Why do people think she's a role model of any kind? She embraces and furthers the terrible Hollywoo culture and her morals are absent on many occasions.
Why do people think she's a role model of any kind...
People are stupid.
People think she's a role model? I thought people liked her because she was well written.
Nobody says so.
She’s not a role model for me but she’s cute and I want her to be happy and I also want to slide my dick in her.
You just want a mommy you can slide your dick into.
Women want walking ATMs in return.
I like her because she is a well written character.
Also, fwiw, when juxtaposed to someone like Diana, I find Princess Caroline is the far stronger woman. This has nothing to do with her doing what is right or good.
She's a fucking cool wine aunt
Nobody has ever called her one. Liking her character doesn’t mean we think she’s a role model
She's a terrible role model. But, I just want her to be happy damn it.
Nobody ever idolized and the show never tried to idolize her. Quite the opposite in fact
People can be more than one thing. While yes, she is flawed and even hypocritical to a frustrating degree, she is also really good at what she does and she embraces it. Shes a very hard worker willing to put personal feelings aside in order to get the job done. There is something admirable in her work ethic if nothing else.
I only hate her becauese she fired Judah.
You had one job.
She's the future of Diane. Anyone exposed too long to Bojack will get old, lonely, and desperately wants baby.
I chose to believe the core story that will unfold throughout the series, is that now matter how low you go, you can always redeem and better yourself.
This. Nobody thinks she's a role model. She's a disaster just like everyone else on that show.
Technically he deserved to be fired but she was too proud to forgive even though it worked in her favor. Her real sin was letting Vincent get away. Ralph and her were equally to blame for their relationship failing which felt really true to life, imo.
Whelp, now I've got a boner over a damn cat. Hope your happy now.
>Hope your happy now.
I even read that after I posted and didn't realize.
>Why do people do the thing people don't do? She's bad because she does bad things which are bad.
>and her morals are absent on many occasions
and that's a good thing, moralists are scum
I unironically didn't pick up Ralph's fault in this
Please explain
Not enough dicking.
Yes, I made a typo you insufferable faggot. My apologizes for typing to quickly and not rereading my post before posting on a Japanese lolicon website that was made primarily for shitposting and anime.
What is wrong with that?
Is not the point to have a wife?
>role model
a literal cat lady
I am, that's why I drew it after all
Well, if this true Thank you.
>if this true
You're not even going to get the (You).
I don't think anyone should think any character from BoJack is a role model.
Not even Vincent?
I dunno, man. That job at the business factory really seems to be taking a toll on him.
A spouse is not your substitute parent.
>the child free life is SOOOOOO good! i hate children
>entire arc is about wanting children
why haven't you drawn more
She's the least shitty person in a cast filled with shitty people.
>Less shitty than Vincent
Well yeah, that's basically childless women once they hit 30.
Women should have children at what age?
Biologically? Sometime in their teens-early 20s
But biology doesnt match up with present society so what you have are a bunch of proud working women until they hit their 30s and realize that they are on a time limit.
When they are able to provide for them.
Instead of (You)s, it gets me banned
throw a gallery link nigga
Which now is typically mid 30s-40s.
Basically, when they stop being able to have them.
So women shouldn't work and just breed children?
I'm saying women need to realize the have a time limit sometime in their 20's before they get into their I NEED A BABY crisis in their 30s.
You are basically saying women have to choose between work and having children.
Not him but yes, women labor should be a last resort and only in the cases where they have extraordinary skills and can contribute meaningfully to society. Women entering the labor market lowers wages and makes it impossible for a single working parent to maintain a family in the first place.
In practical terms, a well raised child is more valuable than every single other thing a woman could produce.
Wow you got stuck in the 30's
Not even the same user but to some degree that's true. If a woman focuses on her career for a long time then she starts competing with younger women for a mate (and youth is more important to guys than money). In the case of PC, she's literally running out of eggs and will no longer be able to conceive.
Pretty much.
The choice is on them to prioritize work or having children.
These anons are right.
Women shouldn't even go to college or finish highschool either.
When they bleed they must breed.
No i just read statistics for what they say and not for what i wish they did. Rates of depression among women grow with occupation. Societies decay into addiction, malaise and crime the less time people spend rising their children and the less families are capable of staying together in marriage. Women labor rates historically matches the decrease in the value of work and the constant rates of inflation and deprecation, as well as wealth gap and social stratification.
Even if you don't pay attention to numbers, it's immensely materialistic and destructive for our culture to value what a woman can give to her employer more than what she can give to her offspring and to other human beings. We live for money and not for ourselves as humans.
I don't have a gallery and posting links to drawings also gets me banned
I don't draw a lot so you're not missing out on anything
Just put it all in an imgur album them, dude
Why is everything taken to the 11th level? Why can't we just say "Work is fine but don't put off settling down for too long"? Why does it have to be "Be a career girl and forget about everything else" or "All women must stay in the kitchen and pop out children", I don't get it.
> it's immensely materialistic and destructive for our culture to value what a woman can give to her employer more than what she can give to her offspring and to other human beings. We live for money and not for ourselves as humans.
Let me guess you are in a social studies, art or philosophy career.
I cant tell if your are being angry and sarcastic or if you are being /pol/ and serious.
