrinas didnt have to turn everyone off from it
Did you laugh at the raccoons?
she should watch some marx brothers.
Don't do autism, kids.
Stopped reading after the first line. This reminds me of that Steven universe 'Lars is trans' tinfoil collage.
Seníor Diaper.
oh my god. this is the sort of shit that makes me question whether i should try stopping to like animation, comics and etc.
>Kefka is Yea Forums incarnate
Not sure if autism or intelligence.
Yep, I'm out.
This hurt me
>I am Shadow the Hedgehog, the ultimate Gender Sexual Minority
>I was born to bring Pansexuality to these pathetic humans
>with the power of these emeralds, the cis scum are finished!
>this is WHO I AM
Hate when that happens.
>I'm furryious!
Made me chuckle.
This little asshole used to pop up on my youtube rec all the time (though I'd take him over the shitty buzzfeed shit it's currently recommending to me.)
Knowing he through such a bitch fit at a sick child makes me wanna deck his face. He was just mad he couldn't make money on leaks
what the fuck
Oh yeah this beast oc, in comparison to all the other weirdly people in this thread, he's probably tamer than the rest here. Even though his crossover videos are quite, well you know.
Why is the foot tickling upsetting me more than the scalping?
I like to consider this to be the perfect image
>all that porn on the wall
>bionicles on the windowsill
>archer in the glass reflection
>those blankets/bedsheets
Wow, thank you! I'm so glad to finally have the entire werediaper comic in my collection.
>college dorm
Imagine being the roomate
Oh god the horror
I though this was Jake Paul photoshoped into CWC in that Ash Ketchum costume
Please tell me this is a hidden gem of a fanfic like tails gets trolled?
I always get a kick out of Odie propelling himself straight up out of sheer podophilic desire.
Im failing to see how this is cringe in any capacity, this is art.
Well it never got past the dodgeball episode, but I think it's a gem
If you went back in time and showed the depths of modern internet autism to HP Lovecraft- patiently and completely explaining all the aspects of what you were showing him- I wonder what kind of a turn his writing would take.
Get this the fuck out of this thread
HP Lovecraft feared and hated degeneracy to an almost pathological degree, and what he considered degeneracy would barely a flicker on our modern depravity radars. You show him all this and this was the true rot that lay beneath men's exteriors, he'd eat a fucking bullet.
I'm already on it now, it's gold.
>"I SPY ANOTHER BOAT!" Chris said.
>When it arrived, a short, green little shit with Dorito hair walked out carrying two suitcases. It was Peridorp from Steven Universe.
>A smug smile permeated her gremlin face "A pleasure to finally meet you mister *snort* Mclean" she said in a nasally voice.
>"PLEASURES ALL MINE LITTLE LADY, HA HA!" The host exclaimed, laughing at his own joke.
>Frank glared at the the green gem, who now sitting on her luggage. "What are you, some sort of fuckin circus act?".
As someone who's internally degenerate, I wouldn't mind living with an extrovert sicko.
Fucking what? You mean the fat artist?
This is a masterpiece
Not cringe, just autism
>Jerma taller than DeVito
Nice try, scout
Is that literally the Family Guy scene where Brian tells Connie off?
If Jerma played Frodo he would have had to stand on a box to be tall enough
>Sargon of Akkad
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death
And hell followed with him.
you ever look at these pictures and then ponder that we are the smartest species of our planet and the only ones able to manifestate these extreme behaviours?
>Lars is trans
My dude that was a fetish meme from /TLHG/.
I like diapers as a humiliation fetish but this is just weird. But then I always found transformation into inanimate object fetishes made me feel uncomfortable. Its closer to nightmare fuel to me than a kink.
I suggest you read "The Meme Machine" by Susan Blackmore.
I talked with Benny the beast one time, turns out he's grown out of that weird phase and now he's taking animation more seriously and wanting to make a movie. As in, make it himself and honestly, he's a pretty good artist and okay animator. Unfortunately I couldn't find his portfolio site but I'm sure it's somewhere
Foxdad is full of wholesome chuckles.
Never heard of this show. Nevermind the politics, the eye sore of the coloring makes me want to not watch it.
Literally autism
>if someone wants to wear a nice squishy old daiper let them
words to live by
Aspe-chan is cute, not cringe at all
Still autism though.
>The 3-D effect of the construction paper on the left goes in different directions.
This really bothers me.
>Super knowledgeable on a certain subject
>That certain subject is a video game with no applicable life skills contained within it
I guess I have autism because this shit annoys the hell out of me too. IF YOU WANT THREE THEN FUCKING SAY YOU WANT THREE, I CAN'T READ YOUR FUCKING MIND.
this stems from lack of trust in your own decisions and fear of judgement from the person that asked you
It's Handia time.
Cringe threads are pure cancer due to the fact that they're always against >>>/global/rules/3 >>>/global/rules/6 >>>/global/rules/10 and >>>Yea Forumsrules/1
Oftentimes break >>>/global/rules/5 and >>>/global/rules/15
And in severe cases, they break >>>/global/rules/4
Since the "mods" refuse to fulfill their duties, I have no other choice but to resort to scorched earth self moderation tactics in order to purge this shitty thread from here for the greater good of Yea Forums.
this is 99% american
he was using a 40 year old microwave to heat up diapers, he must've somehow absorbed the radiation over time.
i forgot about this dude
>As the situation escalated, Sandy, her arms crossed, suddenly let out "Well we woulda won if we didnt have so many fuckin NIGGERS on our team!". Sandy suddenly realized Mr T standing above her.
