>Funny Face: When Ollie wants to stand out more in her class photo, Scoops suggests making a funny face - with disastrous results.
And here's Episode 1, in case ya missed it: youtube.com
>Funny Face: When Ollie wants to stand out more in her class photo, Scoops suggests making a funny face - with disastrous results.
And here's Episode 1, in case ya missed it: youtube.com
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck this guy, Calarts defender and John K hater
>audible sigh
Fine, whatever.
>John K hater
Is that supposed to be a negative?
shit you're right, rat girl is top wife material
This just in, you have shit taste.
God, it feels like i'm watching a post season 3 spongebob episode.
Zoomerfag, John K is a Great Guy, he's does stupid things sometimes
Nico also hates Butch Hartman
The fuck is wrong with her lips? Why do they look like they all got hunchbacks? Why is the animation so janky in some shots but semi smooth in others?
This doesn't even come close to Ren and Stimpy levels of humor, and that would have salvaged everything else at least. Skip
Oh man
Those hipps
she could probably succk my dicck inside out
>John K is a Great Guy, he's does stupid things sometimes
Like his entire career post Ren and Stimpy.
>Nico also hates Butch Hartman
Is that supposed to be another negative?
i bet you defended cans without labels
Fuck off Pieguy
His Cartoon Network shorts were good
>their tongues wrapped around each other
These are some of the worst character designs in recent years
>he's does stupid things sometimes
they're just not educated enough at that age.
>fetishbait characters
Clearly you've never seen Pig Goat Banana Cricket.
I think it works. Most real kids are fucking gross looking.
>Rich Evans voice
oh so she's actually crazy and the cat can't talk?
what shorts?
Looks like the character designs of a pretentious hipster indie comic
doesnt he pretend to have "info" on new upcoming shows (ala cuphead) and when they get revealed he shouts "LOOK AT THIS COOL THING I COULDNT TELL ANYONE ABOUT IM COOL"
Several different ones in fact. Isn't it great?
damn...cold af
>Why is the animation so janky in some shots but semi smooth in others?
It's because the shots are done separately by different animators and so you have scenes drawn by a 20 year old student contrasted with Zeurel (the best of the lot) who has many years of experience.
Nico doesn't put in any effort to try to unify the look and in fact claims to prefer the lack of consistency because it's "loose" and "fun". On most productions you'd have the most talented animator doing keyframes and have the new people doing in-betweens and learning from the experienced artists' techniques and trying to match their style, but either due to the difficulties of coordinating that sort of workflow with the crew members' remote locations, sheer laziness, inexperience as a director, or actual artistic intent and preference (like he claims) they didn't do that.
I actually like this artstyle. It looks dynamic as opposed to the stiff beanmouth stuff.
>"funny" faces
>copying the most terrible Spongebob episode ever
into the trash it goes
i like the teachers design but i wouldn't say shes waifu levels of attraction
>beanmouth bad
>single line good
Binnie is for cuddles, coffee and the occasional 90s rock karaoke session
user, have you've seen anything from recent CN shows that aren't named Mao Mao? They make O&S look like Bruce Timm's Batman in comparison.
This all feels like some bizarre Mighty B ripoff. Even the bitch girl has Grey doing the same voice. Nico's cartoons are boring as hell, no wonder Amazon didn't release Too Loud season 2.
If you classify "being a legit pedophile" as a stupid thing, you must have loved the trainwreck they call Bryan Singer.
>no wonder Amazon didn't release Too Loud season 2
It is pretty mind boggling that they wasted money just to sit on it seemingly indefinitely though, I think they had a screening of all the episodes in like December. Even if it's embarrassing it's not like anyone was going to see it anyway judging by the size of the fanbases of other Amazon cartoons (even ones with good production values and lorefag-friendly concepts like Costume Quest)
Basically. he even claimed to have done the animation on Squidward for the superbowl stunt and then went on a huge tweet rant about the whole ordeal after everyone had a meltdown
Her voice is so soft, I love it!
Shame the rest of the short was meh.
Really not into "funny face" humor.
Well, it’s more focused and solid a premise than the first episode, but it also isn’t even one bit funny. The most interesting bit was the reveal that Scoops doesn’t really talk.
I actually really like the designs and color palette and didn’t think any of the animation got into Newgrounds territory this time around (even if the style is still inconsistent) but that’s not enough to carry a show, and I’m not sure there’s a single actual joke here other than exaggerated faces. A toddler might think that element is funny but that’s about it
>ywn smell her clothes of rich aromatic coffee filling the room
>ywn see her at her desk filling out paperwork and tests
Where do I find a gf like this?
So we're all in agreement they need actual writers for this thing to have a chance at anything?
Just cancel it, baffles me shit like this gets greenlit while good pilots didn't get picked up
>rich aromatic coffee
If she's on a teacher's salary, you can be sure she's drinking the cheapest, Great Value-st coffee imaginable. If you've never smelled cheap or shitty coffee before, I envy you.
It's like hot garbage water. Truly disgusting.
He had ADHD
This isn't even an actual series, its something Nico is doing for fun on his youtube channel (i think)
Look at a photo of Butch.
Then look at a photo of Niko.
Then you won't wonder why.... Its as if the Chad vs Virgin meme came to life.
>just another case of a great waifu being a victim of shitty writing
Why did I already know this would happen?
I actually never have had this kind of coffee. I work in a higher end warehouse that supplies with a lot of goodies like Arabica or Kona coffee. Is it not a norm to not have shitty coffee?
Yup, 100% self-funded according to him.
This wasn’t “picked up”, it’s someone with too much money of questionable origin brute-forcing their idea into existence. That would be wonderful, if it weren’t Nico
>Is it not a norm to not have shitty coffee?
In the united states, teachers are not well paid.
Coffee is a staple, but good coffee is a luxury most can't really afford.
holy shit the voice acting is fucking awful, i can get past the artstyle and animation quality changing every five seconds but i can barely stand to listen to it
>dreadful color palette that makes the show a complete eyesore to look at
>rapid fire unfunny jokes
>"le funnay faces", a cheap trick at making the show memeable popularized by Gumball
>Lydia Deetz ripoff waifu already being pushed by the showru- OOPS GOY I mean fellow Yea Forumsmprades as a FOTM waifu to get this show more views
Wow.... this... is the power... of Calarts Crusader Colaleo................... whoa
>'I can talk to animals' trope
>The mandatory "refugee" in a hijab
>anime faces
But enough about The Loud House
>In the united states, teachers are not well paid.
