Thundercats (2011)

>ywn see the multi-season epic that was planned
>ywn see Pumyra descend into madness and become a giant bug monster
>ywn see Slithe's motivations
>ywn see Lynx-o get killed for being a genocidal asshat
>ywn see the rise of Mumm-Ra as Lion-O runs to the wastes to train and Tygra assumes the title of defacto king of Thundera like he always wanted
>ywn see Tygra fuck literally everything up
>ywn see the timeskip and Wilikit become the princess of the elephants
>ywn see Lion-o return and take the mantle of outlaw king
>ywn see Lion-o make all tribes his ally to fight Mumm-Ra and retake Thundera for all the species
>ywn see Lion-O give Pumyra a mercy killing before marrying Wilykit
>ywn see Tygra take a sword to the chest while cloaked to save his brother and admit that he was wrong about Lion-O the whole time
>you now know that this was the plan for the 2011 series the whole time

It still hurts guys.

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Other urls found in this thread:

2011 thundercats was great

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>you now know that this was the plan for the 2011 series the whole time
They would have fucked it up to somehow make Tygra STILL come out on top. Most of the writers sucked Tygra's barbed dick way too much. I wouldn't have trusted them to actually make a competent story.

>>ywn see Pumyra descend into madness and become a giant bug monster

Wait, what?

>>ywn see Pumyra descend into madness and become a giant bug monster
That’s hot

>All this stuff
>Lion O marrying Wilykit
Wait,what? But she is a kid!

So,is thundercats roar cancelled?

>Lion O and Wilykit marry
What the fuck
No way it's true,what the actual fuck

He's the king, he makes the rules.

There was going to be a 7 year timeskip. When we returned wilykit was going to be fully grown and so was lion-o. iirc Lion-o was technically a teen when the series first aired.

She was going to ge deeper and deeper into mumm-ras camp and get mutations and augmentations that would essentially turn her into a giant bug monster.

All over her hate boner for Lion-o.

Hearing all this makes me wonder if the show would've just ended up like Voltron. Not in the LGBT pandering shit just that by the time the last season roles around the hype dies out and show seems lackluster.

In the original, I think Lion O is the same age. His body ages due to hyper-sleep malfunction, but mentally/intellectually he's still a child. Like Shazam

>Thundercats 2011 final episode
>Wilykit and Lion O marry
Would've Yea Forums have exploded then?

I'm just gonna leave this.
We all know where this is going.

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The hype died down and the show seemed lackluster by the end of S1.

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Stop this. The show isn't pedo. Wilykit would have been aged up. She would have grown. She would have grown!

I mean if it matters that much to you...

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Shut the fuck up. I haven't seen these before and I wanna see the rest.

Shut up. You know you want a young wilykit wife.

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Part of that was the airing schedule

It does

Also saved.

It's still fucked up,it would've been like what? A 10 years difference between them?

>Wilikit become the princess of the elephants
Well, we finally know who Thundercats Roar's target audience is.


You are a sad and broken little thing.

>Wilykit marries Lion O
That's fucked up and you know it

You would marry a women 10 years younger than you instead of someone your age? You have a mentsl disease if you would.

>entire second season is writen
>it just needs to be animated
>young justice came back on netflix because of fan demand
M-maybe thundercats 2011 will return on netflix,r-right?

10 years younger or older is irrelevant.

Wonder how old Wilykit wouldve look like

No,it's not.

Honestly, I see nothing wrong with having Tigra get something.

the cliche "Adopted child is ACTUALLY better than the blood child" trope is overdone.

Voltron ran into issues due to killing off its best villain early on.
Thundercats would have kept Mummra as the villain all the way through, avoiding that.
They should have tried to stretch lothor out a bit and make his arc last longer and not just devolve into insane villainy, and should have avoided having Honerva just keep playing stronger and stronger god mode monsters to explain her advantage.

Is Dreamworks Voltron good? Refused to watch Nu Ra from them but I fear Voltron must be sjw shit too

>having sex with someone with fully developed sexual organs is wrong because they don't reach an arbitrary age number, even if they fully consent to having sex with you
>even dating someone a lot younger than you is wrong, wether they're underage or not

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There was about a 5 yr difference

Its not SJW, at least until the end. In S7 they have a scene showing that Shiro is gay with a who back on earth that broke up with him, but its not done too big of focus. Then S8 ends on a gay wedding kiss as its final scene that's so abrupt and not lead up to as to almost seem like a parody gag.

I'd watch it up to 7 and then pretend that 8 didn't happen. The first 2 seasons are considered the absolute best due to Zarkon's strong showing as a villain and them keeping allura benched as the Castle's pilot and support.
S3-S7 are decent if not as good as 1/2, and wobble-- Some seasons are significantly better than others (up there with 1/2 even) while others drop a bit.
S8 is seen as the worst due to a combination of putting extra focus on allura, one of the weaker characters, having the finale revolve almost completely around her for the conclusion, and Honerva just being a much weaker villain than the others before her (despite, ironically, having a shit ton of wasted potential that could have made her really good)

Its generally agreed upon that the weakest character in the show is keith himself, since he's a pretty shitty leader and just doesn't have much depth to him and seems generic.

>Its not SJW

>it's ok to bang underage girls if they consent!
Ok Donald,you are stupid.

No way,Lion O looked like he was 20 while Wilykit looked like she was 9

Is your space key broken?

Wilykit was 12 and lion-o was 18 when tge series started. So 6 yr difference. Either way even if it was 10 years there's nothing wrong with a 30 yr old dating or marrying a 20 yr old. Your opinion be damned.

I'm not saying its info or shit like that, I'm sayings its small enough to not intrude on the rest of it so you can ignore it.
Which is the best way to deal with SJWs since if you yell and hate about them you're giving them attention, which is what they want. Ignore them like retards and they'll go away.

I remember that one episode with the plant people who age over the course of a day or whatever. Probably one of the better episodes of anything around that time in general honestly.

>"Y-yeah? Well... uhhh... Trump!"
Impressive, you sure showed me

I was so hyped for this. It was actually pretty good. Not finishing the quest feels like Pirates of Dark Water all over again.

tfw writers dropped the ball so bad that Lion-O's voice actor wrote two of the best episodes of the series

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Which episodes?

Shut up magatard,you are stupid

It's still fucked up,10 years difference is not ok. If she was a 30 y/o women with a 20 y/o male then it was ok because its not creepy but a man in his 30s with a 20 y/o women? Its creepy and fucked up

No,why asking?

>>ywn see Tygra fuck literally everything up
We all know that was never going to happen, the writers loved sucking his dick.

You're fucking retarded user.

Fuck off moralfag

I think you are the one who's retarded pedobear.kys faggot and leave Yea Forums

>t. 37 year old roastie

twenties female / thirties male is perfect in every way- economically, for childbirth, etc. the man is estsblished and the woman is hopefully not a retard

You are dumb, economicaly good? She would waste all your money, you would get a Child to raise

Kids do not have the capability to fully understand the implications of the sexual act.

He's not even talking about kids though.

Women over 30 are gross. Men over 30 are sexy.



Adopted kid will work harder because they know they're adopted.

This show was awful and a waste of the money put into it. Falls apart after the initial two episodes, and only gets worse, with the sheer amount of Tygra wankery

True fact. The older men look the hotter women find them. The older women get the less men find them attractive. Obviously there's a cutoff point. But sexually speaking a 40 something male is far more attractive to a woman than a 20 something. All other things being equal.

Yeah, he is. That "arbitrary age" he mentions is adulthood. Anyone below that is a kid.

>It's still fucked up,10 years difference is not ok.
The law disagrees and no legal system on the planet cares.

>If she was a 30 y/o women with a 20 y/o male then it was ok because its not creepy but a man in his 30s with a 20 y/o women? Its creepy and fucked up
Your opinion doesn't matter.

Ok, then how about this. If all that matters to you is arbitrary age designations as given by law then why are you even arguing anything?

Lion-O is the dejure monarch of an absolutist autocratic monarchy and a fictional character to boot. He isn't breaking any law whatsoever.

of course, but he has to have car, house and financial stability

>all other things being equal

nitpick all you want you will not escape the fact that as men get older they get more attractive and the inverse is true for women.

Post Wilykit/LionO art now

Not to mention it's a medieval fantasy setting. Even in this reality during medieval times he could have married her when he first met her and far far far more people would be more concerned with her lack of a noble title than with her age.

well duh, you want to breed before everyone else so it's obvious you find young females attractive

I wish there was more but it's all been posted.

Here's Cheetaras butt and thigh.

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Trumptard is trumptard,you are full of shit. She is a kif,he is a old man.its wrong

>inb4 TOO OLD! D:

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I'm fine with you having your opinion.

Wilykit draw requests? Might have some time later.

Almost all those ideas sounds awful. Glad the cancelled the show.

are you having a stroke?

Draw her old with Lion O with a beard,they have children and Cheetara looks on them jealous

Fucker this age gap hate bullshit is dumb enough without you dragging age of consent into the mix.

You sound awful. Glad life cancelled you.

No,you are retarded and have mental problems!


Dont draw her with liono weirdo! You heard me!

Calm your man-tits Dan. Yout show sucks and nobody remembers it except for the two first episodes.

Just remember Wilykat has her ears tied back not her hair. These are her parents.