Pure gold.
Aren't you this faggot?
Yea Forums related autism.
>autist having a meltdown in an autism thread
Chose a great place for it, I guess.
This is hilarious.
I love his expression in the fifth panel.
This is nowhere near as offensive as the replies imply.
It's harder to control people if they have appreciation for the past. An eternal Year Zero mindset is very exploitable.
So be it actual bone or wood, lads?
there's this fucking deviantart user that just posts images of loud house characters showing various emotions underneath or above images of other characters and it always fucking shows up on google images for some reason for me
i don't know why but if anyone here can find it they're fucking based
What's the difference between trans and bi? They fuck trannies?
He would make a better pet owner than 99.9 percent of pitbull owners
I miss Miiverse.
I live in a small town. Our police had a contest to name their police horse and bionicle won. So theres a horse named bionicle out there... or was this was 18 years ago I'm not sure how long horses live. RIP bionicle
>oh look I'm unable to enjoy anything that isn't completely safe and inoffensive
fuck off
This is kind of endearing.
>Inability to guess/estimate
Sad, autists must be suffering.
Anyone got the Thomas the tank engine OCs?
I can't find them anymore
why the fuck did i think you said thanos
It is but mostly because my brain can't process senses. It's like migraine sensitive hearing all the time.
Please dont.
That guy has some fucked up porn pokemon as far as I remember
>if you have to convince them it's not consent
what the literal fuck.
they should just say that every sex is rape and skip the bullshit
Oh thats from the guy whose friend died of marfan syndrome right?
I honestly thought I was supremely autistic but this thread is making me realize I’m not that bad.
Yeah, that one's as sad as it is disturbing. You can tell he was struggling to deal with is friend's condition, and as a result he developed an intense fixation on its symptoms and the concept of curing ailments as a coping mechanism.
That is a 10/10 dad joke right there.
What always got me was that this guy had like twenty comics and they were all the EXACT same.
>these crystals will help your disease but they might make your hands grow
>I want to cure the disease but I sure hope my soft, small hands don't grow
>oh no
Makes me wonder why somebody would want to kill him
KND The Fall a grimdark KND fancomic
Leave it to an autist to whine about people like him being mocked in an autism thread.
But why?
Bisexual people fuck men and women, but not transgender.
Pansexual people would fuck men, women, trannies, "Other", etc.
Omg is this the same guy who married Reshiram? I remember he was a big meme in the Pokemon community for a while
He's truly incredible
Holy crap Lois i'm an anime
According to the ED page and the video he has on it, he's got Hodgkin's Lymphoma, which isn't a death sentence sadly.
didnt this guy live with a spic sugar daddy?
at first this guy horrified me. knowing this now, just makes me feel bad for him. rarely do you learn Freudian roots of this stuff.
he could greatly benefit from some therapy since this is clealry more of a coping mechanism than an outright fetish. due to mental illness or otherwise, he never learned how to deal with loss without receding into fantasy.
Didn't think the Japanese also made mock family guy memes.
I wish they didn't
>No mentally stable person has gay furry porn on their walls
Dude different fetish same page I've got a tg transformation fetish and occasionally half way through someone will just turn into a vagina just a vigina like I have no mouth but I must scream shit right there.
tg is fairly bodyhorror-y(and rapey) when you dig into it and think through it, but the idea of someone becoming like, breasts or someshit is fucking horrific like that part of black mirror: white christmas where the woman becomes an Alexa for fucking forever is just horrible to think about
The original Florida Man
Nah son, that kid's based.
He really hates Florida
The fucking sargon is what kills me
>be Frank Deerbert, proud officer of Tampa's finest, hitting the streets in the cocaine-fueled 80s
>get message on answering machine from what sounds like a Special Needs kid
>kid threatens to shoot me under the belief that this will somehow allow him to conquer all of Florida
>probably a crank call, the retard didn't even block his number
>get sent to investigate anyway, because the Tampa PD don't appreciate death threats
>open the door and see a fat Special Needs man without any pants on
>he's got eight of my fellow officers tied up and screaming into gags
>and about four henchmen
>and a gun
>he fires it over my head, and the bullet's somehow strong enough to tear the roof off a nearby truck like a fucking tin of sardines
>then an Eagle runs out of his house with a machine gun and starts lighting motherfuckers up
Just another day in the Sunshine State
>villain begs the protagonist to stop
Nice name
>Kid wears an Ash costume
How is this cringe?
Punk Hazard Arc
Just look at /cgl/.
I keep seeing this image and don't really get why people hate it.
What the fuck happened, bros? Cartoons are just fun and interesting western animated stories, I never asked for social commentary to be thrown in there.
Oh, Yea Forums judges someone based on their browser now? How pathetic.
>nobody has posted it yet
>sixth degree murder
Its sad that that is the most aggravating thing to me in all this mess.