I know that for sure, I mean. I graduated not too long ago, haha. But, my teachers really never drank coffee since my school cheaped out and didn't buy coffee machines for their staff rooms. None of them ever complained about it, and even if they did; most of them drank chai or just water.
Most of my teachers basically either drank coffee from home or I think they all pitched in to pay for a coffee maker in the lounge. I doubt the teacher's lounge was well stocked.
God it's so good.
This woman was made to breed.
/r/'ing pic of kids in class staring at her pregnant belly while she's trying to teach something on the blackboard
Update: Nico still can’t write for shit.
Well looks like Nico finally did something good
>Sam "the pedophile that begged for tranny cock and fucked over his friends and jeopardized his own show on adult swim" Hyde
If "ADHD" means "Adolecent Dicking Hebephillia Deception" then yes he has ADHD
i mean, i do hate John K (even ignoring he's a pedophile, he pretty much is a shit cartoonist, good at character design yet bad at everything else, shitty writer and producer), Butch (he's just a megalomaniac who use faith as a tool) AND Nico (fucking faggot piece of shit justifying the shitty practices in modern animation industry).
They all suck by their own reasons. Fuck 'em all.
really like the character design, it's cute and fun but the actual cartoon is nothing to write about.
I really fucking hate those donkey lips they shove everywhere and that next to no character has a nose the same shade as the rest of their skin.
I also hate that nearly every other shot is in a different style and has different quality animations, but that's an incompetence/ retardation issue first and foremost
whats wrong with their faces
None of these kids outside the main two have any memorable designs. They're just a hodgepodge of whatever thrown together.
the art style looks like the designer used to draw a lot of porn
They're ugly
cartoon stylization?
one man wonder how nanny power suction those lips could have and how it should be used
they're all unique and fun to look at. miles better than shitty sameface anime where everyone is the same character with a different color wig.
>Dude why does this cartoon character looks zany and weird
am I talking to literal boomers in 2001 that never heard of Nickelodeon?
So... you're saying they look like the background characters in every 90s school cartoon?
>these characters are shit
Shut up, no one brought that up. There are tons of cartooon children that are appealing to look at, as well as being interesting to look at.
Ed, Edd, & Eddy, CKND, The Loud House, etc.
This one just looks like shit
see above, bar the DURRR ANIME part
Cans without Labels was shit. learn to cope.
What the fuck is Ollie's voice
she sounds congested
>Woah, why are their eyes off their heads
>why are their tongue's different colors
>why are they shaking, do they have *kek kek* parkinsons?
>is that one yellow, does he have a disease
People have bitched about any and every cartoons' style. And saying "it's shit" or "doesn't look good" is all preference. People think kids in KND had too big of hands/feet (aside from autistic footfags).
I think it looks fine, action lines are done well, facial features are exaggerated and pronounced. Silhouettes are more noticeable. You could simply say 'I don't like it' and leave it at that.
Who is Nico and why do people hate her? Super new to the controversy
>waaahh these characters look terrible
>At least it isn't anime-
Anyone who unironically spergs out about artstyles don't know what an artstyle means and just wants all cartoons to make their peepee hard.
Disregarding Nico, if this were something made in the 90s/early 2000s most of you guys would be nostalgiafagging this artstyle.
Idk I prefer fucked up donkey face over soft palette bean lime smile artstyle we're having on cartoons these days
i dont like it so your not allowed to like it eaither
You're ugly
John K and Butch Hartman are both incredibly shitty people. Both made good cartoons decades ago and are now bitter, angry old men who don't understand the current state of the industry and refuse to learn.
Takes an ugly man to build a beautiful heart user.
Did you draw this user? If not do you know the artist sauce
No, it looks like shit because the characters have no consistent proportions, have noses that don't match the tone of the rest of their body, have body parts exaggerated in a unattractive way (the lips, the hunchback multiple characters look like they have [which also fucks with several character's line of action]), and are severely held down by the show's ugly eye-barf color pallet
I gave you my reasons for disliking it, and they aren't more or less valid than someone who does like it. I was just expressing distaste
Shut up retard, I know what a fucking art style is, and while this one clearly succeeds in what it was going for, it still looks ugly as fuck. I think Flapjack looks ugly as fuck, but that's alright, because its art style was GOING for that. So fuck off with your "dumb incel, have sex!" tier argument
>it looks like shit because the characters have no consistent proportions,
>have noses that don't match the tone of the rest of their body
It could be shading of the bottom part of their nose, that's how I view it. Although the easy/meme way to view it is as tumblr nose which is how I would see anyone getting mad over something so trivial.
> have body parts exaggerated in a unattractive way
I don't think the intent was to be attractive user, especially not in a slap stick cartoon.
>he hunchback multiple characters look like they have
I've seen both episodes and only the old man, yes an OLD MAN, had a hunchback. What is this meme?
>color pallete
I'm okay with it, I could see why people think it clashes or is too vibrant.
>and while this one clearly succeeds in what it was going for, it still looks ugly as fuck. I think Flapjack looks ugly as fuck, but that's alright
Do you know the intent behind the art style each artists makes? I'd assume the final product that okay'd by the creator/character creator is based on the intent?
[children cheering]
Oh my god, boner no....
>They were literally frenchkissing
>Accusing a guy who seems interested in keeping animation in america instead of outsourcing (which is the core of a lot of a lot of the shitty practices in the modern animation industry) as "justifying the shitty practices in modern animation industry"
Is yelling at your voice actors and making them do hours of takes for a scene a good practice?
Look at the show. If you want an example, the hispanic kid with the cap's neck grow and shrink in between scenes, Ollie's back scrunched up and straightens out between scenes, and that black girl in the upper-right corner's head shrinks and grows. there being expressive and free with your artsyle, then there's not having consistents artists (which the main man admitted to), if you even have a model bible at all.
>It could be shading of the bottom part of their nose, that's how I view it. Although the easy/meme way to view it is as tumblr nose which is how I would see anyone getting mad over something so trivial.
It's not, it;s their entire nose. And I hate it because it makes the background characters look like dolls with slapped together anatomies and clothes. You can barely tell what ones' personality may be, and while this is a common problem, it's not one I want to keep seeing in shows like this.
>I've seen both episodes and only the old man, yes an OLD MAN, had a hunchback. What is this meme?
Look in the fucking OP photo, maybe I used to wrong terminology, but I'm sure there's a term for whatever was going on with Ollie's and several other's spines.