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Wonder how old Wilykit looks,Cheetara is hotter and patrician choice though

Here are some costumes for her although personally I would prefer you age her up.

Will post some cheetara and pumyra for references of fully grown female Thundarians.

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Age her up,put her with lion o in cute poses

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wait, nevermind is worse than a stroke

Everyone always fucks the ears up.

They Wilykat doesn't have pointy hair, those are his ears. Wilykit doesn't have her hair tied back, she has her ears tied back.

Other than that though, pretty good drawing.

That sounds terrible. I'm glad it was cancelled.

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Age wilykit up and have her do cute things with Lion-O.

Or if not cute, maybe an intimate moment? Pic related.

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Hot grown up wilykit gettign freaky with grown up lion-o sounds great and you know you want to see it.


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>Lion-o marrying Wilykit
Based, probably would’ve grown up to be super hot

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>this could be you user
Would you choose Cheetara or her Yea Forums?

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Oh. New stuff since I last saw one of these threads.

Childhood is Cheetara
Adulthood is grooming lolis from childhood

>tfw Wilykit now resembles LionOs mom and LionO Claudus

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Could netflix bring it back like young justice?

>Dan Norton Interview
>It would have started with a time skip with the power balance in Mumm-Ra's favor. Lion-O would've come up with the Code of Thundera from the 1985 series and along with the symbols on the red crests of the armor. The rebuilt Thundera would've included all who opposed Mumm-Ra.
>The second episode would have been about Berbils would make the New Thundera technologically more advanced than the old one. Panthro plans to steal Mumm-Ra's technology to give them an advantage and the Berbils would follow him. This episode would've revealed Snarf's species' origins and show Flashbacks of when Panthro was trapped in the pyramid after Grune's betrayal. Ro-Bear Bill would have sacrificed himself to save Panthro and ensure the heroes would have the advantage Panthro planned.
>The third episode would have been about other details that was revealed at a convention, Slithe's motives for siding with Mumm-Ra, Lynx-O's spotlight appearance, Slithe's grudge against Lynx-O and Slithe killing Lynx-O. There would be hints of Pumyra wanting more power too.
>The fourth episode would have given the spotlight to Cheetara and her status as the last Cleric along with introducing an old rival of Cheetara's from her Cleric training days (a fat snow leopard) and would have learned that Cheetara blames herself for her grandma's death because of her speed to deliver medicine. Like her 1985 Series Counterpart, Cheetara would gain the ability to see into the future in this episode.
>An episode would have focused on Jaga and confirmed that the Astral Plane is where Jaga's spirit resides. This episode also confirmed that Grune is still trapped in the Astral Plane and he has been transformed into a more monstrous version of himself (with Panthro's arms attached to him). Grune would also steal the Blue Power Stone (known as the "Soul Stone").

Yo that's a nip.


Panthera was Leo's second in command in the flashback episode and she ended up being his girlfriend and later first Queen of Thundaria. She shares Wilykit and Wilykats deformity (among thundarians) of cat ears and a cat tail.


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It all wouldve come full circle! Why didnt you save it Yea Forums! Imagine if Wilykit and Liono married! Yea Forums wouldve explode!

If nothing else I would have exploded (in my pants)


It could, but would they? And if they did would they resurrect the 2011 show or just the name?

They would get rid of wilykit/liono?

They might. If they thought it was unnecessary or they wanted to make Lion-O blacker.

Thundercats died because of the ineptitude of its story arc writing and sabotage by its network.
A show can survive one of those, not both.

Trying to be seductive. Fucking it up.
Choking on a banana or failing the bubble tea challenge and getting wet.

it was killed because of the lego chima show which is why pretty much all the VAs of thundercats were moved there

>It's still fucked up,10 years difference is not ok. If she was a 30 y/o women with a 20 y/o male then it was ok because its not creepy but a man in his 30s with a 20 y/o women? Its creepy and fucked up

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You dumb magatard

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I know its impossible to change due to the 80s show and characters, but I still prefer my Tiger based cat characters to be girls instead of guys.
I think the design lends itself better to that than a guy.

>I know its impossible

>hurr durr its jews bro XD
Dumb magatard is racist dumb magatard
Leave Yea Forums now with you shit retard

Are you really trying to revive the Grammar Nazi meme?

They wouldn't ressurect the series, its not well known enough IMO.
Reboot would be the most likely route, but that would almost certainly depend on the success of she-ra. And that means that if they remade it, it'd be going down she-ra's route.

If netflix gets the license, expect a shit ton of gayness in the show like the last season of voltron. Like, I'm not being anti-homosexual here because people being gay isn't outright an issue, but I'd be worried they'd be going full SJW and hating on any non-gayness.


The series is well known though,it got popular again with the announcement of thundercats roar...of thundercats roar...maybe this is how we spark interest in the franchise again!?

>try to build excitement for an old series
>Do a fake promotion about the equivilent of new coke about the thundercats, causing everyone to wax on about how good the last series was
>Reveal the cancelation of the new show and revival of the old one

This is some 5d chess here user.

Hopefully after Roar (whatever happened to that?) comes and goes, the next Thundercats show will finally have Lion-O hook up with Kit. I wouldn't even mind if they aged him down a bit if they're prudes like that.

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What happened to thundercats roar? Wasnt it supposed to come out this year?

Rare stuff

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Thundercats will die after Roar.

Just like GI Joe and he-man, it will go into the grave of dead shows, never to be seen again.


But both he man and gi joe are rebooting right now either with movies or cartoons. Didnt new she ra spark interest in he man?

not really, its more people going "I'd rather have he-man than this".

The he-man comics have always been doing fine and there's been talks about the movie for nearly a decade.

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Netflix didn't even revive YJ.

a small niche of 80s manchildren isn't enough to get more than a few speciality comics.

You need real mainstream support to get corporate bucks nowadays, and everything is far more centralized in the hands of super big corporate suits than at anytime in the past for whether a series gets greenlit or not.

The episode with the flower creatures who only lived for one day was kino.

Happy Ending.

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>Enemy fucks up your home and everything you know
>Blame the prince who had nothing to do with it because he just happened to miss you buried under rubble

Fuckin dumb cunt. She simply just wanted mummy cock right? That's Terra level stupid to get that pissed at him for

What the fuck does politics have to do with this. They're both adults user, if you're 20 there's a point where no one has to baby you on when you decide to get married.

>arbitrary age designations
Those designations coincide with cognitive development you mung. Even if the law says it's ok to fuck a 14 year old it does not mean the 14 year old is ready for sex. A 14 year old is not capable of grasping the immense ramifications of the sexual act. I might argue that some 18 year olds are not able to, but the fact remains that cognitive development is not complete until late teens and even as far as 26 in some cases.

GI Joe hasn't had a cartoon since Renegades. It's almost a decade now.

Fucking ape

Trials of Lion-O and Birth of Blades.

Trials was the only episode to show how horrible a leader Tygra would have been and showed that Lion-O was the only one fit to be the leader of the thundercats. Also everyone thought Lion-O was dead in the episode and basically moved on without mourning him, except Wiliykit who was the only one who still believed in Lion-o and left a trail of drawings for him to follow and find them when he came back.

Birth of Blades was the flashback episode which showed how the Sword of thundera and Plundarr were created by Lion-O's ancestor, Leo, thousands of years before the start of the series. It was the first sign of genuinely interesting lore since the pilot and was probably the high point of the series after said pilot.

All those aged up kit requests.

Who do you think i am.

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Thank you.

you need to go back

full pic

Sweet fanfic, bro.

It literally came from the creators.

You know, I want to like this, I really do, but I can't let it go that they meet when she is a literal child.

I once shared a story here some time ago about how a 7 year old girl I knew seemed to come on to me when I was 19.

Even though she is all grown now and by all means legal/drinking age, she is still that little girl to me and I cannot imagine even trying anything with her.

Maybe I'm too prudish, but I just cannot understand why anyone would think this is okay. What logic could I possibly follow to shake this point of view?

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>I once shared a story here some time ago about how a 7 year old girl I knew seemed to come on to me when I was 19.

Tell us more.

That feeling is all on you, user. You are the one who can let go or moving on, you are the one who stopped growing as a person.

I wish feason would make more of this.

it's a weird thing to feel.
the girl i ended up with i met when she was fairly young and i was 18.
the more our lives progressed and the more we hung out, the more we realized that we were basically perfect for eachother, and here we are now 20 and 30.
i will always have some weird feelings about it and would freak out about people possibly saying i groomed her or something, but so far everyone seems fine with it.

LionO was like 15/16 in the series, wasn't he?



>be 19
>this neighbor girl, 7
>girl like hanging out with my family
>starts getting clingy to me
>I think its cute at the time
>play with her when she wants attention
>gets me alone in room one day
>this child STRADDLES me
>gets close to my face
"Where do you like getting kissed?"
>Spilla mah spaget
"Uh, the cheek is fine."
"Are you sure?"
>Mom calls her
>She hops off and skips away looking back with a cheeky grin

She is in her mid 20s now, and I see her from time to time. I don't think she remembers doing that, and for the longest time it made me wonder about her home life.

