2019...............i am..........forgotten
2019...............i am..........forgotten
Shit movie.
oh god I just remembered how much it fucking sucked
>Shit guise, it has been 10+ years how do we live up to the hype
>What if we literally mindwipe and retcon everything and everyone to get them to relearn all the moral lessons from part 1
>Let them fight a street level bitch as the main villain too
I wonder what the fuck were they thinking
Shit movie, so it's not a surprise.
I waited 14 years for this, why.
The only thing the movie will be remembered and the reason why we want a sequel.
wery low quality bait
Could’ve played it safe and done a timeskip
At least Violet was cute .
It was forgotten... as soon as it premiered.
>Brad! Make the fucking movie already!
>Uhhh... ok?
Good movie, bad sequel
5th highest grossing cape movie of all time.
It was never intended to be a Timeless Classic that you obsessed over your whole life like some demented Star Wars faggot.
Why are Disney sequels always subp-I mean uh, inadequate?
i feel this, i enjoyed the experience but afterward when i actually review and contrast against the original its just not a particularly great sequel
>It was forgotten... as soon as it premiered.
user, it made more in it's #2 weekend than Shazamwow made in it's premier weekend.
It came really close to equaling Shazamwow's opening on its third weekend.
Seethe more.
>“I don’t at all put John in a category with Weinstein,” he continues. “You’re navigating a world where men have acted a certain way for thousands of years. Way too late, but all of a sudden, they’re expected to change that on a dime and it’s necessary and it’s right. But it’s a little bit a gray area. It’s not as hard of a cut as people want to make it. I’m an old friend of John’s and I don’t see him in black and white. I see him as a person like anyone else. He was a person who was very protective of us at a time when we needed it. So my feelings are a little bit more complicated.”
Now we know the REAL reason why Spider-Verse won the Oscar instead of Incredibles 2.
Far From Home was better
Nah mate it was bad.
>tfw they show Violet barefoot
>you can't see her feet because the camera is so far away
feels bad, man.
havent seen it.
all I remember are those fucking violet threads.
is it worth a watch?
Not a great sequel but still an enjoyable movie on it's own. People overhyped themselves expecting a sequel to surpass the first movie.
So now that the dust has settled was Incredibles 2 nothing but a big feminist propaganda film?
take a closer look at the image why don't you.
What the fuck does that image mean? Are those budgets? Opening weekends?
>is it worth a watch?
Not really. Aside from some actions scenes that are decent to good, everything felt like a step down from the first movie. Especially the writing. It's not as bad as Toy Story 4, but it was still a disappointment. The short Bao before the movie was much better than the entire movie itself.
he means he's retarded and numbers = quality.
It's a money propaganda film, that instructs you to give Pixar money
If you enjoy animation and all that jazz go for it. It's not really that horrible of a movie, just average story with great fight scenes. The internet got hysteric when it wasnt the perfect sequel, even though most of the time sequels arent always as great as the first movie.
Folks expected things to follow up on the end of the first film
"Hey Superheros are back, now we get to see how that is handled."
>Film stagnates and drags out the issue over the entire film, pretty much repeating the first film beat for beat but with Helen.
Just like Force Awakens
it's a bleh money-maker sequel
This movie would be good if Helen was an interesting character.
It's amazing how much a single innocent looking image can disgust me.
the incredibles 2 stops at the underminer scene
it's not innocent in the first place
If you remove all context you could easily see this on some normie ass meme about fathers loving their daughters.
Yes because you're shit. One of the worst Pixar movies, right up there with the dinosaur thingy.
Good it's a shit movie.
Too late
14 years too late.
sure, but only if you are a retard
get yourself some better webm's user
I've always wondered, what is that bulge under her waist band? Is it like lower belly fat or something?
>incredibles 2 released
>everyone blasted it to the moon in riot
>toy story 4 release
>everyone rave it in appraisal and calling movie of the decades
Why is that?
My biggest gripe are how most of the cast get no further development, the one being shat on the most was Dash. In the 1st I loved the philosophical implication of whether or not its okay to compete knowing that your will always win, no matter how hard anyone trains they will NEVER be as fast as him. They could've easily follwed it up with Dash either getting tired of holding back (like he did in the 1st movie), or getting bored of his dreams all together knowing that he can never lose.
that's how body's work user
Exactly, they expected too much since most sequels can't reach up to par. This movie was actually supposed to come out this year too, if anything I wouldn't be surprised if they got rushed all of the sudden when Pixar announced its date got switched with Toy Story 4s. Who knows, that extra year may have benefited them.
Toy story is an older franchise that had 3 previous movies under it's belt and was given an extra year to work on its 4th installment.
It's practically Pixars love child and has a lot more care put into it.