I am not a furry, but i would watch the shit out of furry miami vice.
I've said it last thread and I'll say it again: shit like this makes me ashamed to have autism.
Hello. I'm the author of this story. For those who read it, what did you think?
Did you enjoy it?
It was my attempt to create the ultimate shitpost
Just in case this isn't fake, which it almost definitely is, PLEASE CONTINUE. This is golden. I can't decide who has the best dynamic, Frank and George are god tier but Akechi and Norhman would carry the rats hard on literally anything mental based.
I didn't read it, I just needed to know if this was made in earnest or not.
Oh, I assure I'm not a fake. I really did write this. The next episode is actually about 75% done, I just never finished it. Though I may resume work sometime in the near future after I'm through with my current story, especially now that I've actually found an audience for it!
Regarding the duo dynamics, I'm glad you enjoyed them! The two you described were actually planned to have some interesting character arcs toward the middle involving Norman's hallucinations due to the ARI and Frank becoming a Necromancer
I had so much planned for it originally! Wild twists and turns and character arcs. And I still have a lot down. If enough of you are willing to follow and read it, then I may seriously consider booting it back up! The only reason I stopped in the first place was because hardly anyone read compared to how much effort I put into it
Earnest? Well to some degree
Obviously a lot of its a joke, but behind that is an actual story I put effort into. The whole premise behind the piece was shitpost fanfic that people got legitimately invested in. I just never got enough followers for that to materialize
Just in case any of you are skeptical, here is my FF account and the files I have stored on them
It's so convenient you'd show up here of all threads, looking forward to the next chapter, it's hilarious.
Thanks user! I always love feedback to my writing
I just hope I can live up to everyone's expectations!
It’s obviously fake.
Well, if you ever decide to work on it again, know that I'm definitely gonna read it - it's actually much higher quality than I expected based on the image it was posted with.
Thanks user
It's nice to know there are people out there actually willing to read it
I chuckled. What the fuck is wrong with me?
>harassing someone until they finally break down and agree to have sex with you is ok
>inb4 sjw
strip away the steven universe shit and "GSM" and this is all objectively correct. too bad even after years people still can't understand the difference between sex and gender and still resort to 'attack helicopters lol xD'
>T-DAWG (Chris is referring to Mr T here; his use of a nickname to build camraderie was unsuccessful, as Mr T remained silent),
This is cute.
If you have autism you shouldn't be here, in other cases I would give a fuck but since you posted Eris I have to worry about you, fren.
Go to the medic, this place would makes you worse.
that's a pretty good Yea Forums impression
>japanese autism
Oh my, haven't seen that before.
That's actually kinda cool, how's that cringe?
Reminds me of this. Never fails to crack me up
this dude with an IQ of 500 just wants to fart and shit everywhere and I can respect that.
> demotivational linkara poster
> "this wins the internet"
jesus christ user how old is this image and how did you manage to dredge this up from the bowels of the web
I like how even the character in the comic looks disappointed to be there.
Big Black men on top of anything else is the only true Liberal sex there is.
Even ignoring how fucking stupid this is by the "oh how offensive" pussified mentality, people need to stop getting shocked about offensive things happening IN THE PAST. Christ we'll never move on if you get triggered over shit that happened 30 years ago
>no mike and melissa
Hi /vp/
I wonder what Mike is up to now.
Do you think he regrets ever making this? Do you think he still thinks the same way? Did he ever fuck a real skunk?
Also, this was screened in a classroom, I would give everything I have to see the look of everyone in the room
GSM is already a technical term, fuck off my acronyms cunt.
It's the person's OC and self-insert
These are some solid teams. Good chemistry all around.
>3d models modeled in T pose are in T pose
no fucking shit genius
Thanks, I put a lot of thought into it
Who do you guys think will win in the end? I already know, but I'm curious to hear what you all think
Akechi, dudes a sociopath and is nice enough that no one will vote him off. That could just be my weeb talking though.
Mike either became an hero or simply refuses to use the internet anymore after the release of his short.
I dont blame him, no amount of booze would num that sort of pain.
I want Brendaniel to do a reading of this
He certainly seems more devious than he gives off, what with that shit he pulled with Barron in the awake-a-thon
But does he have what it takes to hide this from his partner, an FBI Profiler?
Norman's going bonkers, and he owes Akechi for getting him in the last round of Basketball (and just generally being nice to him). He won't expect it, and if he does, he might just be thinking it's the crazy button prompts fucking with him.
*Dodgeball, shit
True, true...
But what about Toriel? Did something seem... "intimate" about that encounter of theirs? In the rain? How will she factor into this?
Are all these characters just from things you like or know enough about?
I'm storytiming a Yea Forums autism webcomic
Join in, shit's a rollercoaster
Akechi has her by the horns in more ways than one - dude can blackmail her hard with the grazing, but he probably doesn't need to since she wouldn't reveal anything he has secret in the first place. She knows he has that info, and probably feels indebted to him for not revealing it to Norman.