>I'm okay with it, I could see why people think it clashes or is too vibrant.
agree to disagree
>Do you know the intent behind the art style each artists makes? I'd assume the final product that okay'd by the creator/character creator is based on the intent?
While I don't know the intent, I can assume the show was going for. If I'm wrong, then so be it, but I do admit this is speculation on my part. it just doesn't feel like it's on purpose, it doesn't really lean on gross-out and it feels the teacher is trying too hard to be at least somewhat attractive
A cartoon character with obvious dick sucking lips.
do you want to get toxo?
because that's how you get toxo.
don't get your cats near your babies folks
Bare in mind there's two animators working on it, and with animation many storyboarders have noticeable differences compared to their co-workers. Even in shit like DBZ or spongebob there are details that art missing or added because of who worked on said episode. And with a show like this going off model shouldn't be that appalling.
>It's not, it's their whole nose
v bottom left second to last
And no, and exaggerated stance/extended ass is not a hunch back. Pic related would be a 'hunch back' at that point. You've ever seen Hunchback of Notre Dame where Quasimoto had a growth on his BACK? that's what that means. And lastly, who cares about the odd peanut gallery of background characters. They are made for the purpose of filling space.
>and it feels the teacher is trying too hard to be at least somewhat attractive
I'd have to ask the creator, I think she looks like a fresh out of bed public school teacher.
Natasha Weir's art is usually like this. A lot of the characters looked slumped and bed ridden, which looks great when done on canvas and print. Probably the best style that I've seen and would love to see more of. She loves to exaggerate with poses and models of characters, and honestly Ms. Bivvins does a great job with accentuating this crazy anatomical pose and stature.
Also /r/ Binnie/Eris or Ms. Butterbean, desu
>Bare in mind there's two animators working on it, and with animation many storyboarders have noticeable differences compared to their co-workers. Even in shit like DBZ or spongebob there are details that art missing or added because of who worked on said episode. And with a show like this going off model shouldn't be that appalling.
It's not appalling, it looks distracting and lazy, just like in SU and OKKO. I like it less in those shows, because trying to have serious plots in a show where the main character grow 2 feet in between scenes just doesn't work, but this still feels lazy, especially given the context. No DBZ doesn't go off model nearly as much as this show does outside of nitpicked in-betweens and far-off shots not meant to be seen up close.
>v bottom left second to last
When it comes to that black girl in the upper right corner of the bleachers and the hispanic kid with the cowlick in bottom left, it really doesn't look this it's just shadow. Maybe it's a character-by-character basis
>And no, and exaggerated stance/extended ass is not a hunch back. Pic related would be a 'hunch back' at that point. You've ever seen Hunchback of Notre Dame where Quasimoto had a growth on his BACK? that's what that means. And lastly, who cares about the odd peanut gallery of background characters. They are made for the purpose of filling space.
Yeah, I used that wrong, but their posture still looks sickly and unnatural (not to mention it's not even consistent). That was my point
>I'd have to ask the creator, I think she looks like a fresh out of bed public school teacher.
I think the hips, eyelashes, and her way of speaking are trying too hard, but maybe it's just this site corrupting my mind. Disregard this I guess
ah yes, not flavor of the month but one minute waifu show.
>OKKO. I like it less in those shows, because trying to have serious plots
>DBZ doesn't go off model nearly as much
>When it comes to that black girl in the upper right corner of the bleachers and the hispanic kid with the cowlick in bottom left, it really doesn't look this it's just shadow. Maybe it's a character-by-character basis
Well you are judging by background characters
so most likely.
>Yeah, I used that wrong, but their posture still looks sickly and unnatural
No duh, it's a cartoon. Explain what natural means in this regard because we talked about unnatural proportions and shit with cartoons you've defended in previous posts.
>this thread
Why is Yea Forums suddenly sucking Butch’s cock?
The recent plotlines (and by recent I mean up to what I've watched so far) The academy storyline is trying some serious story telling, and its starting to get distracting how Enid's height keeps changing.
I meant Super, fuck, I'm so used to people being able to tell what I'm saying by context, sorry about that. But yeah, if you can find and example of this in Super, just add it onto the pile of Q U A L I T Y that show's known for, and was ironed out near then of its run not that it got any better stroytelling wise I don't approve of it there either.
>No duh, it's a cartoon. Explain what natural means in this regard because we talked about unnatural proportions and shit with cartoons you've defended in previous posts.
It mostly looks unnatural because it's inconsistent between characters and shots of the show. So coming off of a shot where Ollie's back is upright, but then the next two have her hips sticking out that way, is incredibly jarring.
It's really amplified by the first short's obsession with that disgusting pizza and the ugly color pallet that made it stick out even more as really unnatural to me, when I don't think it was intended
You're 03bgood, resident John K cocksucker extraordinare!
Say, how do you feel about that cool Oblongs cartoon?
I think her voice actor just doesn't fit the character well at all. She sounds like she should play a jewish grandmother more than a little kid.
I remember someone saying that her voice actor was actually pretty good in videos of her doing the acting, so something must've changed after.
It's probably Nico's shitty voice directing.
Fuck off Trafon/Pieguy
This, even Grey DeLisle's delivery of the line "best photo ever" feels like being inflected all wrong and you know damn well she can voice act just fine
HE is a guy in the animation industry who was the face of the ThunderCats Roar Defense Squad. That’s literally it.
based carl being the only one without a tumblr nose
god she’s thicc
*Bear in mind
go crack open a bear casual.
I wanna nut bucketloads to that teacher but why can't the cartoon be good too?
absolutely halal qt
Oh yeah let's make our people work like rats just like Korea does. Such good idea.
Trying to make cheap animation by exploting animation students (like some studios are doing right now) and giving them not money nor credit for that is a shitty practice in current animation industry. And Nico is completely ok about that (if all the Thundercats Rawr fiasco didn't make it clear).
i mean, look at Ollie & Scoops' animation, it screams "i've been made by unpaid students".
user, all you're doing is just proving their point, no need to accuse them of being two lolcows whose opinions don't matter on Yea Forums.
John K hates Butch Hartman too. He despises that style of cartooning.
>her long shirt drapes over her giant ass
this is what does it for me
of course she has toxoplasmosis why else is she able to talk to a cat?
cute, but not at the same time.
these kind of john K derivative artstyles kind of fill me with a kind of disgust i can't get over.
would like to see her in other artstyles
So...... are the cat and the girl like sexual partners?
