how fucked is everyone else?
Wolverine gets vibranium instead of adamantium
He kinda has, adamantium is vibranium mixed with other metals, much like Caps shield.
But adamantium is an inferior copy of the shields league.
not much of a difference if cap's shield is any indication, hell wasn't adamantium a byproduct of vibranium?
Not at all? Contrary to what the movies are saying, admantium is stronger than the vibranium you see
Wolverine gets Uru instead of Vibranium.
How fucked is everyone?
>Closest thing is Adamantine laced James Howlett
Wolverine gets Anti-metal
How fucked is Magneto?
Cap's shield is an unknown vibranium alloy though. Vibranium on its own is a lot weaker than adamantium.
It would be excruciating for him because of the way vibranium stores shock right?
His healing factor would be even better, because he wouldn't have adamantium poisoning. So better healing factor + asgardian metal.
I thought Adamantium was a failed attempt at making Vibranium
>we will never get another Howlett story
it hurts
Adamantium was the best they could come up with while trying to recreate the vibranium alloy that became Cap's shield. Adamantium itself has no vibranium in it since it doesn't have the kinetic energy absorbing properties of vibranium.
Eh, they had to turn him into a faggot. Fuck that shit and fuck you.
>implying being gay had any baring on Howletts character
Did Alexander the great get diminished in your eyes because he slept with men too?
Wolverine gets ANTARTIC vibranium.
How fucked is everyone else?
Say that where a Greek can hear you.
Wait, Logan is constantly feeling metal poisoning? that sucks
What if Wolverine got Carbon instead?
Was he the bottom?
Well... at least you’re honest.
Wolverine gets kuru from joining the Clinton campaign. How fucked is his prognosis?
wolverine gets 2 cocks on his anus, how fucked is he?
Why do you think he's so fucking pissed all the time.
Does that mean Logan bounces if you throw him hard enough?
He has a healing factor right?
I guess it could heal his brain disease
Manlets, when will they learn?
>adamantium is vibranium mixed with other metals,
> Wolverine gets cheetos instead of adamantium
He FUCKED men, the Greeks considered fucking men fine as long as you didn't flaunt it around. It was getting fucked that was shameful as fuck, it was for slaves and other lower members of society.
He would get fucked because of the energy, his brain would be fried, also that one is poisonous if I remember
how tall is he actually?
Always thought 6 foot
I’m sure he will in the MCU
and weapon X will have something to do with stark industries of course
5'3'' or something like that.
Captain America’s mighty Shield is made of proto-adamantium, an alloy containing vibranium and some other stuff, that the creator accidentally made, meaning nobody can duplicate it.
Adamantium is an alloy inspired by proto-adamantium, and isn’t quite as strong, plus it has some different versions as well.
True, or peimary adamantium is almost as strong as proto-adamantium, and after it solidifies, cannot become molten again, unless you got magic or reality warping stuff involved, although Antarctic vibranium can still liquify it.
Secondary adamantium, or adamantium steel, is a considerably weaker, but still pretty strong alloy, that’s less expensive and easier to work with.
Adamantium beta is what true adamantium turns into when it’s bonded with Wolverine’s bones, and is molecularly different from true adamantium, but just as strong, and while it’s still poisonous, it doesn’t inhibit anything about the bones.
And some universes separate from 616 have their own versions, like 6160’s adamantium, which is nowhere near as durable as 616 true adamantium, since Hulk can break it, and it also can be used to block telepathy. And there are still more multiversal adamantiums that aren’t the exact same as 616 adamantium, but I don’t have time to explain all of them.
Oh, there’s also Carbonadium, an alloy invented by the Soviets, which is more flexible and cheaper, but is also radioactive, and not quite as strong as true adamantium, but still pretty difficult to break, and is even better at inhibiting healing factors than adamantium.