Miles Morales Spider-man #8

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Attached: Miles Morales - Spider-Man 008-004.jpg (1988x3056, 1.08M)

>storytiming this before any Ewing
Jk OP, thanks

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Attached: Miles Morales - Spider-Man 008-009.jpg (1988x3056, 1.1M)

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Attached: Miles Morales - Spider-Man 008-011.jpg (1988x3056, 1.2M)

Attached: Miles Morales - Spider-Man 008-012.jpg (1988x3056, 871K)

Between this and champions Miles bullying is at an all time high

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Attached: Miles Morales - Spider-Man 008-015.jpg (1988x3056, 1.69M)

>thinking about Kamala

Jesus christ, Miles finally getting heavy Spidey Suffering after getting his family back
I haven't been follong but is this a one and done?

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Attached: Miles Morales - Spider-Man 008-017.jpg (1988x3056, 1.77M)

This is horrifying

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Attached: Miles Morales - Spider-Man 008-019.jpg (1988x3056, 1.44M)

Do the writers have some sort of torture fetish?

Maybe. I wonder who suffered more, Miles or Black Bolt

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It's a bit cliche but "you never escaped" shit is always painful to see"

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Actually feel really bad for Miles.

I like how the actual artist extends the spider/upper torso down to the hips now, makes Miles look older and and makes the bottom half of the costume less bland

Oh, I thought they were showed on a screen.
But that makes more sense. Miles thinks about the people he cares about (Sam BTFO) while the scientists would have shown Spider Woman, Silk, Kaine and so on.

Why doenst he turn invisible?

why is Yea Forums literally the worst board?


- there's mystery
- suffering, fear
NOW this is thrilling! This shouldv'e been the FIRST FUCKING ISSUE.

Only downside, theyre downlaying his powers. With miles power-set he should be stealthy as fuck I mean Miles has invisibility plus spider-sense.

I hope he has someone else to save in the facility to give him a chance to be a hero. Because as of right now he only has to save himself and escape.

I look forward to future issues. If it ends up being good Ill purchase the trade for sure.

>My people

What does he mean by "people"?

>Retarded torture porn
Fuck Marvel and every writer they have. I hope their families die in a violent accident.

Because it got rid of mlp

Geez, AO3 would love this

>has invisibility
They are monitoring him all the time. They probably have infrared sensors and whatever

>waaaaah heroes aren't allowed to suffer
Miles got his family back, it's a give and take process

Lmao I've seen this face before in the How to Spot a Criminal starterpack.

Yea Forums created /mlp/
it was the rest of you who ruined everything with your cum jars and your plushy pussies.
you all brought the need for containment boards on yourselves.

I'm still like 50/50 on this being The Maker fucking with Miles.

When did Miles turn into a 35 year old?

I HOPE it's the Maker.

Ugly ass obama looking MF
Miles was a mistake

I could see it, especially given how we seem to have a lot going on with Miles and Eddie, The Maker is interested in them both

i cant stand miles morales
you would rarely see peter's face
but with miles they constantly have to show his face to remind everyone "LOOK HE IS BLACK DID YOU FORGET MILES IS BLACK WELL HERE IS HIS FACE AGAIN HE IS VERY BLACK"

Awesome issue. Art, pacing, the new villain: evrything was great.

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Go to bed, Ahmed.

>Fuck Marvel and every writer they have. I hope their families die in a violent accident.
Found the Assessor.

You okay there bud? Black guy fuck your crush?

do'nt you have a cyber pepe comics to finish, Ethan?

yes, but that’s not why they’re upset. they wanted to be the ones to get FUCKED


a bit off topic but I thought Miles looked earily similar to Playboi Carti on this cover lol

Attached: carti.jpg (680x440, 79K)

>why is Yea Forums literally the worst board?
Unironically because of marvelcucks.
They will defend literally anything Marvel, including this. That's also why Marvel will never even attempt to do better.

And yet here you are shitposting in yet another of the dozens of Marlel threads shilling product when you could be busy storytiming or starting discussion about the shit you do support.

(You) were the Marvel shill all along.

>to be continued?
oh shit they gonna kill Miles and them replace with him ITSV counterpart

>including this
To be honest, it is not bad especially after Bendis left.

There are two out comes here, he gets shunted back to the ultimate universe, or he becomes a “real” member of the 616. If this isn’t maker this is probably the latter if it is its most likely the former. Either way I won’t spend money on this because I find the idea of paying bendis offensive

user, if your measure of quality if comparing something against Bendis, it's indefensibly shit.

His friends and family, just like the panels were showing

Miles would honestly way better with dreads desu

True but it is not like i am paying for this.

It’ll be interesting to see where it lands on the sales chart being released along side amazing this month

This would be pretty good if the art wasn't terrible, the dialogue wasn't shit, and Ahmed didn't do that stupid shit where writers have characters forget their powers for forced drama.
The minute Garron started drawing, everyone looks old as shit. Ganke looks like he's in the middle of a midlife crisis

There are good stories of comics in AO3? I only get weeb shit and ReyLo.

does the writer hate miles or something? damn.

it IS interesting tho, the series was turning kinda boring, but I don't dig how bad he's getting tortured here.

I get that this panel set up is supposed to make the whole thing feel claustrophobic, and it totally works at that, but it still feels like a bit of a waste of space.

OK, I take back what I said about the paneling being a bit of a waste of space. This absolutely justifies it. Having the page expand to give that sense of escape from this hell just to have it recede as Miles realises he's back where he started? Fucking excellent. Javier fucking killed it this issue.

>I find the idea of paying bendis offensive
user, this isn't written by Bendis. Where have you been? Bendis signed a DC exclusive and is now in charge of the Superman, Teen Titans, and soon Batman franchises. He doesn't do anything for Marvel anymore.

no thanks


>doesn't think about Sam
Being Nova is sufferring

>gotta make sure my senpai is safe
I'm okay seeing teens use slang, but in more casual situations, not "oh shit these crazy scientists may have murdered everyone close to me

>anus contours

...No but there's a whole category of basically soft torture porn under the WHUMP tag.
MCU Peter Parker fans like it.
A lot.

>Both of his parents are alive and proud of him
>New sibling on the way
>Rekindles his bond with Uncle Aaron
>Has several hot super-chicks thirsting for him

>Now this horrific SCP shit happens
The Spider-Curse really is one hell of a bitch.

>This shouldv'e been the FIRST FUCKING ISSUE.
In hindsight? This might be the one time where focusing on Miles' vanilla street level escapades felt like it served a purpose. It gives Ahmed the opportunity to play around his personal life and solidify his supporting cast first before pulling the rug out from under Miles with a new villain who threatens them all.

Last chapter they blue guy was able to interfere with his spidey sense. They could probably throw that off too.

We see more of what was done to Miles but Black Bolt probably had worse shit done to him since it was on the level of being too much for a guy like Black Bolt. Of course Miles doesn't have cellmates and Black Bolt's fortitude. So miles.

He gets royalties from Miles

does miles have his own character, cast, and villain roster yet?

Yes; for a couple of month now

He’s got two villains that ceased being a threat once they came on screen, how great.

He always had his own cast, he just also dipped into Peter's, but even that hasn't been the case since Secret Wars, now the only part of Peter's cast he interacts with is Peter himself

>still trying to bank off Spider-Verse hype