Goddamn Yea Forums why is she thicc ?

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I'd make white babies with her.

Unrealistic. White trash is too busy committing suicide to preserve the white race.

She probably drinks beer like a retard even though it’s high in calories and makes you even dumber

whos going to link the porn?

You ever seen a mud cricket before OP? She probably does want to make some babies with that dude.

How is this Yea Forums?

I thought trannies were usually middle class? Or at least wealthy enough to not have any serious problems, so have to invent their own like "being born in the wrong body".

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>political cartoons aren't Yea Forums related
If only.

>trying this hard

Financially poor trannies are the dead ones.

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All poor people do is breed.


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>Trump hosted an exclusive party with Jeffrey Epstein at his Mar-a-Lago estate, a new report claims. It was just the 2 of them and '28 girls'
>I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.

I mean, where’s the lie?

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What a fucking Cuck

>I mean, where's the bait?
don't you have a thread on /pol/ to jerk off about hillary in

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True story, I took an Uber to meet my wife at the hospital for our child’s birth. The driver asked me why I was so nervous, so I told him. He laughed and told me he had three kids by three women he had never seen. Guess the race.

But all of those are still alive and doing better than ever.
Wait nvm the people who like these comics wouldn't know because they don't watch them in the first place.

I think this guy is a bot. He spams the Garrison comics every other day, even the complete nonsense ones like the Don Quixote thing and this recent Epstein one.

You are some poor quality bait.

Quick! Someone said something mean about a brown person on Twitter! The world needs you, Virtuesignalfaggot Man!


The shills on /pol/ are in overdrive to reach outside of their containment area. You can tell the Epstein news has their jimmies rustled since it contradicts their greatest conspiracy theory, pizzagate.


Mods nuke the clowns out.

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Mexican, maybe Indian.

H...how do you have kids with someone you've never seen?
asking for a friend

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Oh wow there's two of you, that's pretty funny. The conservacuck hivemind is as tireless and lacking in humor as ever.

>Guess the race

Attached: lighting-the-fuse-ben-garrison_1_orig.jpg (1100x795, 452K)

>Felons shouldn't have fundamental rights

I think it's a brain dead /pol/tard ruining the board because mods let him.

the diseased masses of uneducated, unskilled poor wretches yearning for free stuff are the trust fund kids of anti-vax parents who bribed elite schools into accepting their mediocre children, and they all vote republican
the immigrants actually have skills like cooking, cleaning, sewing, DIY repair, gardening, animal husbandry, and all the other things every self-respecting human should know by the time they're adults.

May as well post his magnum opus

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He had never seen his kids, not their moms, you absolute single-digit IQ retard.Nah I'm just messing with you bud IT WAS A GHOST CAR

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>This could have been a hot women in Horsey comics thread
>conservacucks need to spam their poorly drawn garbage instead of letting us fap where the only women are drawn ugly because they're Democrat

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This is a sexy Trump thread now.

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Do drug overdoses count as suicide?

Didn't Ben use to whine about /pol/ editing his comics, but now he's become 100% a /pol/ stereotype.

Trump wouldn't ride a horse and do work.

Thats for immigrants to do. Come on Garrison

Depends on the state like how Alabama counts abortions in their infant mortality rate and New York counts birth complication deaths as late term abortions.

I love this one...and I am not even american
Greetings from Tacoland and thanks to President Trump we have a great salary raise!

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you've betrayed society so why should you be allowed to have input on it?

>Animals dont have right
Uh... i mean i guess i understand what he mean by that but i dont think you should be able to abuse animals anyway you want either

Does Garrison have a mancrush on Trump?

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Fuck you

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