I think the person who stands the biggest threat to Akechi is Frank - Zarya was the original major threat because she was a Falcon and was one of the strongest physically, but she's not a problem for the foreseeable future thanks to Frank. Mr. T could be dangerous since he is so strong, but he has that vow of peace, so he can't really fight Akechi physically or kill him, and has to beat him in competitions. Frank is fucking crazy and will do what he needs to in order to win - but he would sooner shoot Dorothy since he hates her, so Akechi is relatively safe for now, outside of being voted off or an accident during a competition.
I love hearing all this speculation that readers come up with. This kind of stuff is always my favorite part of writing and interacting with readers.
*minor spoiler for story*
And the best part is that you are SPOT ON in deducing Frank as Akechi's biggest threat, though I won't elaborate more on that
Thank you so much for taking an interest in my story! I can't tell you how much I love hearing readers' thoughts and anticipation on what will happen next! Once I wrap up this other story I'm writing (very soon), I'm gonna try and finish the next episode. It's people like you who give me that motivation!
Great to hear! Do you have a link to the story you are working on right now?
my money is on Frank.
Though this story is actually a bit of a rabbit hole itself. It's called "The Sae Greentext". A extensive Greentext story dealing with Sae Niijima's lonely life as a Christmas cake, and her growing list for Makoto's new boyfriend.
I's a far different story than TDS though. Much more depressing and erotic at points , though some of it is funny I think. It may not be for you, just keep that in mind. But I do have many readers on Yea Forums for it, and the epilogue for it is getting posted next week. I have even have an artfriend making art for it. (pic related)
Here you go
Just keep in mind that it's a more serious story
Thank you for support!
I can't tell you how much it means to me
*growing lust for Makoto's new boyfriend
Sae is pretty pathetic looking back on Persona 5 - literally makes friends with some drugged up teenager in a matter of hours, to the point of risking her career, because she is so lonely.
But he had that Charm 5 though
Those trips to the bathhouse helped yeah, but he was fucking out of it in that interview - and he was bruised and nasty looking from the interrogators. Sae must have been really desperate for any friends since her only real confidants are her sister and some psychotic detective, both of which are in high school.
Well she is a cake
Ideas wikia turned up to 1000
>danny devito
>fucking goofy
please , someone read this, and grab the best bits , i am doing some work rigth now (till fuckking 8 am it seems) and i cant read it now neither i want my internet historial to be shamed whit this
Mother 1 did it better.
>spends yeara microwaving old diapers
>plastics and adhesives in the diaper are heated up, possibly leeching chemicals are creating chemical fumes
>wouldn't be able to smell any chemical fumes he might be inhaling inadvertently over the stinging scent of old, reheated feces anyway
>probably ingested god knows how many harmful compounds whenever he sucked the stale pee out of his stolen, mmicrowaved diapers
Small wonder the lad developed cancer, really.
The BEST cake
>Grab the best bits
Like what?
>Anything4views and Sargon duking it out over a bed
>Goofy's spine being destroyed by the toothless shark Gums
>Mike and Jay arriving drunk as fuck to the dock
>Sandy's unabashed and shameless racism
>Frank trying to get George to do a blood pact with him
>Sargon being forced to wear an "I AM A KEK" hat
>Miss Frizzle roasting Dorothy
>A random out of place confessional of Chris just doing Coke in the outhouse
Just to name a few from the first few episodes
Well I DO hate hate hate hate furries...
Why green blood?
2019... I am forgotten...
This doesn't even look like actual bones if you look at the femur or fibula. It's most likely some ancient medical model.
Something is just fundamentally wrong with his face, real uncanny valley vibe going on
Separating sex and gender in humans outside of linguistic sex is a movement spearheaded by a pedophile quack doctor who was not only completely wrong but had a shocking 100% failure rate for test subjects on his hypothesis.
>Have your guard dog use a move with 85% accuracy.
Being able to focus on a skill or project while you can't make basic decisions for yourself like "how much is a few" makes your super skills completely useless.
2019... he is forgotten
Good times
Good. The less autistic cancer on the internet, the better.
is this guy still alive?
>Last video was 4 days ago
>iq of 500
>entire career focuses on scat and farts
man has his priorities straight
Why is the last part of the image description cropped out of the picture?
>The book he's carrying is a portmanteau of the words "Scat" and "Atlas".
it really is, but if you get on the ball and start teaching them how act with theraphy then you can come out relatively ok, otherwise you may end up like chris chan or worse if its left unchecked
>Updated: Jun 25, 2018
Please good god in heaven make more.
Because it makes it less funny.
The DCAU had a bunch of social commentary. It just wasn't fucking retarded about it.
fresh cringe coming through
Shall be start with some home grown?
>B-b-but the 80s is pure ya guys
Anyone up for building some brown bricks in Minecrap?
Why is gay part of the acronym?
I went in expecting autism, but I got something strangely hilarious, God speed and good luck.
>Nah, nah, nah, nah! Hang on, Lilo! Hang on!
There's just something so inherently humorous about this line.
Okay wow, Myrtle actually did nothing wrong, and simply tries to avoid Lilo after she fucking bit her for saying she showed up late
I love building bricks in Minecrap.
Building bricks in Minecrap is the best thing and the most amount of fun you can have while playing an app.
