Zendaya's MJ
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>she dyes her hair red outside of the movies
>marvel won't do it during the films
Mad. But otherwise I like her alot.
She's Veranke right?
She's Meechee.
Spidey should get her naked by web yanking her shirt, bra, pants and underwear off
meh, I've never been invested in MJ as a character in any regard. I got nothing against Zendaya's MJ, her acting is pretty good, but the MCU hasn't done anything interesting with her and I doubt that'll change any time soon.
Hopefully they recast MJ when they transition to college so Zendaya can escape Disney's claws and score some much more exciting roles for herself. I man, best case scenario she single-handedly destroys the Disney Megacorp by the same can be said of everyone on this planet
She should've been naked and bare foot throughout the film
I really like them together, hopefully she lasts longer than Liz, and hopefully we get more MCU Spider-Man movies than just the ones currently in Tom's contract
She's a bit cringe, but she's by far cuter than any version of MJ.
For once, I wish Marvel Comics would go full synergy
Dont hate it, but its definitely the most underwhelming part of the current adaptation.
Wish she was naked with only her converse shoes and black socks on her feet
I think she's cute but aging will show her no mercy
Zendaya should've been shirtless, braless, pantsless, underwear-less and bare foot throughout the film
Why does she like Joan of Arc so much?
They went with making her just as cute and awkward as Peter and it worked extremely well. Zendaya and Holland's chemistry is fantastic and, unlike Garfield and Stone, they come off as awkward high school aged nerds and not adult fashion models.
People complaining that MJ is awkward are fags because MJ's character has always been weak, and people complaining that it's Zendaya in the role are racist.
not going so far, but for true equality purposes, she should have have been shirtless at some point, like Peter
The movie should've opened with MJ taking off her shirt, bra, pants, underwear, shoes and socks and going to Europe complete naked
>ywn have a cute akward girlfriend who warns you against government conspiracies
why even live
>hate Miles with a passion
>Zendaya's MJ is my favorite Peter's gf out of all the movie ones
What does it mean?
>tell people that their Alexas are listening to them and recording everything and that Google gets around the legal issues of listening to the recordings by having them fed through an AI that connects to their massive database of human profiles that are used and sold for advertising and political purposes
>they call me a nutter and continue loving their wiretaps
>Zendaya does it
>gets a superhero lover
Fuck this gay earth
Her breasts, belly button, vagina, asscheeks, legs and feet should have been bare
She's sexy
Based nudeposter.
Would love to kiss her lips
Would love to breed her
She should be my gf
I totally hate her, Kirsten was better.
Disgusting little goblin monster.
>Brown Daria instead of coquettish redhead
hard pass for me
She's not conventionally hot or attractive.
She looks like a trap that you can fuck without being gay. And that's super hot.
that you're based and redpilled
I love her in the role, but my girlfriend pointed out that she never once calls Peter "Tiger" which isn't her fault really but it seems like a missed opportunity.
Spidey should web yank her shirt, bra, pants and underwear off
>Hopefully they recast MJ when they transition to college so Zendaya can escape Disney's claws and score some much more exciting roles for herself
my personal theory has always been they are playing the long game and are going to do a twist with an actual MJ in the future. It's a good way to do the iconic jackpot scene with Peter coming to the door to think it's this MJ but it's actually Mary Jane Watson.
She was a lot better in Far From Home since they toned down the April Ludgate/Daria-ness and made her a bit more expressive and openly affectionate towards Peter.
Banded and ring mail are hot.
You're not one of those plate mail plebeians are you?
She should be a nudist girl
She is cute
She should'e taken her clothes off at the airport in the beginning then gone to Europe wearing nothing but her converse shoes and black socks
Why is she looking at Tom like that?
he cute
>its called paying attention to people when they speak
Why her eyes move so much despite always looking at him?
common trait of mutt genetics
i didnt understand your previous posts, but this time i truly see the appeal
is Zendaya a post-op MtF transgender?
too bad he's a faggot
fucking disney shills
No way
Would have made a better Liz Allen
zendaya herself is cute and i think interpretation of MJ is alright
however, even though i think tom is doing a great job as the "spidey" he's been given, it's just not spiderman
I want to lick her pusy
Fuck Disney
I would like to be the creamy filling in that Oreo cookie instead of Tom.
It's amazing to me how much leeway is given to the character of Batman, who can be an Ironic jovial punster all the way out to a murderous thug with a military arsenal, and that can be cool and popular. But tweak elements of Spider-Man and faggots will whine ceaselessly.
