Why does Yea Forums hate this movie again? It fucking rocks and it's also the only film I've seen where Brie Larson has been perfectly casted
Why does Yea Forums hate this movie again...
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>scott is just another generic michael cera character up until nearly the end
>ramona has no attitude either
>a lot of the story from the envy part and onwards is bungled up to fit the format
Its fun as a movie and a different spin on the story but pretty bad as an adaptation.
i liked it
Michael Ceratops has no edge. Scott's whole thing is he sees himself as a snarky harmless nerd but is actually a jock and a huge bully that's willfully ignorant of how bad he's mistreated the people he cares about over the years.
Plus, adding on to this, the entire finale of Scott Pilgrim is him realizing this and admitting that he needs to work on his character and stop being such a confident jerk. While in the movie, the moral is exact opposite; in that Scott realizes that he's not confident enough, and finding that confidence is his big character moment that helps him win over Ramona.
I didn't get that vibe from the movie. Sure they changed it from Power of Understanding to Power of Self-respect, but the idea is still the same that he owns up to a lot of the terrible things like cheating on Knives, never telling Romana about Knives, and being a terrible boyfriend to Kim. It doesn't hit as hard as the book, but for the time they had it still hit home the message that you have to figure out who you are and how you can be better before you can really be ready to be with someone else.
They filmed it during the writing of the final book so they left out a few good parts. Also the chemistry between Ramona and Scott felt forced.
It's shit.
this scene couldn't have been executed any better
fun fact: michael cera actually knew how to play guitar/bass but brandon routh didn't, so they had to tell michael to dumb it down
also this is just really fucking fun
>universal studios theme neck crack
What a faggot.
>someone enjoys something
>what a faggot
Damn nice argument man you got him.
This film is a faggot, only retards like you enjoy this shit.
I fucking love this movie, I watch it all the time
I like it
It's a pretty decent film, but the books are better. The music is honestly better than the movie.
Wow such great discourse.
Envy was Brie? Holy fuck I didnt notice, she was a perfect envy to be honest but I dont know if she could be a good pre envy.
>This film is a faggot
Alright, buddy.
>immediate cut to a Wallace and Scott looking on: "wow"
Cracks me up every time.
>reason it's good: It fucking rocks
Clearly you were the target audience.
You're not wrong. Brie "Resting Bitch Face" Larson was tailor cut for the role of a psycho bitch who tears out men's hearts and treats everyone around her as leverage to greater stardom.
Stupid worthless cunt.
As a diehard fan of the Comics, the Film is 1 of the WORST CBMs Adaptation-wise. it crams 6 Graphic Novels into 1 Film, is probably the most miscasted Film I've ever seen, is missing key Characters like Lisa, and Knives getting with Scott in the end is stupid as fuck. in the final Graphic Novel, Scott asks Knives if she wanted to get back together but she refuses because she's grown beyond that.
Do you quote it offline?
I prefer her version of Black Sheep to the original.
Its perfectly casted apart from scott and ramona, that or they just had bad direction
>Its perfectly casted
Scotts personality is supposed to be like a Goku or a Gon or a Luffy, like a shonen jump protag, not whatever Michael Cera was doing.
[citation needed]
>scott is just another generic michael cera character up until nearly the end
Honestly, I think this movie did a little more with the Michael Cera archetype (which was more common at the time before hollywood gave up on him for being too hard to work with.) Usually, we're supposed to unironically root for the Michael Cera loveable hipster protagonist, but in Scott Pilgrim, the fact that all the loveabledork.jpg act is just an act to conceal that he's simply another douche who's not fit enough to be a Chad, which despite the hyper surreal setting, is a more realistic take on that character archetype. Did it necessitate changing some things from the comic... yes, but it was worth it for the gag.
>before hollywood gave up on him for being too hard to work with.
How bad does it get?
Scott himself wasn't emotive enough, but other than that I liked it.
Scott Pilgrim is supposed to be hot. Just as hot as Ramona. They're supposed to be shitty, good-looking people. Michael Cera isn't fucking hot.