I don't get why he doesn't do more voice work, his voice/laugh is a gift from god.
She has a really nice design
Watching both episodes the show is...okay. Its not amazing or even that funny but its kinda cute
This. Ollie & Scoops lacks a creative voice and any show of originality. I'm sure there are countless better cartoons about a kid and their talking animal friend, pic very much related.
Even fucking Sanjay and Craig is better, and nobody likes that show
Costume Quest is underrated Kino
You ever think picasso was the cal-arts of his time?
>brown ginger
>2 toddlers in 4th grade
>at least 3 self inserts
I kinda liked that short.
>>The mandatory "refugee" in a hijab
Calm the fuck down, gramps. It's 2019, not your '50s suburban fantasy.
Yeah do you expect? That's the personality of Californian grad art students
its ok but i will require more of this pls
I can at least say that this episode was infinitely better than the first. Granted that's not hard to say. The Voice Acting still needs a lot of work in this series.
So... it begins...
how long until she gets rule 34
And yet it wasn't even his doing.
I know the credits say Nico did character design alongside Natasha Weir, but we all know the latter had far greater influence on the look of the show. I wouldn't be surprised if Binnie's fine ass was all Natasha's doing.
It literally is.
Oh, it began a month ago! Sadly, I have yet to see any full-on nude drawings or just fanart that uses those dick-sucking lips to their full potential
It's an original drawing, user. And I'm pretty sure it's from the same artist behind pic related.
Such a cute, simple outro.
Western Animation is a joke
I thought Japan was light-speed with their smut, but they got nothing when weapons-grade autism wielded by drawfags get on the case.
This show doesn't deserve such good opening and end credits.
I'd never thought I'd fall in love with this character so much that this makes me feel some things to me.
You paying tho.
Fucking Christ, Natasha knew EXACTLY what she was doing
This was clearly someone’s fetish on the crew. How could anyone consider that a “funny face”?
one word:THICC
But isn't that what nearly every artist in the industry does after months--sometimes even YEARS--of keeping their lips sealed? What Nico does isn't very different.
NDAs are a bitch and a half, user.
why am i not watching a show that has RICH in it!?!?>!>
he's not the main character, right?
because that would be TOO good....
he's.........a side character......... and.......shows up in like 2 or 3 episodes!?
user I can't let you post something so formatted so retarded and not saying anything about it. Even if I like Rich too.
That pretty much means that Nico did some sketches that she redesigned and actually made decent
Hot damn, bruddah.
She kind of gives me Klasky Csupo vibes, just very modernized, to not look as ugly.
It's like if Duckman got a modern reboot and she was a background character.
>Yea Forums gets a huge hard on for Pleakley crossdressing and draw art
>Now this teacher that looks like a transsexual Ren
how can you tell the inserts?
the ones with much more detail and californian animator hairstyles instead of 4th grader hairstyles
Stop shilling this trash cartoon.
nuh i wanna draw more TEACH.
The KND’s foot problem is only noticeable when they aren’t wearing shoes. Another problem with KND is that stupid rumble effect that is somehow extremely distracting
lol, what a homo
>saying "only zoomers hate John K" when John K was hated by his coworkers and other people in the animation industry during Ren and Stimpy's airing
>bivvins was shown as if she was an important character in the art
>some people assumed she'd get a good amount of spotlight given it's a picture day episode
>she's pretty much a background character with three scenes with her just awkwardly placed there while the designated cunt character gets most of the spotlight
and I don't think he really cared about who voices her, he just wanted candi to have a voice in it to feel important hiring these known actors.
What is a “4th grader hairstyle”?
For a split second I though based user had come back , but then I hit me how wrong I was. No offense, though.
I disagree. That’s pretty offensive, user.
This thread reeks of roastie incels.
Look how multicultural that classroom looks. Very believable.
This post reeks of empty buzzwords
how do you get internet in the boonies
Apple bottom jeans
Do you feel that the original jank-looking style of the show is looked as a sort of invitation for artists to draw bad and not good?
>imagine waking up next to that sexy bed hair
>imagine snuggling with that warm, thicc body
>imagine getting out of bed to brew her a fresh cup of coffee
i for one am loving the surge in hijab waifus one of the better benifits of the modern animation world.
>Bivvins has a soft, sweet voice
That private bathroom episode will never cease to piss me off. Why did The Loud House allow the parents to go from fun authority figures to weak doormats who are "friends" with their kids?
I'd still pump endless loads into Rita, by the way.
Honestly, yes.
I do not know how to draw at all, other than simple shapes and figures. But decided to take a shot, and god damn is she fun to draw. This art style is just so,sporadic that I enjoy the fact whether if you're shit like me, or good as it somehow is recognizable in the end.
more to CUM
This looks like a shitty version of Ren and Stimpy.
If he's a legit pedophile then why isn't he in jail?
>Nico also hates Butch Hartman
Really? Because his color theory is as awful as Hartman's "(Random pop culture thing) in Danny Phantom style!" videos. Two peas in a pod though at least BH had the balls to call out the Soros shittery in the industry rather than defend it.
Did Smorky drew this?
So she would clearly be a lopsided, puffy nipple, banana boobs lady, right?
It takes major balls to allow Steven to finally physically mature with a brand new design.
Modern CN may be a shitty disappointment most of the time, but I've gotta give 'em props for that.
He hates people when it's cool to do that. Just like he's happy to throw john k under the rug yet the inspiration is obvious.
american Raita?
>Nico Colaleo vs. Butch Hartman
All right, Yea Forums. Who makes the better web show?
>Ollie & Scoops
she's supposed to have a deep and sultry but slightly raspy milf voice REEEEE
R-Rick and Morty
/ll/ when?
And yet not a single Asian
Hey now, I love deep, sultry MILF voices as much as the next guy, but I think Candi Milo still did a pretty good job. Her voice-over work's reason I wanna fuck Goat, after all.
I didn't expect Bivvins to sound this cute, but I like what I'm hearing.
You don't know that. Not every Asian cartoon character needs to have squinty eyes, my dude.
>Now this teacher that looks like a transsexual Ren
Hopefully the giant Jenny/Tootie looking chick kills them.
I agree.
She is really fucking ugly though with her foreskin lips
>Ollie and Scoops
>3k viewers
>Butch's thing
>millions of vies each
ITS NOT FUCKING FAIR, fellow Pie/g/oys!!! Hartchad.... won
she looks like an adult lydia
calm down son, it's just a drawing
>little muslim girl
I wonder how badly her parents would beat her if she removed her hijaber.