Stop being that faggot, user.
Shilled and shillpilled
She cute
I liked this scene
Fucking jannie banned based nudistposter
He's 14; he probably should be focusing on summer school anyways.
She should be bare
I don't like her very much. All it takes is three minutes to see what she's all about, the "rebel loner who enjoys the opposite of everything you expect her to like".
They could have added depth to her, but their attempts felt flat and uninteresting. She's just socially awkward? That's it? Boring.
she's just poorly written.
Being naked would vastly improve her
>All it takes is three minutes to see what she's all about, the "rebel loner who enjoys the opposite of everything you expect her to like".
Compared to comic Mary-Jane who's character theme is... ?
they have good chemistry. I just think calling her MJ but not being Mary Jane is a weak ass attempt at pleasing two groups. should have just made one of his other billion love interests, its not like he's going to graduate high school in the next 10 years anyway
She should have nothing but her shoes and socks on
She should be naked as she was born
Being the exact opposite of Peter in every way imaginable.
>He's Dorky, he's a model.
>He highly introverted, she's a social butterfly.
>He has massive guilt complexes, she tries to live in the moment and not become imprisoned by past mistakes.
Both of them present a face for the masses. Peter the hero and MJ the star. Peter didn't even know MJ was putting on an act until Gwen died. He couldn't conceive of a situation where she would ditch her parties and console Peter in his dire situation and while he attempted to push her away, she only held on that much harder.
If only she was fully naked
She's as much like MJ as Tom Holland is like Peter Parker or Marissa Tomei is like Aunt May so I don't get why anyone would complain about her but not them.
These movies feel like an adaptation of an adaptation of an adaptation of Spider-Man.
to be honest, I don't mind that they portray these characters so vastly different in each new adaptation, because that is exactly what they have done with comics for decades, they have countless different universes where there are sometimes extremely different portrayals of the same characters, now they're doing it for movies to, I don't give a shit
it's a man, baby
she is best in crotchless panties garter and stockings. Spidergwen is the one who should be fully naked.
She's a cool OC
Adam West was the only good batman you fucking idiot
Lazy corporate tokenism. Dumb hollow brand name recognition. The actress and audiences deserved better.
Yeah. It's not like Dunst and Woodley were redheads either. Sony is fucking trash.
I don't dislike her, but I dont care about the character. They in no way set her up to be desirable to peter. She's just a girl who's there.
I liked it. Reminded me of some people I know.
i'm this close to directly engaging the nudeposter bait
I like her but what was up with Peter acting as if he always liked MJ? The movie doesn't bother to set it up, yet treats it like it's obvious/previously known about. I mean yeah of course MJ is going to end up Spiderman's love interest but that doesn't mean the movies should completely skip showing Peter developing a crush on her.
Honestly I preferred Liz in that role, his interest in her felt more natural.
her attitude is fucking insufferable. I get the edgy, i-dont-care, but i-really-do, and thats fine. I cant stand the constant "i knew it all along" or "i was right". it just gets fucking tedious
badnews fella. Next movie peter parker dies so we can introduce Miles in a new trilogy. Coincidently, this is also when Mary Jane Watson arrives in the series.
zendaya a cute.
but in this current period of time, changing a characters race is mostly just used to push something and not just because the character is good for the roll, and i just don't want to support that.
first scene, dance scene, last scene are the main times they interact
I can see the exact moment he had a second thought about her somewhere between right before the "just kidding I don't care" and right after. I can tell you from experience that a moment like that can change your perspective on someone pretty deeply.
It doesn't *explicitly* set it up, though, you're right on that. But it's far from not set up at all.
Good news, the real Mary Jane Watson will also be black
looks good
Maybe she fits as "High School MJ" ( I really don't know that version of her character I've read mostly just Spider-Man as an adult) but I hate it. The argument is "Hey we changed the race but the character is the same" and MJ should be a boisterous, woman-among-girls, big attitude kinda person and Zendaya ain't that or even close to it.
The fact that more people haven't even attempted to answer to this poster makes me genuinely wonder how many people actually read comics on this board much less have any prior working knowledge needed to actually critique a work.
It sucks when you lay it all out like that.
"Always been weak" how to spot a retard that has never read comicd
I love that she stole a truck and hit Osborn with it during Death of Spider-Man. Boss.
They all suck
She does nothing for me. Neither does Gal Gadot. And apparently everybody likes them
The "dude pandering bro" complaint from a group of reviewers that thought the force awakens was amazing will never not be ridiculous