I'm sort of bummed down by the whole "the character dies after being eliminated" thing, however this made me curious, since TDS follows the same overall structure and rules to the first session of total drama, dies that mean between seasons the characters will be brought back to life through some weird means so that they can participate in future seasons (if there will be other seasons).
*does that mean
Like I mentioned, there was a necromancy subplot planned toward the middle of the story. Without giving away too much, its role is vitally important to the final few episodes
Regarding the eventual episode where the voted off campers decide the next loser, I'm not sure how to handle that episode. Perhaps it's the friends and relatives of those voted off who decide. Or they are temporarily brought back with necromancy but are killed again at the end of the episode, but that might complicate things in the finale
Regarding different "seasons", I actually planned out a little different casts and what not. Like having Reviewbrah, Black Dynamite, Kazuma Kiryu from the Yakuza series, and Patrick Bateman from American psycho in Season 2. Or Paulie and Christopher from the Sopranos and Nagator and Senpai being teams in the ridonculous race. Of course, none of these plans will come to fruition before this story is complete
No one genuinely hates it. It's posted in every cringe thread and gets the same response every time. It's a /vp/ meme at this point.
Obsessed "theorists" who think the show theyre obsessed with belongs to them are the fucking worst.
Microwaves are non-ionizing. They’re not absorbed the way gamma rays are.
Who has those editor's notes from Savage Dragon going over all the love notes that one guy wrote to Horridus?
Fucking cursed
What in blazes did I just stumble across?
He’s the best
Outsider Art.
I think he just assumed brains had green goo in them.
How is this any different from people that have thousands of dollars worth of anime mercy on their walls
what an asshole.
it isn't
It's fucking amazing, please update it
I haven't laughed this hard in years
Thanks a lot! I'll be sure to post on Yea Forums whenever it gets updated
I hope Akechi and Toriel get into a relationship together and lovingly FUCK at some point
Their relationship will certainly be an interesting one
Because non of them commission someone to draw them fucking their waifus.
>non of them
My error has blessed you with trips. I must now commit honorable sudoku.
I just realized he looks like Weird Al
The funny thing is these types of people are usually the type who would gladly backstab you for more SJW brownie points.
Please let there be more chapters
Top kek
NO NOT THAT! It's absolutely bafflingly that this has been going on for more than a decade.
for what purpose does someone just come in and say oh a diaper let me put this on
Look up a user called
Speaking of Autistics and cartoons have you heard about ToonEGuy?
Wow, as an assburger this comic is actually fairly accurate. Anyone else /sperg/ agree?
Pretty much, although I'm fairly easygoing when it comes to change.
This shit annoys me to no end when it's for a serious job. If I'm doing a job then I have to really strain to get details. If I ask for more they get pissy and if I just use my own judgment I get corrected. I mean come on, I can't read your mind.
This one not really, I'm good with discerning when stuff isn't literal and I'm thankfully not socially retarded. That said I fucking suck when talking to new people and spill spaghetti on the regular.
I've never been called out on doing weird shit, probably because I never have. Hooray.
>amazing things
Too bad mine's English and I've chosen a career choice that doesn't need it in the slightest, fuck me I guess.
I like to mix up my food but eat a lot of the same easily prepared meals, although that's probably because I'm a lazy bastard when it comes to food.
Dude please make more
Damn I didn't you would answer to my question out of all them.
Thank you for reminding me of the necromancy subplot and giving me a bit of hope for the characters I love/know something about are gonna get a bad fate.
Also with the mention of the series being an ultimate shitpost and Akechi having the necromancer as the biggest threat, I came up with a funny idea for a finale.
It's a small idea that I made only to humor myself and maybe a few anons, but would you mind I posted it here ?
Of course! I'd love to hear your idea! I already have a basic idea for the finale, but I'm open to any ideas or suggestions!
Fetish art in the 2000s "How to draw manga" style is always the best
Wait hold on, was shiva Justin rpg's original girlfriend?
This autistic man's comic about an autistic cyborg girl gave me an amputee fetish.
I fucking love this shit. I hope he doesn't beat himself up for it too much.
>sargon, baron trump, and toriel in the same pic
This is a masterpiece you pleb
Thank you for responding.
The idea is very sketchy and unclear though.
The finale is either between Akechi and Frank or George and Frank.
Frank ends up as the winner.
"All it took was get rid of everyone else ,so I could defeat you,smartass!".Chris comes in."AND THE WINNER IS FRANK!""Where is my money ?!""About that..." Chris says sounding sane after who-knows-long."When we killed all the other contestants we broke every limitations our producers wanted to follows,so if you come back alive while everyone is dead, the public,US goverment, monster ambasador, gem authority and others will come after ME!!""So?""So the show will end despite HAVING A AT LEAST 8 SEASONS SLOT!""SO!?""So you will lose the money" Chris said with a smile.
Frank, surprised and frightened by Chris's seriousness, simply asked "Do you have the artifacts which I can use to revive the others?""At the bonfire place".
They moved over to the bonfire, Frank preparing the ritual while Chef brought everyone's remains.
Frank lit up the fire and then screamed some enchantment spell. Peridorp's shards fused together, Toriel's dust flew with her soul reforming and everyone else' s body regenarated.All at once they woke up.
