Are there really paid Disney shills or just summer fags on Yea Forums saying asinine shit like that Tom is the perfect spiderman
Are there really paid Disney shills or just summer fags on Yea Forums saying asinine shit like that Tom is the perfect...
>Are people with different opinions shilling?
I liked the movie because of Mysterio.
Yea Forums confirmed years ago shills pop up here for advertising regularly. But as for FFH; it’s fun for what it is, but only casuals call it faithful. Beck is the best reason to see it. But if that’s not enough, don’t rush to see it
What Disney gain from trying to appeal who are know to pirate comics and movies
It was good movie but the shit is awful if you look at as a spiderman movie
Yes but Hollywood insists on playing to China all the same.
you're either a disney shill (tom fan), wearing nostalgia goggles (raimi/tobeyag), or contrarian (garfield/asm)
Same. One of the better things of this movie
>Are there really paid Disney shills
Technically yes and no? There has been proof before that some people to come here to post and promote things, but I don’t think it’s as often because who wants to be associated with Yea Forums? No one. The hive mind will want you to believe that people don’t really enjoy things and that anyone who likes X thing they don’t like is some sort of shill.
“shill” pretty much lost all meaning thanks to paranoid company war fuckos who are inept of grasping the concept that people can like different things and that’s OK
That's fair butFFH is still shit and you're a cuck if you like it
I’m almost dead certain CW shows shill their shit here
General audiences like to say that he's the most accurate Spider-Man we've seen on the big screen because Disney astroturfing movie review vloggers said that in the run-up to Iron Man: Gnomecoming.
People can like the shit if they want to but they need to stop presuming that they know what they're talking about when they haven't even read a page of classic Spider-Man.
>because of Mysterio.
Gyllenhaal is horrible as Mysterio
This thank for you for perfectly putting it into words
>Yea Forums confirmed years ago shills pop up here for advertising regularly.
>just summer fags on Yea Forums
Summer underage fags from Reddit. Notice how they all write the same way as if they were in the R/MarvelStudios.
This post is an example of why
all I ask is to not wish I was watching someone else.
Toby made me wish I was watching someone else act
Andrew made me wish I was watching someone else act
Tom did not. So Tom gets a perfect score of 1/1
>Talk in the same tone of voice for the entire movie
>Good acting
Ah bloo bloo
I think Tom Holland deserved better,he was forced to say that fucking stupid Iron Man sucking dialogue when he clearly has a love for the characther and wants to make it the best he can.
Nah, Tobey isn't as amazing as people think he is
I have only seen disdain for this movie so far so not sure there are any disney shills.
I sincerely doubt there are Marvel/DC shills. I'm talking strictly comics here, nothing else. If only because there's so little money in comics there's no point.
Movies and tv shows and video games though, sure.