True. Scott is lively. Scott emotes. Cera can't. He plays a completely different character. Of course it makes sense for girls to go crazy over a lifeless, dead-eyed uggo. Oh wait fuck no it doesn't.
it's decent enough but by far the worst part of the franchise. Does a good adaptation of the first book but after that it starts rushing hard. Really needed either a bit longer runtime, some truncation to fit their length (just make it five instead of the original seven exes for example) or maybe just go balls to the wall and split it into two movies. I'm glad it went for its own ending at least.
>Knives getting with Scott in the end is stupid as fuck
that was the deleted ending. he gets with ramona in the real end of the movie.
As someone who finds comic Scott hot I agree
It's good. Ignore Yea Forumsmblr tranny opinions.
Sometimes your self-insert ruins the movie.
Could've been a cult classic if it wasn't for that beak.
The movie was finished before Book 5 and Book 6 was released. So they had to outline the ending with drastic changes. (The twins, Gideon) And fit all that within 2 hours.
It should've been a short Adult Swim animated series, but it was way before it's time.
>way before it's time
They got the character looks down accurately, but the personalities/voices don't match their comic counterparts. These are adults acting like anime teenagers and making it seem real awkward.
brie was hot as fuck in this kino
>These are adults acting like anime teenagers and making it seem real awkward.
That actually just happens when some anime get live action adaptations from Japan like Honey & Clover or GTO.
What about the Netflix ones like FMA or Death Note? The actors weren't spot on, but matured the characters they used, not devolve into the comedic scenarios.
Pls respond
Sneed Pilgrim vs the board
Yea Forums is for honesty, you want "discourse" go to tumblr
>Ramona is a boring cunt with resting bitch face and has no chemistry with Scott
>not enough Kim
>Michael Cera acts too much like a fag and not enough like a dumbass
>not enough Kim
>Movie noticeably gets worse after the fight with Todd when it stopped adapting the comic
>Not enough Kim
>no pay-off for Scott's trail of exes, it may as well have been deleted from the movie
>not enough Kim
>Stephen Stills needs to be louder and angrier and when he's not on screen all the characters need to be asking "Where's Stephen?"
>Not enough Kim
It's boring and not worth my time. Main character is a pussy.
In the movie all the struggles Scott goes through are due to his lack of confidence and his status as a wimp. Compare at the beginning when he fights Pattel, Scott starts whinning about what did he do, while the comics version goes straight into kick this guy's ass mode. In the movie Lucas Lee is presented as the anti thesis of Scott, confident and bully while Scott has no confidence and is pushed around by everyone; while in the comic Scott is a complete jerk disguised as a geek while Lee is a pretty nice dude in a chad body. In the fight against Roxie, movie Scott is presented as a guy who has absolutely no confidence to fight a girl while in the comic the only reason he didn't kick her ass at first it was because she had a weapon. Once he got one he had no problem in cutting her in half. You get the point.
So the message of not being a jerk kinda misses the point in the movie because the only times Scott was a jerk in the movie was because the comic said so. This is also the reason why him ending with Knives fits much better for the movie than the comics ending.
It came out during the hipster hate train and nobody really cares for Micheal Cera outside of Super Bad. I like the music and Chris Evans in it, everything else was forgettable.
>meets nega-scott
>he's a super chill nice guy
Miscasted: the movie
>Evans has been in comic book movies for Disney, Sony, Fox, Universal and WB
Is there any stopping the man?
I think it was pretty great for it what it was, an adaptation of an entire series' run. Normally these types of film adaptations turn up horribly but because it was directed by Edgar Wright, it became a really enjoyable movie that could be used as a starting point for people wanting to get into the comic
Honestly, I didn't even like the comic. Too... obnoxious.
Can't Netflix or Amazon Prime create an animated adaptation?
I feel sorry for those who missed out on the video game.
Brandon Routh really seems to love comic book adaptations as well, as he's been around the block.
michael cera just ruins everything for me
wallace was the only redeemign thing about this