Another incident-
>be me
>hanging out at uncle's house
>7 year old girl is there too, cuz being babysat
>keeps saying how much she likes me
>dimiss it as kid just being a kid
>I start dozing off on couch.
>she jumps on me, in her PJs, her crotch touching mine.
>I try to get up, but she legs locks on my waist and wraps her arms around me
>nervously get uncle's wife to get this child off of me.
>she keeps smiling at me as she's taken to play with the other kids

Some shit was up with this girl. I just know it.

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The thirst was real.

kids are scary man.
used to know this kid that would always jump on my lap, try to kiss me, and say she loved me.
she's a huge slut now

>It's still fucked up,it would've been like what? A 10 years difference between them?

When he's 80 and she's 70, would it really matter?

You should date her now that she is older.

>you would get a Child to raise

That's kind of the fucking point.

So you want to be a bitch single parent left with a kid after a ho steals all your money and leaves you with the shitling she popped out to anchor herself to you?

i might try
she's got a really bangin bod now.

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That was a really cute and wholesome anime despite the weird premise.

Not every one gets to do their child hood dream.

only the first two pilot episodes
>Liono goes away for reasons, leave Tygra in charge or Tygra just usurps the crown
>Tygra is an effective leader and makes headway against mummra
>Mummra in retaliation, and using technology stone, creates a time bubble around Tygras territory
>Mummra needs time to rebuild his army to match Tygra's
>Tygra is happy to wait him out in a stalemate
>Liono meanwhile wanders the wasteland growing along the way and meeting and helping new peoples
>Meets with lizards he freed in first episode, who thank him for mercy and introduce him to their clan
>Things happen and they like him now
>Eventually Liono returns home as a changed man with a new vision
>Finds his people same as he left them.
>Tygra holds an audience for him, Liono obviously is wanting the throne back
>Tygra has grown bitter, yaks about how he abandoned his people and now he is rightful ruler
>Only reason he hasn't defeated Mummra is because he doesn't have the war stone
>Liono insists it's his, Tygra issues an official challenge
>Tree challenge again
>Liono nearly wins when Tygra drags him down and starts outright battling him
>Starts losing and kicks Liono in the balls, wins
>Cat population split on their ruler fighting dirty
>Liono thrown in jail and wilykit break him out with bag of holding
>Liono is grateful to wilykitwink
>Liono wants to take back his city but doesn't want any more trouble
>Lizards advise show of force as rightful king, heir to the throne, and war chief
>March into the city like Anakin did with coruscant
>Nobody opposes him, even Tygra's guards have to think twice before finally opening the chamber doors
>Tygra is outraged, Cheetara shocked, Panthro is impressed by diversity of his army
>Tygra attacks with Cheetarah reluctantly helping
>Lizards spit on the floor and she gets glued
>Tygra is taken down swiftly and forcefully abdicates the throne


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I don't think their exact ages were ever said on the show. All that's certain is that Lion-O was stated to still be a teenager and that Tygra was old enough to remember their mom when Lion-O was born. 15/16 sounds right for Lion-O to me and Tygra would have to be at least 4-5 years older to remember their mom. Cheetara is probably somewhere in the middle. My guess is Tygra is probably 19 since Panthro referred to Lion-O Tygra and Cheetara as teenagers at one point if i recall correctly
I could be wrong since it's been a while since I've seen the show.

Thundercats Roar was announced fairly early in its development (like one of the directors just left their previous project to work on it just a few weeks before the official announcement came), basically the opposite situation of Mao Mao

Lion-O is 16 or 17
Willykit is like 11 or 12
Not defending it but it's not that big

The only thing i never really liked was how they turned Mummra into giant bat warlord from space. The old "ancient demon priest from ancient Egypt" was more interesting. They could had explore his origins, his hand in the fall of Earth (the 1st Earth) and how it became a wasteland (3rd Earth). How is voice wasn't grave enough.

Posting tiger girl images because I still wish we had on in thundercats.

They're all animals, so he was just a spacegoing warlord from presumably a beast people planet, and all of the people on that planet are parts of his army that crash landed on the planet after they overthrew him.

makes sense to me.

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Lion-O was going to train in the magic time gem chamber.

You mean episode 2.

Like once a year I watch the first 2 pilot episodes of this show and never the rest of it, to taste a little of that magic again

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>Time to take the fight to Mummra
>Tygra volunteers his services as he wants to take him down too
>Liono wants no bad blood between them so he makes him a general since he's been battling this whole time
>Also wilykat is there, and led troops over the years so hes made captain
>Strategy requires their army to split up
>Liono eventually is pitted against pumyra
>Goes badly until she is literally eaten alive by feral lizard prisoners she used to torture after they are released
>Tygra meanwhile is passing through trials set up by Mummra in order to turn him against liono
>1. Tells him to turn back and he'll strike a new deal giving him ultimate power
>2. Promises him the throne of Thundera and a tolerant existence under his rule
>3. Tells him to betray his brother and he gets to live
>Tygra resists temptation and strikes out
>Hits panthro who was just standing there nearly killing him
>Goes into coma and makes up a story on how they were both ambushed by Mummra
>Story helps his troops' morale and resolve to win
>Wilykat saw the whole thing though but keeps quiet because he is fiercely loyal to Tygra, lets him know about it too
>The two armies surround Mummras pyramid and begin the assault
>Inside the real battle takes place and Mummra gains the upperhand when he uses the spirit stone to mind control Tygra
>It's easy cause he still holds a grudge and it won't break unless Tygra REALLY wants to
>It's not happening
>Cheetarah runs interference for Liono but it's not enough
>Wilykit/kat also help with trying to hypnotize him and general distraction
>Doesn't work, Tygra is too fast and pissed off with Liono
>Panthro to the rescue using his mech arms to hold him down
>Mummra downs liono and Mummra tries to power up Tygra with the spirit stone only for Wilikat to make his move and steal it
>Liono deals the killing blow with Mummra distracted and the day is hard won
>Outside the soldiers are treated to a fireworks show as Mummra dies

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>Panthro reveals inadvertently that Tygra was the one who ganked him
>Liono and Cheetarah are absolutely shocked and appalled
>Not wilykat though
>Liono wants to know whats up but Tygra tells him to fuck off
>He still wants the throne and is going to keep fighting for it with his new army
>He's keeping the spirit stone too
>Panthro tries to stop him but he vanishes in an illusion and invisibly commands his army to march
>Cheetarah being the bitch that she is also marches
>Wilikat meanwhile has the tech stone and uses it to fly away while asking his sister to join him
>She doesn't and he fucks off as well
>Bittersweet ending at least but we get our ship canonized
The End?
>Mummra isn't killed
>We get a Game of Thrones scenario and the three newly formed kingdoms just sort of war it out
>Liono and Tygra sacrifice themselves after making up to destroy Mummra
>Panthro is the new king
>All hail Panthro and his mechanical biceps

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Draw her reacting to a G-G-G-G-G-G-GHOST!!!

>So you want to be a bitch single parent left with a kid after a ho steals all your money and leaves you with the shitling she popped out to anchor herself to you?

Imagine being so miserable and so jaded that you assume every single vagina on the planet is out to get you.

She-ra is fucking bizarre that way. Scorpia constantly trying to lez out, Catra and Adora doing that constant “hey”, Kyle and Rogelio being hinted at in twitter apparently. The big one though is Bow’s two dads.

I get that his mom and dad aren’t together, and hid dad’s lover is close enough he’s just like “I’ve got 2 dad’s.” Great. Who’s vagina did you come out of Bow? I get a single mom, I get 2 moms, I get divorced parents or widows/ers. 2 gay dad’s though? That requires some explaining. Hell, we found him on the doorstep, and conveniently he was black too would be acceptable.

It literally came from a writer 4 years ago long after the show had been dissected to death

It stank of retcon nonsense then and the fact that people continue to eat it up even though nothing in the actual show suggested any of it speaks to its effect

Why did they make Cheetara a thot?

These are just dripping with intimacy. God damn.

Lion-O looks like a total fruit.

head guy really like tigra and decided to shit on lion-o to make him look good

>Posting tiger girl images because I still wish we had on in thundercats.
We did.

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>2 gay dad’s though? That requires some explaining.
Homophobe. 2 men can have a baby.

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like important ones.

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There's barely any Thunderians left.

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Why does EVERYONE always fuck up the ears?

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I liked this a lot more than the new She-ra.

It wasn't clear that both Cheetarah and Tygra were a few years older than LionO.

>really like tigra
Then why didn't they give him a genuine role as a rival, instead of just making it seem like he was rocking the boat to no other effect than making the villain's job easier? That scene where Cheetara surrenders for him doesn't make ether of them look good.

Incompetent writers.

I wanted to like this show but I didn't understand what they were doing with the characters. The narrative seemed to be trying to convince the viewer that Lion-o needed to grow into his leadership, but the main internal conflicts arose from the three adults in his party acting like children and not respecting his position in the first place. How the fuck is he supposed to learn how to be the leader if no one listens to him in the first place? Was he supposed to kick their asses first to gain their respect or something?
At least Mumm-ra literally cucking him for the cliffhanger was funny.

I never understood the pairing.

Wasn't that the point of the trials he went through in the astral plane where he bests everyone?

Me nether... I can't get past the age difference thing if her brother's going to be right there for the whole thing too.
>Wow, I sure am glad my sister is fucking our boss!