If it's the former, it's not our fault that women stop being able to have kids around the age they're finally able to support some. Shit's a theme the breaks kind of deal in present day. If it's the latter, go back
Because such measure requires a degree of planning and clarity most people won't have until their late 20s due to the utter failure of culture and education of inculcating a sense of responsibility on people.
Why do you think so many young people are stuck with college debt they will never have a job to pay with? They wanted simple answers to a complex question,
It's the reality of life user.
Women don't need education they just need to get a man with a lot of money.
The only good thing a woman can do is breed. And all the things you guys say confirm what I say.
Whoa there Freud.
Mods delete those, but like I said, you're not missing out since even the stuff in the thumbnail is all unfinished direction exploration, and I don't really draw often, especially animals (PC is an exception)
I'll finish an alternate version of the first "game mockup" soon (also SFW), but I can't decide on an outfit, it should ideally be something from the show
It's real life is user.
You are either a "career girl" and die alone and probably drunk with expensive wine (since you dedicated all your life to your career you must have money)
Or you do the right thing and stay home and pop out children like you are supposed to do.
There are no middle areas.
Punk outfit.
If your mother had worked you wouldn't be here user.
If she had educated you properly, you wouldn't be here either.
I'm one of the anons you replied to and you're a fool if you think a family can maintain itself if one of it's members is a stunted child. The mother needs to be as active as the father in educating and raising the children, as well as aiding in administrating the family's resources and that requires a level of education on it's own. Biologically, humans are the most successful when the females of the tribe are also industrious.
Ideally homeschooling should be more widespread,
This one?
Pretty much. None of the characters are role models.
The closest we got is Cuddly Whiskers simply because he's the only one who got the hell out of dodge and stopped caring about what anyone else thought.
Now that explain all the bullshit you say user. I pity you.
Looks more sporty than punk.
I wasn't homeschooled user, it's why i know the public system is so dogshit. I don't care what you think, the alternative where some thug holds you up with a knife and you get pressured into not defending yourself is the wroong one.
But he was able to become a happy hermit thanks to his "stressful life" that provided him a lot of money.
Poor little bullied child. He didn't defend himself so all the educational system is wrong.
We should stay at home and let mommy, who barely finished highschool before giving birth to him, teach us all the subjects a school teaches.
What could possibly go wrong?
>keep women as uneducated dullards who are incapable of doing the most basic tasks
>surprised when they fail at the one thing they should be good at
"The government should raise my kids for me!"
Yeah, but most of the characters have or have had a lot of money but just keep making themselves more miserable despite it.
It's not so easy for an average Joe to just walk away from everything at the drop of a hat, but he still has things more figured out than the other characters simply because he stepped back and rejected Hollywood's core values, while people like Bojack and Diane regularly have everything that they could ever need but just can't find the means to be happy about themselves.
I think is not Hollywood per-se.
I think they don't know how to administrate their own lives as they should. Internally they want to be unhappy, I can understand Bojack to some degree his childhood was shit turning him in the shitty person he is now and he wants everybody to be as unhappy as he is so he doesn't feel alone.
I can't understand Diane though. Is she stupid or something?
>Is she stupid or something?
She is a Vietnamese American.
Diane's childhood was shit too though.
Sorry, let me rephrase it.
What's her problem? Why does she want to be like Bojack?
She has all the chances to be happy but for some made up reason she just lets them go.
She pretends to be a strong woman with strong values but she always throw them through the window.
Not as shitty as Bojack's and she was pictured at the begining as she was able to get out of it, go to college and become a balanced human being. And then she went downhill.
I feel that Diane wants to make an impact on things, and to get recognition while changing things for the better, but when she finally achieved her big goal of entering a literal war zone that needed help, she couldn't handle it, and ended up coming back home to Hollywood and its meaningless drama.
So she's stuck in this place where she's depressed over her life and the awful state of the world, but the most she can do is build herself up as someone who's better than the shit society that she can't bring herself to leave.
But she always fails at improving herself.
She is the representation of people that ate to much "change the world" propaganda,
>most of the characters have or have had a lot of money but just keep making themselves more miserable despite it.
I liked how it's the reverse in Bertie and Tuca with Tuca finding her way towards happiness after she stops mooching off her rich aunt, self reflects and improving her living conditions.
>ate to much
Oh the autistic grammar nazi that goes crazy for typos.
these are both bad
Good thing Diane is FUCKING DYING next season
When is that anyway, aren't they usually released in the summer? We're halfway in
> FUCKING DYING next season
Diane has small town/big fish little pond syndrome, and has never mentally escaped her role as "brilliant but misunderstood daughter living with dumbfucks in a dumbfuck town in Dumbfuck NJ"
To put it lightly, she grew up thinking she was meant for greatness if only others couldn't get in her way. When faced with actual greatness (i.e. people who actually make their dreams come true, are passionate about their work and change the lives of those around them) it's a critical blow to her ego, because she doesn't have the charisma, social intelligence, willpower or conviction to see a dream to fruition. That's why she's with Bojack. She's Bojack but is in denial about it, instead using him as a way to keep herself propped up when she realizes she's just as conceited and uninteresting as the others in Hollywoo, and to an extent, her family.