They all looked at Frank and Chris, some full of anger at both,especially George at Frank.
"So where' s my billions?""Oh yeah, I forgot to tell. We had to use most of the money to bring everyone back without any lasting,cursed or traumatising conditions so they can't tell we weren't actually just holding you hostage in secret.Also..."Chris said bringing a 5 dolar bill in his hand."Here is the rest of the money that remained."
Frank screamed but before he could do something he noticed George and the contestants Frank screwed over behind him. They crippled the shit out of him.
On the boat, everyone was talking as they are about to leave,Toriel joyfully exchanging numbers with others.
All well until Chris came.
Part 1
Should I continue with the second part?
I agree.
>Planet Ripple
seems my detector has gone off.
Sure, go ahead!
It's interesting
For some reason, my fingernails felt weird from seeing this, not my toenails. Is it normal?
We'd love pictures of that, too. Do you have any?
I'm storytiming another autism comic the guy did, come on in
Sure, go ahead!
I'm intrigued by how you're imaging evrything
*imagining everything
You had one job.
Looks genuinely interesting
>Yea Forums autism thread
...Are you not going to continue? I am curious to see the full extent of everything you've envisioned. It's my favorite part of interacting with my readers. If not now, then perhaps post it later on the story itself, or private message me on FF?
Jake Paul?
can't have a Yea Forums autism thread without grant.
nor hexagon.
I know I'm not the only one who does this.
Knowing that there are weirdoes just like me on Yea Forums is pretty much the reason I keep coming here. I really thought I was alone, but there's tons of you fucks. Bless you.
Chris is with a detonator ready in his hand.
"This ain't looking good" "Oh really!" said everyone else scared,sarcastic or angry
Chris screamed"SAYONARAAA!" while detonating the boat, killing everyone.
"-It?" said Chris as he found himself with everyone alive.Everyone was confused until they looked at Frank."Why do you think it was me?""Who else could it be *snort* then ?" Peridorp said.
"Uh,Excuse me..." Toriel responded nicely "...but why are you talking as if we've already been killed by Chris ?" she said
genuinely confused and scared.
Everyone said "Uh, you don't remember ?".Chris then screamed " QUIET!" .After everyone turned to Chris, he smiled "BYE!" detonating the boat.
"WHAT?!" Chris screamed detonating the boat.
Until he got bored.
"So you don't know What just happened ?" asked Mario to Toriel. "I do feel a very strong sense of deja vu of Chris blowing us up,but I can't remember It." told Toriel
"How you don't, ya goat ?" asked Chad. "Monster would be better." replied Toriel a bit insulted, however this appeared to have brought something in her head. She began thinking while having a look on that she knew something.
"the monster can't remember...strong deja vu..." Toriel realised what was happening " It's a LOAD!"
After a explanation by Toriel, everyone sat there."So time itself is reset by the one with the most DETERMINATION" said Sargon.Toriel nodded ."And that person is your adopted child" said Sargon of dumbfounded.Toriel nodded.
"BUT WHY?" asked Chris.
"To arrest you" said a voice from multiple helicopters above.
One came down, with the national police and Frisk, imediately hugged by Toriel "Frisk! I thought I was never see or Asriel or..." she said somewhat crying.
"Mclean you are arrested for creating illegal challenge show, using money from your distant cousin, Justin Trudeau. You have the right to-"
Max browses Yea Forums, I see.
Ok that's pretty fucking good
I enjoy the character interactions you have envisioned. Like Toriel being offended at being called a goat, like her growing to be more confident as a person.
What's interesting is that there ARE elements of what you're describing in the actual finale that's been planned. Though I won't specify what (unless you want me to)
Is there anymore to this?
*end credite show the contestants around a campire .
George threw a a well done steak in Frank's face, Sargon sent his subscribers to grief Baron and Peridorp's Minecraft Server,Toriel knit Mr.T a sweater with "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you,then you win", Zarya is making Jay and Mike stay sober while they exercise, Jerma is bragging about how close to winning while saying his stature is average.
Okay, this is the last one since it's getting late where I live. I need to go sleep.
Hope this small idea gives you all a good chuckle.
Also please continue the series, there certainly are people who would want more.
Anyway, Bye!
No matter how many times this gets posted, I can't resist reading the whole thing from beginning to end. It's furry autism kino.
Edit: Just now saw your reply. Thank for what you said, Toriel is the one I'm most interested since I am a fan of Undertale.
If you want to say some spoilers, put them under a black to not spoil for everyone else and I can see it in the morning.
Now I really need to go to end so good bye!
>Littlefoot: Take that you son of a GUN!
Thank you for your contribution, user! It's always interesting see what people predict and envision how a story will turn out. This is the type of feedback I always wanted back when I first wrote this, but never got till now.
It's people like you who motivate me to write. I can't express how happy it makes me to my work inspire others' own imaginations. Thank you giving my story a chance, and I hope to see you again in episode 5: "the shitty talent contest"!
Well, unless someone REALLY wants to know what happens, I think I'll keep it to myself. I don't like spoiling my stories much. I want readers to have the full reading experience, and part of that is being on your toes to see what happens next. Good night to you, user!