You figure, right? But all the way through the end of the show his allies treat him like he hasn't gained their trust or respect. Except maybe the youngest two.
Panthro acts like he's babysitting and Cheetara and Tigra put their romantic tension over the safety of their friends.

What was the age of Wily Kat suppose to be?

Nah Wilykat was cool with Lion-O, hell he and Wilykit were like the only two who were, and would be down for brother of the queen perks


I actually kinda understood that.

I mean from a practical pov the Kingdom they served is gone .In reality nobles, guards and retainers are all largely self serving. If the state disappears so do the servants, and bodyguards, and priests. Without the state your titles are only worth what you make of them and by that point the state was long gone and Lion-O was really powerless.

The fact he had anyone by his side at all was a miracle.

You'd have a point if he didn't have the sword of omens, which was a more important sign of leadership than being royalty was. He had power and insight none of the rest had, and was willing to lead them. If they would rather stay indignant than fall in line, the fault was on them.

A writer for the series went on a podcast a few years ago and basically outlined the whole alleged plot for the show before it got cancelled. Within said outline there would be a significant timeskip with the result that everyone is older, Wilykit included, who would eventually hook up with Lion-O after the show built up their relationship.

It actually fits and is alluded to, especially if: Is to be believed. I find it odd that Lion-O's direct ancestor would also hook up with someone that had Wilykit's exact same physiological quirks.

So they should just give up and roll over for Mumm-ra? It's not like any of the others were stepping up to the leadership role.

You do have a point but you also have to remember he was a literal teenager. If you've ever been around one they don't inspire any confidence whatsoever. Maybe them sticking around is exactly because of what you stated.

They're still individuals that wanted to live their lives. I'm sure the temptation to fuck off and raise a family on some secluded farmstead peaked into Tigra or Cheetara's mind once or twice.

>So they should just give up and roll over for Mumm-ra?
If you're in their position, you wouldn't? Thundera is charred cinders. The army is broken, routed, and scattered to the winds. The people are refugees or slaves in every nation but their own, within which, fun fact, they're all dead.

And here you have this kid that ultimately has no idea what he's doing. No concrete plan or set of goals. And even when he does his inexperience shines through when he presents his ideas to you. Because you DO have a plan (or so you think), a smoking hot girlfriend, and a strong pair of legs.

I mean ultimately Mumm-ra is a state. Loyalty to a crown is contingent on it being beneficial to you in some way. The King of the Thundercats has failed. He is defeated and dead. Why support his crown or his successor? At that moment Tigras motivations were all selfish, he's the adopted son of a dead king and the adopted brother to a would-be king. Similarly Cheetara had her cleric aspirations and dedications to motivate her. And Panthro, well, he just always seemed to be ticked off. For the longest time he wanted revenge, then he got it and now I think he wants revenge against the guy that made wanting the revenge a necessity in the first place.

So they all had their own reasons and only two of them are actually related directly to Lion-O. But as with anything, maybe you're Tigra or Cheetara and you look over to your smoking hot girlfriend/boyfriend and you decide you want something else more. After all, Lion-O's path is rewarding but hard as balls. Raising a family on a farmstead though? That's easy.

>If you're in their position, you wouldn't?
I'm not sure what nihilist alternative you are suggesting here, but I'd like to think Lion-o's friends wouldn't stoop so low. Even from the perspective of cowards, if they give up they are dead or worse (whatever Pumyra was).
>Because you DO have a plan (or so you think),
No one else had a plan. Not even Panthro who was quite a know-it-all. They were pretty much all relying on Jaga's word, which only Lion-o could access.

There's always an alternative. Maybe you find some secluded valley somewhere and raise a family. Shit your girlfriend whispers to you when you're cuddled up by a campfire for "when it's all over", but maybe, maybe it can be over now? If you want.

I'm assuming you just weren't watching the show at this point. The entire populace of the world were essentially escaped zoo animals from Mumm-ra's perspective. Anyone who is going to be spared is going to end up in a cage at best. There's no staying out of his way.

I know that's the truth but people are more complicated than that. There's always a part of you that wants to say "fuck it". You're not always going to make the logical choice. And for Tigra and Cheetara there's a whole lot of other options.

Yeah, none of them are likely to work out well for them or anyone else in the end. But it's not like here in the real world we don't see otherwise reasonable people make idiotic choices.

The problem with that is that Lion-O's teammates all believed in tradition more than he ever did. Tygra and Panthro are firmly established as traditionalists and Cheetara takes her job as the last cleric very seriously, clerics are supposed to be fiercely loyal to the king and serve as advisors

Tygra and Panthro want to reestablish Thundera back the way Claudus had things and push Lion-O to be a king more like his father and chastise him whenever he tries anything progressive. Tygra was even hinted at being a cat supremacist

But despite being such traditionalist they never give Lion-O the respect tradition demamds, Cheetara even drops her cleric duties as soon as she gets with Tygra with no explanation. In fact Cheetara's character development basically halts and she becomes an accessory to Tygra once she hooks with him although that could probably be chalked up to writer incompetence more than anything.

The irony is that Lion-O was more than willing to give up the throne to Tygra but was always pushed back into it by those around him, amd that includes Tygra.

>Cheetara even drops her cleric duties as soon as she gets with Tygra with no explanation. In fact Cheetara's character development basically halts and she becomes an accessory to Tygra once she hooks with him

Sounds like every woman ever.

>If she was a 30 y/o women with a 20 y/o male then it was ok because its not creepy but a man in his 30s with a 20 y/o women? Its creepy and fucked up
Now I know you're trolling.

Im not,you are retarded

>Liono comes back from book of omens
>Sees Wilykit
>"Wilykit,how much you have grown."
>Wilykit to Liono:"I did but you haven't aged a bit,well,maybe that beard is giving you away."
>both laugh
I wanna see the episodes done,Samurai Jack came back,Clone Wars comes back,Young Justice is back. This could too,it just came at the wrong time. But now? It would be the new Voltron

Netflix second season when?

What happened to cheetara?

restored the clerics iirc

>Wilykit would have been aged up.

Could A Thundercats live action movie or animated movie rebirth the franchise and spark interest?

Thundercats directed by Michael Bay starring Zac Efron as Lion O and Isabella Moner as Wilykit

Remember when Lion-O fucking dies just so the viewer could see how badly Tygra would fuck up as leader.

Tygra wank was honestly jarring. It's like after the first 2 episodes the writers realized "Bu-bu-but Lion-O's supposed to be king!" and just stripped what could've been an interesting dynamic between Lion-O, destiny's bitch, and Tygra, the guy who worked his ass off for a role he'll never have.

... And no OP evil bug Pumyra sounds dumb as fuck.

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But liono marrying wilykit is kino!

Lion O and Wilykit is always ENDGAME

>you are retarded
Says the one who wants to marry grannies

>hurr durr marrying someone your age means she is a granny
You are stupid

How would Yea Forums reboot Thundercats? What artstyle would you choose for it? Aparently Thundercats will have a panel at SDCC

It worked for my mom.

Dont tell a woman what to do.

>nu tara is on this cover
Seems roar! isnt really dead after all

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>marrying someone your age means she is a granny
Men and Women age differently, something you don't seem to understand, men in their 30's are in their prime, in their 20's they build their career, women however, are in their prime at early 20's.
They become less and less atractive in their 30's.

>men in their 30s are in their prime
Only a virgin incel would say this,you are completely lost in your fantasy world dude

>Only a virgin incel would say this,you are completely lost in your fantasy world dude
I didn't pull that out of my ass, Huffpost, out of all places, studied the age gap. The only virgin here is you.

My mom was 30 he was 38 when they married, he convinced my mom really freaking fast to marry him.

My mom was quite the darling apparently, I can't go a week without finding at least a man in her generation that coveted her and my aunt in my town.

My mother was the oldest of 6 so she took it up to herself to help in the house so she only had a couple of older boyfriends but even when I talked to the other guys that dated her they told me that she saved herself until her marriage with my dad at whooping 30.

>I'm half wizard bro.

The fact that she was pretty but not social and house oriented actually netted her at least 6 stalkers in her youth, I actually meet one that freaking threw a supermarket cart at me and my mom when I was doing groceries with her, some people still don't forget my mom never gave a fuck about them no matter how hard they tried.

To keep it short my mom was pretty and devoted to her household, had very few older boyfriends and always kept them at bay by saying she was saving herself for marriage, actually rejected 2 of them because she said it felt wrong to say yes "if you hesitated even for a second" and eventually married my dad because he was the most confident ultra competitive man that always knew what to say to entertain her, till the day my dad died he was still cracking jokes about the other side just to avoid seeing his friends cry and keep my mom calm, I wish I could have half the size of his balls in my deathbed.

I don't know if that's what people call alpha but he was certainly the one who earned my mother heart just by having a personality that steals the show, while I grew up I saw them as if they were still newlyweds and even in disease they always had that spark that never waned.

Post real info about this dumbass

>But it's not like here in the real world we don't see otherwise reasonable people make idiotic choices.

Fiction that wants to succeed needs to be more entertaining than it is frustrating to the viewer.

Bsed, is your mom open?

Just a short google search. Where I live is pretty common too, on average the age gap being 6 years on average. From my personal experience, I can say it's preety shitty if the woman is older.


All fake shit,no real truth, you are lying. Leave now pedobear

>It still hurts guys.

