So how screwed is the next avatar considering the only past life he/she can turn to is korra

So how screwed is the next avatar considering the only past life he/she can turn to is korra

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_predecessor

He'll be fine. The next Avatar will be an earthbender and once the central swamplands begin their secessionist guerilla war he'll go full Dr. Manhattan, courtesy of Sato Industries Weapons R&D division.

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How screwed is the next Avatar considering he has to resurrect a fanbase killed by Korra.

He will be fine ...................... probably

Aang only had Roku barring literally one scene where he had two lines to a few other Avatars. Korra only ever communes with Aang, never anyone else even once. We can assume only having one guide is pretty normal, Avatars always just get the ome before them, so breaking the cycle shouldn't have an effect on that.

Can we stop reposting this thread every other day, now? This show ended years ago.

He'll be fine. As much as Korra screwed up; she EVENTUALLY learned from her mistakes and have gained a ton of experience along the way. Depending how old she was when she died; she still would be a great source of information and advice; even if that advice is how to chuck rocks at people.

>Hey, don't worry so much [new avatar], no matter what you do, the narrative will bend around to make whatever you do right. Your true power is plot bending

>having a lifes worth of hot lesbian sex memories pre-installed in your brain that you may eventually tap into

Roku was a good Avatar though.

Kyoshi was better at lesbian sex than Korra can even hope to imagine

Not if he's a white male.

She died an incel.

He will be a mary sue like Aang again so everything will be fine.

Korra matured during the course of the series, they'll be fine.

They'll never know.

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The setting doesn't have white people

Have you even watched the show?

he/she will be a meteorite bender and kill himself out of misery with a 1kg space stone


korra is not canon tho

I feel like the avatar is in big trouble with or without Korra.
with science taking more and more advantage over the spiitual matters, radio, tv, and internet coming to this world the avatar will be just a relic from the past.

every move the avatar do everyone will know in a matter of seconds causing consequences.

That's how the cycle works dipshit. It alternates between male and female and cycles through each of the nations.

Invasion of white Shadow Benders from space arc now.

Maybe their colony ships are undead/cyborg kion turtles.

Then explain Roku -> Aang

Not too bad actually

Korra learned healing and metal bending. With the whole Avatar State/Raava power boost, just from a utility standpoint future Avatars are going to have a leg up

Clearly Roku was trans

I think he means if the previous Nation-Avatar was male, then the next one will be female and vice versa. Last Air nomad was a woman, then Aang, and the next Air avatar is female, etc. Male Water Avatar--> Korra--etc. and since Kiyoshi was the last Earth avatar her successor will be a dude.

The new Avatar can still physically go into the Spirit World and interact with the former Avatars. If they do a new series, it might be interesting to have most of it take place in the Spirit World because the new Avatar is going to have to clean up Korra's mess. Maybe Korra can even be redeemed if they show an older, wiser version who acknowledges how badly she fucked up.

But the Fire Nation had two males in a row. Roku and this guy:'s_predecessor

I love my water tribe wife Korra

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b-b-b-b-but the other avatars had good things to say like kill him

if the avatar is a boy he will have alot of good fapping material.

Can somebody post Korra cosplayers? If I'm never going to be able to fuck Korra for real, I at least want to jack off to 3D Korras I can better imagine fucking.

Still wrong

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Roku was a peacetime nanny.