>haha wow she bumped her electric motorbike
>which she of course already knew how to ride from her past, which Bob and the viewer don't know about
>then later drives it like a fucking trapeze artist through high-rise buildings and construction sites, detaching and slinging the wheels to make jumps, 90 degree turns, fly through windows, etc.
Ok user let's be real, feminist propoganda is one thing but Helen exists to be jerked off in this movie.
Spider-Verse won because it's a much better movie
Haven't seen the movie, why did they make her so thicc?
It was decent.
I'm still hoping for an incredibles three.
The big issue is just that the villain wasn't nearly as good as 1's.
>Superhero is good at being a superhero
yeah such bullshit amirite
point is she's not the only superhero in existence. and yet the movie takes her and makes her focal point and what you do you know, it's fucking boring.
kill yourself
Bob was good at being a super hero but he was shitty in other ways because of it.
>shoots her
>she's thrown out of the plane
With that and the mask, they had to know
also haha did anyone else get hard in the theater haha
>point is she's not the only superhero in existence. and yet the movie takes her and makes her focal point
yes user, that's typically how movies work
Wonder why Edna didn't make her new suit?
They were thinking we have to do a sequel since everyone's begging for it, when the passion of the project died long ago and everyone already knows that pixar sequels generally don't go well
>Meanwhile Spiderverse is still talked about and wildly beloved
It's nice that justice really does happen sometimes
Quality doesn’t matter to the Academy. It’s all politics and shilling.
>flat chest
>big hips and thighs
She needed a stronger motive. Plus they shouldn't have wasted time with revealing who the villain was, it's better to just show who it is from the start.
Also maybe they should age the characters up if they do a 3rd movie (this one made tons of money), I want to see that new age of supers.
Otherwise, make a tv show like they did with Big Hero 6.
She wasn't as fun as the comics villain they were rehashing either.
Who can forget that awesome raccoon?? Biggest part of the show.
Dare ya to post the rest. :^)
The best thing to come out of it was the reaction images
What rest?
Because one was a good sequel and the other wasn't. What part of this is hard to understand? People didn't hate Incredibles 2 because it was a sequel, they hated it because it sucked balls.
It was a rehash of the first movie with some minor adjustments, like having Helen go to work instead of Bob. Wow we really needed a sequel for this shit, they even used mind wiping to rehash the Tony Rydinger subplot. Soap opera level writing. If that's your idea of decent then you have no standards.
A superhero sequel should blow your fucking socks off, X-Men 2, Spiderman 2, Superman 2, The Dark Knight. I could go on, imagine if any of those sequels was just "decent". It would kill the franchise, and justifiably.
How can you play it any more safe than reusing the script for the first movie you retarded shill?
They were thinking of a cashgrab because Pixar is shit now. If they gave a fuck about the fans they would've made this movie ten years ago.
>a superhero sequel surpassing the first movie
Yeah that's never happened before haha. haha. ha. Fuck off you pathetic disney shill.
I wouldn't go that far, I2 at least has some action scenes that make for good youtube clips. What's worth watching in The Good Dinosaur?
Pretty boring. But SCREENSLAVER is a badass name
How thick would a grown up violet be?
Too much focus on the baby. I hate babies.
>first movie ends setting up the Incredibles as a super family
>second movie throws it all out the window in the first 20 minutes so they can rehash the first movie's plot with Helen for feminist clout
I just wanted the entire family getting in on it
Animators are in a perpetual state of horniness.
Sounds about right.
Natural writing and plausible characters and not dryly contrived at all. Thank you Brad, very cool!
the oscar judges' thoughts are out on public
Should've been a better film instead of disney's anti-traditionalist demolitionist shlock
"make a sequel with plot recycled and more girl power"...this is what they thinking.
Everyone thank Disney for swapping the release date with Toy Story 4 and cutting a full year off of Brad Bird's production time.
Winston was the best part of the film,I love that he wasn't the bad guy even that he looked like a bad guy. And he became a hero in the end
What the fuck are you on about
Okay, I've had enough of your (read: my own) creepy obsession with girls that are definitely too young. It's time to end it, user.
>Box office gross = Memorable
Yes user- That's why EVERYBODY remembers the names of the characters from Avatar.
So did Helen actually have an Arc in this movie? Like did she learn some kind of lesson like her husband? I watched the movie, other than feeling really disappointed, I barely remember it
I'm talking about sequels in general dumbass. Especially for Pixars track record since the only time they found success was toy story. I don't give a fuck if it's from Disney or whatever studio.
It being a super hero movie does not guarantee itll get amazing sequels.
desu i think that's why the movie suffered
if you're on some project projected to be done by 2019 when all of the sudden your boss says it should be done by 2018, you need to speed up production and have no opportunities to make some changes or adjustments
they apparently cant afford skipping a year without a movie