It hurts that you will never get to see all those godawful shitty things come to pass? So... are you a gigantic masochist or just retarded?

>shitty things
>Tygra dying
>LionO and Wilykit marrying
>Silverhawks,Tigersharks and Thundercats crossover in final battle against Mumm Ra
Fucking end yourself pleb
I smell plebbit

>or just retarded
You probably think Steven Universe is a good show

The reboot's Cheetara was way hotter than the original. But I seem to be alone in that sentiment.

Has Roar even aired yet? How long does shit animation take to produce?

>>Silverhawks,Tigersharks and Thundercats crossover in final battle against Mumm Ra

They already fucked up Thundercats, how is them fucking up Silverhawks and Tigersharks also a good thing, shitbrain?

Let's hope so, it's baffling how tone deaf this network has become to its core audience base.

I ike it and all, but can you really call it wholesome after all the shit that happened to her.

They didn't fuck thundercats up. You just didn't get to decide everything that happened and threw a hissy fit.

So how did this ship come to be ?

user, marrying women up to 10 years younger have been a common thing for many years.

>All fake shit,no real truth, you are lying. Leave now pedobear
You must be a 14 year virgin, but that's how the world works, an 18 year old isn't a minor and a 26 or 30 year old atracted to that person isn't a pedophile, retard. Sorry to crush your Disney™ model of a relationship.

>except Wiliykit who was the only one who still believed in Lion-o
Why only her?
Still, pretty intereesting how a VA can come up with that.

"Give him SOMETHING because the show keeps shitting on him" far as I can gather.

>Why only her?
Why indeed.

She was probably crushing on him.


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>the show keeps shitting on him
Heroes journey. You gotta be down to get back up. Everyone keeps saying that "the wrters didn't give Lion-O anything, they liked Tygra too much!1 BAD WRITIGN OMG!". They were getting there. Fuck. Yes, he was getting shit on by those around him and life in general, but it was going somewhere and his rise would be that much better because of it. But you know, it got cancelled. c'est la vie.

Cheetara and Wilykit dressed as Katara and Toph respectively.

>but it was going somewhere

No, it wasn't.

OK dude, I was there watching the show when it aired.
And after the first 2 episodes, Lion-O stopped being interested in tech, all so Tygra could shine.

>Aparently Thundercats will have a panel at SDCC

Likely to shill the new show.

How do you know? Were you a writer on the show?

He didn't stop being interested in tech, tech and magic kinda became the same thing after a while. His whole thing was completing his armor which was tech.

Lion-O developed an aversion to technology that isn't addressed until the episode before the the 2 part finale. And Tygra who mocked Lion-O for even believing in technology in the first episode quickly adapts to it without question and is apparently a natural pilot.

They likely would have gone more into detail why she was so loyal to Lion-O had the show continued. Especially since the finale had Wilykit taking over Cheetaras initial role as his closest ally and confidant.

Motherfucker, I know because I watched the show. With the exception of the pilot and the episodes Liono's va wrote, the scripts were godawful. Not getting cancelled wouldn't have made the writers suddenly stop being garbage, and all these "great ideas" you keep crowing about would have been just as poorly executed as everything that came before.

The sword of omens was tech dude.

>and is apparently a natural pilot.
It's a cartoon bro.

It wasn't god awful it just wasn't allowed to progress.

>It's a cartoon bro.
hence talking cats, not that guy, but dude technology was literally laughed at by Tygra himself as being a crazy myth or some shit and suddenly he's a fucking ace? What the fuck is

It's a cartoon.

People in cartoons do all manner of crazy things that wouldn't makes sense irl. From jumping 8 feet in the air to piloting vehicles without months of training. It's a cartoon.

You are a sane person user.

and a break of continuity dumbfuck.
If one character is shown having a fear of water in one episode and then participating in a swim contest in another without any in between would you not be bothered by it?

>It's a poorly written cartoon.

Fixed that for you, bromigo.

You're right. Which is why Lion-O's aversion to tech was so weird and unnatural. It's almost as if the show had bad writers who couldn't keep consistent character development episode to episode.

So was ATLA buy buy that managed to keep consistent with its characterization. Repeatedly telling people doesn't magically make all its flaws disappear or not matter.

Yes it's a cartoon, a badly written one that squandered its potential

Bad cartoons exist and discussing why they're bad isn't a crime.

Depends on the cartoon. In this one? Nope!

>muh bad writing.

You're never going to get me to say I think something that was fine, is bad and omg the worst thing ever. Tygra was a pragmatist and they made him an expert pilot when the plot called for it because it's cool and kids like cool things. End of story, if you think about it too much it makes no sense but you're not supposed to because it's a cartoon.

And you can chant "It's fine, it's fine!" and make up excuses all you want, but it's never going to change the fact that the writers had no idea what the fuck they were doing.

>Wilykit and LionO marry
Would've Yea Forums have exploded then?

It was rule of cool. It's a kids action show.

>iTs A cARtOon
Repeatedly screeching that doesn't change the fact the show failed hard and it's weak story was one of those reasons.

The show was clearly trying to model itself after Avatar the Last Airbender, a show that praised for its phenomenal character development. Both target the same demo and both were episodic in nature. Both had premises that were simple at its core. Both followed a group of teens and kids on a quest to save their world from a despotic tyrant. But only ATLA managed to develop a likeable cast that noticebly grew from episode to episode

So if we can praise one cartoon, ATLA, for everything it did right we can also be critical of another, Thundercats, for everything it did wrong.

You liked a badly written cartoon and poorly developed character, Tygra, and are trying to convince us, but mostly yourself, that it wasn't bad bEcuCUz ItS A CArtOoN.

The examples you're giving aren't bad because they're nitpicky.

Well it was obvious from the beginning you're just a shill for a dead show. No idea why you keep defending it so adamantly unless you're trying to build tolerance for the shit writing that's bound to accompany Roar.

Rule of Cool does not now nor has it ever excused shit writing. It's a bullshit trope that talentless hacks invoke to try and mask the fact that they are, indeed, hacks.

Thundercats 2011 got cancelled because chima was cheaper to make,2011 was successful but they wanted the budget bigger for the second season.

Inconsistent characterization is a pretty broad problem that extends to all the characters.

That not the entire reason and you know it. Thundercats was already toeing the line because ratings weren't meeting expectations and the toys weren't selling, Chima coming along with greater cost effectiveness and the LEGO brand behind it was just what pushed CN to go ahead and give it the axe.

Rule of cool makes it not shit writing.

>Implying the average Yea Forumsrpulent denizen of Yea Forums is as majestic and powerful as an elephant.

>u liek what I don't like?!?!?!
>u-ur a shiiiilllll!
>for a 8 years old cartoon!

Like, dude. Seriously...Wtf is wrong with you?

With that ending, I like to imagine Mumm-ra won because no one on the team understood how teamwork and the chain of command work.

At least I enjoyed the pilot and the flashback episode.

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You sound like your more upset that they didn't wank Tygra enough.

>Oh no...
>Its retarded

They didn't though.

Had nothing to do with wanking. They just didn't give him a good role. Instead of being a rebellious rogue who bent the rules and had his own strengths and perspective, they decided he had a huge chip on his shoulder because he thought he was supposed to the main character. And he doesn't even get over it. Despite everyone being annoyed that the writers gave him too much favor, he wasn't particularly competent ether.

So you admit you're just shitposting, then? Good, glad we cleared that up.

Rule of cool changes the fundamental axiom of the writing and the goals change. To judge a work based on other axioms that weren't used in its creation is pointless.

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I am not against this.

We had several threads lately, how is that people suddenly remembers Thundercats?

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I have a good memory

>The writing is dogshit but you aren't allowed to compare it to things that aren't dogshit because that would destroy my position. Also, I don't know what the word axiom means but I'll use it anyway to try and make myself seem smarter.

Glad that we've finally come to an agreement, friend. You should really just be honest from the beginning next time.

Rule of cool is bad if you're judging it based on the standards of narrative development. Narrative development is boring and autistic if judged by rule of cool. Srsly, this isn't hard. Well, I shouldn't complain, if nothing else you're bumping the thread.

wilykit being jealous of cheetara's fat tits

And yet again we agree that the writing was dogshit. I'm so glad we're on the same wavelength! It's rare to meet someone who thinks the writers were all hacks just as much as I do.

Everytime I drift over to this board I see someone trying to pretend this show was anything other than completely mediocre. The show got mercy killed, liking the artstyle doesn't mean it was good.

>The show got mercy killed
The show got replaced by a corporate cash grab that came along at just the right time.

>wahh I'm right I'm right!
>only I can ever be right!!

Dude, why can't things try to be other things without them being shit? Tigra just piloting a plane just because is perfectly fine for a kids cartoon. It's kid logic, you just drive it like a golf cart or something because you're a grown up and a good guy.

I love this show and will defend it, but I can't defend ending it on a cliffhanger when the creators outright said "We realize nobody gets a second season anymore"

This thread has lasted a pretty long time given the way the wind's blowing. I assume it's all negativity and ignorance?

I don't know why I have to keep explaining this, but wilykit and lion-o are both half-grown, going by their parents.

hey, I recognize that outfit.

Outdated concept art, but similar to how they ended up.