I sometimes wonder where all the deviants in deviantart will go to after it inevitably shuts down
Why post something only /vp/ would get?
Do you want a serious answer? It's because they helped the gays in the fight for civil rights
They must be German.
>When you find that new thing that fits into your autismverse perfectly
>Yea Forums autism
>not Yea Forumsutism
I am deeply dissapointed, user.
i don't get it
2 Babies 1 Fox.
I'm storytiming the last part of the saga, come join
to all you faggots asking, it's the /vp/ cringe thread equivalent of the naked banana
It's quite literally Diogenetic. A man so enlightened all he wants is to shit everywhere.
How racist does she think the 90s were? I can't think of any kids movie from 90s that can be that offensive. Is she mixing up the 90s and the 60s because her avatar looks like stupid 70 year old
I know he apologised but holy shit.
>baron trump
I dont have the heart to make fun of this guy ever since i heard about his situation.
I don't think I've done that since high school
Is like still having weird fantasies about one self beating up the baddies and being a general badass like a self insert character (at least in therms of cartoony of hero. Instead of having a fantasy of beating up the coworkers or whatever)
it's just wood and plastic
>Tfw been cultivating an autismverse for over a decade
Christ I'm glad it isn't just me. It's gotten to the point where it's bleeding into my actual writing.
Just go ahead and write down your autismverse man, get it out of your system. It's quite liberating I can assure you.
Of course, you then have to immediately burn it to make sure nobody else ever reads it. It's the only way.
>Of course, you then have to immediately burn it to make sure nobody else ever reads it. It's the only way.
It isn't enough for me to just get it out, I have to conquer it. I won't be satisfied until I can turn it into something glorious. I don't know if it's going to take years or decades, but I'm going to do it. That's the only way I can beat autism.
God speed, you glorious bastard.
God speed...
Does this count? I'm obsessed with Disney's Robin Hood. I'm making a fansite so I can post pictures of my Robin Hood VHS Variarions and Plushies and Other Merchanidse and Fanart and
I spent 300 dollars on the far left Robin Hood tape
Woooooow. That's sad!
>Earthbound cart
No less from autism.
What themes and symbols do you guys obsess over? Like, what tropes tie together some of the things you like and make you feel strong emotions.
For me, it's:
>liberal revolution and the end of courtly tradition
>an end to peace and the road to war (Weimar, Spanish Civil War)
>tragedy of the dead princess
>winter war
>futility and absurdity of the hero's journey
>Don Quixote / Anachronic Hero
>the U.S. as the Nation of Chaos or revolt against God (Sisyphian Revolt against the Gods)
Among other things.
Just change the designs of your autistic childhood memories, change the setting, and rearrange some character traits and people will think that your little autist fantasies are unique like a normal creator.
No one will know that my world is actually just Doctor Who, Spongebob, Sky Captain, Indiana Jones and Riddick lost in space, going out on adventures and fighting off religious Cybermen, the robot Patrick from BfBB, trapped in space Silent Hill-esque prison, defeating space Nazis and a few digimon kids due horribly for some reason but Tay and Sora live to become a couple.
And Godzilla fights the Tripods from War of the Worlds. Also dinosaurs.
I want to live in this guy's world
it's probably hell though
Based and Moonpilled
The reason "relateable" stuff is so popular is because even the most normal of fags have the same feelings about "weird" things they do, and it's altogether a big part of what makes us human, if I can be flowery for a second.
Just try not to think about how the WereDiaper enthusiasts fit into this puzzle.
I honestly think I could write a few books about one of my autistic fantasy worlds since everything in it only vaguely resembles a ton of other shit until it completely mutated into its own bizarre thing relatively detached from any specific settings, but man I wouldn't even know where to start.
My autism is where I either insert myself or a Cadian guardsman into a game, show, or story and interact with the characters with meta knowledge.
>in other cases I would give a fuck but since you posted Eris I have to worry about you, fren.
I don't want to be rude but why?
Well, I've been trying to condense my autism into my intrest in animation and film.
I'm actually in the process of writing a film treatment called The Green Planet on Google Docs. It's private, but I'll make it public when I finish it.
I'm already well-adjusted enough to know how not to make a fool of myself on the internet and how not to be mad at the internet.
Good luck.
That's the spirit, user. I suggest you just start writing something. Doesn't even have to be coherent, just a basic idea of your world written down.
I can't believe I misspelled "interest" and didn't catch that until you pointed it out to me. Thanks, user.
>I honestly think I could write a few books about one of my autistic fantasy worlds since everything in it only vaguely resembles a ton of other shit until it completely mutated into its own bizarre thing relatively detached from any specific settings
Isn't that how new ideas are made?
I have a black diamond classic tape but what is the ones that have the black clamshell?
Too bad GSM is already a technical term which is already miles better than this shit.
This one hits too close to home.
Actual Confession time : I know this guy we we're friends until he started being an unhinged creep towards me and others. Hadn't talked to him in a couple years until he popped into a chat i was in (before getting kicked for STILL being a fucking weirdo.)
Pic related is him talking about how much art they've gotten of their lumpy orange lizard fursona that didnt exist when i knew him so it has to be sub 3 years old.