I liked it
Don't care too much for whatever drama seems to be surrounding it but the mc is cute.Don't like the cats voice much but it was nice to watch. Kinda reminds me of Loud House
But do you actually like his cartoon?
screw you that episode was hilarious, and the parents have only become more interesting overtime with more personality, their own hobbies and interests, arches( at least for the dad ), and solo episode. You can feel they nolonger feel like the parents they were before (which i kinda dissagree) but what we have now i think are better characters, not that they were bad before.
Your pathetic attempt at a "joke" ammuses me unironically.
He loved John K!
fucking hell half these little turds look like Shmorky the pedo's "klufts" I can't stand this.
Because this is a Christian imageboard
He flaunts it every chance he gets, I don’t see any of his peers gloating the way he does. He’s a social climber attention whore.
looks nothing like his art
>has a soft, whispery, tiny baby voice
Man, what a completely bland idea for a cartoon show.
Anime face has a market and is very attractive. Meanwhile the Ren and Stimpy clones are fucking boring and appeal to the most low common denominator. Sure it returned animation back to it's non-toy commercial roots. But it's extremely outdated now and serves no purpose.
>That anatomy
This, it's yet another generic John K-inspired show that lacks creativity. Nobody finds "funny faces" and other third grade-tier humor hilarious anymore. When are we going to get more story based or action themed animation? I'm sick of these shitty "le kids" tropes.
>muh action!
>muh story!
Face it, kiddo. Cartoons are mainly for kids, and just because they don't cater to you doesn't mean jack shit. Not all cartoons have to be the Timmverse, and not all of them have to be the western Evangalion.
God, Apple and Onion was so fucking bland.
Even the creator couldn't the describe the main characters because they're so boring.
Go buy a can of Folgers and try a cup. Then try to figure out how you want to dispose of the rest of the can of grounds, while also imagining teachers that have to choke that dishrag water down every day if they want to fit coffee into their budget.
Literally the first I'm hearing of this. What the fuck am I looking at?
that sounds like something their neighbor would say..........
Based. Goat is unironically god-tier wife material
God I hate the little girl's voice.
>When are we going to get more story based or action themed animation?
Buddy, you do realize that most American animation is made for kids, right? And from there, practically every kids' cartoon (and adult cartoon) needs to aim for comedy first and foremost, right? Hell, even the serialized or lore-heavy shows like Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Final Space, BoJack, and Amphibia still need a strong focus on having likable characters making funny jokes.
The animation medium is rarely ever given much freedom to go full serious mode. Don't be surprised when most cartoons have a lot of comedy. But you do still have the occasional superhero cartoon from Marvel or DC, as well as lots of foreign animation. Ever hear of Lastman?
Also, Genndy's been cooking something up for us that might be more your style: youtube.com
The cartoons you're looking for are there; you just have to look a little harder for them.
It's basically pure distilled CalArts. It's not bad, but holy shit is it generic.
any waifers?
100% true.
It’s every succesful cartoon of the 2010s put into a blender. It’s not horribly bad, it’s just amazingly derivative.
I’m pretty sure using your mental disorder as a excuse for being a piece of shit doesn’t work
>I don't get why he doesn't do more voice work
Probably because he's a youtube meme man and not an experienced professional VA in any way.
>foreskin lips
That’s just O&S’s quirky art style. Natasha Weir gave us a god-tier waifu, but her dick-sucking lips are seriously enough to hold you back?
C’mon, user. Have you never wondered why people can still find Linda Belcher or any number of the Matt Groening women attractive ? You’ve gotta be more open to different mouth shapes, whether it’s a Groening-style overbite or the complete lack of a chin. There are no limits to waifus when it comes to 2D design.
If anything looks like a transsexual Ren it's the blonde alpha bitch character.
not even lewdable by the horniest of drawfags.
das it mane
i think i like the tired look of her
the one that says "yes, i go home wanting bed and rough sex"
I'm take this if you don't mind. Want to go fishing soon and my bucket is running low.
Wait. Craig McCracken’s making a new show? For Netflix?
I just realized I've been drawing the back of her shirt wrong like a dumbass.
Yes, called Kid Cosmic, which we don’t have any real pictures of.
How much do you want to bet Rob Renzetti fucking hates Nico?
I've seen this exact post with this exact image more than a few times now.
it was meh
teacher's cute
this is some dorse shit
I can't tell if the teacher is supposed to be old or young. Also her seafoam green pants look awful with the rest of her design
1) She's 29
2) Seafoam green with her olive green is the best colour choice, resonates with the 90s very well.
Cool. I don't know how good it will be, but Craig's cartoons are always conceptually different from eachother, so it must be interesting.
Does the show take place in the 90s?
Can't be, the babysitter was doing a pizza review livestream in the first episode
Stacy was doing livestream pizza reviews in the first episode AND Ollie ordered a pizza via Stacy's smartphone.
It's very 90s esque, but it does take place in current day most likely. But, if she's canonically 29, she would have been born in 90/91.
Ollie has a phone, Stacy was streaming a review.
that tweet feels so condescending
She reminds me of white geese.
The worst part is that he could totally avoid bothering him if he would just wear some fucking headphones
>the popular bratty girl is uglier than the MC
Fucking dropped, fuck this shitty self-insert garbage.
GODDD, why is Rita Loud so THICCCC
Checked and you made me spit out my water, fuck.
I read somewhere that Kid Cosmic’s art style might be influenced by Hergé comics. Pic related may or may not be a character from the show.
I know before it was officially announced Craig said in an interview that it's a bit more grounded in terms of the characters' writing and relationships than his other shows (which are all very wacky and without much in the way of relatable situations) and mentioned Hergé and Peanuts as inspirations
It’ll also be serialized from the get-go.
What’s it to you, Dr. Seuss?
Based Genndy saving western animation yet again
Ollie & Scoops?
More like Ungodly & Poops!
The joke may be that Julia is balding due to stress. After all, she is head of student council, yearbook, photography club, juggling club, etc.
Muslims make up less than 1% of the American population. If you wanted to be inclusive, just add a Hispanic character since those are actually a growing population. Apart from Victor and Valentino, can you name a show currently airing that has any reperesentation from that group?