It's cute, it's just weird that this artist didn't age lion-o up.
He has like 3 more feet to grow, same as she does.

they did age him down. he's just tall.
was I the only 6 foot tall 12 year old in here?

>a pastebin of an imgur link
we're being ultra careful today

Panthro did nothing wrong

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>Dude, why can't things try to be other things without them being shit?

Things try to be other things all the time. That's what things SHOULD do. But that doesn't mean it'll always be good. Sometimes things try to be other things, and instead they just end up being shit.

Thundercats 2011 tried to take itself seriously. It wanted to be an action show, not fucking Looney Tunes. It tried to have a cohesive narrative and a story with proper arcs and characterization, and it plain fucking failed at all those things. But for some completely retarded, wholly autistic reason you want to sit there and wave the "it's for kids" flag to try and disperse the rank stench of the show constantly shitting itself. It is not Rule of Cool. It is not anything of the sort. It's just bad writing, plain and simple.

>and it plain fucking failed at all those things
first of all, no it didn't
secondly, for even TRYING to be serious action in 2011, it's the goddamn second coming of BTAS. and if you don't think so, we can't be friends.
Tygra being good at tech was interesting. Of all the things the show did wrong with him, that isn't one. It made it all the more interesting in that episode where he fucking BECAME tech.
This show has flaws, but it's A) the best action show of its time, B) the best action show in the last decade (since there haven't been any except YJ so okay maybe 2nd best), and C) a massive improvement on the original show.
and anyway, we're all aware of the flaws. so why can't we have a single thread to celebrate what we liked?

>for even TRYING to be serious action in 2011, it's the goddamn second coming of BTAS. and if you don't think so, we can't be friends.

Attached: 107A063D-23A8-492D-B4DA-AAA4E0F12053.png (465x491, 160K)

Not like I was ready to go pick out curtains or anything
but I always do try to see eye to eye with folks.

Nigger everyone is already asking the same about you

I don't pick out curtains until we get our dicks sucked.

>we can't be friends.

From your posts I can tell that not only do I absolutely not want to be your friend, but even daring to compare this poorly written garbage to BTAS makes we want you to get colon cancer.

>so why can't we have a single thread to celebrate what we liked?

Because fuck you, that's why.

>since there haven't been any except YJ

Motherfucker, YJ seasons 1 and 2 aired in the same "era" as GLTAS, Avengers EMH, Spectacular Spider-Man, and Woverine and the X-Men. And ALL of those except maybe WatX were WAY fucking better.

Then go talk about those in some thread, because no they w-
well okay GLTAS was better, but I didn't watch that until way later.
and spectacular spider-man was much, much earlier.
and nobody watched wolverine and the x-men. it was good, but god knows when or where that ever aired.

>and spectacular spider-man was much, much earlier.
How young are you that you think it's okay to use the word "much" to describe a difference of TWO years?

Someone post the webms, you one which ones.

I can never be too careful

Hey little boy don't listen to those other anons I think you're cool.

It was at least 3 years. and in TV that's ages.
Plus it got screwed by legal shit, so another serious action show was still something we thirsted for. and we CONTINUE to thirst to this day.
Don't you have anything you desperately want more of, and you don't want to hear people looking the horses in the mouth? Like what if you actually got a date with a girl, how would you feel if people were pointing out every blemish or scar? I know I wouldn't like that if I ever got one.

>It was at least 3 years.

Last episode of Spectacular was in November of 2009 so it's actually more like a year and 8 months.

Your basically telling us to settle for scraps and pretend it's a full course meal.

Thundercats was at best squandered potential and your hypothetical girlfriend is ugly.

Oh fair enough, if you're going by the end. I guess that makes more sense than going by the beginning.
settle for scraps because that's all you're getting, user

Can we just stop engaging with that guy and post the only worthwhile thing from the show, Wilykit?

Attached: 499c88b0f83a07d4b077f6064b1ce3a25128e3bc.png (708x1000, 260K)

Wilykit a best.
Don't get too lewd though, Yanni has a trigger finger and it doesn't matter if it is SFW.

Attached: weddin.jpg (1000x750, 406K)

Attached: wilykit beingpetted.gif (640x360, 217K)

Attached: wilykit cute.jpg (1280x720, 83K)

a Kat is good too
He was a bro and a good guy.

Attached: Wilykit and kat cutepaws.gif (245x138, 497K)

So close to seeing nip

Good thing we live in a world where love grows faster than our bodies.

Yeah this is the biggest problem with this way of thinking (and I do NOT think we should be giving that kid any more attention)
They think either god or nature apparently created a system where you need to spend like a decade as a sexually mature being before actually utilizing that system, by which time you've lost half of your potency and stamina.
And some of these people are okay with it as long as BOTH are kids, which makes about as much sense as driving without a license as long as the guy in the passenger seat doesn't have one either.

They don't understand that mental maturity can go super fast or super slow, depending on how a person is trained and fostered, and their modern attitudes are retarding maturity about as hard as maturity can be retarded.
And they also haven't picked up on whose plot that is, and who benefits from less and less maturity and more vulnerability in the populace.

Attached: wilykit flupe.jpg (480x360, 22K)

Nice cropping.

Attached: Wilykit kissyface.gif (312x176, 2.47M)

>and we CONTINUE to thirst to this day

There are still a few coming out today.

Not even trying to argue or anything, where? I wanna watch serious action shows.
The only one I see right now is YJ and it's good, but I also understand the criticism. It's not for everyone, it's for me. Except the SJW shit, that's for Greg, but that's pretty mild.

this is the moment where I fell in love

Attached: Wilykithop.gif (400x225, 658K)

Attached: wilykit washing.gif (317x404, 1.85M)

Attached: wilykit so cute.jpg (640x360, 97K)

The breadcrumb trail she left him after everyone thought he was dead and the final speech she gave.

Attached: What Lies Above pt2.png (711x400, 330K)

Other thing i never liked was the broken narrative. Ok, Mummra comes with mutants mooks with high tech guns and conquers/razes Thundera (or the capital, unless it's only a city-state, which nobody refers as it) in a single night. The remnants of the royal family flee and... that's it. They go in some merry adventures without sense of urgency. There is no countryside, no populace, they fled the country to whatever other country borders it. Nobody tells what happened to the populace, to the remnants of the army, what happened under mutant occupation or whatever. Only, almost at the end of the show that we know that some of the population was enslaved and sent to some dilithium mines or whatever. But before that? No sense of hurry, of worry about the country or the populace. The biggest kingdom around crumbles in a single night and nobody around seems to care, neither the thunderian nobles nor the surrounding peoples. Also how Tygra, a technophobe learns to drive and use guns just like that? With Panthro we could handwave the got time to learn how to fiddle with high tech just like Lion-O spent years fiddling with it.

say it with me guys
cute and perfect
I'll give you that. That's something most shows seem to have trouble with, tyranny of being broken up into episodes. (This is also what I think when they say there'll be a timeskip.. the getting-the-stones was so urgent, yet it's okay for them to just not get any for a bunch of years, and then resume the story?)
It seems like they all just assumed everyone was dead, and they had their own immediate needs (literally they'd starve if they didnt evacuate right away) and probably just didn't wanna think about where everyone was.
The tech must all be super idiotproof in this place. Kinda makes sense if a lot of it is Mumm-ra's old shit and it was designed for a huge variety of different animal slaves to use.

I always thought, considering Pumyra's backstory, that the cats were just holocausted. Hence why no other survivors are visible in the beginning. Slavery is fine but that does bring up the question of how the hell a large amount of the populace was enslaved, imprisoned, and transported all within a single night. Mummra didn't have any airships.
Also remember how the neighboring kingdoms were left to fight for scraps? Maybe they were glad Thundera finally fell.
Tygra and Panthro though, just bad writing.

we know Pumyra was trapped under rubble, so it probably wasn't all in one night. A lot of them were taken that one night (classic Viking-style pillaging can enslave massive numbers in one go, which apparently the Thunderians were doing to the lizards in the first place), and more were nabbed in a cleanup effort over the next couple days. The transportation probably took weeks, depending how many vehicles they used and what their capacity was.

I found it pretty easy to identify with Lion-o, so I didn't mind when people gave him shit. That's just how that is. When you're wrong and when you're right, just nonstop shit from the two hypocrites, and no support from Panthro. But the kittens and Snarf have your back.

i too share this sentiment

There was no excuse for a lack of progress or having a VA write better episodes than the writers. They fucked up hard.

good writing is extremely rare, your standards are unreasonably high

It's pretty bad when even Tygra's VA thought he was a massive dick.

>good writing is extremely rare, your standards are unreasonably high

No it isn't, you just enjoy sucking shit.

That final scene is basically the writers owning up to the fact that Wilykit was the only good character left in the show and the only relationship of Lion-O's they hadn't royally fucked up. It's also the only reason why I think the future plot lines in the op are even remotely possible.

Attached: Normal_Image154 (1).png (711x400, 325K)

Nah, I just wanted it to keep the same potential it had in the pilot and not shit the bed, not that high at all. Fuck, Greg Weisman and JMS do it near damn consistently.

working on this atm

greg weisman doesn't do -shit- consistently. his shows constantly get canceled before their time.

Post updated concept art.

Faggot, if ther'e ONE thing I have learned since I came to Yea Forums it's that
Is like, 3 people.

