How would you do it /co? DC comics has announced they're rebooting the Legion of Super-Heroes once again, this time having a infamous current comic writer on the helm named Brian Michael Bendis. More screenshots have shown the new redesigns of the legion by Ryan Sook and fans are divided. (Pic isn't the new legion unfortunately)
Could /co create a better LoSH?
As bad as some of the designs are I have to read it before I can make a call on the story
Probably, but that's mainly because Bendis is irredeemable trash.
I think that instead of rebooting them for the umpteenth time. They should just copy what Marvel's doing with X-Men. That all the three legions are still canon and they worked together as a whole team.
Does a comic need 60-80 characters though?
Maybe have three different series for the three legions?
One called Legion Lost staring the Post Boot Legion (their dimension was destroyed after all) the last time they appeared, they where looking for their timeline.
The other called "Legion of Super-Heroes" featuring the original cast that actually grew up with Superman.
The Three-boot legion I guess call "Legionnaires" are the ones that take Jon under their wing.
I don't know, but this is better then just giving up, starting over and giving a middle finger to past readers of those legions.
>One called Legion Lost staring the Post Boot Legion (their dimension was destroyed after all) the last time they appeared, they where looking for their timeline.
I'd love to read something like that.
I think a reboot could work if it still stays faithful to the previous version's designs and characters.
It's kinda interesting that Brainy is pretty much the only one who still looks like himself.
im just concerned over how bendis is gonna write him and if benids tries to write drama for him how bad is it gonna be
>Expecting other than a mediocre story from Bendis.
How gay would you think this new Legion will be?
Probably less gay than the previous.
Previous was what, Ayla, Salu, and Jan?
Jan should be pan
Yeah, I really doubt that Bendis will be able to do him justice. He's either going to be a huge asshole or he's going to act "silly" for comedic effect, like Doc Fate in today's Young Justice.
Lyle and Condo in the reboot and maybe pre-boot.
And not an ugly looking ass jack frost blue troll motherfucker
Where is Space Dad RJ Brande?!!!
More like Space Sugar Daddy
I’ve been reading the reboot Legion stuff from the 90s and it’s probably
my favorite version of the Legion.
Which is why Bendis is trying to ape of it's next generation aesthetic.
I started that, but stopped because I'm lazy and don't like swapping series each issue (LoSH-->Legionnaires-->Losh--->Legionnaires etc).
I liked the OG legion, but honestly haven't read their early stories (even Shooter), so the retreading of old stories is still new to me.
If Sook ruined his design, thousands of fan-girls would demand his public castration.
I only read the two legionaries book then jumped to the DNA stuff. Legion Lost feels like Legion mixed with Battlestar Galatica
I felt like doing that, but that also skips like 5 years of stories and continuity.
That dc don't collect...
this is true
because the reboot trades didn't sell well at all
“Better”? No.
A good one? Yes
Could have been better if DC actually marketed their trades in any way. Though I guess I mostly just want my favourite old shit to be collected.
Following user's suggestion from last thread, can't finish it right now so I figured I'll post the sketch for your pleasure/mockery.
He is old nd unhip so Bendis erased him from the Legion.
But he's wholesome god damn it!
Definitely not gonna see he's ass around
Guess we have two drawfags then
Looks like it. You're further along and have nice expressions though.
>Thinking a black and white picture does any of the designs justice.
Thanks, hopefully it won't take me a billions years to finish before this thread dies
Just turn Karate Kid into DCs version of Goku or One Punch Man but stuck in a 40 year old body that quips about 80s pop culture pander to the weebs and boomers nostalgia for 80s nostalgia
Getting rid of the Caucasian features should've been the goal. Not turn everyone into miss-color abominations.
Will Asian Cos still be BLACKED?
How do you advertise trades for something that is 1.5 reboots old?
>Hey kids, read about these cool teens from the future! See them before their continuity got wiped!
>Hi kids who watch Supergirl, want an easy introduction to that sweet alien dick you have been lusting after lately?
False. This board can’t stop blowing him
Bendis doesn't know about Jazmin, so no.
But Supergirl wasn't in that boot.
You'd be looking for threeboot trades, and even then she came later
>implying that many people lust after cw briany
if anything theyre more shippers
Lord imagine all the ot3 shipping. YEs---I MEAN HORRIBLE
Keep telling yourself that, I guess.
one version of rj brande was implied to be Martian manhunter
not all of them so is still wrong and memeing
Reboot Legion was leading up to the reveal that RJ Brande was Martian Manhunter stuck in human form. It was not remotely subtle about it either. The reveal never ended up happening because of the second reboot.
I thought he was a Durlan, not a Martian.
That was late era OG Legion.
And then he was The Durlan from L.E.G.I.O.N.
idk, but bouncing boy should basically just be hunk from voltron, or chuck from that one cartoon with the giant robots. big fun engineer dude who's fine playing support and loves his girlfriend
I always loved how they did that, it was a neat way to connect the two comics and a good explanation for why Brande seems to give an extra fuck about B5.
listen, any POC characters we use to have, have been discarded by Bendis, so say goodbye to XS, Kid, and Glorith
>literally who
Triplicate Gurl
Whoospe, I ment "Colossal" for the big character.
Someone suggested that the kid in green is Chemical King, which seems slightly more likely than IK.
Why do they all look terrible, is Sook a troll?!
I choose to believe that violet is hiding in someone's boobs
Chuck's man tits perhaps?
Yeah but then if they do that people won’t stop blowing themselves over how Marvel did it first and DC is just ripping them off.
>read the thrilling introduction of Kinetix, a character who got Prime'd in Lo3W
>watch her undress Shrinking Violet while the editors scream "no homo" throughout the entire run
That's what the Legion of Three Worlds Final Crisis tie in was. It even included some 5YL characters
The whole fandom forgot Kinetex was gay for Vi
no kidding
then finally
My heart boner...
Wayyy too tired to finish this today. Night thread
dont worry user this thread shall live on
Was there plans to follow up on the three legions idea after the Legion of Three World Crisis?
Doubt it, it was made to reintroduce just the orginal legion, while also acknowledging the previous versions.
Is that a bad thing though