There’s actually a growing market for action cartoons. Mostly because they’re the least likely to get attention. Making the same EEnE or RAS clones gets so tiresome eventually. Nobody in the future is going to be interested in “Generic kids go on generic adventure while making disgusting faces”
This sadly, We need more Genndys in the world. Not Rebecca Sugars or John Ks.
problem is the west has found itself virtually unable to compete with the east, so execs have virtually given up
>implying most western animators and execs give a fuck about the east
deepest lore
The Loud House S4?
Rick and Morty Season 4 AND an original adult epic from Papa Genndy?
[adult swim] is being too generous. This fall is gonna rock.
why can't eh show be about this?
just him slappin huge asses....
>We need more Genndys in the world. Not Rebecca Sugars
Oh, fuck off.
Rebecca’s done so much for animation:
>proved that kids’ cartoons shouldn’t feel the need to talk down to their target audience, but rather feel free to challenge their audience with deep themes and important, universal morals
>showed that it’s possible to explore mature ideas while still keeping them family-friendly
>normalized gay romance and how it shouldn’t be shunned as “inappropriate for children,” especially when Disney regular covers romance stories
We need more creators like Rebecca Sugar. Have you seen how directly involved she is with her show? She helps write every episode’s outline, she writes [beautiful AND meaningful] songs, and she occasionally storyboards well into SU’s fifth season. How many show creators can you name who care this deeply about their product?
my only genuine complaint is how she let some people stomp all over the show, like how zuke made two of the gems do nothing for a majority of their time in the show.
>*loses fedora*
>*hits mountain dew vape pen*
>proved that kids’ cartoons shouldn’t feel the need to talk down to their target audience, but rather feel free to challenge their audience with deep themes and important, universal morals
This is nothing new and other shows have done this better
>showed that it’s possible to explore mature ideas while still keeping them family-friendly
Most of the times it's done this it botched the execution by making the message unclear or over shot the family friendly values and caused the message to lose it's gravity
>normalized gay romance and how it shouldn’t be shunned as “inappropriate for children,” especially when Disney regular covers romance stories
It did this in the worst way possible by putting those relationships on a pedestal and shoved conventional relationships to the side. If you're going to normalize gay and unorthodox relationships then show them casually alongside typical ones and don't try to downplay the heterosexual ones like it's poison to your homosexual ones. The only normal couple in the series is Connie's parents and they have very little presence in the show.
>shoved conventional relationships to the side
>downplayed the heterosexual ones like it's poison to their homosexual ones
What is RosexGreg, StevenxConnie, LarsxSadie? And that’s not to mention Sour Cream’s family, too. Quit talking out of your ass.
One of Rebecca’s main goals with this series was specifically to have a gay romance portrayed in a beautiful and approachable way much like those of classic children’s romance stories. She felt that was unfairly treated as inappropriate subject matter in most media. It’s only fair that Ruby and Sapphire’s relationship (as well as Pearl’s feelings toward Rose) got lots of attention, but don’t act like that took up the majority of the series.
Some of the ugliest shit ever, it looks like the character designer picked through 6 years of her art for the designs, thus resulting in terrible art direction
>rose and greg take a backseat to gay gems
>steven and connie take a backseat to stevonnie
>lars and sadie separated, legbutt community tries to force "lars is trans" headcanon
>sour cream is portrayed as coming from a broken home
>lesbian ships portrayed as beautiful and pure
>look at us shoving our unconventional lifestyles that violate society's shitlord norms--LESBIAN KIIISS! *MWA* OWO
>fuck da h8rs luv is love
But the art's cute, though....
that doesn't seem to stop anyone else
Eh, it's more about how he's using said faith to scam people. If Butch believes in robo-jesus, that's completely cool i guess.
I actually Ollie and Binnie’s designs. They’re simultaneously cute and quirky. Julia Goldburger’s is admittedly a little weird (especially the nose and unfortunate choice of colors for her pants), but I still like how exaggerated and cartoony she looks.
I can’t speak too highly of the classmates seen here: , but the show’s cats have much more appealing designs, in my opinion.
your post is dumb but rose is fucking dead lol
>But the art's cute, though....
>that one episode where pink diamond/rose screams "STOP DEADNAMING MEEE SHITLORD!!!" at the top of xer lungs
ha. I almost forgot about that. that shit was hilarious.
Fuck you, I laughed.
>someone had the audacity to actually make this because someone didn't like he liked
There's a special fucking place for you in Hell, user.
still would.
Looks like someone doesn’t know what STYLIZATION is.
She looks like she needs her face covered in cum.
>wheelchair somehow improves the character design
>I don’t get payed enough for this *sips*
>character has obvious back and neck problems and a spastic face
spines don't look like that outside of genetic conditions, user. whoever drew this needs to go back to art school and retake life-drawing because damn, I feel sorry for that chick.
How would you improve the character?
already did
Not him, but the mouth is literally the only thing bothering me.
No joke, I really mean how would you improve the character so she could look appealing.
Again, it’s called STYLIZATION.
They’re taking creative liberties with characters’ designs that you just don’t agree with is all. Miss Bivvins’s look is supposed to read “chill, eternally tired teacher.”
also made some good points.
Seconding for that response. I’ve heard of the droopy lip complaint, but is that really the only thing that’s getting some anons’ titties in a twist?
I personally love the design, but I wanna hear some of the legit negatives.
Unironically this. The slumped, tired look is a keeper and works very well as a teacher. Teachers look like this.
Less hunched, and more tight to where she's standing more proportionate.
>Again, it’s called STYLIZATION.
Again, if people see something, and think it looks like shit, that thing will still look like shit.
Congrats, or whatever, if you love looking at it, but maybe some other people don't.
he can't waifu her if she's not generic enough
>Miss Bivvins’s look is supposed to read “chill, eternally tired teacher.”
lol Keep posting, though.
first, fix her posture and bring her arms down by her sides because it looks like someone kicked her square in the ass. next reduce the size of her lips because they make her look like she's tucking her chin due to ALS.
found the intern
She literally is supposed to be a chill, lax teacher.
Just how stupid are you, or are you legitimately that delusional to not read her character description?
people drawing porn of any cartoon here, and anywhere on the internet, is literally the same shit you're getting butthurt over, bunny-boy
Who said I was getting butthurt you fucking spastic? If anything, all these (You)'s you're giving to all of us are making your point weaker and weaker.
>she could probably succk my dicck inside out
thats fucking lood user, stay after class to talk about this
Her ribs aren't visible and he said banana boobs not balloon boobs
Here we go!
>why people can still find Linda Belcher attractive
it's the desperation to be Bob's whore in her voice
epic for the win broheim
raita draws banana tits!
the fuck raita have you been looking at?