Every thread filled with negative comments and shitposts about how everything sucks and is bound to fail is almost always just 3 bitter assholes. Yea Forums Doesn't know shit about what's good and whiners are always the loudest voices.

>the only relationship of Lion-O's they hadn't royally fucked up

Why does it have to be an accidental fuckup? It fits. It's part of his heroes journey. Everyone around him is going to shit on him and tell him he's a fuckup and he'll have to climb himself out of his hole and be a better person for it, earn everyones respect and admiration in spades.


Not really. There's no rule that VA's have to feel any particular way about any character they voice. It's literally just a job.

they didnt release it, but the characters looked different in the episode they appeared in
not dramatically so, but enough to check out screencaps from that ep

Literally haven't heard of any of them except for GLTAS

>It's part of his heroes journey.

Shit writing will never be part of the Hero's Journey, no matter how many times you say it.


Seriously. I loved this show and want it to come back.

Not being liked by someone is not shit writing, what did you want? A Mary-sue?

you fucker, I was expecting wilykat

I think what he meant is it's unusual for someone to actually think theyre voicing a jerk, when that's ostensibly the good guy

dude Spectacular is... spectacular. watch it. be sad when it's over so quickly.

That's on the execs. Spectacular Spiderman and Gargolyes was consistently good with only a few weak episodes. And characters grew and developed naturally.

it is weird how that is her default hairstyle... er, earstyle. no wonder she ties them up.
her little brother has a way more feminine earstyle, his hang down. I suppose when he grows up he might be able to pull off tying them back into a neck-touching ponytail.

The problem is that we were supposed to cheer for the rest of the Thundercats as much as we did for Lion-O. They're supposed to be a team but by the end it's hard to see why they even bother to stick together.

Lion-O's treatment isn't the only reason people were upset at the characterization of the rest of the team. They were also upset that they took previously liked characters and made them into dicks to serve a plot that never went anywhere. If after 26 episodes the writer's couldn't develop any of the teams relationships to a point where they can be believed as friends then they failed. At that point they might as well have dropped the original team line up and made it into the Lion-O show.


>That's on the execs.
Never suggested it wasn't. My point is that good writing is rare, not that there's no such thing as consistently good writers.
they are rare, and their work is rare.

I know he meant that, I'm saying.....I'm not sure what.

I guess that the statement is fundamentally inane since it's not like you took a survey of all vioice actors ever and then went, "yeah, looks like most of them think their character is cool". I'm guess what I'm saying is that the comment, whether it's even true or not, doesn't matter. The VA of anything isn't a good judgment of what or who a character is, nor is he/she necessarily privy to the whole picture like plot points that might change their mind about the character later on.

It's essentially a "see, see, this guys thinks so too" type comment. It's shildish and pointless and just serves to inflate an ego. But I guess now I sound like an asshole for pointing all this out.

>we were supposed to cheer for the rest of the Thundercats as much as we did for Lion-O.
it's absolutely baffling to me that anyone thinks this. It's fundamentally impossible to cheer for both of them, since they were at odds with each other. You were clearly supposed to feel for Lion-O. The fact that YOU liked the others early on, and got disappointed, is your problem.

>The VA of anything isn't a good judgment of what or who a character is
In anything with good direction, they are. You get into your character, what they're about. you should know them better than anyone except obviously the creator
>nor is he/she necessarily privy to the whole picture like plot points that might change their mind about the character later on.
They get to read the scripts, and they get the director telling them "sound like this.. sound like you've got something to hide" etc

That is what I meant. And most VAs care a lot about their roles, so for him to voice that concern when his character is benefiting the most says a lot.

>it's hard to see why they even bother to stick together.
Wasn't that kind of the point? They end up going their separate ways and find each other later on after they've grown.

Yeah this. We as the audience are supposed to like Tygra but when the guy voicing him doesn't even like him then you gotta own up to the fact the writers failed at selling Tygra as a hero.

>In anything with good direction, they are.
Prove it.

>They get to read the scripts
And? They don't necessarily get to read the series outline. The complete backstories. The whole voice in their characters heads....all of the voices.

>We as the audience are supposed to like Tygra
Says who? Maybe he's supposed to be kind of a jerk.

>And most VAs care a lot about their roles
Again. Prove 51% of VA's care about their roles.

And also again. It doesn't matter. A VA agreeing with you does not make you right, you child.

Incorrect, Great performances come from Voice director and VA working together on a character to bring them to life, and its immediately apparent when that relationship is nonexistant in the performance, Especially with VA who have spent years with a character.

You're really stretching now, bud. Dial it back a little.

No, dude. I hate it when people ignore logical points. Your whole VA argument is nonsense from its very foundation. He could think Tigra is the biggest cocksucker on the planet and you could prove that 99.99% of VA's care and objectively deep amount about 99.99% of the characters they voice and it still wouldn't make your opinion matter one iota more.

I know I'm being autistic about this. But I hate self-wank. You're jsut circle jerking. You have no point.


You goddamn mongoloids.

The show is done and it ain't coming back.

All i offer is more kit lewds I've done.

Attached: My-KitKat-collection-wilykit-and-wilykat-26857820-640-360.png (640x360, 290K)

You just can't admit when you're wrong can you. Look at fucking Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamil for example, Mark straight up says in his interviews that he always asks if Kevin's playing batman and if he is he signs right up because he knows Kevin takes it seriously. Look up any interview where a VA discusses his or her favorite character and you can see the passion they have for them.

You're sick, user.

It'd deosn't matter what the VA thinks about any character he voices. It doesn't make your opinion any more factual. It's still an opinion.

Holy shit.

It seems pretty clear to me you weren't supposed to like Tygra, any more than you were supposed to like Wayne on The Wonder Years.

I'm also not the guy you were arguing with, but whatever. Just keep trying to suck your own dick, I guess.

She was the only character who didn't completely shit on him

And if you were right, you'd have a point.
But you're wrong.

>agree with the "he thinks so too" argument
>accuse anyone else of circle jerking

Go fuck a cactus user.

Because the show is called Thundercats not Lion-O and his dick teammates. Tygra and the rest make up the Thundercats so they are for all intents and purposes the titular heroes. Imagine if they reboot the Ninja Turtles and everyone shits on Leonardo for 26 straight episodes. People would rightfully be upset that they killed the old team dynamic.

Tygra being a jerk from the outset is acceptable as long as the show developed him in a beliavable way to a point where he and Lion-O could see eye to eye. That was his journey and that was probably the intention. But that journey was severely undercooked after 26 episodes and that was because writer incompetence more than anything.

>But you're wrong.
Oh? Explain to me why the VA's opinion makes your opinion more of a fact.

Wow, a lot to unpack here
Firstly, lot more reluctant to post mine now. You have set the bar pretty high. but I guess if anyone cares to go to pixiv, my shit is at 75248140
Secondly, I've never seen this on rule34. Where do you keep a gallery of your work?

I had planned to fuck a cactus, but I'm told your mom has a really long waiting list. It's probably going to be a few weeks.

Are we supposed to like Ozymandias and The Comedian in the Watchmen too?

>Because the show is called Thundercats not Lion-O and his dick teammates.
so nobody in the title is allowed to be a jerk. okay.
>Imagine if they reboot the Ninja Turtles and everyone shits on Leonardo for 26 straight episodes.
that's called the 2012 series.

>ur moms a cactus

Oh, ouch user, wow. You sure got me. We're all cacti.

Man that hurts more than my needles.

It was more a jab at her vagina being dry and prickly.

....Are you 15?


I'm the same guy with all the pastebin links

That hurts significantly less.

ah, dude. big fan. A lot of your shit is on rule34 but for some reason not that. Reckon I could upload it myself.

Tygra was supposed to be more like a rival character than an older brother bully. And it's clear that the writer's tried to make him more sympathetic in episodes that explored his past. Which made the writer's decisions with Tygra all the more confusing.

We have one episode where we're supposed to feel bad the poor orphan boy and see where his resentment to Lion-O was born from but in the next episode he's back to being a jerk

Reckon you could.

Yeah, keep moving those goalposts,

Done. Pubic service I suppose.

Just because we understand why he's a jerk doesn't mean he isn't still a jerk.

Ah coldfusion eh? I've seen you on paheal. I like your work as well.

The writers when they tried to make Tygra more sympathetic with episodes like Native Son.

I haven't moved a single goalpost. See:
I always thought the point was fundamentally pointless and childish and served no purpose at all.

Some other guys opinion does not make your opinion more factual. That's the root of the comment in and of itself being utterly pointless and childish. It's just you sucking yourself off because you agree with some guy.

Let's not pretend anyone here is acting like an adult, friend.

You sure seem uncertain and unclear for someone who's so certain about what was clearly intended

>it is weird how that is her default hairstyle... er, earstyle. no wonder she ties them up.
That never made it into an episode IIRC
They also had a shirtless Wilykat and topless Cheetara that never got used

>senpai likes my shit

Attached: wicked air guitar.gif (500x643, 653K)

that's just something you put into a good model sheet, so that if they ever change clothes, they don't have to guess at what the underlying bits look like.

Then where is my topless wilykit model sheet

Can someone post more aged up and cute Wilykit and Lion-O art?

I need cheering up.

>Comparing a morally gray story intended for adults to a kids show with black and white morality.
Ease up on the edge there.