Its not just the Sing monkey he's just the favorite. Im talking winston overwatch, the fucking planet of the apes monkeys, you name it. Also Smurfs. Fucker wants to fuck papa smurf or whatever.
>Feel like the world I've come up with is pretty solid as is
>Finally watch all of Kill La Kill
The best part is I actually ended up expanding on some things by fucking tenfold and because of it
>Sky Captain
You are a good man user
I just want to know who's giving him the money to waste on all these commissions
I liked how the bad guy was the rich white male like 80% of the time.
why does that daki even exist?
god I wish that were me
>Tfw my autismverse is the setting for my TTRPG groups Mutants and Masterminds campgain
Pretty much the exact opposite as you. Justice, heroism, rule of law, revenge stories, tradition, beauty.
>tfw my autismverse really came into its own when i started reading bleedmens doujins and that one summer camp comic
Feels nice
Literally yes.
Just change the names and locations and you have yourself an original story. There's nothing to be ashamed of.
>tfw love other people’s autistic fantasies but never entertained the thought of creating my own before now
Maybe i’ll give it some thought.
why is seeing Max everywhere lately so funny?
It's the first release of the black diamond classic tape, just older/different packaging
It's a rabbit hole to go down, so watch out for that.
Only $900??
That doesn't add up for me. I'm thinking those pics cost about $70 to $200 each and he has a shit load of them
I do this and I'm no autismo.
The general premise is that my old decrepit self manages to survive long enough to upload into a computer and live for thousands of years until my mechanical civilization acquires the ability to slip into alternate realities. At which point I pull various characters into other worlds for fun.
What I really get out of it is the exploration of how different characters would view eachother differences or perhaps bond over similarities
i wanna see this, im curious
wouldnt surprise me if he's bad at math
You really don't
The story of this is pretty depressing
Not entirely correct, some bi are fine with trans, some aren't. Pan is just a bullshit identity for those who want to be more snowflake then just being bi
>more snowflake then just being bi
The government, paid to him on the condition that he stays removed from polite society and children.
At least your being on topic.
I guess this means Dinkleberg was right.
>TFW you teach Special Education.
>TFW you hope to God you can do enough to save them from this.
Do your best, man
There's still hope for them
I do, man. I really try.
Look at that little alt-right RACIST on the left
Post the rest
One final shebang before the thread dies
this just depresses me now
Based, keep up the good work
>Parents fall for merchant doctor circumcision meme that's still not illegal for some reason
>Infant son's penis is bifurcated
>Send him to merchant psychologist who decides he'll test his tranny theory on the kid and has his parents raise him as a girl wand his identical twin brother as a boy.
>Psychologist decides to prove gender is a learned social construct separate from sex by having the two get molested and molest one another multiple times as children because the boy with the botched dick who is now a girl needs to "roleplay" feminine power dynamics which includes getting humped by your own twin.
>Both twins commit suicide in adulthood.
The case alone should've gotten circumcision banned in the united states honestly, and the "science" of gender as a social construct should've been tossed in the dustbin with it.
I just run a Dungeon and Dragon's game in a homebrew setting instead, complete with a bunch of "original ideas" which are more like idea smoothies blended together with a variety of outside influences.
But if a boy even when raised as a girl still wanted to be a boy... Doesn't that mean that when someone through thick and thin still feels like the opposite gender it's a legitimate condition?
Pft... You're not allowed to use facts and logic here user. You're only allowed to regurgitate the same /pol/ memes again and again.
>I do this and I'm no autismo.
user, this may be hard to accept, but I have some bad news for you.
He didn't still want to be a boy, he always WAS a boy. Sex is innate; trying to will yourself something that you intrinsically are not is like trying to will yourself Native American when you're Swedish.
Trans people's problems occur because of the disconnect between the reality of their being and their dysphoria. They aren't feeling like the opposite gender because they have no point of reference for "existing as a woman". They feel like their current state of being is incorrect. If I feel Native American, moving me to a reserve doesn't actually transform me into one, now I'm just the obvious non-Native American sitting around. It's why the notion pushed by the man in the previous post is so hazardous; it presupposes that if gender is a social construct, sex carries with it no influence to individual qualia.
Men and women literally cannot be the same, nor can a man's subjective experience be the "true" experience of a woman somehow trapped in a man's body. The only way you coudl argue that is if you were in favor of the pre-existence of souls. And then you'd just be using religious thinking to defend your point.
>Robert Eagle
>(a eagle)
this is funny in the same vein tails gets trolled is, not cringe at all
Anyone remember those Horrorverse threads here? Because those were definitely autistic, on both sides.
a late addition to the thread
This wins. The fact that someone would lewd...her...
>Cartoons are just fun and interesting western animated stories, I never asked for social commentary to be thrown in there.
based retard
I started Stav laughing when I realized this was a college dorm
>The fact that someone would lewd...her...
rule 34 newfag
I'm told it's the equivalent to getting a chest X-ray
I wanna read those reviews.
I like the sequel: Help Max get back home without being sexually molested by Eunice, the near-sighted flying unicorn.
underrated post
I honestly just want to hang out in Strong Bad's basement.
damn i cant be normal AND i cant focus
just looking at this got me banned from 7chan
Oh darn...