Why do people still meme that like this is some new occurrence? This thread didn't even start it.
The same reason why people still post "sneed" or "based". It's a free bump.
It’s also the big tits and fat ass.
>this artist chose to draw Ollie lewds instead of Miss Bivvins lewds
Fucking WHY?
You have autism and you are a faggot.
That pic is like 6 months old user.
Which character?
Yeah the posture and the way she's holding her hands makes her look like a hunched over old lady when she's supposed to be a younger woman
>Those hipps
>Those LIPPS
>That head shape
>The pose
She's perfect
I apologize for leaving those out
Aw fuck, I can't unsee it now.
Still would.
FUCK ME Yea Forums
Flavor of the Month: Roger Edition
Roger has a 100x better design.
She’s had 11 kids, senpai. And if her and Lynn Sr.’s current love life is any indication, a 12th one will soon be on the way...
>extra filling outside of her second pregnancy
Dear lord
lol this guy seriously doesn't understand what a cartoon is
obviously neither does the creator of this trainwreck
That's the face of a man who has definitely touched a little girl before.
Did you enjoy Midsommar, Yea Forums?
Natasha's art justs looks so pretty no matter how crazy her character design is.
Crazy that she did a Midsommar reference using Julia.
both episodes, a red cat in the pizza story, the vendor in the funny face one
mike is also in the pizza story
The only cunny you need to remember is the MC, the arched back blonde and Ms. Mime
>canonically 29
>born in 91
Nico flaunting his NDAs again lmao
name of episode please
This nigga would probably go ballistic if he saw Titeuf
Why is that ugly thing in so much porn
She would have already been 29 turning 30 in '90 or just turned 29 if she was born in 91'.
>rita doesn't look like this or more by 11 kids
I was about to ask if there's art of the cunny yet but now I don't have to
>thinking every woman will grow and develop the same.
Have sex.
Read a book.
Ect ect.
mein nigga
Where's the third one from?
I don't think I've every wanted to punch an avatar so hard before.
Linda Belcher is by far the best FOX Animation MILF. There, I said it.
Is anyone else bothered by the opening? I just don't like the way she gets in a running pose to a cat that's literally right fucking next to her. The movements just make it feel really off and there's something about the timing of it all that just makes it look wrong. Not sure how to fully articulate this but something just feels off about it.
>I have autism
What even is this thread
Not for long...
>Final Space
>show a tearjerking, emotionally-scarring flashback
>tag on Gary’s annoying quips throughout said flashback to try and add comedy to the drama
Why does Olan think this is okay?
Why do you hate fun?
Were these characters designed using Bitstrips?
How does this compare to pic related? Is Nico showing any signs of improvement since his first web series?
Leave it up to Yea Forums to sexualize fetal alcohol syndrome.
Why do we suddenly like nico now
I've only seen American animation achieve the ability to draw pretty much every child in every cartoon as a hideous monster. Now that's talent.
because nico nico nii~
Oh, boy! A new FOX animated sitcom!
I sure hope it has a lengthy run lasting more than one season
source please, nothing in paheal
you dumb fuck
>the crazy artsyle with the aggressive body stance
What are you talking about?
Children in real life -are- hideous monsters,
If Nico really knew his audience, he’d start selling some Miss Bivvins items, too. Perhaps a dakimakura? Please, somebody needs to draw this
would you get this pin?
Terrible can you draw mrs bivvins naked next?
i want to see porn of julia, just because
Daki project,
Nico's 100% a lolicon, he talks about "cuties" and "cute girls" being one of the best things about cartoons in the context of trying to promote this show in reference to Ollie and he even draws himself as the little girl
>Yea Forums really wants to stick their dick into this: school teacher version
yes, you shoul've known years ago
I'm glad the show's best animators always post their shots so I dont have to contribute to his view count for them
He only made this show to make a loli and have other people drawn porn for him, I now get why he spent so much of his own money on it
>make loli show
>they only wanna fuck the teacher
honestly she is really cute
and has a big booty too
I'd get a print.
If nico was less of a kiss ass and embraced his perverted side id respect him more. Imagine if he decided to make cheesecake shows for Yea Forums.
Then he would alienate all of his mid-20s woke female animator friends that he gravitates towards for no nefarious reason whatsoever
Fuck off. Bivvins is the one with the big booty. Leave the little girl alone.
>Then he would alienate all of his mid-20s woke female animator friends that he gravitates towards for no nefarious reason whatsoever
None of those people like him anyways, hes a cartoonish stalker and the sooner he realizes that the better for him.
He said he would be more than open to drop merch for Binnie and Julia especially as a pin but he would want to wait until the show blooms a bit more, then it's Bivvins pins for days.
What’s worse is that the latest S2 episode proves he still hasn’t learned that it’s a bad method for mixing comedy and drama. Dude needs to understand that Gary doesn’t have to be the comic relief 24/7.
>Even with just alf of that it's at least 6 feet long, and probably ways as much as the rest of her body
>tfw she'll never let it all flop out on top of you
>tfw she'll never excitedly try to force the whole thing inside you while eating your ass, unaware of it's cartoonishly huge nature.
>the pedophile that begged for tranny cock
preorders open 9am pacific on saturday 13
Hot damn, I better get on the ball.
if you're going to attention-whore, why are doing it in that size and fuzzy-ness?
just 4u.
Pretty much any female can become a FOTM waifu on Yea Forums.
But I love her, unironically my first waifu.
nice ol nut
In the workshop until tomorrow.
welp here's the rough sketch, but first i gotta finish muh works.
You are a blessing~~
Pretty good.
>They make up less the population so they might as well be treated like they don't exist
If this makes me a cuck then fuck me sideways, daddy
I get the feeling you wouldn't find this a problem if you agreed with the views
Okay I've heard a lot about how he's so smug but all I can gather is that he's made jokes ya'll thought were offensive, like make a pin titled "childhood ruiner" as if that's something to be mad at him for.
You don't have to find it funny but having your childhood "ruined" because of calarts should be the least of your concerns.
So can someone repill me on Nico on why you don't like him, besides his twitter icon that he doesn't have anymore?
>Muslims make up less than 1% of the American population.
And characters in hijabs in cartoons make up even less than that, so calm the fuck down.
SU's morals are so fucking confusing and muddled when you have shit like "let's forgive literal space Hitler's" but characters like Kevin deserve to be hated and laughed at.