The problem is that if he chooses to keep being a jerk, then nobody will give a shit about his bad childhood and us learning about his youthful misfortunes was a complete waste of time.

just followed you on pixiv. Message me sometime. I see a potential collab.

right here lmao

The ears thing still makes no sense.
Were they just too lazy to add them in or did they forget last-minute and then tried to justify it as "the hair is their ear"

I could have sworn she showed as much as cheetara on her sheet. I guess with her skimpy top there's nothing much left you'd need to inform an artist of.

Ok. Are we supposed to like all the X-men? Because Rogue was a bitch and Gambit was an annoying faggot.

>visible nipples

>I could have sworn she showed as much as cheetara on her sheet.
nah but she did have a gratuitous butt sticking out shot

And wolverine was a pining asshole.

I don't have anymore, but I do have aged up pregnant wilykit. It's not fetishy or anything

You think they released a topless loli model sheet? You crazy, boy.

They probably did draw one, but they weren't going to show it

I could've drawn six nips.

Which gives me an idea for a future drawing

I love the both of yous.
It's cool meeting artists I like.

And you keep moving goal posts.

My stance remains the same. That tygra and the others were poorly and inconsistently characterized

Post away.

The designers on this show did something similar to Twilight Princess (particularly the zoras) and got really creative with biology-as-fashion. Lots of "clothes" or "hairstyles" that are part of people's body, or creative ways of mixing up body parts.. look at the elephants for example, whose tusks and trunks are arranged super differently from the real thing, either to make the mouths more able to have normal speech animation or as a pokemon reference
sh-shit, yes please

>And you keep moving goal posts.
He isn't even
But I guess it's good to know you're all the same person.

for anyone not on pixiv and you're interested hit me up over on discord.

if these 2 idiots can keep arguing I can shill myself

>Yea Forums Doesn't know shit about what's good and whiners are always the loudest voices.

Attached: a85511c5c4449d99bf2698a85cfa9689.jpg (800x533, 58K)

Attached: mamakit.jpg (764x1200, 136K)

Rogue, Gambit and Wolverine are some of the most beloved X-Men characters. And you best believe people bitched to high heaven when ever they felt they were being written poorly.

>if these 2 idiots can keep arguing
Hey....there's at least 3 of us arguing

cheetara wasn't REALLY topless, user.

more the merrier i guess.

Rogue was only popular for dat ass. She was an annoying cunt.

Attached: Ther ya go.jpg (1591x446, 164K)

Wtf is this supposed to prove? Did you think I think:
Are the same person? Because I wasn't implying that.

I guess that's cute. Her head is too childlike though.

Maybe change the ratio?

I just love art so much
this is why Yea Forums a great

I appreciate that. Usually i get people calling me names.

Well her mom certainly had a longer face, but her dad had a pretty chubby one, so there's no reason she couldn't keep a rounder face into adulthood. Plus she's pregners. Might have an extra chub on those cheeks.

Let's go back to older Wilykit and Lion-O

Attached: dd6028b680c8afa3af068835d639465d80b650f6.png (851x625, 263K)

>impending mating press.png

I imagine that kind of thing is always going to have limited appeal since everyone's going to say "That's not how I'D draw them..."

I wonder what the text says.
And does this confirm that her nipples would be hidden by fur?

uh what? yes she was. Theres a little covering but its pretty topless

I remembered her having one arm over her tits, not both of them pressed together kinda covering. My bad.

The supposed plans for the continuation sound so weird to me. Like, they don't seem like the natural flow of events from what had already aired, it's as if all the responsibility of establishing the narrative had completely changed hands.
In short it reads like fanfic, but not in a way that indicates a drop in quality, in a way that makes it seem like someone brand new was in charge of the story.

the only part that disappoints me is no redemption for pumyra. Or alternatively, after the monster thing, if it turned out that was never really her, just her puppeted body, and her soul is still around and she was actually nice all along, and maybe she'd get a robot body...

See, now to me THIS sounds like fanfic.

It's hardly beyond the realm of something this show would do, and it's no stranger than their stated plans for her.. though, yeah, you said that sounds like fanfic to you

A 10 years difference would be my limit if I were to date someone. Any older then that I feel we wouldn't get along.

Honestly this is the biggest issue of all, and increasingly it has little to do with age. It's hard to relate to anyone who didn't have the exact life you did, and there's more and more things to not relate about, or to disagree on.
I'm happy not to live in braindead olden times, but it had to be nice when every girl in the village knew your village, your ways, there was no politics, no differences of lifestyle or religion...
Even the women my age aren't the way I was back in the day anymore, they're.. different now. They lost all the shit that was important to us as teenagers in the 00s.

Yeah it especially cool when you find something here that isn't posted anywhere else.
ColdFusion yeah? It's hard to tell anonymously. I think we talked on another thumdercats thread before, I always liked your wilykit stuff.
I practice but it takes me forever to finish a drawing and I need tons of references, so it's cool to meet artists I like that make it look easy.

Attached: B5y15DGCMAEf7xF.png (800x518, 437K)

share some of your stuff bro

ColdFusion yeah? It's hard to tell anonymously. I think we talked on another thumdercats thread before, I always liked your wilykit stuff.
I practice but it takes me forever to finish a drawing and I need tons of references, so it's cool to meet artists I like that make it look easy.

That part was meant for you, sorry I'm phone posting before bed.

Attached: Wilykat-Modelsheet-Concept-art-thundercats-2011-24357384-800-518.jpg (800x518, 343K)

nah its panzer here

Well the practice helps. I've started giving some discounts on wilykit commissions just because I'm so used to her it's less work
But honestly I look back at all my old stuff and the proportions are all over the place, and I didn't have her hair or face right at all... but it's nice to be appreciated.
actually you got it right the first time.

I don't have it scanned yet and my cheap phones camera sucks. Also I Mostly use these guys for reference so kinda off topic if that matters. I appreciate you asking though, I'll get out there soon.

Attached: Ozy_and_Millie.jpg (514x365, 34K)

Cute as they are, I don't think they'd be very good references for much beyond their own series. That silver one has tiny short little shins for one thing, unless those little shaded marks are somehow his calves and not the knee-marks they seem to be.

>Cheetarah was that hot
>Never get any more art of her
>Gold diggers is fucking literally what nowadays so no real chance of more Britany Diggers and even then it was mostly fetishy weird shit of late

Being fan of cheetah/catgirls in that human face but fully furred/colored style is suffering.

Attached: 1536827514531.png (707x1000, 496K)

make your own thing, user! there's a void in our lives.
it doesn't have to be a comic, you can just make up some characters and.....
okay, you couldn't post them on Yea Forums, but..
okay so there's really no good place to post things like that and get non-cringey people to follow it and work with you, but don't give up.

yeah pretty much, I can only date someone who was born in '83 to about '01 maybe '03 if we were to get along.

where mah hot teenage girls from the 80s cryogenically frozen for literally my entire life at? I feel like I'd get along with those the best of all, going by old TV made when I was a baby. I certainly had a crush on much older girls when I was little, it's just the object of my affection remained girls that age, and they never were into me, no matter what age I managed to hit. only old-ass ladies who probably actually were 80s teenagers, that's the only interest I've ever gotten.

It gets even more difficult because the artists style changes throughout the series. I try to add more realistic anatomy (I think) from what I learned from figure drawing while attempting to keep it cartoony.
I really wish I had the scanned now, I could be getting advice from panzer.

Attached: WILYKAT_&_WILYKIT_(10).jpg (1190x669, 147K)

>Reference for her butt

Oh I can't draw worth shit and the last time I did when I was 8-10 or whatever it was egyptian style 2d. But there's enough good OCs of that style I see now and then to enjoy it. I just wish I could see more in some major animation or game.

oh that's not him you're talkin to right now though
for that matter the style on Tcats changes a lot too. Especially head proportions for the wee ones. and we can see how the model sheets were even smaller-bodied than what we got.
I hear you. Of course there's always commissions, but it's not the same.

im not great for advice

>tfw never getting that butt reference in High Resolution

In the expressions pics you can see that she's drawn topless or maybe even naked

stuff like this always gets me wondering what we don't see...

Yeah the best advice comes from someone who used to suck, and worked their way out of it. They can zero in on just what you gotta do.
I mean let's be honest, it's a reference for her, er, 'shorts' since the skirt is all petal-strips and an artist would need to know how to do that
man you wouldnt be able to even do that today. all cartoon girls with skirts have to have fucking shorts under em.

I still suck desu,

And they had to draw her sticking her butt out for that?
come on, man

Panzer here. To the guy wanting me to look at your work. Is there anywhere I can follow you at? So you don't disappear when the thread dies?

she appears to be leaning forward. the most logical angle would be an 'upskirt' view, but either way I think you'd want to get the tail out of the way and illustrate more of the cheeks (so the artist knows exactly where the leghole stops).
If she were viewed from the rear and standing up straight, you wouldn't get very useful information for posing.


>helpin anons out
what a guy. Hope that user remembers to say tanks

How do I get a gf 6 years younger than me Yea Forums? I feel Lion-O's relationship with Wilykit inspired me.

that's bologna

No, that's a butt.

Netflix Thundercats season 2 when?

Panz here. I'll be in the next thundercats thread fyi