>Professional animator puts in fucking corks to block him out
does having kids actually increase breast size?
Yes, but they do shrink back to normal eventually, idk about the lower half though
I like cyborgs to.
do you wanna die
You mean you wouldn't break about working with people you look up to?
If not that thats fine but Jesus if you really think Rob puts corks in his ears then you might as well believe that Rob thinks he's actually Jenny
Didn’t they humanize Kevin in the episode where he invited Stevonnie to his party but ended up bringing Steven and Connie back together?
Did she just french a cat?
The whole tone of the comic is smug and like he doesn’t care that he’s bothering a true professional (who worked on tons of the shows he grew up with and whose time management and varied technical skills including doing all the sheet timing are literally what saved Alex Hirsch from missing his deadlines and getting fired from GF) when he could spare Rob the annoyance of having to listen to his poorly directed drivel if he would just put on a pair of fucking headphones. He’s probably blasting Ollie & Scoops over the speakers because in his mind he hopes that someone important will come over, think it’s funny and offer him his own Netflix show, when in reality they’re all just pissed at him
Jesus Christ, dude it's just a jokey comic with two friends playing around. How did you assume all that?
Eric Bauza is seriously the busiest person in the Voice Over world right now
Do you think he shows rob XJ-9 porn?
He probably fires off references to the Zone flash while Rob tells him repeatedly to stop
Love, the kind you clean up with a mop and bucket
Like the lost catacombs of Egypt
Only God knows where he stuck it~
>”hey rob, wanna come to my party next week? Its gonna rock”
>”gotta drink up the mineral water rob, dont want to miss your daily allowance of iron”
>”that looks like a delicious creampie in the fridge, whos is it”
>”nico for godssake please my wife is at the office today”
Not as much as I was hoping but still pretty enjoyable. The visuals were the best part.
Is Nico trying to get himself blacklisted from the feature film industry?
When u go see-through and she keep suckin
i would link the pic but it keeps saying im posting spam, and i don't know why :(
Nobodys gonna look at Linguini and think Jewish, dude. Your psyop was shit.
At last give the artist name or give a non-url link
i'm pretty sure the artist's name is Dop.
that IS cute, though
>LITERALLY the blue hair from Life is Strange
>liking Mcfarlane designs
I know American Dad is the better of his shows, but his character designs are generic and shit.
And people said John K would never get back on his feet
>nothing but futa lolis with oversized dongs
But i still found the source, so thanks anyway.
>imagine putting your ear up to the bathroom door listening to her loud coffee shits
Aw, you could’ve done better than that, Mung.
I’m liking what I see so far
Wait are you actually selling a daki of her because hot damn this is good so far
yes the price is a (you)
Your (you) good sir
yes, depending on the lady they can get HUGE and shrink back like 1 cup size or get big and shrink back to the nothing they started with.
its all genes man.
Gettin' in here before the thread goes kaput.
Can you draw mrs bivvin holding out her tits please?
mal is so big now.
i'd say it's almost bordering on grotesque.
something about her still gets me though
me on the right
ayy, i recognize that style
good job
i like ollie but hate scoops
I don't think I've had such a hard time breathing like this in a while.
cool, im going to nut to this
It's content like this that makes life worth living.
Thank you both so much, thank you for bringing this beautiful into our lives.
this show is just not funny man no way kids older than 6 like this shit right? fuck
Maybe the cartoon clearly made for kids is actually supposed to appeal to kids?
She's the hottest she's ever been in my opinion. The growth of her belly is starting to outpace her boobs and ass, and that's great.
as if any child in the age range that would find this cartoon appealing has seen it
You have NO idea if that's the case, and it's not like that matters to start with.
This is a children's show. For children.
Not saying it's beyond criticism, but you are gonna have to do a better job that stating facts about the target demographic.
>tfw I was worried it’d be Ollie lewds
>mfw I see that it’s actually so much fucking better than I could’ve hoped for
Thanks so much, man
>tfw I was worried it’d be Ollie lewds
>clicks on it anyway.
Suuuuuure user.
>TFW i actually like nicos style
Hes got talent, if he wasnt such a suck up douche maybe Yea Forums would love him
I enjoyed the orgy scene, I’ll tell you that much
unf, nice.
>TFW I actually like Natasha Weir’s style
FTFY. Have you actually seen Nico Colaleo’s art? Come back when you have and let me know what you think.
This is unbelievably unfunny but HOLY FUCK that teacher.
Nah, 90 is the latest, 91 would be 28
This post perfectly sums up Nico.
order now and get a cuppa, extra strong!
free lewds are free lewds, user.
you take what you can get
Fucking lovely.
This thread's been deeply blessed.
>this is what happened to Janna
death was better
please for the love of god where i can follow any of you, your works are amazing
Nah, that's Chloe from Life is Strange.
>I have been constantly thinking about Binnie for two weeks straight now
>every single chance I get to take I imagine her
>Her subtlety in the world. Her warmth, her charm of her body, soul and mind.
>When I fall asleep, I feel that warmth cuddling around me like if she was truly underneath my covers.
>The smell of coffee now makes me increasingly more arroused.
>I can't listen to music involving romantic events because I imagine her tuning in with me.
>I have become evermore silent, no one needs to know what's going on.
>I can now hear her snore, sneeze, giggle, sigh from Caffeine-induced palpitations, murmur in sleep, breathe.
>I smile every time I'm in my sleep because of her.
This character is fucking killing me, and I think I accidentally created a Tulpa. I just wanted to get that off my chest because my chest was literally being crushed by this weight. I know this is probably an /r9k/ or shitty, autistic drunken ballad by someone on /x/. But God damn, it hurts.
Okay, but do the artists have any actual pages or galleries to follow?
Ah, you have sunken deep into the never-ending abyss of waifuism.
There is no turning back.
Embrace it.
I like the organic shapes for the characters. Not as likeable as the class designed for Clarence, but still better than some other shows.
Very very nice.
These designs make me vomit.
God, I love the look of sweaty tits and/or a sweaty fat ass
I'm sorry you're a weak bitch with a terrible constitution.
It's a mixed bag overall.
Ollie herself looks cute, the blonde bitch looks fucking repulsive.
If the teacher didn't have that droopy mouth her design might work.
Based terrible, youre too good for this site
glad ya liked it bumbos..
Could've been better, honestly.
If you can't pick out at least two of them just from looking at the styles, then just terminate yourself, my man.
Or lurk more. I don't know.
it can always be better!